绩效考核(for manager).doc_第1页
绩效考核(for manager).doc_第2页
绩效考核(for manager).doc_第3页
绩效考核(for manager).doc_第4页




*公司* Co., Ltd. 工作表現考核表-管理人员PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL FORM For Managerial Level 姓名NAME:部門DEPARTMENT:職位JOB TITLE:入職日期DATE JOINED:直屬上司IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR:部門主管HEAD OF DEPT:適用於: 週年 / 試用期滿 / 擢升 / 特別考核PURPOSE: ANNUAL / PROBATIONAL / PROMOTIONAL / SPECIAL REVIEW 評估人填寫須知GUIDELINES FOR APPRAISER1. 請用原子筆/墨水筆填寫工作表現考核表。Please complete the Performance Appraisal Form in INK. 2. 請在合適的方格內加上號。Please tick in the box for appropriate rating.3. 評估分數根據如下:Rating : A部份及B部份 : 表現最好得4分及表現最差得0分For Part A and Part B : “4” for the best and “0” for the worst C部份的評估標準及計算方法如下(請參考記錄,以實際記錄評估分數):Respective standards and ratings for Part C are as follows (Based on actual records):適用於C1平均每月遲到 / 早退的次數平均每月次數Average of lateness / early leave per month5+3 - 42 - 31 - 20 Average per month01234分數 Ratings適用於C2 全年請事假日數全年總日數Casual leave per year5+3 - 42 - 31 - 20 Total No. of days/year01234分數 Ratings適用於C3平均每月病假日數平均每月日數Sick leave per month3+2 - 31 - 21/2 - 10 - 1/2 Average per month01234分數 Ratings4. 此工作表現考核表應與被評核人討論及由被評核人簽署確認,目的為:This Performance Appraisal Form should be discussed with the appraisee and signed by the appraisee. The objectives are:(a) 討論被評估人的長處及需要改善的地方,和公司對被評估人在工作上的期望;to advise the appraisee of his / her strengths and areas for improvement and the expectations on him / her in the job;(b) 確定被評估人的發展潛能如培訓需要;及to determine the appriasees potential for future development, i.e. to identify training needs; and(c) 建立及加強上司和下屬的關係。to build and strengthen the relationship of supervisor and subordinate.(A)工作技能及能力SKILLS AND ABILITIES012341.學習能力 Learning capability2.錯誤中吸取教訓Learning from mistakes3.主動 Initiative 4.辨別問題能力 Problem identification5.解決問題能力 Problem solving 6.組織工作能力 Organizing7.溝通能力 Communicating8.協調能力 Coordinating9.執行能力 Implementing10.貫徹跟進Follow through11.反饋能力 Feedback 12.準確性 Accuracy13.工作效率 Efficiency14.人際關係 Interpersonal skill15.對工作指示的反應 Responsive to instructions16. 創意 Creativity17. 策劃能力 Planning18. 決策能力 Decision making19. 委派工作予下屬能力 Delegating 20. 領導及監督能力Leadership and supervision=總分 Total points x 1(B)品格及行為PERSONALITY & BEHAVIOURS012341.儀容/禮貌 Appearance/ Courteous 2.合作及樂於助人 Co-operative and willing to help3.責任心 Responsible 4.可信任 Trustworthy 5.服從 Obedient 6.誠信及品德 Integrity and Ethics7.顧及安全的工作行為 Safety acts=總分 Total points x 1 (C)考勤記錄ATTENDANCE012341.準時 Punctuality2.事假紀錄 Record on casual leave3.病假紀錄 Record on sick leave=總分 Total points x 1總 得 分TOTAL=滿分Max. Points = 120評估百分比所得分Percentage Rating:Total Points 120 x 100 = %劣需要改善滿意良好優異PoorNeeds ImprovementSatisfactoryGoodOutstanding0( )45 ( )60 ( )75 ( )90 ( ) 100 請填上該被評核人的優點及需要改善的地方。Please state the appraisees strengths and areas for improvement.優 點需要改善StrengthsAreas for Improvement請對該被評核人的整體工作表現作出有關評語。Please comment on the appraisees overall performance and other remarks / issues you would like to raise.評 語Comments評估人被評估人Reviewed by (Appraiser):Acknowledged by (Appraisee):日期 日期 Date: Date: 發展潛能有沒有待觀察Potential for future developmentYesNoFurther observation required職位確定Confirmation擢升 / 降職 / 轉調Promotion / Demotion / Transfer延長試用Extend Probation新職位 / 部門 由From:至To:New job title / Department:終止合約Termination凍結加薪Freeze Increment現時薪金Present salary:加薪 Increment金額Amount%調整後薪金正常 NormalNew salary:特別 Special總數 Total生效日期Effective date:建議人批准人存檔人Recommended by:Approved by:Recorded by:日期日期日期Date:Date:Date: 年度工作计划 ANNUAL JOB OBJECTIVE姓 名 NAME 部 门 DEPARTMENT职 位 POSITION年 度 YEAR OF EVALUATION2010 年度工作目标 2010 BUSINESS OBJECTIVES內 容 ITEM比 重 WEIGHT预计完成时间 DEADLINE年度工作目标完成情况Completeness of 2010 Objectives 员工签名/Signature of Employee: 日期/Date员工签名/Signature


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