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【嗮课】(新)人教版(新目标)八年级下Unit 9 Section A Period 3 【课时3】:(Grammar Focus-4c )教案 邱海芳 2015-3-19一 教材分析本单元的核心语言项目是“Talk about past experiences (谈论过去的经历)”. 内容围绕 “有趣的地方”为话题开展教学活动。是继第八单元学习现在完成时后,继续学习“been , ever , never”在现在完成时中的用法。因此,本单元起到温故知新的作用。学生要学习并掌握谈论过去经历的基本句型,学会用现在完成时介绍自己游览过的地方,而且询问别人曾经去过的地方。本课时是(新)人教版(新目标)八年级下Unit 9 Section A Period 3 【课时3】: (Grammar Focus-4c ) Section A 学习各种不同地方的表达法,重点复习 have/ has ever been to 用法,以及现在完成时和一般过去时的区别。Period 3 【课时3】Section A 的复习课时,即要复习前面两个课时所学,又要对现在完成时进行适当的拓展和巩固,为今后的英语的学习打好基础。二 Teaching Aids教学目标1.) To practice the Present Perfect Tense,review the target language(复习目标语言: 现在完成时句子的结构和用法)2.)Ability Objects能力目标 :提高学生英语口语能力,学会用现在完成时介绍自己游览过的地方,而且询问别人曾经去过的地方。三教学重点Teaching Key Points:1. Practice the present perfect tense.2. How to use the present perfect tense correctly.四教学难点 Teaching Difficulties:Understand and learn how to use the present perfect tense correctly .五教学方法Method Objects in Teaching:a. Explanation method. b. Exercise methods六教学过程Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Greetings and Revision1.) Ask students to write down the Past tense and Past participle of the following words. 打印Exercise 1 1. shop _ _ 2. arrive 3. look 4. go 5. come 6. study 7. visit 8. learn 9. read 10. take 11. give 12. cut 13. hear 14. see 15. write 16. try 17. invent 18. collect 19. am / is _ _ 20. are _ _21.listen _ _ 22. start_ _ 23.sing _ _24. buy _ _25.sell _ _ 26. have/ has _ _27. do/ does _ _28. carry _ _ 29. feed _ _2.) Check their answers.3.) Make some sentences using the Past tense . Step 2 Grammar Focusa.) Ask the students to read the following sentences in Grammar focus.Then review the Present Perfect Tense , Let the students summary. (* PPT : 现在完成时的专项练习(1),然后引导学生口头归纳出下列现在完成时的结构和用法,如果学生说的不完整,教师才进行补充不完整,接着造句。 )a.) 肯定句的构成:have(助动词) + p.p 过去分词has(第三人称单数助动词) + p.p过去分词b.) 否定句的构成:have(助动词) + not + p.p 过去分词has(第三人称单数助动词) + not + p.p过去分词b.) Ask the students to read the following sentences.肯定句 I/You/We/They have finished homework.He/She/ Li Ming has finished homework.否定句 I/You/We/They have not finished homework.He/She/ Li Ming has not finished homework yet . John has never (从不)/ ever (曾经)been to the space museum.We have already(已经) / just (正好)learned Unit 8. We have learned Unit 8 yet(已经) . Step 3 Writing practice.(A)完成现在完成时的专项练习(2):打印Exercise 2 1. We _ ( learn ) Unit 8 . We can read all the new words of Unit 8. We _ ( learn ) them last week. 2. Kate _ ( have ) lunch . She is full now.She _ ( have ) lunch two hours ago.3. The students _ ( not done ) homework. Mr Li is angry now. Let the students pay attention to these words : ever, never ,also and either .First let the students summary orally, then ask them to do the following exercises . (B) 用already, just ,ever , never and yet 填空:1. Have you had your lunch _ (已经)?2.Yes, I have. I have _ (刚才) had it. 3. The men have _ (已经) learned some English. songs4.John has _ (从不)been to the space museum.5.My boy has _ (刚刚) started junior high school.6.I have _ (曾经) been to Beijing . Step 5. Writing. 4a. Ask the students to put the correct forms of the verbs in the blanks.Then check their answers.Step 6. Fill in the blanks . 4b Let the students fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Then check the answers.Step 7 Pair work: Ask and answer the questions in the chart . 4cIn pairs . Then ask a few students to do in class. Share them with the whole class.Step 8 Summary :Whats the differences between the present perfect tense and the Past tense ?归纳:1.)现在完成时与过去时的区别是:过去时有表示过去的时间状语例如:yesterday, last .,ago, just now(刚才) 或者具体的过去时间in1980, 只表示过去的动作和状态,和现在不发生关系。现在完成时1.表示过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。Step 9现在完成时用法 (3) 知识拓展 某些动词的现在完成时可表示过去某一时间开始并一直持续到现在,可以和表示延续的时间状语连用。表示持续动作或状态的动词多是延续性动词。 常见的非延续动词转换为延续动词:buy have had borrowhave kept leave have been away diehave been dead come back have been back openhave been openedclosehave been closed fall asleep / go to bedhave been asleepbegin /starthave been on get uphave been upjoinhave been a member of finish/ end have been overarrivehave been in become-beFor example: I have gone to Hainan . I went to Hainan 30 years ago.I have lived in Hainan for 30 years /since 30 years ago.I have been in Hainan for 30 years /since 30 years ago.打印Exercise 3 Step 10. 知识运用能力检测 ,看看学生是否能够用现在完成时来介绍自己或别人游览过的地方。在练习中,为学生提供一定的背景内容提示(针对中或中下的学生的需要)。Exercises (课堂练习):一写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词:1. shop _ _ 2. arrive 3. look 4. go 5. come 6. study 7. visit 8. learn 9. read 10. take 11. give 12. cut 13. hear 14. see 15. write 16. try 17. invent 18. collect _19. am / is _ _ 20. are _ _ 21.listen _ _ 22. start_ _ 23.sing _ _ 24. buy _ _25.sell _ _ 26. have/ has _ _ 27. do/ does _ _28. carry _ _ 29. feed _ _二 . ) 完成现在完成时的专项练习: (A)1. We _ already_ Unit 8 . We _ the new words of Unit 8. last Monday. ( learn )2. Kate _ _ lunch . She is full now.She _ lunch one hour ago. ( have )3. The students _ _ homework yet . I knew he _ _ it just now. ( not do ) (B) 用already, just ,ever , never and yet 填空:1. Have you had your


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