



词汇串串烧(第一集)一、词组互译:1.发生;举行2.纪念;追念3.搞恶作剧;开玩笑4.期望;期待5.日夜;整天6好像;仿佛7.玩的开心8.守信用;履行诺言9.屏息10使。想起。11.减肥12欠(人情)债13说谎14赢回;重新获得15增加体重16不久以后17.谋生18(做坏事)不受惩罚19出发;动身20盛装;打扮21出现;到场22盯著看;凝视23导致;作出解释24与此相反;正相反25冒险26衣衫褴褛27.关于;至于28.偶然;不小心29抚养;教养30往下说;可以31及时;终于32太阳系33.下蛋34.分娩35.阻止;制止36轮到某人37密切注视;当心38突发;爆发39既然40对。有害削减;砍倒41节食42从。中受益43.把。相结合44.吸烟有害健康45.躺在树下的那个男孩撒谎说那个小鸡下了个蛋46.这本书很值得一读。47.把。限制到。48.允许某人做某事49.立即;马上50无恶意二、词汇练习:1. Youd better in danger.(保持冷静). 2. She is (在节食).No wonder she is so (苗条)now.3. The air be cleaner after the heavy snow. (应该)4. I have gained 3 kilogram in weight in the past three weeks. So I must.(节食减肥). Children everything around them.(对好奇)6How can he telling lies again and again?(被放过,不受惩罚)7. The problem the engine.(在于,出在)8. Do we get a if we buy them in quantity? (折扣)9. You must try to peoples trust if you hope to win the election.(重新获得)10. Everyone has his own and weaknesses. (长处)11. He has the lawyer about the matter.(咨询、请教)12. He by buying and selling old furniture at that time. (谋生)13. You have been so kind to us that we will always be deeply (欠人感情债)14. Peter was angry and the rude waiter. (怒视)15. Its impolite to foreigners on the streets. (盯着看)16. He is a and is us secretly. We must take care.(间谍,暗中监视)17. There is a time to what you will do. (限制)18. He is willing to devote his (有限的)life to serving the people (无限地)19. Exercise is of great to us and we will good health.(有利于,从中获益) 20. We consider it necessary to theory practice. (结合)21. You should _ smoking for the benefit of your health. (减少)22. He will come back .(不久)23. Dinosaurs had died out human beings came into being. (在之前很久)三、单选:1. - Must I clean my room by myself right now?-No, you _.A. mustnt B. dont have to C. neednt do D. shouldnt2. Just to satisfy my _, how much did you paid for your car?A. curiosity B. permission C. prediction D. sadness3. The new traffic rules will _ on the number of accidents.词汇串串烧(第一集)一、词组互译:1.发生;举行2.纪念;追念3.搞恶作剧;开玩笑4.期望;期待5.日夜;整天6好像;仿佛7.玩的开心8.守信用;履行诺言9.屏息10使。想起。11.减肥12欠(人情)债13说谎14赢回;重新获得15增加体重16不久以后17.谋生18(做坏事)不受惩罚19出发;动身20盛装;打扮21出现;到场22盯著看;凝视23导致;作出解释24与此相反;正相反25冒险26衣衫褴褛27.关于;至于28.偶然;不小心29抚养;教养30往下说;可以31及时;终于32太阳系33.下蛋34.分娩35.阻止;制止36轮到某人37密切注视;当心38突发;爆发39既然40对。有害削减;砍倒41节食42从。中受益43.把。相结合44.吸烟有害健康45.躺在树下的那个男孩撒谎说那个小鸡下了个蛋46.这本书很值得一读。47.把。限制到。48.允许某人做某事49.立即;马上50无恶意二、词汇练习:1. Youd better in danger.(保持冷静). 2. She is (在节食).No wonder she is so (苗条)now.3. The air be cleaner after the heavy snow. (应该)4. I have gained 3 kilogram in weight in the past three weeks. So I must.(节食减肥). Children everything around them.(对好奇)6How can he telling lies again and again?(被放过,不受惩罚)7. The problem the engine.(在于,出在)8. Do we get a if we buy them in quantity? (折扣)9. You must try to peoples trust if you hope to win the election.(重新获得)10. Everyone has his own and weaknesses. (长处)11. He has the lawyer about the matter.(咨询、请教)12. He by buying and selling old furniture at that time. (谋生)13. You have been so kind to us that we will always be deeply (欠人感情债)14. Peter was angry and the rude waiter. (怒视)15. Its impolite to foreigners on the streets. (盯着看)16. He is a and is us secretly. We must take care.(间谍,暗中监视)17. There is a time to what you will do. (限制)18. He is willing to devote his (有限的)life to serving the people (无限地)19. Exercise is of great to us and we will good health.(有利于,从中获益) 20. We consider it necessary to theory practice. (结合)21. You should _ smoking for the benefit of your health. (减少)22. He will come back .(不久)23. Dinosaurs had died out human beings came into being. (在之前很久)三、单选:1. - Must I clean my room by myself right now?-No, you _.A. mustnt B. dont have to C. neednt do D. shouldnt2. Just to satisfy my _, how much did you paid for your car?A. curiosity B. permission C. prediction D. sadness3. The new traffic rules will _ on the number of accidents.A. cut across B. cut in C. cut up D. cut down4. - Need I hand in my homework before noon? -Yes, you _ .A. should B. need C. may D. must5. She had learned to _ working efficiently with good human relationship.A. balance B. improve C. raise D. increase6. If you want to _, here are some dos and donts.A. lose weight B. lose the weight C. lose weights D. lose a weight7. He is very careful. He _ be mistaken.A. mustnt B. may not C. cant D. shouldnt8. If you cheat in the examination, you will never_ it.A. get through B. get over C. get down to D. get away with 9. He stopped to _ his notes, and then went on with his questions.A. consult B. conduct C. continue D. construct10. She was _ at a time, but she has been out of debt since she got rich.A. at debt B. on debt C. in debt D. with debt11. The old gentleman just stood there _ at the robber and didnt say a word.A. glaring B. staring C. glancing D. gazing12. If you _ your saving with mine, we can buy a car.A. celebrate B. combine C. wipe D. forgive13. If we take exercise everyday, we will be sure to _ them,.A. benefit from B. benefit C. be of great benefit to D. be for the benefit of14. -Sorry, Ive lost your basketball and I suppose I should pay for it.-_ .A. Take it easy B. By no means C. You get it D. Forget it 15. The wild flowers _ the desert looks as if they were soft yellow blankets.A. covers B. covering C. covered D. to be covered 四、词汇串记: Alice, once a famous (1)_(女主持人), suffered from(2)_(肥胖症) one year ago. She was too fat to continue her work. To become (3)_ (苗条)and (4)_(谋生), she decided to (5)_(减肥). At first she took slimming pills. The shop assistant said that the pills would help her lose weight (6) _(不久). He said many(7) _(优点)of the pills and (8) _(打折) it by 20%. When asked what its (9)_(缺点) was, he said there was none. But unfortunately, Alice continued to (10)_(增加体重) . She brought a suit against the shop and wouldnt have them (11) _(向顾客撒谎而不受惩罚). Then she (12)_ (咨询)the health expert about how to lose weight. The expert told her that she (13)_ (应该限制)her(14) _(饮食), have a healthy and (15)_(平衡饮食) ,(16)_(减少) fat and sugar and eat more (17)_(生的) fruit and vegetables, such as cucumber and peach. Sometimes she could drink some vinegar and something easy to (18)_(消化). At the same time, the expert advised that she should take regular exercise. Only by(19) _(结合) diet and exercise could she (20)_ (重新获得)her slim figure and her well-paid job. You know, Alice was (21)_(负债累累) at that time. Alice (22)_(获益)a great deal from the experts advice. She has lost 25 pounds within three months. A. cut across B. cut in C. cut up D. cut down4. - Need I hand in my homework before noon? -Yes, you _ .A. should B. need C. may D. must5. She had learned to _ working efficiently with good human relationship.A. balance B. improve C. raise D. increase6. If you want to _, here are some dos and donts.A. lose weight B. lose the weight C. lose weights D. lose a weight7. He is very careful. He _ be mistaken.A. mustnt B. may not C. cant D. shouldnt8. If you cheat in the examination, you will never_ it.A. get through B. get over C. get down to D. get away with 9. He stopped to _ his notes, and then went on with his questions.A. consult B. conduct C. continue D. construct10. She was _ at a time, but she has been out of debt since she got rich.A. at debt B. on debt C. in debt D. with debt11. The old gentleman just stood there _ at the robber and didnt say a word.A. glaring B. staring C. glancing D. gazing12. If you _ your saving with mine, we can buy a car.A. celebrate B. combine C. wipe D. forgive13. If we take exercise everyday, we will be sure to _ them,.A. benefit from B. benefit C. be of great benefit to D. be for the benefit of14. -Sorry, Ive lost your basketball and I suppose I should pay for it.-_ .A. Take it easy B. By no means C. You get it D. Forget it 15. The wild flowers _ the desert looks as if they were soft yellow blankets.A. covers B. covering C. covered D. to be covered 四、词汇串记: Alice, once a famous (1)_(女主持人), suffered from(2)_(肥胖症) one year ago. She was too fat to continue her work. To become (3)_ (苗条)and (4)_(谋生), she decided to (5)_(减肥). At first she took slimming pills. The shop assistant said that the pills would help her lose weight (6) _(不久). He said many(7) _(优点)of the pills and (8) _(打折) it by 20%. When asked what its (9)_(缺点) was, he said there was none. But unfortunately, Alice continued to (10)_(增加体重) . She brought a suit against the shop and wouldnt have them (11) _(向顾客撒谎而不受惩罚). Then she (12)_ (咨询)the health expert about how to lose weight. The expert told her that she (13)_ (应该限制)her(14) _(饮食), have a healthy and (15)_(平衡饮食) ,(16)_(减少) fat and sugar and eat more (17)_(生的) fruit and vegetables, such as cucumber and peach. Sometimes she could drink some vinegar and something easy


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