Plastic Packaging Systems How to obtain Preform quality: Causes如何保证瓶坯质量:原因编码 原因C1Incorrect lip closure due to mechanical defect or damage由于机械错误或损坏导致模唇关闭错误C1bIncorrect lip support bar closure with core support plate模唇支撑杆及模芯支撑板的错误关闭C1cIncorrect coupling between lip and core support模唇与模芯支撑的错误连接C2Mold temperature too high模具温度过高C3Insufficient injector charge注射器装料不足C4Flexing of injection core due to too high values of PET pressure or PET injection speed由于PET压力过高或者PET注射速度过快导致模芯弯曲C5Injection too slow注射过慢C6Injection too fast and holding time incorrect注射过快及保压时间错误C7Insufficient air escape in the lips模唇内气体排出不畅C8Degraded material原料变质C9Presence of foreign material in the resin树脂中混有异物C10Badly compacted material严重压实的原料C11Badly dried material过度干燥的原料C12High speed of extruder screw挤压机螺杆过速C13Needle valve movement slowed due to dirt or oil in the supply air line由于气路中有油或杂质导致针阀运动过慢C14Needle valve movement with working pressure lower 6.5 8 bar针阀运动工作气压低于 6.58 barC15Incorrect melt temperature错误的熔料温度C16Preform not inserted correctly on conveyor belt瓶坯没有正确地插到钢带上C17Water in melt during injection stage在注射阶段熔料含水C18Extruder loop pressure too high挤压机压力曲线过高C19Insufficient injector pressure注射压力不足C20Incorrect closing pressure in injection press注塑模关闭压力不正确C21Injection pressure/speed too high注射压力及速度过高编码原因C22Poor quality of PET PET品质不好C23Residual material of the previous perform前一个瓶坯剩余残料C24Delay in fusion of the PET chips in the extruder挤压机中的PET粒子熔化延迟C25Excess temperature in the hot channels热通道温度过高C26Irregular wall thickness (eccentricity max 15 hundredths) 壁厚不匀(偏心最大15%)C27Melt temperature too high熔料温度过高C28Melting set point temperature too low熔化设定温度过低C29Preform temperature too high瓶坯温度过高C29bPreform temperature too low瓶坯温度过低C30Incorrect nozzle temperature注嘴温度错误C31Incorrect cycle time循环时间错误C32Mold movement cycle time too long模具运动循环时间过长C32bMold movement cycle time too short模具运动循环时间过短C33Injection and holding time too short注射及保压时间过短C33bInjection and holding time too long注射及保压时间过长C34Cooling time too short冷却时间过短C35Incorrect mold opening delay time模具打开延迟时间错误C36Injection speed too high注射速度过快C37Water temperature too low水温过低C38Incorrect hot manifold decompression热流道泄压错误C39Mechanical defects or damages in the injection mold注塑模机械故障或损坏C40Incorrect preform temperature瓶坯温度不对C41Preform not expelled瓶坯未排C42Hot manifold temperature too high热流道温度过高C43Insufficient service air pressure服务空气压力不足C44Cavity badly positioned模腔位置错误编码原因C45Core badly cooled模芯冷却不好C46Incorrect transfer device movement传送装置运动错误C47Preform badly inserted in the collet瓶坯没有很好的插到辊环上C48Presence of water (humidity) in the cavities or in the lip support bar模腔或模唇支撑杆上有水(湿度)C49I
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