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unit1what sthematter period1 hair eyes ear face throat teeth head hand arm finger knee foot feet neck shoulder stomach wrist手腕waist腰toe脚趾elbow肘cheeks脸颊chip下巴hip屁股 leg back 头痛的照片 what sthematter amiok no ihaveaheadache haveacold haveafever aheadache atoothache astomachache asoreback haveasorethroat a what swrong thematter thetroublewithyou b ihaveacold abackache haveacoldhaveaheadachehaveastomachachehaveatoothachehaveasorethroathaveasoreback havea 疾病名 表示患什么病 i i llgiveyousomeadvice hehasastomachache what sthematter withhim whatshouldhedo heshouldtakesomemedicine heshouldliedownandrest advice hehasasorethroat what sthematter withhim advice heshoulddrinkhotteawithhoney heshouldn tspeaktoomuch whatshouldhedo hehasatoothache what sthematter withhim whatshouldhedo heshouldgetanx ray advice heshouldn teaticecream heshouldgotoseeadentist hehasafever what sthematter withhim whatshouldhedo heshoulddrinkalotofwater heshouldtakethetemperature haveacold haveafever aheadache atoothache astomachache asoreback haveasorethroat a what swrong thematter thetroublewithhim her b he shehasacold a whatshouldshe hedo b he sheshouldtakethetemperature abackache 1a p7 lookatthepicture writethecorrectletter a m foreachpartofthebody arm back ear eye foot hand head leg mouth neck nose stomach tooth h e g i b a j l c d m k f 1b listenandlookatthepicture thennumberthenames 1 5 nancy sarah david ben judy 3 1 2 5 4 1c makeconversationsaboutthestudents problems a what sthemattterwithjudy b shetalkedtoomuchyesterdayanddidn tdrinkenoughwater shehasaverysorethroatnow a whatshouldhe shedo b he sheshould 2a listenandnumberthepictures 3 2 4 1 5 listen matchtheproblemswiththeadvice 1 fevera liedownandrest2 stomachacheb drinksomehotteawithhoney3 coughandsorethroatc seeadentistandgetanx ray4 toothached takeyourtenperature5 cutmyselfe putsomemedicineonit 2b a what sthematter b myheadfeelshot a oh that stoobad i msorrytohearthat maybeyouhaveafever b whatshouldido a youshould youshouldn t b that sagoodidea thankyou a ihopeyou llfeelbettersoon 2c supposethere ssomethingwrongwithyourbody makeadialogueinpairs hello i m i madoctor ifyouwanttotakegoodcareofyourself i llgiveyousomeadvice ifyouhaveafever youshould shouldn t 1 what sthematter 这是人们特别是医生和护士询问病人病情时常用问句 意思是 怎么了 其后常与with连用 类似的有 what swrong 怎么啦 what swrongwithyou 你怎么了 what syourtrouble 你怎么了 what sthetroublewithyou 你怎么了 what sup 你怎么了 languagepoints 2 haveacold伤风 感冒 是固定词组表示身体不适的常用词组还有 haveabadcold重感冒haveafever发烧haveaheadache头痛haveastomachache肚子痛 胃痛haveatoothache牙痛 1 牙疼2 胃疼3 背疼4 头疼5 喉咙疼6 发烧7 感冒 haveatoothachehaveastomachachehaveabackachehaveaheadachehaveasorethroathaveafeverhaveacold summary 8 躺下并且休息9 喝热蜂蜜茶10 喝大量水11 看牙医12 量体温13 看医生 liedownandrestdrinkhotteawithhoneydrinklotsofwaterseeadentisttakeone stemperaturegotoadoctor task workingro
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