中考英语总复习 第一轮 教材复习(考点精讲精练)第11课时 八下 Units 56习题课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
中考英语总复习 第一轮 教材复习(考点精讲精练)第11课时 八下 Units 56习题课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
中考英语总复习 第一轮 教材复习(考点精讲精练)第11课时 八下 Units 56习题课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
中考英语总复习 第一轮 教材复习(考点精讲精练)第11课时 八下 Units 56习题课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第4页
中考英语总复习 第一轮 教材复习(考点精讲精练)第11课时 八下 Units 56习题课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第5页
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英语 第11课时八年级 下 units5 6 人教版 重点词汇 1 report v 报道 公布2 suddenly adv 突然 忽然3 strange adj 奇怪的 奇特的4 match n 火柴5 beat v 敲打 锤砸6 rise v 增加 提高 增强7 realize v 理解 领会 认识到8 against prep 倚 碰 撞9 asleep adj 睡着10 recently adv 前不久 最近11 completely adv 完全地 彻底地 12 bright adj 明亮的 光线充足的13 truth n 实情 事实14 remind v 提醒 使想起15 silly adj 愚蠢的16 brave adj 勇敢的 无畏的17 hide v 隐藏 隐蔽18 marry v 结婚19 object n 物体 物品20 light n 光 光线 光亮21 smile v 微笑 22 lead v 带路 领路23 fit v 适合 合身24 whole adj 全部的 整体的25 inside adv 里面26 weak adj 虚弱 无力的27 cheat v 欺骗 蒙骗28 shine v 发光 照耀29 shoot v 射击 发射30 passage n 章节 段落31 area n 地域 地区 词汇拓展 1 report 记者 reporter2 strange 陌生人 stranger3 wind 有风的 windy4 heavily 重的 heavy5 asleep 睡觉 sleep 困倦的 sleepy6 against 反义词 for7 completely 完成 complete8 silence 沉默的 无声的 silent9 shoot 过去式 shot 过去分词 shot10 magic 魔术师 magician 11 storm 有暴风雨 雪的 stormy12 wife 复数 wives13 wood 木制的 wooden14 lead 过去式 led 过去分词 led 领导 leader15 truth 真的 符合事实的 true 诚实的 真实的 truthful16 shine 过去式 shone 过去分词 shone 光亮的 有光泽的 shiny17 silly 同义词 stupid 反义词 clever smart 重点短语 1 闹钟 发出响声gooff2 接电话pickup3 进入梦乡 睡着fallasleep4 逐渐变弱 逐渐消失diedown5 沉默 无声insilence6 首先 最初atfirst7 从前onceuponatime8 代替 反而insteadof9 生孩子 产仔givebirth tosb sth 10 变成turn into11 结婚getmarried12 出生beborn13 一 就 尽快assoonas14 拆除 往下拽 记录takedown15 从事于 致力于workon16 爱上fallinlove17 迷路getlost18 前往 费力地前进makeone sway 重点句型 1 what people atthetimeoftherainstorm 下暴雨的时候人们在干什么 they booksinthelibrary 他们在图书馆里看书 2 nolightoutside it midnight 由于外面没有亮光 感觉就像午夜一般 3 althoughsomepeoplemaynotremember him theyrememberwhatthey whenthey thenews 尽管有些人可能不记得谁杀了他 但是他们记得当他们听到这个消息时 他们正在干什么 4 thestory usthatyoucanneverknowwhat spossible youtryto 这个故事提醒我们除非你试着让某事发生 否则你永远不知道什么是可能的 were doing werereading with feltlike whokilled weredoing heard reminds unless makeithappen 5 so doyou thestoryofyugong 那么你觉得愚公的故事怎么样 6 sometimeshecanmakethestick hecankeepitinhisear 有时 他能把金箍棒变得如此小以至于可以将它放进耳朵里 7 you youmustgototheforestwithyourfather 你们一醒来 就必须和你们的父亲去森林 8 didyouhearourstepmother us 你听到我们的继母计划要杀死我们吗 9 whois myhouse 谁足够勇敢去吃我的房子 what thinkabout of sosmallthat assoonas wakeup planningtokill braveenoughtoeat 一 根据句意和汉语提示写单词完成句子 1 itoftenrains 大 inmyhometowninsummer 2 theoldmanputhisumbrella 倚 thewallandthenwalkedintotheroom 3 wewereridingontheroadwhenitstartedtorain 突然地 4 thisdressismadeof 丝 5 everyonesatthereandlistenedtothereportin 安静 无声 6 it spoliteto 微笑 tothepeopleyoumeet 7 the 夫妇 havetwochildrenintheirhome 8 thesunatnoon 照射 brightly whiletheywereworkingonafarm 9 欺骗 othersisn tagoodbehavior weshouldavoidit 10 the 整个的 cakeshouldbecutintosmallpieces heavily against suddenly silk silence smile couple shone cheating whole 二 用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空 11 whenhegotlostintheforest thestars lead himoutoftheforest 12 doyouhaveany organize activitiesafterschool 13 whydoeshefall sleep soon becauseheistootired 14 afterawholenightofrain theriverhas rise quickly 15 thebrokenwallhas fall downinthestrongwind 16 don tlietome iwanttoknowthe true oftheevent 17 themanwascaughtbeforehe hide whathestole 18 iheardpetergot marry toalicelastyear 19 the west cultureisabitdifferentfromours 20 howdidheget injure led organized asleep risen fallen truth hid married western injured 三 根据汉语完成句子 21 那位老人以捡垃圾谋生 theoldman bypickinguprubbish 22 那个小女孩一直在哭 我们不知道为什么 thelittlegirlkeptcrying andwedidn tknowwhy 23 我没买手机是因为我花光了钱 ididn tbuythemobilephonebecausei mymoney 24 顺便说一下 我将步行去上学 i llgotoschoolonfoot madealiving allthetime ranoutof bytheway 1 sowhileyouweresleeping icalledjennyandshehelpedme from unit5 sectiona 因此当你在睡觉的时候我给珍妮打了电话 她帮了我 while与when 过去进行时 题组训练 单项选择 1 ourclassmateswenttoaconcertyesterdayafternoon whatapity i myhomework 2015 泰安 a haddoneb wasdoingc amdoingd woulddo2 mike whatwereyourparentsdoingat8 00lastnight 2015 黄冈 mymotherwasreading myfatherwasplayingcomputergames a whenb unlessc whiled aslongas b c 3 amywasreadingabook icamein 2014 雅安 a whenb whilec becaused though4 whydidn tyouanswermyphonecall jack i msorry buti then 2014 日照 a droveb drivesc wasdrivingd havedriven5 iphonedyouat5 00yesterdayafternoon butnobodyansweredme 2015 宿迁 sorry i theflowersinthegardenatthattime a waswateringb amwateringc waterd willwater6 sallytookaphotoofherfriendswhilethey computergames 2014 杭州 a playb areplayingc haveplayedd wereplaying a c a d 用when或while填空 1 mariawastalkingonthephone hersisterwalkedin 2 wevisitedtheschool thechildrenwereplayinggames 3 sarahwasatthebarber s iwasgoingtoclass 4 isawcarlos hewaswearingagreenshirt 5 allenwascleaninghisroom thephonerang while when while when while 1 while与when 2 过去进行时结构为was were doing 表在过去某个时间正在进行的动作 2 icalledatsevenandyoudidn tpickup from unit5 sectiona 我在七点钟打电话 你没有接 pickup 题组训练 单项选择 1 what candy justnow sorry ididn thearit i upthephone 2015 鄂州 a was saying waspickingb did say waspickingc does say ampickingd did say pick2 whatwereyoudoingat8 00lastsunday i rubbishwithmyclassmatesbyzijiangriver 2015 益阳 a pickedupb ampickingupc waspickingup b c 3 doyou yoursonafterschool 2014 绍兴 no hecomesbackhomeontheschoolbus a pickupb lookafterc dropind sendfor4 alicefoundsomewastepaperonthefloor she it andthrewitintothedustbin 2015 益阳 a put upb looked upc picked upd turned up a c 根据汉语完成句子 1 jim把钥匙捡起后 交给了老师 jimhandedthekeystotheteacherafterhe them 2 在我回家路上 我中途搭载了一个陌生人 i astrangeronmywayhome 3 当我回去时 他正在接电话 hewas wheniwentback picked up pickedup pickingup 3 althoughsomepeoplemaynotrememberwhokilledhim theyrememberwhattheyweredoingwhentheyheardthenews from unit5 sectionb 尽管有些人可能不记得谁杀了他 但是他们记得当他们听到这个消息时 他们正在干什么 although与remember 单项选择 1 mycousinisveryyoung shecanhelpwiththehousework 2015 福州 a once b though butc although 2 hehadfailedmanytimes hedidn tgiveupandsucceededintheend 2015 长沙 a unlessb althoughc if c b 3 pleaseremember yournotebookheretomorrow 2014 泸州 a bringsb broughtc bringingd tobring4 kate remember forthesicktocheerthemup 2014 成都 a tosingb nottosingc singing5 jeanswereinventedover100yearsago they restillinfashiontoday 2015 江西 a becauseb ifc althoughd since6 whatwastheresultofthegame 2013 牡丹江 welostthegame everyoneplayedwell a althoughb ifc because7 remember offthelightswhenyouleavetheroom please 2015 绥化 a toturnb turningc turn d a c a a 1 although意为 尽管 引导让步状语从句 注意although不能与but连用 2 remember意为 记住 后面可接名词 代词 动词不定式 v ing形式或句子作宾语 当接动词不定式时 指的是记住要去做某事 当接v ing形式时 指的是记住曾做过某事 4 thenewcoupleweresohappythattheycouldn tstopsmilingwhentheygotmarried from unit6 sectiona 当这对新婚夫妇结婚时 他们如此幸福以至于笑个不停 marry 题组训练 单项选择 1 he fortenyears 2014 雅安 a hasbeenmarriedb marriedc gotmarriedd hasmarried2 britishprincewilliam 威廉王子 andkate fornearlyfouryears a marriedb havemarriedc havebeenmarriedd havegotmarried a c 3 mysistergot ateacherlastyear a marriedtob marrywithc marrytod married4 theydidn t untiltheygotanewhouse a marriedb getmarriedc marrytod marrying5 lilyisgoingto jimmynextmonth nowitseemsthateverythingisready a marryforb marrytoc getmarriedd getmarriedto a b d 按要求完成句子 每空一词 1 mr brownandhiswifehavebeenmarriedfor20year 改为同义句 2014 兰州 mr brownandhiswife 20yearsago 2 他把女儿嫁给了一位工程师 he hisdaughter anengineer 3 mary和jack结婚多久了 howlong maryandjack gotmarried married to have beenmarried marry作及物动词 意为 娶 嫁 其后直接跟宾语 marry作不及物动词时 意为 结婚 getmarried是固定短语 意为 结婚 表示动作 而bemarried表示状态 意为 结婚了 这两个短语都可以与介词to连用 不能与介词with连用 注意 marry和getmarried都是终止性动词 在肯定句中不能与表示一段时间的状语连用 如果表示结婚一段时间 要用bemarried 5 win beat lose 题组训练 单项选择 1 whatdoyourememberaboutgrade7 iremember aprize 2015 鄂州 a towinb winningc wind wining2 thechinesenationalwomen sbadmintonteam thejapaneseteamby3 1inindiaonmay24 2014 陕西 a wonb lostc beatd missed b c 3 whichsingerdoyouthink thevoiceofchina 2014 绵阳 i mnotsure therearestill3roundstocome a wonb haswonc willwind wins4 inthe49thworldtabletennischampionship wangliqin malinand thechampionofthemen ssingle a beat beatb won wonc beat wond won beat5 wefailed thebasketballmatch 2014 天水 a tolose it sapityb towin i msorrytohearthatc win whatapityd lose pity c c b 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1 the win ofthephotocompetitionwasa30 year oldmanfromshanghai 2014 临沂 2 whichteamdoyouthinkwillbethe win ofthe20thfifaworldcup 2014 盐城 3 moyanisthefirstman win thenobelprizeforliteratureofthechinese 2014 滨州 winner winner towin 6 noise voice sound 题组训练 单项选择 1 whatdoyouthinkofthewomansinger hervoicesounds ilikehersongs 2015 呼和浩特 a sweetb sweetlyc badd badly2 whatareyoulisteningto 2014 丹东 asongbyhuozun it beautiful a tastesb soundsc looksd smells a b 3 theboydidn tsleepwellbecauseofthe fromthefactory 2014 白银 a voiceb noisec musicd song4 atthefootofthemountain youcanhearthe ofrunningwater a soundb voicec noised silence5 don tmaketoomuch mumissleeping a soundb voicec noised silence b a c 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词 1 don tmakeany 噪音 whenyouareinthelibrary 2014 宁波 2 theshowi masingerhelpsaudiencerediscovermanygood 噪音 2015 盐城 3 manypeoplelikewangfei ssongsbecauseshehasasweet 2015 贵港 4 icouldhearhersweet 嗓音 fromthenextroom 2014 安徽 noise voice voice voice 备考跟踪训练 一 单项选择 1 thepriceofhouses everydayinthosedays a builtb comparedc rosed provided2 ididn t itraineduntiligotoutoftheclassroom a likeb realizec hoped hate3 i thetelephoneandaskedformr brown snumber a cameupb turnedupc gaveupd pickedup4 i m buildinganewzoobecauseithinkzoosareterribleplacesforanimalstolivein a againstb onc ind for c b d a 5 wherewereyouateighto clockthedaybeforeyesterday iwasinmyroom thepiano a practiceb practicedc practicingd topractice6 finishyourhomeworkfirst thenyou ll watchitforanhour a canb beabletoc abletod could7 ididn tseeyouwhenipassedyourclassroomthismorning oh i withmymathteacherinheroffice a talksb wastalkingc willtalkd amtalking c b b 8 lindadid a whomissedtheeventb whathappenedthenc whoistakingashowerd whatareyourfriendsdoing9 mustigiveup doctor foryourhealth youhaveto a smokeb smokingc smokesd tosmoke10 tanjing s issosweet yes hersongs verybeautiful a sound tasteb voice smellc voice soundd noise sound a b c 11 doyouknow theyfoundtheirwaytothevillage byfollowingthebird a whatb whyc whered how12 thisis difficultproblemthatfewstudentscanworkitout a sob soac suchd sucha13 thebookwon t untiltheendoftheyear 2015 天津 a comeoverb cometruec comeoutd comeon d d c 14 whenwillwestart assoonasyouruncle a arrivesb willarrivec wasarrivingd toarrive15 whatdoyouthinkofthisbook a itstenyuanb it smybrother sc it sinterestingd it sagiftforme a c 二 完形填空 2015 温州 itwasalovelyspringafternoon myclassmatesandiwereplayinghappilyontheplaygroundwheniletoutacry ow ow somethinginmyshoeisbitingme everyonewasshockedbythecry theytookmeintoaclassroomandwereabouttotakeoffmy 16 whichfootisit oneasked letushavealook suddenly irememberedtheholesin 17 socks myfamilywasverypoorduringthoseyears iworewelfaresocks whichcostonlyalittle butthose 18 welfaresocksdidn tlastlong theysoonhad 19 atthebottom irefusedtotakeoffmyshoe i 20 standothersseeingtheholesinmysock itriedtoholdbackmytears yet eachtimethething 21 myshoebitme tearsraceddownmyface myteacher missdiane hurriedintothe 22 what swrong sheasked somethingisbitingherrightfoot 23 shedoesn tletustakeoffhershoe oneofmyclassmatesanswered missdianelivednextdoortome she 24 everythingaboutmyfamily sheputbothhandsonmyshakingshouldersand 25 intomypainfulandhopelesseyes oh yes itmustbeasock eatingant shesaid asifshehad 26 seenthethinginsidetheshoe ihadabitefromoneofthoseants bythetimeigotmyshoeoff ithad 27 almostthewholebottomoffmysock myclassmatesnoddedwhiletheywerelisteningtotheteacher 28 althoughtheyalllookedalittlepuzzled missdianetookoffmyrightshoeandsockandshookthemoverthedustbin tworedants 29 it justwhatithoughtit theantshaveeatenpartofhersock whenshestrokedanalcoholcottonballonthebites sheadded youaresucha 30 girltotakesomanybites thealcoholfeltcoolonthebitesandalittlegirl spridewassavedbythe sock eatingant story 16 a shoeb shirtc hatd coat 17 a hisb herc myd your 18 a freeb wetc dirtyd cheap 19 a holesb boxesc stonesd pockets 20 a couldb couldn tc mustd mustn t 21 a onb nearc underd in 22 a officeb playgroundc classroomd toilet 23 a becauseb butc ord so 24 a knewb forgotc taughtd borrowed 25 a lookedb droppedc rand got a c d a b d c b a a 26 a hardlyb alreadyc stilld only 27 a turnedb putc takend eaten 28 a angrilyb sadlyc carefullyd happily 29 a livedonb fellintoc wentoverd turnedto 30 a luckyb friendlyc braved clever b d c b c inchina safetyeducationisbecomingmoreandmoreimportantnow thelastmondayinmarchisforstudentstolearnitatschool ithelpsstudentslearnmoreaboutwhattheyshoulddotokeepthemselvessafe whataretheaccidentsatschool takealook stampedes 踩踏 earthquakesandfiresarethemainaccidentsatschool astampedealwayshappensincrowdedplaces whenstudentsaroundyoubegintopush juststandthereandtrytoholdontosomething ifyoufalldowninthecrowd movetoonesideandprotectyourheadwithyourhandsaround whenearthquakeshappen youcangetunderadeskquicklyandholdon it llprotectyoufromfallingthings ifyouareoutdoors findaplaceawayfrombuildings trees andpowerlines whenthere safire leavetheclassroomquickly it sbettertoputsomethingwetoveryourmouthandnose inthisway youwon tbreatheinsmoke manypeopledieinafire notbecauseofthefirebutsmoke itmakesthemcoughandtheycan tbreathe that sverydangerous sowhenyouwanttogetout youshouldmakeyourselfclosetothefloor thenyoucanbreathesomefreshair 31 stampedes earthquakesandfiresarethemainaccidents a atschoolb athomec onthefarmd intheopenair32 astampedealwayshappensin places a busyb dirtyc crowdedd clean33 whenearthquakeshappen youcanget adeskquicklyandholdon a onb underc neard behind a c b 34 whichisthefollowingsentencesisright a whenthere safire don tleavetheclassroomquickly b manypeopledieinafire notbecauseofthefirebutsmoke c whenyouwanttogetout youshouldn tmakeyourselfclosetothefloor d it sbettertoputsomethingdryoveryourmouthandnose 35 what sthebesttitle 标题 forthearticle a healtheducationb mannerseducationc habitseducationd safetyeducation b d 四 根据对话内容 从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项 2015 安徽 a ihopeso too b what stheweatherlikeinwinter c isthattrue d yes it sr


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