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2019中考英语人教八上U910语法聚焦和练习及答案一、阅读理解。Designer Susan McLeary is taking the jewelry world by storm with her wonderful accessories(首饰) made from living plants. She uses real succulents(多肉) hand-picked from her family-owned greenhouse to make beautiful headpieces, necklaces, rings and other pieces of bio-jewelry that can grow on you for a certain time. Each piece from McLearys Passionflower collection can be worn for two to four weeks before the plants begin to grow off their metal base. When this happens, wearers can simply remove the succulents from their metal base and re-pot them to keep in their homes. The brass jewelry bases can still be worn on their own. If the pieces are worn for special occasions like weddings, the potted succulents become the most significant. McLeary, who has worked with leading floral(植物的) designers across the US, has spent years combining her two loves “plants and jewelry” and refining her style. Before I was a florist, I made jewelry for friends, she revealed. When one such friend got married, she asked me to design her wedding flowers in addition to her jewelry. As I had her flowers in my hands, I knew Id found my medium. One wedding turned into many more, and before I knew it I was working as an event florist. I still like designing for weddings, but have found that I enjoy creating floral wearables and floral jewelry even more.I make each piece by hand, paying careful attention to composition and color, she added. Each jewelry piece is made with locally sourced plants from a family owned greenhouse and jewelry bases sourced from other small businesses. The jewelry is used for special occasion wear, but if treated gently, the jewelry can be enjoyed for a few weeks. These pieces are perfect for weddings, as bridesmaids gifts, birthday or anniversary gifts, or as the perfect complement to an amazing party outfit.1. How long can the Passionflower collection be worn?A. for one day B. for two to four weeksC. for one or two years D. forever if not broken.2. What does McLeary like to do best?A. create floral wearables and floral jewelry . B. design for weddings C. make jewelry for friends D. plant succulents in a greenhouse3. The jewelry is perfect for some special occasions EXCEPT_.A. business trips B. weddingsC. birthday or anniversary gifts D. the complement to an amazing party outfit.4. What can we know about McLearys Passionflower collection? A. Those wonderful accessories are made from living plants. B. The plants will die if they are removed from the metal base. C. It is quite difficult for people to find the special materials for jewelry. D. It is only suitable for wedding.5. Whats the best title for the passage? A. Womens jewelry B. Succulents accessories for wedding C. Accessories made from living plants D. A great designer参考答案15、B A A A C二、教材语法聚焦1. 情态动词can的用法(八上Unit 9)【基本用法】can可表请求或允许,意为“可以;能”,常用于疑问句中。【教材例句】 1. Can you come to my party on Saturday? 你周六能来我的派对吗? Sure, Id love to. /Sorry, I must study for a math test. 当然,我很乐意。/对不起,我必须为数学测试而学习。2. Can he go to the party? 他会去派对吗? No, he cant. 不,他不会。【即学即练】()1. _you turn down the TV, please? Its too noisy.Yes, I can.A. May B. Need C. Must D. Can ()2. Can I go to a film tonight, Dad? _. A. Yes, you must B. Yes, you need C. No, you cant D. No, you wont 2. if引导的条件状语从句(八上Unit 10) 【基本用法】在if引导的条件状语从句中,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,即“主将从现”。【教材例句】1. If you go to the party, youll have a great time. 如果你去晚会的话,你将会玩得很开心。2. If we do that, more people will want to play the games. 如果我们那样做的话,更多的人会想玩游戏。【即学即练】()3. If the weather_ fine, we_ hiking tomorrow.A. is; will go B. will be; go C. is; go D. will be; will go ()4. Nothing is impossible. If you put your heart into it, you _sooner or later.A. would succeed B. succeed C. will succeed D. succeeded 3. 情态动词should的用法(八上Unit 10)【基本用法】should表“应该;应当;可以”, 后接动词原形。否定形式为should not/shouldnt, 意为“不应当;不该”。 【教材例句】 1. Should we ask people to bring food? 我们应该让人们带食物吗?2. My parents think I should study for my English test next week. 我父母认为我应该为下周的英语考试学习。【即学即练】()5. Excuse me. Will you please tell me the way to the railway station?Oh, sorry, but I dont know. You_ go and ask that policeman. A. may B. must C. would D. should ()6. A country has dreams. We teenagers_ also have dreams. With dreams and hard work, anything amazing can be created.A. may B. must C. should D. can 参考答案:15 D C A C D6.C三、完形填空。I have been a reporter for the last fifteen years. My job is sometimes1, for I have seen wars, earthquakes and death. But for most of the time its wonderful, because I have also seen courage,2and happiness.InIndia, I visited a city where there were many homeless children living in the street. But a kind hearted lady3Rosa opened a home for them. In a year, she was looking for two4kids, feeding them, teaching them and giving them hope.5time I was inJapanafter a terrible earthquake. In a place I found a lady whose house fell down. Her son was missing and many people around her said there was no6that her son was alive. But the lady did not7hope. For four days, she kept8heavy stones by herself. She did not stop9she found her son. He was alive!Here inChina, I met a young boy10aserious illness. He had to have twenty operations in hospital. But when I met him, he was still smiling.Now I always remember the courage of those people when I face challenges in my life.( )1. A. interestingB. relaxingC. difficult( )2. A. hope B. troubleC. pressure( )3. A. call B. calledC. calling( )4. A. hundredB. hundredsC. hundreds of( )5. A. Next B. AnotherC. Every( )6. A. choice B. excuseC. chance( )7. A. give up B. look forC. take up( )8. A. bringingB. sendingC. moving( )9. A. while B. until C. since( )10. A. withB. from C. about【答案详解】1-5 CABAB 6-10 CACBA1. C【解析】语境理解。根据后文for I have seen wars, earthquakes and death“我曾看到过战争、地震和死亡”可知,“我的工作有时很困难”,故选C项。2. A【解析】语境理解。hope意为“希望”,trouble意为“麻烦”,pressure意为“压力”。根据所在句句意“因为我也看到了勇气、和快乐”,可知选A项。3. B【解析】语境理解。called Rosa作后置定语,修饰lady,a kind hearted ladycalledRosa意为“一位叫Rosa的好心女士”。4. A【解析】语境理解。数词hundred前面有基数词修饰时,hundred用原形。5. B【解析】语境理解。another time意为“另外一次;还有一次”。6. C【解析】语境理解。choice意为“选择”,excuse意为“理由”,chance意为“几率”。根据句意“她周围的许多人都说他的儿子没有生还的希望了”可知选C项。7. A【解析】语境理解与逻辑推理。根据后文可知,这位母亲自己搬开石头救儿子,说明她没有放弃希望,故选A项。8. C【解析】语境理解。bring意为“带来”,send意为“寄送”,move意为“移动”。根据句意“她自己不停地搬着石头”可知选C项。9. B【解析】语境理解。notuntil意为“直到才”。10. A【解析】语境理解。with短语表示伴随。句意为“在中国,我遇到一位患有严重疾病的年轻男孩”。四、任务型阅读。Liu Wei is very famous in China because he can play the piano with his toes(脚趾).One day when Liu Wei was only 10 years old, he played a game with some friends. He lost both his arms because of electricity.Liu Wei was very sad when both his arms were cut off after the accident. But soon he had to make a choice.“For people like me, there were only two choices. One was to give up all the dreams, which would cause a quick death. The other was to work hard without arms to live an excellent life.” says Liu Wei.Liu Weis dream was to be a pianist. He learned to play the piano with his toes. And teaching himself to play the piano with his toes was very hard. Many times he wanted to give up, but his parents went on encouraging him and he wanted to make his parents proud.Maybe you can not believe that Liu Wei is able to play well only with his toes. The audience(观众) were deeply moved and very excited when they watched his performance.1What can Liu Wei play the piano with?2How old was Liu Wei when he lost his arms?3Was Liu Wei very unhappy when both his arms were cut off?4Who encouraged Liu Wei to play the piano?5How did the audience feel when they watched Lius performance?【参考答案】1His toes. 2Ten years old. 3Yes, he was.4His parents. 5They were deeply moved and very excited.【解析】试题分析:这篇短文给我们讲述的是刘伟的故事,刘伟10岁的时候因为高


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