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深圳市民基本英语100句English 100 for Shenzhen Citizens unit 1 greetings 问候和介绍 1. My name is John Smith. 我叫约翰?史密斯。 2. Welcome to Shenzhen. 欢迎你到深圳来。 3. Whats your name, please? 请问你叫什么名字?4. Nice meeting you. 很高兴见到你。 Unit 2 Having a chat. 聊天 5. How are you? 你好吗? 6. Where are you from? 你是哪里人? 7. What do you do? 你是做什么工作的? 8. Is this your first visit to Shenzhen? 这是你第一次来深圳吗? 9. Nice day, isnt it? 今天天气不错。 Unit 3 Saying Goodbye 道别。 10. Ive got to go now. 我得走了。 11. See you. 再见。 12. Have a nice day. 祝你今天过得愉快。 Unit 4 How Do You Like Shenzhen? 你觉得深圳怎么样? 13. How long have you been in Shenzhen? 你在深圳呆多久? 14. How do you like the city? 你觉得这个城市怎么样? 15. The city is green and beautiful. 这个城市绿树成荫,市容美丽。 16. Im glad you like it. 我很高兴你喜欢这里。 17. Enjoy your stay. 祝你过得愉快。 Unit 5 Making an Appointment 邀约 18. Will you be free next Tuesday? 下周二你有空吗? 19. What time is good for you? 你什么时间比较方便? 20. Any time is all right. 随时都可以。 21. Where shall we meet? 我们哪里见面呢? 22. You cant miss it. 你一定能找到的。 Unit 6 Thanks and Apologies 感谢与道歉 23. Excuse me. 劳驾/对不起/打扰一下/请问。 24. Thank you. 谢谢。 25. Youre welcome. 不客气 26. Im sorry. 对不起。 27. Its Ok. 没关系。 Unit 7 Compliments and Good Wishes 赞美和祝愿 28. What a beautiful city! 多美的城市啊! 29. You look very pretty in this dress. 你穿这件衣服很漂亮。 30. Your Chinese is very good. 你的汉语很棒。 31. Congratulations. 恭喜你! 32. Good Luck. 祝你好运! Unit 8 Asking for Help 求助 33. May I help you? 有什么可以帮忙的吗? 34. How can I get to the railway station, please? 请问去火车站怎么走。 35. You can take bus No.1. 你可以坐1路车。 36. What time is it now? 现在几点了? 37. Where is the restroom? 洗手间在哪里? 38. Go straight ahead. 往前直走 Unit 9 Health and Illnesses健康与疾病 39. You look great. 你的气色不错。 40. Anything the matter? 怎么啦? 41. Ive got a cold. 你感冒了。 42. Shall I take you to the hospital? 要不要我帮你请医生。 43. Dont bother. 不用麻烦了。 Unit 10 Taking a Taxi 打的 44. Where do you want to go? 你想去哪里? 45. ?Its quite far from here. 路挺远的。 46. Here we are. 到了 Unit 12 Money Exchange 换币 53. How much would you like to exchange? 您要兑换多少? 54 .Fill in the form, please. 请填写这张表格。 55. How would you like your money? 你需要什么面额的? 56. Here you are. 这些是给您的。 57. Check it, please. 请检查一下。Unit 13.Shopping 购物 58. Id like to buy a shirt. 我想买件衬衫。 59. What size, please? 请问您要什么尺寸的? 60. Try this on. 试试这一件。 61. It fits me well. 它很合身。 62. Anything else? 还需要别的什么吗? Unit 15 In a Hotel 住宾馆 68. Where would you like to stay? 你想住哪里? 69. Do you have reservations? 您有预订吗? 70. Sign here, please. 请在这里签名。 71. Single or double? 单人房还是双人房? 72.How do you spell your name, please? 您的名字怎么拼? Unit 17 Sightseeing 观光 78. Do you have anything special in mind? 你有什么具体打算吗? 79. Have you ever been to window of the world? 你去过世界之窗吗? 80.Your ticket, please. 请出示您的票。 81.Ill show you the way.我带您去。 82.Were open from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. 从早晨8点开到晚上11点。 Unit 18 Visiting Theme Parks 参观主题公园 83.Could you take a picture of me? 你能帮我照张相吗? 84.How much is a ticket? 多少钱一张票? 85.Good idea! 好主意! 86.What is the guide fee for a day? 请个导游一天多少钱? 87.ShenZhen has some of the most famous theme parks in chian. 深圳有几个中国最著名主题公园。 88.Its really worth seeing. 真值得一看。 Unit 20 A One-day Tour of Shenzhen深圳一日游 95.Which places should I visit? 我在这儿游览些什么地方好呢? 96.The theme parks are a must. 主是题公园是必游项目。 97.The best way to go is by bus. 最好的办法是坐公共汽车去。 98.ShenZhen is a city of migrants. 深圳是一个移民城市。 99.I cant wait to start the tour. 我已经迫不及待想去看看了。 100.This is the most famous landmark building in Shenzhen 这是深圳最著名的标志性建筑。 深圳市民基本英语100句 My name is John Smith. 我叫约翰史密斯。 Minitalk 会话 John:Hello.My name is john smith. 你好,我叫约翰史密斯。 LiLi:Welcome to Shenzhen,Mr.Smith. 史密斯先生,欢迎你到深圳来。 John:You can call me John. Whats your name,please? 就叫我约翰吧。请问你叫什么名字? LiLi:My name is LiLi. 我叫李丽。 深圳市民基本英语100句 Welcome to Shenzhen. 欢迎你到深圳来。 Minitalk 会话 LiLi:Welcome to Shenzhen,Mr.Smith. 史密斯先生,欢迎你到深圳来。 John:You can call me John.Whats your name? 就叫我约翰吧。请问你叫什么名字? LiLi:My name is LiLi. 我叫李丽 English 100 for Shenzhen Citizens 深圳市民基本英语100句 Whats your name,please?请问你叫什么名字?Minitalk会话John:Hello.My name is JohnSmith.你好,我叫约翰史密斯。 LiLi:Welcome to Shenzhen,Mr.Smith.史密斯先生,欢迎你到深圳来。John:You can call me John.Whats your name?就叫我约翰吧。请问你叫什么名字?LiLi:My name is LiLi.我叫李丽。 深圳市民基本英语100句 Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。 Minitalk会话LiLi:Welcome to Shenzhen,Mr.Smith.史密斯先生,欢迎你到深圳来。 John:Thank you,Miss Li,Nice to meet you.李小姐,谢谢你。很高兴见到你。LiLi:Nice to meet you,too.我也很高兴见到你。 深圳市民基本英语100句 How are you?你好吗? Minitalk会话LiLi:Hello,How are you?嗨,你好吗?John:Fine,thanks.And you?我很好,谢谢。你呢?LiLi:Im fine,thanks,Where are you from?我也很好,谢谢。你是哪里人?John:NewYork.纽约人。 深圳市民基本英语100句 Where are you from?你是哪里人? Minitalk会话LiLi:Where are you from?你是哪里人?John:New York.纽约人。LiLi:Is this your first visit to Shenzhen?这是你第一次到深圳来吗?John:Yes.是的。 深圳市民基本英语100句 What do you do?你是做什么工作的? Minitalk会话LiLi:Hello.How are you?嗨,你好吗?John:Fine,thanks.And you?我很好,谢谢。你呢?LiLi:Im fine too,thanks.What do you do?我也很好,谢谢。你是做什么工作的?John:Im a businessman.我是个商人。 深圳市民基本英语100句 Nice day, isnt it? 今天天气不错。 Minitalk 会话 John: Nice day, isnt it? 今天的天气真不错。 LiLi: Yes, it is. 是的。 John: Is it always like this? 深圳天气总是这么好吗? LiLi: In this season, yes. 对,这个季节天气都这么好。 John: Wonderful. 太好了。 深圳市民基本英语100句(10) Ive got to go now. 我得走了。 Minitalk 会话 John: Ive got to go now. 我得走了。 LiLi: Whats the hurry? 干吗这么着急? John: Ive got something important to do. 我有要紧事要办。 LiLi: OK. See you. 好吧,再见。 John: Bye. 再见。 深圳市民基本英语100句(11) See you 再见 Minitalk 会话 John: Ive got to go now. 我得走了。 LiLi: OK. See you. Have a nice day. 好吧,再见。祝你今天过得愉快。 John: You, too. Bye. 你也一样。再见。深圳市民基本英语100句(12)Have a nice day.祝你今天过得愉快。 Minitalk 会话 John: Ive got to go now.我得走了。 LiLi: Whats the hurry?干吗这么着急? john: Ive got something important to do.我有要紧事要办。 LiLi: OK. See you. Have a nice day.好吧,再见。祝你今天过得愉快。 John: You too. bye.你也一样。再见。 深圳市民基本英语100句(15) The city is green and beautiful. 这个城市绿树成荫,市容美丽。 Minitalk 会话 LiLi: How do you like the city? 你觉得这个城市怎么样? John: The city is green and beautiful. I like it very much. 这个城市绿树成荫,市容美丽。我很喜欢。 LiLi: Im glad you like it. 我很高兴你喜欢这里。 English 100 for Shenzhen Citizens 深圳市民基本英语100句(16) Im glad you like it. 我很高兴你喜欢这里。 Minitalk 会话 LiLi: How do you like the city? 你觉得这个城市怎么样? John: The city is green and beautiful. I like it very much. 这个城市绿树成荫,市容美丽。我很喜欢。 LiLi: Im glad you like it. 我很高兴你喜欢这里。深圳市民基本英语100句(17) Enjoy your stay. 祝你过得愉快。 Minitalk 会话 LiLi: How long will you stay here? 你打算呆多久? John: Maybe three years. 或许三年。 LiLi: Enjoy your stay, John. 约翰,祝你过得愉快。 John: Thank you. 谢谢。 深圳市民基本英语100句(18) Will you be free next Tuesday? 下周二你有空吗? Minitalk会话 John: Hi, Miss Li, will you be free next Tuesday? 李小姐,你好。下周二你有空吗? LiLi: Yes. What time is good for you? 有空。你什么时间比较方便? John: Any time is all right. 随时都可以。深圳市民基本英语100句(19) What time is good for you? 你什么时间比较方便? Minitalk会话 John: Hi, Miss Li. Will you be free next Tuesday? 李小姐,你好。下周二你有空吗? LiLi: Yes. What time is good for you? 有空。你什么时间比较方便? John: Any time is all right. 随时都可以。 LiLi: How about 2 P.m.? 下午2点钟怎么样? John: Fine. 好的。 深圳市民基本英语100句(20) Any time is all right. 随时都可以。 Minitalk 会话 John: Hi, Miss Li. Will you be free next Tuesday? 李小姐,你好。下周二你有空吗? LiLi: Yes. What time is good for you? 有空。你什么时间比较方便? John: Any time is all right. 随时都可以。 LiLi: How about 2 p.m. 下午2点钟怎么样? John: Fine. 好的。 深圳市民基本英语100句(22) You cant miss it. 你一定能找到的。 Minitalk 会话 John: Excuse me. How do I get to Shenzhen Library? 请问去深圳图书馆怎么走? LiLi: Walk towards the east from the New Century Hotel along Hongli Road. 从新世纪酒店沿着红荔路一直往东走。 John: How long will it take? 需要走多久? LiLi: About 15 minutes. Its on your right. You cant miss it. 大约15分钟,图书馆就在你的右手边,你一定能找到的。 John: Thank you. 谢谢。 深圳市民基本英语100句(23) Excuse me. 劳驾对不起打扰一下请问。 Minitalk 会话 Mary: Excuse me, where can I buy a map of Shenzhen? 请问哪里能买到深圳地图? John: Oh, you can get one at a newspaperstand. 噢,你可以在报摊买到。 Mary: Thank you. 谢谢。 John: Youre Welcome. 不客气。 深圳市民基本英语100句(24) Thankyou. 谢谢。 Minitalk 会话 Mary: Excuse me, where can I buy a map of Shenzhen? 请问哪里能买到深圳地图? John: Oh, you can get one at a newspaper stand. 噢,你可以在报摊买到。 Mary: Thank you. 谢谢。 John: Youre welcome. 不客气。 深圳市民基本英语100句(25) Youre Welcome. 不客气。 Minitalk 会话 Mary: Excuse me, where can I buy a map of Shenzhen? 请问哪里能买到深圳地图? John: Oh, you can get one at a newspaper stand. 噢,你可以在报摊买到。 Mary: Thank you. 谢谢。 John: Youre Welcome.不客气。深圳市民基本英语100句(26) Im sorry. 对不起。 Minitalk会话 John: Im sorry Im late. The bus didnt come on time today. 对不起,我迟到了。今天班车没有准时来。 Mary: Thats all right. 没关系。深圳市民基本英语100句(27) Its Ok.没关系 Minitalk 会话John: Im sorry, but I have to leave early. 对不起,我要先走一步。 Mary: Its Ok. 没关系。 深圳市民基本英语100句(29) You look very pretty in this dress.你穿这件衣服很漂亮。 Minitalk会话 John:You look very pretty in this dress.你穿这件衣服很漂亮。 LiLi:Thank you.Its a birthday present from my mother.谢谢。这是我妈妈送给我的生日礼物 深圳市民基本英语100句(31) Congratulations!恭喜你! Minitalk会话 John:I passed my Chinese exam last week.我上周通过汉语考试了。 LiLi:Congratulations!恭喜你! John:Thanks.Ill start to take a computer course next week and will finish it next year.谢谢。我下周要开始上计算机课了,明年学完。 LiLi:Good luck!祝你好运! John:Than kyou.谢谢。 深圳市民基本英语100句(32) Goodluck!祝你好运! Minitalk会话 John:I passed my Chinese exam last week.我上周通过汉语考试了。 LiLi:Congratulations!恭喜你! John:Thanks.Ill start to take a computer course next week and will finish it next year.谢谢。我下周要开始上计算机课了,明年学完。 LiLi:Good luck!祝你好运! John:Thankyou.谢谢。 深圳市民基本英语100句34 How can I get to the railwaystation,please?请问去火车站的路怎么走? Minitalk会话John:How can I get to the railwaystation,please?请问去火车站怎么走?LiLi:You can take bus No.1 and get off at the last stop.你可以坐1路车,在最后一站下车。John:Thank you.谢谢。LiLi:Youre welcome.不客气。 深圳市民基本英语100句(35) You can take bus No.1.你可以坐1路车。Minitalk会话John:How can I get to the railwaystation,please?请问去火车站怎么走?LiLi:You can take bus No.1 and get off at the last stop.你可以坐1路车,在最后一站下车。John:Thankyou.谢谢。LiLi:Youre welcome.不客气。 深圳市民基本英语100句36 What time is it now?现在几点了? Minitalk会话John:Excuse me.What time is it now?请问现在几点了?LiLi:Its seven ocolock.7点钟。John:Thanks so much.非常感谢。LiLi:Youre welcome.不客气。 深圳市民基本英语100句37 Where is the restroom?洗手间在哪里? Minitalk会话John:Excuse me.Where is the restroom?洗手间在哪里?LiLi:Go straight ahead,and youll find it.往前直走,你应付地看到。John:Thanks a lot.多谢。LiLi:No problem.不客气。深圳市民基本英语100句38Go straight ahead.往前直走。 Minitalk会话 John:Excuse me.Where is the restroom?打扰一下。洗手间在哪里? LiLi:Go straight ahead,and youll find it.往前直走,你就能看到。 John:Thanks a lot.多谢。 LiLi:No problem.不客气。深圳市民基本英语100句39You look great.你的气色不错。 Minitalk会话 LiLi:You look great.你的气色不错。 John:Health is everything,you know.你知道的,健康第一呀。 LiLi:How do you keep fit?你是怎么保养的? John:Good food,good exercise and good habits.饮食合理,积极锻炼,再加上良好的习惯。 LiLi:Right,good habits keep the doctor away.说得对,养成良好的生活习惯,就不会生病了。深圳市民基本英语100句40Anything the matter? 怎么啦? Minitalk 会话 LiLi:You dont look well.Anything the matter? 你的气色不太好。怎么啦? John:Ive got acold. 我感冒了。 LiLi:Shall I take you to the hospital? 要不要我带你去医院? John:Dont bother.I can go by myself. 不必麻烦了,我自己去就行了。 深圳市民基本英语100句(41) Ive got a cold. 我感冒了。 Minitalk 会话 John:Ive got a cold. 我感冒了。 LiLi:Shall I take you to the hospital? 要不要我带你去医院? John:Dont bother.I can go by myself. 不必麻烦了,我自己去就行了。 深圳市民基本英语100句(42)Shall I take you to the hospital? 要不要我带你去医院? Minitalk 会话 John:Ive got a cold. 我感冒了。 LiLi:Shall I take you to the hospital? 要不要我带你去医院? John:Dont bother.I can go bymyself. 不必麻烦,我自己去就行了。 LiLi:Hope youll get well soon. 祝你早日康复。 John:Thank you. 谢谢。 深圳市民基本英语100句(43)Dont bother. 不用麻烦了。 Minitalk 会话 John:Ive got a cold. 我感冒了。 LiLi:Shall I take you to the hospital? 要不要我带你去医院? John:Dont bother.I can go by myself. 不必麻烦了,我自己去就行了。 LiLi:Hope youll get well soon. 祝你早日康复。 John:Thank you. 谢谢。 深圳市民基本英语100句(45) Its quite far from here. 路挺远的。 Minitalk 会话 Mary: Taxi!出租车! Taxi driver: Where do you want to go? 你想去哪里? Mary: To Shenzhen Safari Park. How long will it take? 去深圳野生动物园。到那儿要多久? Taxi driver: Oh, its quite far from here. It will take about half an hour. 噢,路挺远的。大约要半个小时。 深圳市民基本英语100句(47) Hello. Can I speak to John? 喂,能叫约翰听电话吗? Minitalk会话 Mary: Hello. Can I speak to John? 喂,能叫约翰听电话吗? Stranger: Sorry, Wrong number. 对不起,你打错电话了。 Mary: Oh, Im sorry. 哦,对不起。 I


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