七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like(第1课时)教学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like(第1课时)教学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版.doc_第2页
七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like(第1课时)教学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版.doc_第3页




unit 9 what does he look like ? 第一课时安全警示:禁止携带手机、mp3进入校园。教学内容:p49 课前对话:介绍你认识的人。教学目标:1、学会描绘外貌的词。2、学会使用have , be , is of medium 3、能够对人的外貌进行询问和描述。复习旧知:1、 写出你知道的外貌的词。2、 like的用法复习:我喜欢英语,我的朋友们都喜欢说英语。表示:老师就象爸爸那样对我。表示:我有许多的朋友,象汤姆,玛丽等。表示:预习导学:1、 完成1a。2、 看图片,回答问题:how many people are there in the picture?where are they ?what are the two girls doing?can you describe the people in the picture?3、用所学的词或短语描绘图中的人。(可增加一些词汇:长的直发、短的卷发等)从身高、体格、头发三个方面描绘。4、看图学句子:what does he look like?-回答:总结:表示人的外貌的词和短语怎么构成句子?我们描述人物外时,何时用is,何时用has?5、看图片中的对话,注意:这里的it wellreally6、书中图片是两个指认朋友的情景,你做更多的对话。预习检测:描述人物(包括眼睛、鼻子等)。讲授新知:1、 is he short or tall? 他高还是矮?此句为选择疑问句。看书(p120)回答问题。(1)、who is your brother ,tom or mary?此句是不是一般疑问句?(2)、选择疑问句用什么来回答?(3)、选择疑问句可有三种选择吗?如果有该怎么说?(4)、举出几个不同类型的选择疑问句。练习:我们用所学过的内容来描述你身边的人,让其他同学猜一猜是谁?作业:完成导航第一课时unit 9 what does he look like ? 第一课时随堂练习一词组看起来像. 卷发 长发 直发 中等高度 中等身体 短发 高 矮 胖 瘦 二根据句意,补全已给的首字母的单词1.her father is really tall and f_ and her uncle is short and thin.2. the american girl has long , c_ hair.3. .lucys hat_ (看起来像) a cat.4. do you know the woman w_ long, blond, curly hair ?5.he is not tall and not short, he is of m_ h_.6.she is of medium b_means she is not heavy and not thin.7. the little dog has white_(卷曲的)hair.8. he likes telling_(笑话)after class. 9)today mary looks beatiful. she has red and s_hair.10)i keep doing exercise,so im becoming a little bit t_三.用is, has, 或with 填空。 1. he_tall and he _big eyes. 2. she _of medium height, and she _curly hair. 3. she_ very short and she _very young 4. he is tall_ brown hair and he _ a heavy build. 5. there is a girl _ long hair in the street. she_flowers in her right hand.四根据要求变换句型(10分)1.she is tall with long black hair.(对划线提问) _ _ _?2.is he short or tall? (回答) 3.he isnt thin.he isnt fat.(两句合并为一句) he is thin_ _.4.she has short hair.(改为复数) _ _short_.5.he is doing his homework now.(用watch tv做选择疑问句) 五、根据汉语完成句子(1)你弟弟长得怎么样? 他中等身高。 (2)他们长什么样? 他们都长着长头发。 (3). 那些女孩留着黄而卷的头发_ _(4)、他们中等身材,卷发、很胖。_(5)你知道你的新老师长的什么样?_(6)他看起来有点像他的父亲。 _ 六、根据刘翔的相貌填空:(10)thisisliuxiang.hewasborninshanghaionjuly13th,1983.heismedium1_ heis1.88meters2._ .


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