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TY/T 中华人民共和国体育总局 发布Issued by State General Administration of Sports of the Peoples Republic of China -实施Issued Date -发布体育场馆设备使用要求及检验方法第1部分:LED显示屏Requirements and Test Methods for Sport Field Equipments Part 1:LED Screen(报批稿)(For Approval)(本稿完成日期:2004年7月10日)(Completed on July 10th, 2004)TY/T 1001. 12005TY中华人民共和国体育行业标准Sports Industry Standard of the Peoples Republic of ChinaICS 31.120Y 56备案号:Registered File No.:IITY/T . 1目 次Table of Contents前言IIIPreface1 范围1 Scope2 规范性引用文件1 Citation3 术语和定义、缩略语2 Glossary, Definitions and Abbreviations4 分类4 Categorization5 要求5 Requirements6 检验方法10 Test Methods7 合格判判定规则16 Conformity Determination CriteriaIII前 言PrefaceTY/T 体育场馆设备使用要求及检验方法由下列部分组成:This code “TY/T XXXX Requirements and Test Methods for Sport Field Equipments” is composed of: 第1部分:LED显示屏;Part 1: LED Screen。本部分为TY/T的第1部分。This document is Part 1 of the code “TY/T XXXX”.本部分参考了游泳、田径等国际单项运动协会的竞赛规程及有关文件对LED显示屏的要求,并根据其它运动项目和我国的具体情况对LED显示屏显示字符、视距和字符高度提出了具体要求。其它方面参考引用了电气、光学、建筑等行业的相关标准,并根据体育场馆的特殊情况进行了补充。本部分是体育场馆用LED显示屏安装、使用以及检验的主要技术依据。Requirements for LED screen character, character distance and height are prescribed in this document based on national actual practice and with reference to LED requirements prescribed in competition rules of international swimming and athletics associations and relevant documentations. Relevant standards of electrical, optical and building industries are referred to for other requirements and complementary requirements are prescribed in line with the specialty of sports filed. This document is the primary technical grounding for the installation, use and inspection of LED screens in sports field.本部分由国家体育总局体育设施建设和标准办公室提出并归口。This document is proposed and under centralized management by the sports facilities construction and standard office State General Administration of Sports (SGAS).本部分负责起草单位:国家体育总局体育设施建设和标准办公室SGAS sports facilities construction and standard office is responsible for the drafting of this document.本部分参加起草单位:国家体育总局体育信息中心、中国计量科学研究院、清华大学、北京华体实业总公司、北京华体联合科技有限公司、北京利亚德电子科技有限公司。The following organizations have contributed to the drafting of this document: SGAS sports information center, National Institute of Metrology, Tsinghua University, China Sports Industry Group Beijing, China Sports Industry United Technology Group Beijing and Beijing Leyard Electronic Technology Co Ltd.本部分主要起草人:梁铭林、刘慧、朱保华、王德生、刘畅、陈国荣。The following are the key drafters of this document: Liang Ming-lin, Liu Hui, Zhu Bao-hua, Wang De-sheng, Liu Chang and Chen Guo-rong. 本部分首次发布。This is the first time this document is released. 体育场馆设备使用要求及检验方法 第1部分:LED显示屏Requirements and Test Methods for Sport Field Equipments - Part 1: LED Screen1 范围ScopeTY/T的本部分规定了体育场馆用LED显示屏的定义、分类、使用要求、检验方法及合格判定规则。The definition, categorization, requirements, test methods and conformity determination criteria of LED screens for sport fields have been prescribed in this document of the code TY/T XXXX.本部分适用于田径场、综合体育馆、游泳馆、跳水馆的LED显示屏。其它体育场馆可参考执行。This document is applicable for LED screens for athletic stadiums, multi-purpose gymnasium, swimming hall and diving hall. It can also serve as a technical reference for other purpose sport fields.本部分不包括计时记分系统内的显示屏和场馆内引导方向的显示屏。This document is not applicable for screens for timing and scoring system or destination instruction in the sport field.2 规范性引用文件Citation下列文件中的条款通过本部分的引用而成为本部分的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本部分,然而,鼓励根据本部分达成协议的各方研究是否可使用这些文件的最新版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本部分。Clauses in the following codes/standards have been cited as clauses of this document. For dated codes/standards, all of its following revision sheets or revised version (exclusive of error corrections) are not applicable for this document. Parties who reached an agreement based on this document, however, are encouraged to discuss whether the revised/newest edition of these codes/standards are applicable. For not dated codes/standards, its newest version is applicable for this document.GB 42081993 电工电子产品外壳防护标准 Enclosure protection standards of electric and electronic productsGB 6593 电子测量仪器质量检验规则 Quality inspection criteria of electronical measuring instrumentsGB 50168 电器装置安装工程电缆线路施工及验收规范Code for cable construction and acceptance of electric equipment installation engineeringGB 50171 电器装置安装工程盘、柜及二次回路结线施工及验收规范Code for panel, cabinet and secondary circuit connection construction and acceptance of electric equipment installation engineeringGB 50303 建筑电气工程施工质量验收规范 Code for construction quality acceptance of building electric installationSJ/T111412003 LED显示屏通用规范 Generic specification for LED screensSJ/T112812003 LED显示屏测试方法 Test methods for LED screensEN55103-1:1996)该两项标准为欧洲标准,正在通过采标将其转化为国家标准。 These two standards are European ones and being converted to PRC national standards via standard adoption.) 电磁兼容产品类标准 用于专业用途的音频、视频、音视频和娱乐场所灯光控制设备 第1部分 发射Electromagnetic compatibility products standards: Audio, video and amusement lighting control equipment for specialization purpose.Part 1: EmissionEN55103-2:19961) 电磁兼容产品类标准 用于专业用途的音频、视频、音视频和娱乐场所灯光控制设备 第2部分 抗扰度Electromagnetic compatibility products standards: Audio, video and amusement lighting control equipment for specialization purpose.Part 2: Anti-interferenceCIE1931 标准色度系统Standard Colormetric System3 术语和定义、缩略语Glossary, Definitions and Abbrevaiations3.1 下列术语和定义适用于TY/T 的本部分。The following glossary and definitions are applicable for this document of the code TY/T XXXX.3.1.1 LED显示屏 LED Screen通过一定的控制方式,由LED器件阵列组成的显示屏幕。Screen composed of LED arrays in a controlled manner3.1.2 像素 pixelLED显示屏的最小成像单元。Minimum imaging unit of LED screenSJ/T 111412003, 像素中心距pixel pitch相邻像素中心之间的距离。Center Distance of neighboring pixels3.1.4 像素中心距相对偏差 relative deviation of pixel pitch相邻像素中心距的实测值与标称值之差的绝对值与标称值之比。Ratio of absolute differential value between tested and rated pixel pitch to rated pixel pitch3.1.5 显示屏尺寸 size of screen显示屏上能有效显示信息的区域,以长宽表示。Screen effective display area indicated as length multiplied by width3.1.6 平整度 level up degree发光二极管、像素、显示模块、显示模组在组成LED显示屏平面时的凹凸偏差。LED screen concave and convex level difference of light-emitting diode, pixel, display module, display module groupSJ/T 111412003, 像素失控率ratio of out-of-control pixel像素的发光状态与控制要求的显示状态不相符的LED像素占总像素的比率。Ratio of number of pixels whose light-emitting status are different from control requirements to the total pixel number3.1.8 显示屏亮度 luminance of LED screenLED显示屏在法线方向的平均亮度,单位为cd/m2。Average brightness along the normal line direcion of LED screen. Measuring unit is cd/m23.1.9 显示屏对比度contrast当显示屏正常工作时的亮度与显示屏完全关断时屏面的背景亮度之比。Ratio of screen working brightness to the background brightness during screen is powered off3.1.10 均匀性 uniformity显示屏各区域相对最大亮度偏差。Relative maximum brightness difference of all screen areas3.1.11 换帧频率 refresh frame frequencyLED显示屏画面信息更新的频率。Graphic information refreshing frequency of LED screenSJ/T 111412003, 刷新频率 refresh ratioLED显示屏显示数据每秒钟被重复显示的次数。LED screen data repeating times per secondSJ/T 111412003, 视角 viewing angle在水平和垂直两个方向的亮度分别为LED显示屏法线方向亮度的一半时,该观察方向与LED显示屏法线的夹角,分别称为水平视角和垂直视角,一般以表示左右和上下各多少度。Under the situation when LED screen horizontal brightness/vertical brightness is half the normal line brightness, the included angle between horizontal/vertical direction and the normal line direction is defined as horizontal viewing angle and vertical viewing angle. The symbol of “” is used to indicate the viewing angle left/right or upward/downward direction.3.1.14 最大视距 maximum viewing distance在正常使用条件下,可以看清楚LED显示屏字符的最大距离,一般以字符高度与视距系数的乘积表示。Maximum distance from where LED screen character is clearly visible under normal conditions. The distance is indicated as character height multiplied by viewing distance factor.3.1.15 字符 character汉语拼音字母、英文字母和阿拉伯数字等。Chinese alphabets, English alphabets or Arabic numbers注:一个汉字占用两个字符宽度。Note: one Chinese character occupies the width of two characters.3.1.16 滚动计时 running time田径、游泳等比赛中的实时计时显示。Live timing display during athletics and swimming competition3.1.17 滚动显示 rolling display显示屏显示文字内容时,从一侧向另一侧不断移动显示内容,一侧的内容逐行或逐列消失,另一侧逐行或逐列产生新的内容,直至全部内容显示完为止。Text is displayed on the screen from one side to another side in a continuous rolling manner that text of one side disappears one row/column by one row/column while text of another side appears one row/column by one row/column until all texts are displayed.3.1.18 翻页显示 turn over display显示屏显示文字内容时,以整屏或部分内容为单位不断进行更新,直至全部内容显示完为止。Text is continuously refreshed on the screen in a continuous manner by a block or the whole screen until all texts are displayed.3.1.19 手工切换 manual switch通过手工操作转换显示屏显示的内容。Text on the screen is refreshed by manual operation.3.1.20 自动切换 automatic switch通过程序控制转换显示屏显示的内容。Text on the screen is refreshed by program control.3.2 缩略语Abbreviation下列缩略语适用于TY/T 的本部分。The following abbreviations are applicable for this document of the code TY/T XXXX.3.2.1 LED light emitting diode 发光二极管4 分类Categorization4.1 根据使用环境分:Categorized in terms of usage environment:显示屏根据使用的场所不同分为室内屏(体育馆用)和室外屏(体育场用)两种。Screens can be categorized into indoor screens (for gymnasiums) and outdoor screens (for stadiums) in terms of usage environment.4.2 根据像素的构成分:Categorized in terms of pixel composition:单色:由一种颜色的LED构成像素。Single color: pixel composed of single color LED双色:由两种不同颜色的LED构成像素。Double color: pixel composed of double color LED三基色(全彩色):由红、绿、蓝三基色的LED构成像素,并可达到标准白场。3-element color (Full color): pixel composed of 3-element color (red, green and blue) LED and standard white point can be achieved.4.3 根据功能分:Categorized in terms of function:体育场馆显示屏根据使用功能的不同可分为图文信息显示屏和视频显示屏。Screens for sport field can be categorized into graphic and text screens and video screens in terms of function.4.4 根据安装结构分:Categorized in terms of installation structure:体育场馆显示屏根据安装结构不同可分为平面显示屏、斗型显示屏和环型显示屏。Screens for sport field can be categorized into flat screens, scoop-shaped screens and loop screens in terms of installation structure.5 要求Requirements5.1 显示屏的安装位置和数量Screen installation locations and number5.1.1 除特殊情况外,宜使场馆内正式固定座位的观众95%以上满足最大视距要求。It is preferable that more than 95% of the fixed seating spectators can meet the maximum viewing distance requirements unless under uncommon situations.5.1.2 比赛现场的运动员、教练员和裁判员(跳水比赛中现场打分裁判员除外)都能够方便地清楚地看见屏幕显示的内容。Information displayed on the screen shall be clear and easily visible for players, coaches and judges (exclusive of scene judges for diving games) on the scene.5.2 平面显示屏显示字符Characters displayed on flat screens5.2.1 综合体育馆 Multi-purpose gymnasium5.2.1.1 进行评分项目(体操、武术套路、花样滑冰等)比赛的综合体育馆用显示屏至少能够显示16点阵汉字12行,行间距不小于字符的1/10,每行至少能够显示27个汉字。 Screens for scoring events (e.g. gymnastics, martial arts repertoire and figure skating) in multi-purpose gymnasiums shall be capable of displaying a minimum of 12 rows of 16-dot array Chinese characters with the minimum 27 characters every row and minimum row interval of 1/10 of character. 以球类项目比赛为主的综合体育馆用显示屏至少能够显示16点阵汉字8行,行间距不小于字符的1/10,每行至少能够显示16个汉字。 Screens for multi-purpose gymnasiums mainly for ball games shall be capable of displaying a minimum of 8 rows of 16-dot array Chinese characters with the minimum 16 characters every row and minimum row interval of 1/10 of character.5.2.2 田径场 Track and field5.2.2.1 显示屏至少能够显示16点阵汉字13行,行间距不小于字符的1/10,每行至少能够显示26个汉字。 Screens shall be capable of displaying a minimum of 13 rows of 16-dot array Chinese characters with the minimum 26 characters every row and minimum row interval of 1/10 of character. 每个字符均具有闪烁功能。 Each character shall be capable of glittering.5.2.3 游泳馆 Swimming hall5.2.3.1 显示屏至少能够显示16点阵汉字13行,行间距不小于字符的1/10,每行至少能够显示25个汉字。 Screens shall be capable of displaying a minimum of 13 rows of 16-dot array Chinese characters with the minimum 25 characters every row and minimum row interval of 1/10 of character. 每个字符均具有闪烁功能。 Each character shall be capable of glittering.5.2.4 跳水馆Diving hall显示屏至少能够显示16点阵汉字12行,行间距不小于字符的1/10,每行至少能够显示13个汉字。Screens shall be capable of displaying a minimum of 12 rows of 16-dot array Chinese characters with the minimum 13 characters every row and minimum row interval of 1/10 of character.5.2.5 其它场馆 Other sport fields可参考上述要求执行。The aforesaid requirements serve as a reference.5.2.6 其它安装结构的显示屏的显示字符 Characters displayed on screens of other types of installation structure可根据其使用功能和实际使用情况由供需双方按合同约定。A contract can be made between the buyer and supplier based on the screen function and usage requirements.5.3 最大视距和字符高度Maximum viewing distance and character height5.3.1最大视距与字符高度的计算公式为:The calculation formula for maximum viewing distance and character height: (1)式(1)中:Where:H 最大视距,m; Maximum viewing distance, mk 视距系数,一般取345;Viewing distance factor, take 345 in generald 字符高度,m。Character height, m5.3.2 建筑结构独立的游泳馆和跳水馆显示屏每个字符至少高于0.2 m,建筑结构一体的游泳跳水馆显示屏每个字符至少高于0.28 m。 Screen character height for swimming halls and diving halls independent of its structure shall be greater than 0.2m while screen character height for swimming halls and diving halls consolidated into its structure shall be greater than 0.28m.5.4 光学性能Optical performance5.4.1 视角 Viewing angle体育场馆显示屏的水平视角不小于50,垂直上视角不小于10,下视角不小于20。The horizontal viewing angle, vertical upward viewing angle and downward viewing angle of screens for sport field shall be not less than 50, 10 and 20 separately.5.4.2 亮度应符合表1的规定并可以调节。 The brightness shall follow requirements in Table 1 below and be adjustable.表1 显示屏的亮度Table 1 Screen brightness单位:cd/m2Unit: cd/m2场 所Location种 类Categorization三基色(全彩色)3-element color (full color)双色Double color单色Single color室外Outdoor50004000 2000 室内Indoor1000 3001205.4.3 对比度 Contrast在背景照度小于20lx时,显示屏的对比度应能达到100:1。The screen contrast shall achieve 100:1 when background illumination is less than 20lx.5.4.4 白场色品坐标 Chromaticity coordinates of white point白场色品坐标根据使用环境在色温5000K 9500K之内可调,按CIE1931色度系统,允差为x0.030,y0.030。Chromaticity coordinates of white point shall be adjustable between color temperature of 5000K 9500K and the tolerance is x0.030, y0.030 based on CIE1931 Standard Colorimetric System.5.4.5 亮度均匀性 Brightness uniformity体育场馆显示屏的不均匀性应小于10%。Screen non-uniformity for sport field shall be less than 10%.5.5 显示控制Display control5.5.1 可以实时显示比赛的滚动计时。 Live running time5.5.2 可以滚动显示比赛成绩。 Game result rolling display5.5.3 可以翻页显示比赛成绩。 Game result turn over display5.5.4 显示的文字内容可以自动、手动切换。 Automatic or manual switch of screen information5.5.5 对于有图文和视频显示功能的显示屏,文字与图片、动画、现场直播图像之间应能相互自动、手动切换。For screens capable of displaying graphics, texts and videos, automatic and manual switch shall be achieved between texts, graphics, animations and live videos.5.6 接口Interface5.6.1 网络接口 Internet interface应具有IEEE 802.3以太网络接口。IEEE 802.3 Ethernet interfaces shall be provided.5.6.2 数据接口 Data interface应具有包括标准的RS-232串行接口在内的可装配多种数据接口的能力,要能够与比赛现场的计时记分系统连接,接收数据。Data interfaces capable of assembling various types of data interfaces including standard RS-232 serial interface shall be provided. These data interfaces shall be connected with scene timing and scoring system in order to receive relevant data.5.6.3 视频接口 Video interface对于有图文和视频显示功能的显示屏应具有视频接口,可接收多种制式的视频信号。Video interface shall be provided in order to receive video signal of various standards for screens capable of displaying graphics, texts and videos.5.7 电性能Electronic performance5.7.1 换帧频率 Frame refreshing frequencyLED视频显示屏的换帧频率应不小于60帧/s。LED screen frame refreshing frequency shall be not less than 60 frame/s.5.7.2 刷新频率 Refresh ratio体育场馆用图文显示屏的刷新频率应不小于60Hz;全彩色视频显示屏刷新频率应不小于240Hz。Refresh ratio of screens capable of displaying graphics and texts for sport field shall be not less than 60Hz. Refresh ratio of full color video screens shall not be less than 240Hz.5.7.3 像素失控率 Ratio of out-of-control pixel体育馆显示屏的失控率应不大于万分之三,体育场显示屏的失控率应不大于千分之二,且为离散分布。Ratio of out-of-control pixel of screens for sport field shall not be greater than 0.03% and 0.2% separately and be of discrete distribution.5.7.4 灰度等级 Grey scale用于显示视频画面的显示屏,每种基色应具有256级(8-bit)的灰度处理能力。Each element color shall have 256 scale (8-bit) grey processing capability for screens displaying video.5.7.5 视频显示解析度 Video display resolution为保证显示屏的视频显示效果,显示屏显示视频画面的最小解析度为320(W) 240(H)The minimum resolution for screen video display is 320 (W) X 240 (H) to ensure display effect.5.8. 外观与结构Appearance and structure5.8.1 体育场馆显示屏外观应符合SJ/T 111412003中5.3.2的要求。 The screen appearance for sport field shall follow the requirements prescribed in Clause 5.3.2 of SJ/T 11141-2003.5.8.2 体育场馆显示屏外壳防护等级应符合SJ/T 111412003中5.3.3的要求。 The screen enclosure protection scale for sport field shall follow the requirements prescribed in Clause 5.3.3 of SJ/T 11141-2003.5.8.3 体育场馆显示屏的像素中心距相对偏差应符合SJ/T 111412003中5.3.4的要求。 The screen relative deviation of pixel pitch for sport field shall follow the requirements prescribed in Clause 5.3.4 of SJ/T 11141-2003.5.8.4 体育场馆显示屏的平整度应符合SJ/T 111412003中5.3.5的要求。 The screen level up degree for sport field shall follow the requirements prescribed in Clause 5.3.5 of SJ/T 11141-2003.5.9 可靠性Reliability体育场馆显示屏的可靠性应符合SJ/T 111412003中5.10的要求。The screen reliability for sport


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