



听力部分(共20分)一、 听句子,根据描述在相应的图片上打“”(共5分) 1. A B C2. A B C3. A B C4. A B C5. A B C二、听句子,选择正确的答语(共5分)6. A. She is English.B. She is 28. C. She is easy-going. 7. A. Dont say so.B. But I like hem very much. C. Not at all. 8. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I am. C. No, I like.9. A. No, I cannot. B. No, I dont think so. C. Yes, he does.10. A. Because they are relaxing. B. I love them. C. They are boring. 三、听对话,根据你所听到的内容选择正确的答案(共5分)11. Li Ling went to _ just now. A. the English CornerB. the English class C. the English club12. Li Ling talked _ with some foreigners.A. a lot of wordsB. a few words C. no words 13. Li Ling is afraid of _.A. going to English Corner B. making mistakesC. speaking English in class 14. The foreigners like to talk to beginners when they are _.A. busyB. free C. in class 15. Li Ling thinks her _ is poor.A. pronunciation B. grammar C. words 四、短文理解,听短文选择正确的答案(共5分)16. Li Lei is _.A. JapaneseB. ChineseC. American.17. Li Lei thinks soap operas are _.A. boringB. interesting C. awful18. Li Lei _sitcoms (情景喜剧). A. doesnt likeB. cant stand C. loves19. Li Lei often reads Sitcom World on _.A. WednesdayB. weekendsC. weekdays20. Li Lei doesnt like _.A. cartoonsB. Sitcoms C. talk shows笔试部分(100分)五、单选 (20分)21. _ did you do last night? I went shopping.A. What B. How C. Why D. Where22. Kate _ her uncle last week. She did her homework.A. doesnt visit B. dont visit C. didnt visit D. visited23. There is _ with my bike. Can you help me mend it?A. nothing wrong B. anything wrong C. something wrong D. wrong something24.-_does Frank exercise ? - Five times a week . A. How long B. How often C. How much D. How soon 25. Eating some fruit every day is good _ you . A. with B. for C. at D. of26. _ junk food is unhealthy food , _lots of children like eating it . A . Although ; but B. Although ; / C. Because ; so D. Because ; /27.Jane is a _ high school student in the United States . A. 16 year old B. 16-year-old C. 16-years-old D. 16 years old 28 . -What do you like to do on weekends ? -I like watching TV. Happy Camp 快乐大本营 is my favourite _ A . food B. sport C. program D. subject 29. My shoes are cheaper than _. A. you B. your C. yours D. your one 30. Do you enjoy _ in this city? -Yes, I do. A. to live B. living C. lived D. to living 31. This classroom is _than that one. A. many big B. much big C. many bigger D. much bigger32. Do you look _ Tom? A. the same as B. same as C. the same D. the same so33. The book is _. I feel _.A.boring; boring B. bored; boringC. boring; bored D. bored; bored34.China is one of in the world. A. larger country B. larger countries C. the largest countries D. largest country35.We should study hard to make our dream . A. come over B. come back C. come true D. come up36. All these talent shows have one thing _ common. A. on B. in C. at D. for 37. Its fun _ the talent show. A. watch B. to watch C. watched D. watches38.The students should take the exams_ . A. serious B. seriously C. bad D. worse 39.What a nice watch it is! Yes. Its _ one of all. A. expensive B. more expensive C. the most expensive D.much more expensive40. Our city is becoming _ .A. more and most beautiful B. more beautiful and more C. more and more beautiful D. beautiful and beautiful 六、完形填空 (10分)It was sunny and hot in the morning. We went to a 41 beach. We had great fun 42 in the water. In the afternoon, it rained. 43 we went to a museum. It was boring and crowded. So I 44 back. At night, the 45 was cool, the rain 46 . So we decided to play chess. We played 47 6:30 p.m. to 9:50 p.m. It was 48 fun. And we 49 fried chicken and French fries, they were 50 . 41. A. beautiful B. delicious C. crowdedD. expensive42. A. eating B. playing C. making D. walking43. A. Because B. First C. But D. So44. A. went B. got C. had D. were45. A. weather B. day C. museum D. rain46. A. played B. stopped C. had D. started47. A. to B. from C. under D. with48. A. awful B. boring C. really D. too49. A. ate B. were C. walked D. have50. A. relaxing B. interesting C. boring D. good七、阅读(30分)AVisit Swansea ZooCome and see the Indian elephants and the new tigers from America. The bears are waiting to meet you, and the monkeys from China are waiting to throw things at you. The lovely dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you, and the giraffes from Zambia are waiting to look down on you.Tickets Opening timeGrown-ups: $2.00 9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m.Children: Over 12 $1.00 except(除了)Friday Under 12:Free 10:00 a.m.3:00 p.m.Keep the zoo clean!Do not touch, give food or go near the animals.( )51. How many kinds of animals are talked about in the passage?A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven.( )52. Now Mr. Smith is in the zoo with his two sons, one aged 14 and the other 10, how much are the tickets together? A. $ 4.00. B. $ 2.00. C. $ 3.00. D. $ 1.00.( )53. Which of the following is the visiting time?A. 8:30 a.m. Monday. B. 9:30a.m. Friday.C. 3:00 p.m. Sunday. D. 5.00 p.m. Tuesday.( )54. From the passage we can guess the animal “giraffe” must be very _.A. fat B. long C. strong D. tall( )55. Which of the following can we do in the zoo?A. To give some food to the fish. B. To touch the monkey on the head. C. To throw things everywhere. D. To take a few nice photos.B Jane was an old woman. She was rich and lived in a big house. One sunny morning, Jane opened the window and looked at her garden. The sun was shining brightly. “What a good day!” She said. Suddenly she saw a man eating grass in the front the garden of her house. She walked to the man and asked, “Why are you eating grass? Are you very hungry?” The man answered, “I have no money to buy any food. I havent had meals for days. Im dying(快死) of hunger.” “Poor boy,” said Jane, “come to the back door.” Then she walked into the house again. “The rich lady will give me some food to eat. Its so kind of her.” The man thought. But when he went into the house, Jane opened the back door and said to him, “the grass is taller behind the house.”( ) 56. What was the weather that day? A. Windy B. Sunny C. Rainy D. Snowy( ) 57. What was the man eating when the woman saw him? A. Some grass B. Some bread C. Some fruit D. Some chicken( ) 58. Where did Jane see the man eating? A. At the street B. In front of her house C. Behind her house D. In her house( ) 59. What did Jane want the man to do? A. To help her cut the grass B. To eat food in her house C. To eat grass in her house D. To eat grass behind her house( ) 60. Which statement is TRUE? A. Jane was very kind, and she gave the food to the man. B. The man didnt get any food from Jane. C. The man was rich. He hasnt had meals for days. D.The man was dead .C John was ten years old and was a very lazy (懒的)boy. He had to go to school every day . He didnt like school and didnt want to do much work. His parents were doctors. They hoped that their son would become a doctor when he grew up. But one day John said to his mother, “When I finish school, I want to be a dustman(清洁工).” “A dustman?” his mother asked. She was very surprised. “Thats not a pleasant job. Why do you want to be a dustman?” “Because I only have to work one day a week,” John answered. “One day a week?” his mother asked. “What do you mean?” “Well,” John answered. “I know that the dustman only come to our house and work on Wednesday, because I only see her on that day.”( )61. John did not want to do much work at school because_. A. he was lazy B. he didnt like the teachers C. he was good at its lessons D. his parents would help him( )62. Johns parents wanted him to become a doctor because_. A. they are doctors B. he is lazy C. its not busy D. they are busy ( )63. John wanted to be a dustman because he thought. A. it was the easiest work B. it was the most interesting work C. it was much better than to be a doctor D. a dustman didnt have to work every day( )64. Johns mother thought the dustmans job was . A. happy B. light C. not pleasant D. not busy( )65.Which of the following is right? A. John was a student of a very big school. B. Johns parents worked in the same hospital. C. John was the only son of the family. D. John didnt know how dustmen did their work.八、选项补全对话,从所给选择中选择恰当的一项完成对话(5分)A.How was the movie B.Where did you go on vacation C. What did you do last nightD. How was your vacation E. Did you go to the movies last nightA: 66 ? B: It was great. I enjoyed it. A: 67 ? B: My family went to the Great Wall. We visited my uncle in Beijing. A: 68 ? B: No, I stayed at home and studied for the math exam, 69 . Did you go? A: Yes, I did. I saw the Rush Hour last night. B: 70 ? A: It was really exciting. 八、按要求改写句子(10分)71. What do you think of the cinema? _do you _the cinema?72. Th


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