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Chapter 9 Language and culture语言与文化知识点:1. *Definition: culture; cultural diffusion2. The relationship between language and culture3. # Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis4. *Linguistic evidence of cultural differences5. Cultural overlap and diffusion考核目标:识记:Definition: culture; cultural diffusion领会:Cultural overlap and diffusion; Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis; Linguistic evidence of cultural differences简单应用:The relationship between language and culture一、 定义1.Culture文化:including the patterns of belief, customs, objects, institutions, techniques, and language that characterizes the life of the human community.由信仰,风俗,目标,机构,技术和语言构成,具有人类社区生活的特征。2.Cultural diffusion文化扩散:through communication, some elements of culture A enter culture B and become part of culture B. 通过交际,A文化中的某些成分进入了B文化,并成为了B文化的一部分。二、 知识点9.2 what is culture?Culture文化:including the patterns of belief, customs, objects, institutions, techniques, and language that characterizes the life of the human community.由信仰,风俗,目标,机构,技术和语言构成,具有人类社区生活的特征。Two types of culture: 1. material culture物质文化: is concrete, substantial and observable.具体的,实质的,可观察到的(e.g.意识文化、信念、价值观,时空概念)2. spiritual culture精神文化:is abstract, implicit, and hidden. 抽象的,多义的,不可见的。9.3 the relationship between language and culture语言与文化的关系1. language is a part of culture 2. language is the primary means for cultural transmission 文化传播3. some linguistic differences are due to cultural differences4. Various cultures will have different responses反映 to the same word.The one hand, language is an integral part of human being permeates his thinking and way of viewing world. On the other, language, as a system of spoken or written symbols used by people in a shared culture to communicate with each other, reflects and affects a cultures way of thinking and helps perpetuate and change the culture and its influence, which also facilitates the developments of this language at the same time.一方面,语言作为人类密不可分的一部分,渗入了他的思想和世界观,既表达了文化现实,也体现了文化现实。在另一方面,语言作为文化的产物,也有助于文化的恒定,而且,语言运用中的变体也反过来反映了文化的变化。9.4 Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis萨丕尔-沃夫假说1.linguistic relativity语言相对论:Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf, proclaimed that the structure of the language people habitually use influences the ways they think and behave, i.e. different languages offer people different ways of expressing the world around, they think and speak differently, this is also known as linguistic relativity. 爱德华萨丕尔和本杰明沃尔夫,声称,人们习惯性地运用的语言结构影响的他们的思考和行为方式,即不同的语言给人们提供不同的方式表达他们周围的世界,他们以不同的方式思考和说话,这也被称为语言相对论。2. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis(SWH)萨皮尔沃尔夫假说:Sapir and Whorf believe that language filters peoples perception and the way they categorize experiences. This interdependence of language and thought is now known as Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis(SWH). 萨丕尔和沃尔夫认为,语言渗入了人们的感知和他们对经验的方式分类之中。语言和思想的这种相互依赖性是现在被称为萨皮尔沃尔夫假说。对这种假说的理解分为2种方式:Strong version & weak version 1)Strong version强版 (Linguistic determinism) believes that the language patterns determine peoples thinking and behavior; (语言决定论)认为,语言模式决定人们的思想和行为2)Weak version弱版 (Linguistic relativity) holds that the former influence the latter. different languages offer people different ways of expressing the world around. (语言相对论)认为,前者影响后者(即人们的思想行为决定语言模式)。不同语言的人们提供不同的方式表达周围的世界。(更多支持弱版)P329例子-The study of the linguistic relativity or SWH has shed two important insights语言相对论或SWH的研究让我们获得了两个重要的领悟:There is nowadays a recognition that language, as code, reflects cultural preoccupations and constrains the way people think.现在。人们承认语言作为代码,反映了文化先质和语言限制了人们的思考方式。 More than in Whorfs days, however, we recognize how important context is in complementing the meanings encoded in the language. 不过,与沃尔夫那个时代不同,我们认识到语境在补足编码与语言中的意义方面是多么重要。9.5 Linguistic evidence of cultural differences文化差异的言语证据1. greeting and terms of address问候语和称呼语2. gratitude and compliments感激与称赞3. color words颜色词4. privacy and taboos隐私与禁忌5. roundinf off nunbers数字处理6. words and cultural-specific connotations词及文化特有的暗涵7. cultural-related idioms, proverbs and metaphors与文化相关的习语、谚语和隐喻9.6 Culture contact, cultural overlap and diffusion文化接触,文化重叠与扩散1. three forms of Culture contact文化接触的三种形式: 1)acculturation 文化适应、移入 2)assimilation 同化 3)amalgamation 联合2.cultural overlap文化重叠: despite the the cultural difference, there exist a greater or lesser degree of cultural overlap between to societies owing to some similarities in the natural environment and psychology of human being.尽管存在这些文化差异,由于在自然环境和人的心理上的某些相似之处,在两个社会之间存在着程度上或大或小的文化重叠。3.Cultural diffusion文化扩散:through communication, some elements of culture A enter culture B and become part of culture B. 通过交际,A文化中的某些成分进入了B文化,并成为了B文化的一部分。(典型例子:外来词loan words的出现)Loan words in Chinese and English.肥皂剧、卡通、布丁、苹果派、雀巢、巴士、排挡、耐克、因特网、KTV、EMAILTyphoon, gongfu, etc.1)所有的语言都在某种程度上因某些原因而借用2)对于一个语言社区而言,跨越其边界从当地语言中借用一个显存的词比重新创造一个容易得多。*(1.借词通常反映了文化输入的路径。2.虽然通过文化扩散,世界上许多语言都被借用,但这些外来词保留了他们自身的语法结构)Just look: Recently with the increasing cultural diffusion a tendency of cultural imperialism, owing to linguistic imperialismmprlz()m.由于文化扩散不断增强,人们意识到由语言帝国主义而产生的文化帝国主义的趋势。9.7 The significance of cultural teching and learning文化教学与学习的意义(语言是文化的基石)学习语言无法与齐文化分离,我们需要学习足够的关于这门语言的文化,这样我们才可以以恰当的方式运用目的语进行交际。9.8 Intercultural communication 跨文化交际Intercultural or cross-cultural communication跨文化和跨文化交流: is communication between people from different cultures (their cultural perceptions and symbols systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.)是来自不同文化背景的人之间的沟通(他们的文化认知和符号系统的不同足以改变交际事件。)暗含了文化之间的一个比较In cross-cultural communication, we need to pay special attention to the significant differences regarding social relations and concept


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