江苏省灌云县海滨新城学校七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Food and lifestyle grammar学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版.doc_第1页
江苏省灌云县海滨新城学校七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Food and lifestyle grammar学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版.doc_第2页
江苏省灌云县海滨新城学校七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Food and lifestyle grammar学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版.doc_第3页
江苏省灌云县海滨新城学校七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Food and lifestyle grammar学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版.doc_第4页




unit 6学习目标1.知识目标: learn to use the countable nouns and uncountable nouns.2.技能目标: to learn how to use the nouns.3.情感目标: to know the difference between nouns.重点难点 learn to use the countable nouns and uncountable nouns.教学设计核心目标教学思路设计(通过哪些师生活动来突出重点,突破难点,最终达成学生掌握方法核心目标)集备部分预习导学(5分钟)故事_ 土豆_ 架子_ 餐刀_ 绵羊_ 小包_ 盐_ 茶_ 千克_ 纸盒_ 买_ 祖父_ 瓶子_ 面条_ 学习研讨、巩固拓展(30分钟)教师活动学生活动自备部分step 1. revision1. review what they learned last periodstep 2. lead in1. t: whats this? its a book.whats this? its an apple.(引导学生发现a 和an 在修饰单数可数名词时的区别)2.t: what are they? they are two books whats the difference between book and books?(名词复数是在名词单数后加s.)step 3 practice1. write down the plural forms of the following wordsegg(eggs) story(stories) boy(boys) factory(factories) class(classes) potato(potatoes) knife(knives) half(halves) tomato(tomatoes) picture (pictures) kilo(kilos)watch (watches) dish(dishes) sweet(sweets) drink(drinks) step4 presentation1.t: whats this? its water. but can we say its a water? no, because water is uncountable. water is an uncountable noun. now can you tell me some more uncountable nouns?2.give some examples:there are three hairs in my soup.there are many different noises in the jungle.we cant say its a water, but we can say its a bottle of water. so, when we talk about the amount of the uncountable nouns, we can use nouns before them. e.g. a bag of rice, two cups of coffee and three kilos of beef.read the words on page 74group work:do you know the differences between these words?egg(eggs) story(stories) boy(boys) factory(factories) class(classes) potato(potatoes) knife(knives) half(halves) tomato(tomatoes) picture (pictures) kilo(kilos)watch (watches) dish(dishes) sweet(sweets) drink(drinks) 小组合作(5分钟)egg(eggs) story(stories) boy(boys) factory(factories) class(classes) potato(potatoes) knife(knives) half(halves) tomato(tomatoes) picture (pictures) kilo(kilos)watch (watches) dish(dishes) sweet(sweets) drink(drinks) 教师巡回指导,课后记录发现的主要问题当堂检测(5分钟)选择合适的单词填空bottle basket cup glass piece bag packet box1.a of milk 2.a of water 3.a of apples 4.a of tea 5.a of eggs 6.a of books 7.a of salt 8.a of meat 板书设计收获质疑通过这节课的学习你有了哪些新的收获,还有存在哪些疑惑?教学反思【当堂巩固】一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. we need some (banana)and some (rice)to eat. 2. eating more (vegetable)is good for you. 3. there are many (piano)in the shop. 4. the girl is very angry(生气), she is cutting the paper into (piece). 5. he needs two (kilo)of meat. 6. (mango)are my sisters favourite fruit. 7. there are two (woman doctor)under the tree.8. ten (baby)are born in this hospital this month.9. would you like (some)bread? yes, please.10. there are some (mango)in the fridge. have some, please.11. there is (a)apple and some (glass)of orange juice on the table.12. lets buy some (potato)and some (water).13. the old man likes telling _ (story).14. i eat some _( beef) for lunch every day.15. doing some _ ( exercise) is good for your study.二、选择填空。( )1. would you like for lunch ?a. some chickens b. any chickens c. some chickend. any chicken( )2. how often do you eat in a restaurant? .a. twob. twice a monthc. two to three hoursd. less than an hour( )3. amy speaks english very well. she speaks english in english class.a. seldomb. sometimesc. alwaysd. never( )4do you like drinking _ orange juice?athe b. a c. / d. an ( )5there is “u” and “s” in _ word “bus”.aan, a, a b. a, an, a , c. an, a, the d. a, an, the ( )6.there a box ,two bags and three bottles on the table.a . are b. is c. be d. some( )7. rice do you want? five kilos ,please.a how many b how much c how about d how old( )8.mikes sister _ late for school.a never is b never be c is never d be never( )9.do you eat _ sweets and chocolates?a. too manyb. many too c. too much d. much too( )10.going on a picnic and playing computer games _. a. are a funb. are func. is fund. is a fun三、句型转换。 1. there are some eggs on the table.(改成单数) there on the table.2. mary often has a cup of tea after dinner.(否定句) mary _ a cup of tea after dinner.3. mrs wang usually has some chicken and some rice for lunch.(对划线部分提问) mrs wang usually for lunch.4. you always dance after school?(划线提问) you dance after school?5. she spends 10 yuan on this sweater. (改同义句) she _ _ _ _ this sweater. this sweater _ _ 10 yuan.6. this blue silk scarf is my aunts. (对划线部分提问) _?7. you need to wear warm clothes on these cold days.(改一般问句)_? 四、翻译下列句子。 1. its (对我们很重要)to (吃早餐)every day.2. he (总是喝碗汤) he to bed(睡觉前).3. i dont eat (零食) (根本).4. bob (很少吃甜食) because he _ (想保持健康).5. he drinks (两杯苹果汁)every day.6. i (从不锻炼)in the evening.五、完型填空。everyone _1_ air. air is all around us. its around us when we go and play. from the time we are born , air is around us on every side. _2_ we sit down, its around us. when we go to bed, air is _3_ around us. so we can say we live in air.all living things _4_ air. living things cant live _5_ air. we can go without food or water for more than a few days. but we cant live for more than a few _6_ without air. when we are walking or running, we need more air. when we are sleeping, we need less air.we live in air, _7_ we cant see it. we can only feel it. we can feel it when it is moving. moving air is wind._8_ can you make air move? heres one _9_. hold an open book in your hands in front of your faces. close it _10_, and what can you feel? its air.1. a. knowb. knowsc. knowingd. knew2. a. whenb. whatc. why


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