【教学设计】Module 12 Unit 2(英语外研八上).docx_第1页
【教学设计】Module 12 Unit 2(英语外研八上).docx_第2页
【教学设计】Module 12 Unit 2(英语外研八上).docx_第3页




Module 12 HelpUnit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture.本课时编写:合肥市金湖中学 江立寒教材分析本课为Module12的第二单元,课文介绍了地震发生时的自救措施以及相关的注意事项。课文中涉及的注意事项在生活中非常实用,可操作性极强。作者从室内和室外两个方面,提出了应对地震的自我保护措施。教学目标l Knowledge objective1. To get information from the reading passage in relation to an earthquake.2. To write about an earthquake.l Ability objectiveWrite about an earthquake using the imperative sentences.l Moral objectiveGet the student to know about how to save their lives in an earthquake.教学重难点教学重点:How to use must/can/could to tell the possibility.教学难点:To understand the article in detail.课前准备A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures.教学过程Step 1 Revision and lead-in.Look at the pictures and let Ss answer the questions.【设计意图】本活动通过观察图片,结合所给单词,让学生初步感知本单元的话题,为下面的学习作好准备。Step 2 Ask and answer the questions.1. Look at the pictures and elicit what is happening in each picture.2. Tell the Ss to describe each picture by asking and answering the two questions in pairs.3. Elicit descriptions from the class.【设计意图】本活动要求学生描述图片,并就图片内容开展问答活动,旨在通过问答活动激活话题。Step 3 Look at the title of the passage and think about what to do in an earthquake.1. Look at the pictures.2. Think about what to do in an earthquake.3. Elicit the students suggestions: Get two students up to the front together. Ask the class to give two suggestions on what to do in an earthquake and let each student write one on different parts of the board.4. Ask two more students to come up and write two more ideas the class tell them.5. Ask the class if there are any other suggestions they want to add.6. Talk about the suggestions on the board with the class. Correct any mistakes.【设计意图】本活动是读前活动,让学生讨论在地震中应该如何保护自己。Step 4 Read the passage and check your answers to Activity2.1. Ask the Ss to read the passage and underline the instructions on what people should do when an earthquake happens.2. Check the instructions in the passage against the advice on the board with the class and see if they are the same.3. Ask the Ss to read the passage again to better understand the instructions.【设计意图】本活动要求学生在跟读时找出重点和难点单词,并解释说明其含义和用法。Step 5 Read the sentences.1. Let the Ss read the sentences carefully.2. Then decide if the following actions are right or wrong according to the passage.【设计意图】本活动的目的是培养学生理解细节信息的能力。Step 6 Answer the questions.1. Ask the Ss to read through the questions and think about the answers.2. Use the words and expressions in the box to write full answers to the questions.3. Elicit ideas around the class.【设计意图】本活动为词汇运用练习,旨在通过对课文内容的问答,操练课文中所出现的重点词汇和表达。Step 7 Do researching.1. Do the following research inside your school and outside your school in pairs.2. Go over the places with the class and ask why they are safe or dangerous.3. Ask the students to say where the nearest stairs and doors to the outside of the school buildings are.【设计意图】本活动旨在提高学生的自我保护意识以及应对突发事件的能力。Step 8 Write some instructions about what to do in an earthquake.1. Write some instructions about what to do in an earthquake.1) Go out and meet on the playground.2) Dont use the lift.2. Now work in pairs and check your instructions.【设计意图】本活动是本单元的输出阶段,要求学生写一写在地震中应该如何进行自我保护。Step 9 Homework.Write a passage about how to protect oneself in earthquake. Use the words like earthquake, warm, inside, under


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