



2014南京中考五、阅读填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)A)阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。Mayme Clayton collected books, magazines, and letters written by African Americans.Her son, Avery Clayton, thought her collection was important.Unlike most books, these were rare andhardtofind.TheywerewrittenbywriterswhohelpedshapeAfricanAmericanculture.OnebookinthecollectionwaswrittenbyPhillisWheatley.Wheatleywasaslavewhowrotepoetry.ShewasthefirstAfricanAmericantopublish(出版)abook.Wheatleyherselfsigned(签名)thebookinthe Claytonscollection.NooneelseownsacopysignedbyPhillis Wheatley.Bythetimeshepassedawayatage83, MrsClaytonhadmorethan30,000booksby or aboutblackpeople.Hercollectionalso includespapersabout slaves, photographs, movies, sheet music, and personallettersbyblackleadersandartists.ItisoneofthebiggestpersonalcollestionsofAfrican Americanhistoryandcultureinthe UnitedStates.Avery Claytonsdream wastocreateamuseum forhis motherstreasures.ScholarssaythatMrs Claytonscollectionisveryimportant.Withoutherwork, part ofAfricanAmericanheritage(遗产)wouldhavebeenlost. “We didntknowthesethingsexisted,”says Sara Hodsonof Californias HuntingtonLibrary.The collectionsnewhomeislikelytobeinCulverCity, California.Part ofAvery Claytonsdreamistosharetheculturalricheshismothercollectedwithothers.Heespeciallywantskidstohaveachancetoseethecolloction.“At present African Amcrican culture is being explained by pop culture,”hesays.“Its important to offer a more complete picture.”MaymeClaytonandHerCollectionPersonalinformationSheliked_56_books, magazinesandletterswritten byAfricanAmcricans.She_57_whenshewas83yearsold.HercollectionComparedwithotherbooks, thebooksshecollected couldntbefound_58_Theonlycopywrittenand_59_byphillisWheatleywasinhercollection.Shehadalargecollection._60_books, papers, photographsandotherthingsbyblackleadersandartists.Hercollectionisofgreat_61_toAfricanAmericanhistoryandculture.Her_62_dreamA_63_forthetreasureswouldbecreated.Hehopesto_64_theculturalrichescollectedbyhismotherwithmorepeople, especiallywith_65_.2014成都B. 阅读下面短文,根据其内容,补全表格中所缺信息,请将答案按编号依次填入表格内的题号后横线上。The life difference between east and west, rich and poor becomes clear when we look at how the kids sleep at night.Jyoti, aged 14, NepalJyoti left school at a young age and now lives with one of her sisters in the Nepalese countryside where she works on the farm. The family sleep on mats on the mud floor in the open air, with an open fire for cooking and keeping warm. Jyoti loves dancing and she wants to become a dancer to make money for her family.Tzvika, aged 12, West Bank(约旦河西岸), IsraelTzvika lives in a gated community(社区) of 36,000 Orthodox Jews in an Israeli settlement(定居点) on the West Bank. Televisions and newspapers are not allowed from the settlement. The average family has nine children, but Tzvika has just two brothers, with whom he shares his room. Religion(宗教) is the most important subject, followed by Hebrew language and math. Sport is not allowed in the school. Tzvika wants to be a learned man when he grows up.Lamine, aged 12, Bounk Village, South AfricaLamine studies at the local all-boy Koran school and shares a room with several other schoolmates. His day starts at six oclock when he and the other boys work on the school farm with the guide of teachers, and in the afternoon the boys study the Koran(可兰经). In his free time, Lamine likes to play football with his friends and when he grows up he would like to teach in this school.Ahkoxet, aged 15, River Amazon, BrazilAhkoxet IS A MEMBER OF THE Kraho tribe(部落) living near the river of amazon. There are only 1,900 members of the tribe. All the tribe members grow and hunt their own food, and any other material they need is bought, using money made from film companies and photographers who visit their camp. He dreams to be head of the tribe when he grows up.Jasmine, aged 14, Kentucky, the USJasmine lives in a big house with her parents and three brothers in the Kentucky countryside. Her father works as a railroad engineer. Her bedroom is filled with her favorite toys and her wardrobe is filled with her dresses, for she normally gets two new dresses every month. She enjoys being treated like a princess, having her hair done and wearing pretty clothes and make-up and would like to be a rock star when she grows up.Title: 1._NameAge2. _Bedroom picture (fill in the letter of the right picture )3. _WishJyoti14Nepal4. _She works on the farm.To 5. _Tzvika12Israel4. _He cant watch TV, read newspapers or do sports. His most important subjects are religion, Hebrew and math.To be a learned manLamine12South AfricaEHe has only two subjects-6. _ at school.To be a teacherahkoxet15Brazil7. _He grows and hunts his own food. Some film companies and photographers come to camera their camp and pay them. 8. _, he buys other things he needs.To lead the tribeJasmine14The US7. _She lives a happy life in a rich family. She 9. _ by her parents monthly and she is the center of her family.To be a rock starWriting strategy: the article is written by 10. _2014年长沙市中考英语试题第二节摘录要点,阅读下面的材料。然后在表格中完成内容摘要。每空不超过3 个单词。(共5 小题,计10 分)Some etiquette(礼仪)in modern lifeDo you often use a cellphone? Do you take the subway to school every day? These items make our modernlife easier. But do you know how we should behave properly while using them? The following suggestions mightbe helpful.For cellphone usersKeep your voice down when you make a phone call in public.Shouting on the phone may make others feel uncomfortable. And youd better notuse it during an appointment(约会).Stop sending messages or playing games with your cellphone at a dinneror a party. Its a good time to communicate(交流)with your family and friends.Dont make or answer a call while driving. It is not only very dangerousfor both you and your passengers but also against the law.For subway passengersYou are supposed to wait in line while buying tickets and getting on the subway.Youre not allowed to eat, drink or smoke on the subway train. The smelland noise may trouble others. Its our duty to keep the train clean and tidy.Besides, smoking is bad for health. You cant take pets on the train. As we all know, animals may spreaddiseases(传播疾病)and get the train dirty. Youd better not lie across the subway seats even if the train isnt crowded. Offering your seat to someone who needs it is regarded as goodmanners.Titles:Some etiquette in modern lifeItems (项目)DosDontsCellphoneusersKeep your 56._ down in public Dont send messages or play games ata dinner or a party. Dont make or answer 57._while driving.58._ Wait in line Keep the train 59._ Offer your seat to someone whoneeds it. Dont eat, drink or smoke on the train. 60._ on the train. Dont lie across the subway seats.六、读写综合(本大题分为A、B两部分,共20分)A信息归纳(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供酌信息,完成信息卡,把答案写在答题卡指定的位置上。Woodlands Junior School来源:学+科+网Z+X+X+KHunt Road, Tonbndge, Kent. the LKofficewoodlands_junior. kent. sch. ukWelcome to Woodlands Junior School. Our school is big and it has 380 students aged 7-11.However, it only had 108 students and four teachers when it was openon September 10th, 1964. Main Teaching BuildingAs you can see, the school has a huge yard and next to it is themain teaching building. It is a two-storey building with twelve classrooms, six on each floor. In each classroom there is a computer, an overhead projector (投影仪), and a smart whiteboard. It also has a small reading area with different kinds of books offered by the students.Library Our school library is used for all the reading classes weekly and atlunch times. The members of the reading club also meet here and dosome


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