



2013年9月1日托福口语真题解析1. Talk about a subject that you do not enjoy studying. Explain your answer in examples and details. 参考答案 The subject I do not enjoy studying is math for the following reasons. First, its so hard to remember all the formulas. Its not like we will use anything besides multiplication, addition, subtraction and division in the real world. the things that theyre teaching these days rarely apply to the outside world. The basics do, but unless youre planning on becoming an architect, accountant, or anything like that, it never seems to apply. On the other hand, my favorite subject was always anything artsy. I always loved pottery, music, painting, or anything else having to do with art.2. Do you agree of disagree with the statement that its a waste of time for students to take courses outside their major field? Explain your answer in details. 参考答案 I disagree with the statement that its a waste of time to take course outside major field. First of all, we can learn so much more from different courses. Students can get fresh perspectives jumping from subject to subject, especially when those subjects arent related. Its mind blowing how differently people from different majors would approach the same problem. Second, we can learn things from different kind of talents. Take myself for example. I major in computer science. I made many friends in my music study class when I was a freshman. They taught me so much about music and how to play the guitar through out college. None of the students from my major could have taught me those things.Task 3学校要开给大学第一年入学的孩纸们生物课 这可以提升学生的能力 还可以认识很多人 女生反对 因为1.有的学生(比如她自己),学习能力强,不需要这门课的帮助。2.他们想认识高年级学生,但高年级学生不用学生物了,所以上了也认识不了人。Announcement: school is planning to offer first year students Biology classReason 1: gain learning skillsReason 2: make friends with seniorsWoman disagreeReason 1: first year students already know how to do independent study, they already have the skills.Reason 2: Biology is not really a require class for senior students, so freshman wont make too many friends in these classesTask 4Halo Error,就是当你见到这个人第一面 这个人向你展示他擅长的一面 你就会觉得他特别好,连他最不擅长的一面都可以忽略了。教授说大学的时候认识一个学霸叫Jame,他碰见什么物理题都会,他擅长数学和物理,教授就想和他住在一个宿舍。住了一年以后 教授觉得他太糟糕了 他的生活方面自理太差 屋子里乱爆了 于是他不再和他住在一起了 这是他产生了疑问,当他第一次见到他时为什么觉得他甚至在自理方面很好,甚至他都没见过Jame是怎么自理生活的。这就是Halo ErrorTerm: Halo ErrorDefinition: people tend to show their best aspect when they first met. This positive will effect peoples judgmentExample: the professor met his friend James who knows everything about Math and Science. So the professor asked to share a dorm room with his. But after a year, the professor found out that James is a really messy person. He never cleans up his own mess and professor no longer wanted to live with his anymore. The good impression the professor got from James when they first met clouded the professors judgement. It got the professor to think of him as being a perfect roommate which was wrong.Task 5男主角被要求去代替一个演员Rassel(貌似是这个人。)R的脾气暴躁,这使得男人很头疼。解决方法1.不记得只记得这个Solution的con是男人不确定自己能不能把这个职位做好2.S把R找回来,带病演出。Pro这样他就不用担心自己会出错了。Con但是和R有搭手戏的人很讨厌R(脾气太大了不招人喜欢)Problem: the man was asked to substitute for an actor whos name RussellSolution 1: take this rolePro: make sure they can keep the playCon: mans not sure if hell be able to do a good jobSolution 2: get Russell backPro: hes a great actorCon: everyone hates Russell and wont want to work with himTask 6动物通常是可以在一个环境中顺利成长的。但是也有些在严酷环境中需要 聚在一起来生存。Example1,帝企鹅往往在不生殖时候都在靠近南极边缘生存。但在繁殖的时候他们会像南极重心移动。南极中心温度极低,即使帝企鹅可以耐寒,也不能在这么寒冷的情况下生存,所以他们会聚在一起,这样会使他们更温暖,顺利产下小企鹅。Example2(这个不太靠谱。因为听的时候就知道这道题肯定说不完,没仔细听Sorry!),一种动物碰到危险就会聚在一起,尤其是遇到动物2。它们甚至可以发出攻击The two benefit of animals stay in large groupsFirst is to keep warmExample: penguin stay in large groups so they can sta


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