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德信诚培训网进料检验作业程序(中英文)1.0 目的:本程序旨在建立适切之进料检验作业管制,以确保外购的生产性材料材质符合环境要求,质量符合本公司的设计要求.Attempt: The procedure is to establish unanimous incoming inspect operations, in order to make sure those purchasing stuff can manage environment requirement and the quality can come up to design . 2.0 范 围:适用于本公司所有外购的生产性物料的进料检验. Range: Apply to all incoming inspection of purchasing stuff. 3.0 定义: Definition 3.1 IQC: 进料检验单位(Incoming Quality Control).3.2 SQE :供货商质量工程(Supplier Quality Engineer).3.3 客供配件:由客户提供,代为出货包装用之配件,并不参与成品组立、加工作业流程.(此种配件不纳入零件承认规范内,仅作资材面处理). Customer supplied parts: Customer supplied parts are used to delivery package parts, not participate in final-products、operation procedure.(the parts are not bring into parts recognition rules, only be regarded as stuff management) 4.0 权 责: Rights and responsibility4.1品保部负责物料的检验、判定、检验后的标识及不合格品的改善追踪工作. QA Dep. manage stuff inspection、judgment、mark and rejects improving or tracking after inspection. 4.2 资材部采购员负责与供货商联络,并协助来料质量异常的处理及改善追踪. Material purchaser manage and communicate with suppliers, then support dealing and tracking anomaly. 5.0 作业内容: Contents 5.1 检验规划:Inspection planning 5.1.1抽样计划:IQC依MIL-STD-105E(II)对进料实施抽样检验. Sampling scheme: IQC refer to MIL-STD-105E(II)to execute sampling action.5.1.2正常检验:IQC依MIL-STD-105E(II)对进料实施抽样检验. Regular inspection: IQC refer to MIL-STD-105E(II)to execute sampling action.5.1.3 抽样时机:IQC依照MIL-STD-105E(II)对物料进行抽验检验,取样需平均抽样,在仓库平均取样后,在IQC室依照该物料之承认书与图纸执行检验。例如:来料5000PCS,500PCS/箱 50PCS/盒 IQC依照AQL抽样200PCS. Sampling scheme : IQC refer to MIL-STD-105E(II)to execute sampling action, after average sampling in warehouse, IQC refer to specification and drawings to inspect, for example: 5000PCS incomings,500PCS/carton,50PCS /box, IQC will select 200PCS. 5.1.4加严检验:当正常检验进行中,连续5批进料有3批NG时,则转为加严检验,则依MIL-STD-105E加严抽样计划表进行抽样检验,连续5批允收时,转为正常检验. Tightened inspection: When do regular inspection,3 in 5 batches incomings are NG, then refer to MIL-STD-105E to perform tightened inspection, execute regular inspection if 5 batches are received continuously. 5.1.5减量检验:当正常检验进行中,连续10批允收且无制程反应该材料异常时,转为减量检验,减量检验执行中,若有一批NG或制程反馈来料异常时则转为正常检验. Reduced inspection: When do regular inspection,10 batches are accepted and have no process abnormality, then turn to reduced inspection, if one batch is NG or have process abnormality, then turn to regular inspection. 5.1.6 免检:Exemption客供配件,IQC除对产品作料号核对,包装验收等常规检验外,对其产品性能实施免检. About customer-supplied accessories, IQC check its number, package ,do exemption about its property.当受限于设备、技术等因素无法执行检验时,由品保部拟定,并由供货商提供相对应的检验报告及质量保证书,该物料IQC则实施免检 When we cant execute inspect for lacking equipment、technology, QA Dep. draft ,supplier provide relevant inspect report and guaranteed certificate, so IQC can execute exemption. 对于免检物料,IQC对其料号、包装、保质期等做常规检验. For exemption materials, IQC make regular inspection about its part number、package、quality guarantee period. 对于免检物料,品保单位加严跟踪投线质量. For exemption materials, QA Dep. tracking the process strictly.5.1.7 紧急物料:物控通知的紧急物料,IQC则安排优先检验,其余则依进料先后顺序检验. Urgent material: The PMC notify the urgent material, then IQC inspect the material in priority, other materials will be inspected in turn. 5.2 执行检验:Inspection 5.2.1资材部仓管员依据采购所下之对供货商提供的物料进行品名/料号/数量/包装等的确认,确认无误后始可接收本批物料,将物料放至进料待检区,并填写一式四联,将此单送至IQC以示通知IQC检验. After confirming the description /number/quantity/package with ,warehouse keeper receives the materials, put them in pending products district and fill in a quadruplicate warehouse warrant order ,then send it to IQC.5.2.2 IQC接到后,即依照的品名料号找出对应料号的、和. After IQC receiving the warehouse warranty bill, then find out 、 according to it. 5.2.3 若无承认则由IQC发出,依处理. IQC will draft if there is no specification ,then deal with it according to 5.2.4ROSH进料检验: ROHS incoming inspection进料检验方法: Methods of HSF incoming inspection A: IQC确认该物料的供应厂商是否在ROHS合格供货商清单内,核对物料外箱是否有贴月份标签、品名、型号、数量、生产日期、 Lot No.和ROHS标签.若外箱内还有小包装,要求供货商在对应的小包装上也要贴上相关 ROHS标签。并确认是否每批来料皆有附出货检验报告,若以上要求有一项否定则判此批来料为NG. IQC confirm the material suppliers if they are in ROHS qualified supplier manifest , check the month label、description、mode、quantity、production date、Lot No. and ROHS label which pasted on external carton, if small outline packages inside the carton, suppliers shall paste ROHS label on it, check outgoing inspection report if followed with incomings, the incomings will be NG if one item is denied. B:核对ROHS合格供应商所提供之ROHS检测报告是否在有效管控期内,测试项目应符合公司之要求; Examine the ROHS detect report if they are in valid controlling date or not, the test item shall comply with requirement.C:第三方权威机构测试报告,且报告中测试项目所含有铅、镉、汞、六价铬、PBB、PBDE等有害物质的含量均符合公司皆可。 The test item of third-party test report shall include Pb、Cd、Hg、Cr6+、PBB、PBDE, these hazardous substance shall comply with .资料确认: SGS material confirmation A:确认供应商每一个原料送第三方权威机构测试报告是否在有效期内(一年有效期);Make sure the test report of every supplied stuff is in finite horizons (the time is one year)B:确认供应商交货的测试报告相关信息是否与实物相符。Make sure the information of test report is true.特性判定: ROHS capability judgment A:ROHS不合格部份均依“致命”缺陷判定,采取0收1退原则。Disqualified section of HSF shall judged by “critical defects ,and take the measure of accepting 0 rejecting 1 principle.B:进料区域要分为ROHS物料区和ROHS不良区。若来料不符合5.2.4中的任何一项,则将此来料放置于ROHS不良区并依处理。 Incoming area shall divided into HSF Area and HSF Defective Product Area, if incoming do not meet any item of 5.2.4,then put them in Defective Product Area and deal with them according to 5.2.5 IQC依照各物料的对来料进行抽样检验. IQC take random inspection with the incomings according to 5.2.6 生产余料之良品退料,由产线自检OK并于包装上标示料号数量以及ROHS标识等,并开立由退料单位给IQC判定,判定OK后在产品标签上盖良品入库章. The assembly line check remaining materials and indicate the part NO. and HSF mark of materials by themselves and give them back to warehouse, then draft warehouse warranty order, IQC affix PASS seal after judging them. 5.3 检验结果 Results 5.3.1 检验结果为合格时,IQC于物料外包装箱标签上加盖PASS印章,于ERP内核输入相关合格信息,且于上签名确认,并经部门主管签名后交至仓管员处,仓管员依据品管判定结果对物料作入库处理. When incomings are accepted , affix PASS seal on outer cartons, input relevant information in ERP according to ,after endorsing by relevant person, warehouse keeper put them in store. 5.3.2 检验结果为不合格时,于ERP内核输入相关不合格信息,且于上签名确认,同时IQC开具,并会签相关部门. When incomings are rejected, input relevant information in ERP according to and issue如为生产急需用料,则由需求单位依照处理. If manufacture need the materials urgently, demanded Dep. deal with it according to 最终判定为特采时,于产品外箱加盖特采印章;如判定为退货时,则于外箱加盖NG章. Covering Concession seal when the incomings are accepted on deviation, and cover NG seal when goods rejected.仓管员依据品管判定结果及外箱印章对物料作入库处理. Warehouse keepers sent these goods to warehouse after judgment by QA. 5.3.3 免检物料则于外箱标签上加盖免检章. Covering exemption seal on outer carton for exemption materials.5.3.4 IQC将检验状况如实记录于相应的进料检验记录表上,并存盘箅查. IQC shall write down the relevant information on incoming inspect record and keep them in the archives. 5.4印章类型 Seal 5.4.1 IQC合格章、IQC不合格章、IQC检验章、免检章、日期章:(使用依照产品鉴别作业程序) IQC PASS seal、IQC NG seal 、IQC inspection seal、free inspection seal、date seal:( Product Discriminate Procedure )5.5 CQC认证产品关键元器件例行检测与定期确认检验: CQC authenticate products key components, do routine test and regularly confirmation5.5.1 CQC认证产品之关键元器件及材料,除正常依本程序检验外独立定期确认验证项目至少每年要求供应商或自行提供一次定期检测记录.CQC confirm key components and materials, confirm test items regularly and independently. At least annually provide periodically records from supplier or by himself.5.5.2 IQC负责对供货商提供之关键元器件和材料的各项检验报告作审查, 并保留记录在IQC备查.IQC will check the inspection report of key components and materials provided by supplier, and keep the record.6.0 流程图 flow chart仓库接收Receiving materialsERP 进货单ERP purchase list IQC检验IQC inspection 判定judgment权责部门Responsible Dep. 资材 Material Dep.作业流程workflow相关文件/窗体Relative documents /list资材部Material Dep.资材部Material Dep.品保部QA Dep.品保部QA Dep.品保部/资材部QA Dep./ Material Dep.资材部Material Dep.采购作业程序/采购单 Purchasing procedure/purchasing list仓储管理作业程序/ 送货单 Warehouse management procedure/ delivery list 仓储管理


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