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VB程序设计8.1.1 实验目的1)掌握VB多重窗体程序的概念。2)掌握多重窗体程序的设计方法。3)复习各种控件的使用方法。8.1.2实验内容采用多窗体技术编写程序,分别在不同的窗体上实现不同功能。8.1.3 实验步骤实验步骤如下:1) 建立启动窗体界面与设置对象属性。选择“新建”工程,进入窗体设计器,在窗体中添加命令按钮组Command1(0)Command1(5),并修改属性如图8-1左所示。系统默认窗体Form1为启动窗体。 2) 添加窗体。选择“工程”菜单,打开“添加窗体”对话框。按“打开”按钮,添加3个标准窗体Form2Form4。添加标准模块。选择“工程”菜单,打开“添加模块”对话框。按“打开”按钮,添加1个标准模块Module1。图8-1程序界面设计3) 建立子窗体界面与设置对象属性。界面如图8-1所示,设置属性如表所示。表8-1Form1属性设置对象属性属性值说明Form1NameForm1启动窗体CaptionForm1Command1(0)CaptionWho are you?Command1(1)CaptiongameCommand1(2)CaptionwriteboardCommand1(3)CaptioncalculatorCommand1(4)CaptionbyebyePicture1autoredrawfalseLabel1captionLets start a wonderful journey表8-2Form2属性设置对象属性属性值说明Form2NameForm2输入个人资料窗口CaptionForm2Label11CaptionnameLabel12CaptiongenderLabel13CaptionIs that a girl?Fream1CaptionhobbiescommandcaptionokeyCaptionOption1CaptionfemaleValueTrue默认被选中Option2CaptionmaleValueTrue默认被选中Check1CaptionWoWCheck2CaptionLeague of LegendsCheck3CaptionDungeon and FighterCheck4CaptionQQspeedCheck5CaptionfilmsCheck6Captionmovie表8-3Form3属性设置对象属性属性值说明Form3NameForm3CaptionForm3Command1CaptionhappinessCommand2CaptionbeginCommand3CaptionloveCommand4CaptionbeautyCommand5CaptionlaughLabel1captionscroesLabel2Caption0Timer1interval500Timer2interval71表8-4Form4属性设置对象属性属性值说明Form4NameForm4CaptionForm4LabelcaptionLabel2Caption路漫漫其修远兮Label3Caption吾将上下而求索TextBoxtextPicture1pictureCaption返回表8-5Form5属性设置对象属性属性值说明FormNameForm5CaptionForm5Command1(09)caption19,0Command1(10)caption.Command2(04)caption+-*/=Label2Caption路漫漫其修远兮Label3Caption吾将上下而求索TextBoxtext表8-6Form6属性设置对象属性属性值说明Form4NameForm6CaptionForm6Labelcaptionwelcome to use this system again !Label2Captionthank you !Picture1pictureTimer112interval1Timer13interval10004) 编写代码。编写“启动”窗体form1(Form1)中代码:Option ExplicitDim i As Integer, ur1 As String, N As IntegerPrivate Sub Command1_Click(Index As Integer)N = IndexSelect Case NCase 0Form2.ShowMe.HideCase 1Form3.ShowMe.HideCase 2Form4.ShowMe.HideCase 3Form5.ShowMe.HideCase 5Form6.ShowMe.HideEnd SelectEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Activate()Timer1.Enabled = TrueEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()Me.Top = (Screen.Height - Me.Height) / 2Me.Left = (Screen.Width - Me.Width) / 2Picture2 = LoadPicture(C:UsersLQRDesktopVB.1.gif)Picture2.AutoRedraw = TruePicture2.PaintPicture Picture2.Picture, 0, 0, 3000, 3000, , , , , vbSrcCopyEnd SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer()On Error GoTo Errur1 = C:UsersLQRDesktopVB. & i & .gifPicture2.Picture = LoadPicture(ur1)i = i + 1Picture2.AutoRedraw = TruePicture2.PaintPicture Picture2.Picture, 0, 0, 3000, 3000, , , , , vbSrcCopyExit SubErr:i = 1End Sub编写“输入个人资料”窗体form2(Form2)中的代码:Private Sub Command1_Click()If Text1.Text = Thena = InputBox(You forget to input your name?, Attention!, Your name!)If a = Or a = Your name! Then Exit SubText1.Text = aElse: Form1.Show Form2.HideEnd IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()Me.Top = (Screen.Height - Me.Height) / 2Me.Left = (Screen.Width - Me.Width) / 2Picture1 = LoadPicture(C:UsersLQRDesktopVB.fei.jpg)Picture1.AutoRedraw = TruePicture1.PaintPicture Picture1.Picture, 0, 0, 3750, 4900, , , , , vbSrcCopyEnd Sub编写“GAME”窗体form3(Form3)中的代码:Dim a As Integer, i As Integer, ur1 As StringPrivate Sub Command1_Click()If Command1.BackColor = RGB(225, 0, 0) ThenLabel2 = Val(Label2.Caption) + 1End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Timer1.Enabled = TrueEnd SubPrivate Sub Command3_Click()If Command3.BackColor = RGB(225, 0, 0) ThenLabel2 = Val(Label2.Caption) + 1End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Command4_Click()If Command4.BackColor = RGB(225, 0, 0) ThenLabel2 = Val(Label2.Caption) + 1End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Command5_Click()If Command5.BackColor = RGB(225, 0, 0) ThenLabel2 = Val(Label2.Caption) + 1End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub cw_Click()Label2 = End SubPrivate Sub Timer2_Timer()On Error GoTo Errur1 = C:UsersLQRDesktop新建文件夹. & i & .jpgPicture1.Picture = LoadPicture(ur1)i = i + 1Picture1.AutoRedraw = TruePicture1.PaintPicture Picture1.Picture, 0, 0, 12135, 8295, , , , , vbSrcCopyExit SubErr:i = 45End SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()Me.Top = (Screen.Height - Me.Height) / 2Me.Left = (Screen.Width - Me.Width) / 2Picture1 = LoadPicture(C:UsersLQRDesktop新建文件夹.45.jpg)Picture1.AutoRedraw = TruePicture1.PaintPicture Picture1.Picture, 0, 0, 12135, 8295, , , , , vbSrcCopyEnd SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer()Static x As Integera = Int(Rnd() * 4)Select Case aCase 0Command1.BackColor = RGB(225, 0, 0)Command3.BackColor = RGB(15, 0, 0)Command4.BackColor = RGB(15, 0, 0)Command5.BackColor = RGB(15, 0, 0)Case 1Command3.BackColor = RGB(225, 0, 0)Command1.BackColor = RGB(15, 0, 0)Command4.BackColor = RGB(15, 0, 0)Command5.BackColor = RGB(15, 0, 0)Case 2Command4.BackColor = RGB(225, 0, 0)Command1.BackColor = RGB(15, 0, 0)Command3.BackColor = RGB(15, 0, 0)Command5.BackColor = RGB(15, 0, 0)Case 3Command5.BackColor = RGB(225, 0, 0)Command1.BackColor = RGB(15, 0, 0)Command3.BackColor = RGB(15, 0, 0)Command4.BackColor = RGB(15, 0, 0)End SelectIf x 50 Then x = x + 1 Else Timer1.Enabled = False Command5.BackColor = RGB(15, 0, 0) Command1.BackColor = RGB(15, 0, 0) Command3.BackColor = RGB(15, 0, 0) Command4.BackColor = RGB(15, 0, 0) x = 0 End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub tui_Click()Form1.ShowMe.HideEnd SubPrivate Sub wf_Click()MsgBox rules: & Chr(13) & Hit the different color.In the fixed time, more hits, more scores!, vbOKOnly, RuleEnd Sub编写“writeboard”窗体form4(Form4)中的代码:Private Sub N_Click()Text1.Text = End SubPrivate Sub O_Click()CommonDialog1.Filter = 所有文件(*.*)|*.*|文本文件(*.TXT)|*.txtCommonDialog1.FilterIndex = 1CommonDialog1.ShowOpenText1.Text = CommonDialog1.FileNameEnd SubPrivate Sub S_Click()CommonDialog1.ShowSaveText1.Text = CommonDialog1.FileNameEnd SubPrivate Sub T_Click()Form1.ShowMe.HideEnd SubPrivate Sub Text1_Change()Text1.Text = Text1.TextEnd SubPrivate Sub Y_Click()CommonDialog1.ShowColorText1.ForeColor = CommonDialog1.ColorEnd SubPrivate Sub Z_Click()CommonDialog1.Flags = 3 Or 256CommonDialog1.ShowFontWith Text1 .FontName = CommonDialog1.FontName .FontSize = CommonDialog1.FontSize .FontStrikethru = CommonDialog1.FontStrikethru .FontBold = CommonDialog1.FontBold .FontItalic = CommonDialog1.FontItalic .FontUnderline = CommonDialog1.FontUnderline .ForeColor = CommonDialog1.Color End WithEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()Me.Top = (Screen.Height - Me.Height) / 2Me.Left = (Screen.Width - Me.Width) / 2Picture1 = LoadPicture(C:UsersLQRDesktopVB.qu.jpg)Picture1.AutoRedraw = TruePicture1.PaintPicture Picture1.Picture, 0, 0, 1500, 2500, , , , , vbSrcCopyEnd Sub编写“calculator”窗体form5(Form5)中的代码:Dim v As BooleanDim S As IntegerDim x As DoubleDim Y As DoublePrivate Sub Command1_Click(Index As Integer)If Form5.Tag = T ThenIf Index = 10 ThenText1.Text = 0ElseText1.Text = Command1(Index).CaptionEnd IfForm5.Tag = ElseText1.Text = Text1.Text & Command1(Index).CaptionEnd IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click(Index As Integer)Form5.Tag = TIf v Thenx = Val(Text1.Text)v = Not vElseY = Val(Text1.Text)Select Case SCase 0Text1.Text = x + YCase 1Text1.Text = x - YCase 2Text1.Text = x * YCase 3If Y 0 ThenText1.Text = x / YElseMsgBox 傻了?不能以0为除数啊!, vbOKOnly, 提示Text1.Text = xv = FalseEnd IfCase 4Y = 0v = FalseEnd Selectx = Val(Text1.Text)End IfS = IndexEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()Me.Top = (Screen.Height - Me.Height) / 2Me.Left = (Screen.Width - Me.Width) / 2End SubPrivate Sub tui_Click()Form1.ShowMe.HideEnd SubPrivate Sub xin_Click()Text1.Text = End Sub编写结束窗体form6(Form6)中的代码:Option ExplicitDim x As Integer, Y As Integer, a As Integer, m As Long, N As LongPrivate Sub Form_Activate()Timer1.Enabled = TrueTimer3.Enabled = TrueTimer5.Enabled = TrueTimer7.Enabled = TrueTimer9.Enabled = TrueTimer11.Enabled = TrueEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()Me.Top = (Screen.Height - Me.Height) / 2Me.Left = (Screen.Width - Me.Width) / 2Picture1 = LoadPicture(C:UsersLQRDesktopVB.qwe.jpg)Picture1.AutoRedraw = TruePicture1.PaintPicture Picture1.Picture, 0, 0, 2250, 2250, , , , , vbSrcCopyPicture2 = LoadPicture(C:UsersLQRDesktopVB.qwe.jpg)Picture2.AutoRedraw = TruePicture2.PaintPicture Picture2.Picture, 0, 0, 2250, 2250, , , , , vbSrcCopyPicture3 = LoadPicture(C:UsersLQRDesktopVB.qwe.jpg)Picture3.AutoRedraw = TruePicture3.PaintPicture Picture3.Picture, 0, 0, 2250, 2250, , , , , vbSrcCopyEnd SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer()If Picture1.Width + Picture1.Left = Me.ScaleWidth ThenTimer2.Enabled = TrueTimer1.Enabled = FalseElse Picture1.Left = Picture1.Left + 50End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Timer2_Timer()If Picture1.Left 6700 ThenTimer4.Enabled = TrueTimer3.Enabled = FalseElse Pi


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