高考英语 通用题型考前指导与仿真模拟系列 专题05 书面表达解仿真模拟(教师版).doc_第1页
高考英语 通用题型考前指导与仿真模拟系列 专题05 书面表达解仿真模拟(教师版).doc_第2页
高考英语 通用题型考前指导与仿真模拟系列 专题05 书面表达解仿真模拟(教师版).doc_第3页
高考英语 通用题型考前指导与仿真模拟系列 专题05 书面表达解仿真模拟(教师版).doc_第4页
高考英语 通用题型考前指导与仿真模拟系列 专题05 书面表达解仿真模拟(教师版).doc_第5页
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2013届高考英语 通用题型考前指导与仿真模拟系列 专题05 书面表达解仿真模拟(教师版)2013年4月20日,四川省雅安市芦山发生强烈地震,造成了很大损失。学校号召全体师生向灾区捐款。请你拟一个发言稿,在学校捐款动员大会上使用。发言稿主要内容应包括: 1.对灾区情况的简单介绍:地震发生的时间、地点、造成的财产损失(许多建筑物被毁)以及人员损失(200多人死亡,成千上万人受伤)等;2.捐款的意义:帮助灾区人民渡过难关、帮助灾区重建;3.如何捐款:自愿、多少不限、以班级为单位,收齐后交到学校红十字会。注意:1.不要逐条翻译; 2.可适当增加细节;以使文章连贯; 3.词数120左右。【解题指导】本篇作文是文字提纲式作文。体裁为应用文的发言搞,所以在格式上要注意有称呼和结尾处的客套话。1.提炼要点2013年4月20日,四川省雅安市芦山发生强烈地震,造成了很大损失;学校号召全体师生向灾区捐款;财产损失(许多建筑物被毁)以及人员损失(200多人死亡,成千上万人受伤)等;帮助灾区人民渡过难关、帮助灾区重建;捐款是自愿的、多少不限;将捐款以班级为单位收齐后,交到学校红十字会;本篇因为是捐款动员大会,所以不要忘了对听众提出某些希望。因此,我们要增加要点(自拟要点)希望人人尽其所能帮助我们的同胞走出困境。2.预备词汇a terrible earthquake happen/occurcause a great loss destroy/break downinjure, kill, lose ones life, claim ones lifego through hard times, overcome difficultiesrebuild ones hometowncall on sb. to do sth., appeal to sb. to do sth.donate money to, give away money to the earthquake-stricken areavoluntary, voluntary contributionslimit, restrictcollect, handhelp sb. out of the difficulty 3.突破难点 本篇作文有两个表达方面的难点: 一是如何表达“捐款是自愿的”? this donation is voluntary.it is voluntary for everyone to donate.everyone can donate voluntarily. 二是如何表达“多少不限”?you can give away however much you want to.the number of your donation is not restricted.there is no amount limitation, more or less.4.连贯成篇 将相关要点进行合并表达;加上恰当的连接词和过渡句。dear teachers and students,as we all know, a terrible earthquake happened in lushan, sichuan province on april 20, causing a great loss. in the earthquake many buildings were destroyed and thousands of people were injured with more than 200 people killed. in order to help the earthquake victims to go through the hard times and rebuild their hometown, the school has called on everyone in our school, including both teachers and students, to donate money to the earthquake-stricken area.this donation is voluntary. you can give away however much you want to. the money will be collected by each class before it is handed to the red cross society of our school. we hope that everyone will be kind enough to do what you can to help our fellowmen out of the difficulty.thank you. (二)根据下列图画,用英语写一篇150词左右的短文,向某英语报社投稿。 要求:1.描述漫画展现的现象及其可能引起的后果。 2.分析出现这种情况的原因。(至少2点) 3.提出解决这种问题的方法。(至少2点) 4.结合自己实际,谈谈作为中学生应该怎么做。(至少2点)参考词汇:offender冒犯者,当事人;jaywalker不守通规则的人;fluky psychology侥幸心理【解题指导】 本篇虽然为看图作文,但是重点却不是在描述图画上的内容,不需要我们作过多的阐述。描述图画内容只是引出中心话题而已。重点要处理的是要求中其余三点。 1.提炼要点 一要转换要点:将图画所反映的内容转换成文字要点。 中国式过马路:人们成群结队在斑马线上闯红灯过马路;二要挖掘要点和自拟要点这种闯红灯过马路的行为可能引起的后果:非常危险会导致交通堵塞,引发交通事故;出现这种情况的原因:缺乏遵守交通规则的意识,怀有从众心理和罪不加众心理,;为了节约时间,急匆匆赶路,对红灯视而不见;围绕原因提出建议:加强对公众的道路安全重要性的教育;解决过马路难的问题;作为中学生应该(从教育自己,奉劝他人两方面考虑)。2.预备词汇chinese style of crossing roads, on the zebra lines, cross the streets in groups , ignore/run the traffic lights, the behavior like., lead to more traffic jams and accidents lack, awareness, haveflukypsychology, save time, in a hurry ,turn a blind eye tothe importance of road safety 3.突破难点 本篇作文有两个表达的难点:一是如何表达“罪不加众”?they believe that numerous offenders will not be punished.they believe that the police will not fine them because so many people break the law.二是如何把“解决过马路难的问题”具体化?i hope the government should make the crossroads more convenient and available for people to cross the road.4.连贯成篇将相关要点进行合并表达;加上恰当的连接词和过渡句。the picture shows that on the zebra lines people cross the streets in groups, ignoring the traffic lights, which is so-called chinese style of crossing roads. the behavior like running the red light is very dangerous because it may lead to more traffic jams and accidents.why do people neglect the safety of their lives so much? firstly, it reflects that some chinese peoples lack rule-obeying awareness. they haveflukypsychology and believe that numerous offenders will not be punished. second, some people are so always in a hurry that they turn a blind eye to the traffic signal to save time. so i hope the government should make the crossroads more convenient and available for people to cross the road. the public should be convinced of the importance of road safety. as a student,i must spot the right light to cross the road and never follow those who lead themselves to danger. meanwhile ill try to advise people to obey traffic rules consciously. bear it in mind: life is precious and only once.附录:就同一话题的书面表达最近,你将参加一个英语作文比赛。要求参赛者根据下面的这幅漫画进行写作。请按照下面的提示,写一篇120字左右的英语短文。1.这幅画反映了当前的一种什么现象? 2.分析出现这种现象的原因; 3.针对这个现象发表看法。(三)假设你是红星中学高三(1)班的学生李华,校报英语园地正在开展征稿活动。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,将你们班近期美化教室的活动记述下来,向校报投稿。词数不少于60。 【解题指导】本篇是真正意义上的看图作文。我们只要把四幅图所反映的内容描述到位,再加上自己的一点议论就可以了。根据“将近期美化教室的活动记述下来”我们可以知道,本文记叙的是过去的事情,所以本文的主体时态应为一般过去时。1.转换要点第一幅图要点:a class meeting, decorate our classroom第二幅图要点:hang pictures on the wall, put some plants in the classroom第三幅图要点:bring flowers, created a relaxing atmosphere第四幅图要点:caring these plants, watering2.直接描述描述:our monitor suggested at a class meeting that we do something to decorate our classroom.描述:some classmates wanted to hang several pretty pictures on the wall.others thought it would be great to put some plants in the classroom. 描述:a variety of beautiful plants were brought to the school.描述:every day after class, we devoted our spare time into caring these plants, watering them regularly.3.连贯成文注意要加上适当的时间状语、连接词和恰当的议论。last month, our monitor suggested at a class meeting that we do something to decorate our classroom.some classmates wanted to hang several pretty pictures on wall, while others thought it would be great to put some plants in the classroom. however, most of us preferred the second idea. in the following week, a variety of beautiful plants were brought to the school, which immediately created a relaxing atmosphere. every day after class, we devoted our spare time into caring these plants, watering them regularly. with fragrant flowers around us, we felt at peace with ourselves and it surely helped us reduce some stress. (四)某互联网消费调研中心对网络购物进行了调查,结果如下。请根据图表1提供的信息描述人们选择网络购物的不同原因,并针对图表2中任意一个数据所反映的情况谈谈你的看法。词数不少于60。注意:文章的开头已经给出。recently, a survey about online shopping has been conducted on the internet. _【解题指导】本文是一篇图表类书面表达。试题分别用柱状图和饼图给出有关百分比的数据。1.转换要点图表1给出了人们选择网络购物的不同原因;49%被接受调查的人认为网上商店商品丰富; 33%被接受调查的人认为网上商店商品价格实惠; 25%被接受调查的人认为网上购物不受时间、地域的限制; 5%被接受调查的人认为网上购物时还可以结交新朋友。图表2给出了网购用户最担心的问题;55%被接受调查的人担心网上商店商品的质量;27%被接受调查的人担心网上商店商品售出后的服务;18%被接受调查的人网上交易的安全问题。针对图表2中任意一个数据所反映的情况谈看法2.预备词汇chart, different reasons, choose to shop onlinevarieties of products in online shops reasonable priceonline shopping convenient, buy sth. anywhere and at any timemake new friends through online shoppingconcerns about online shoppingconcerns about the quality of the productsconcerns about the after-sales serviceconcerns about the transaction security on line3.突破难点本篇书面表达有两个难点需要突破。一是如何用不同的表达方式把图表1中的数据表达清楚?49% think that . about one third of them say .25% hold that . only 5% of the people even mention that. 这样表达就显得句式结构丰富多彩,增强了可读性。二是选择图表2中的哪一个数据反映的情况来谈看法?among all the concerns in chart 2, the quality of the products, which accounts for as much as 55%, attracts my attention. personally, i agree that what consumers get from online shops sometimes differs from what can be seen in the pictures, which can be very disappointing. therefore, we should make sure the product is of good quality before making a purchase.among all the concerns in chart 2, the after-sales service, which accounts for as much as 27%, attracts my attention. personally, i agree the after-service is very important. therefore, we should figure out whether the after-service of the goods is guaranteed .among all the concerns in chart 2, the transaction security on line, which accounts for as much as 18%, attracts my attention. personally, i agree we must be careful while doing online shop


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