



U5-8百词组1. 猜一猜 have a guess2. 打扮 dress up3. 猴王 the Monkey King4. 春节 the Spring Festival5. 中秋节 the Mid-Autumn Festival6. 在圣诞节 at Christmas7. 在那一天 on that day8. 相聚在一起 get together9. 吃一顿丰盛的晚餐 have a big dinner10. 欣赏满月 enjoy the full moon11. 咱们来庆祝吧 Lets celebrate12. 感谢你告诉我关于 Thank for telling me about13. 在美国 in the USA14. 玩得开心 have a lot of fun15. 玩一个叫。的游戏 play a game called.16. 敲门 knock on /at the door17. 用。招待某人 give sb.as a treat18. 在十月三十一号晚上 on the evening of Oct.3119. 查清楚,弄明白 find out20. 拍照片 take photos 21. 在度假 be on holiday 22. 在晚上 at night23. 在学校礼堂 at the school hall24. 新年快乐 Happy Chinese New Year25. 看起来很快乐 look happy 26. 度过美好的一天 have a nice day27. 最重要的节日之一 one of the most important festivals28. 吃个汉堡 have a hamburger29. 在十点半 at half past ten30. 对。有好处 be good for31. 使。在之外 keep away 32. 一天一个苹果,医生远离我。 An apple a day keeps the doctor away33. 喜欢跳舞 like/love dancing 34. 每天(每周) every day/week35. 需要做某事 need to do sth36. 保持健康 keep fit/healthy37. 吃牛奶和面包做早饭 have milk and bread for breakfast38. 在两餐之间 between meals39. 太多 too much/many40. 玩电脑游戏 play computer games41. 计划做某事 plan to do sth42. 一片面包 a piece of bread43. 一袋盐 a packet of salt44. 一杯牛奶 a glass/ bottle of milk45. 四公斤西红柿 four kilos of tomatoes46. 少于、多于 less than/more than47. 散步 take a walk48. 看一看 have a look at/take a look at49. 得。分 score .points50. 多锻炼 exercise more51. 吃健康的食物 eat healthy food52. 整个下午 the whole afternoon53. 开始新的一天 start a new day54. 沿着这条街 down the street55. 去购物 go shopping/do some shopping56. 跟我来 follow me/come with me57. 提所有的袋子 carry all the bags58. 衣服店 a clothes shop59. 体育用品店 a sports shop60. 对。有兴趣 be interested in 61. 给西蒙买礼物 buy presents for Simon/buy Simon presents62. 等一下 just a minute63. 不同种类 different kinds of 64. 和。不一样 be different from65. 这些花多少钱 How much do they cost?66. 发夹和粉色外套很配 The hair clips match the pink coat67. 找你零钱 Heres your change68. 大多数孩子 most of the children69. 最重要 needs. most70. 走很长一段路去学校 walk a long way to school71. 试穿一双鞋 try on a pair of shoes72. 他们很合身(合脚) They fit very well73. 五层的商店 five floor of shops74. 在顶层 on the top floor75. 在贫穷地区 in poor areas76. 看电影 watch films77. 来自不同地方的食物 foods from different areas78. 购物中心是约见朋友的好地方 The mall is a good place to meet friends.79. 考虑 think about80. 在床上 in bed81. 时装秀 a fashion show82. 把你的红衬衫借给我 lend me your red blouse83. 运动服 sports clothes、84. 两者都 both. and .85. 由。制成 be made of 86. 受到某人的欢迎 be popular with/among sb.87. 今天的表演就到这里 Thats all for todays show.88. 感谢光临 Thanks for coming 89. 写信给. write to . 90. 等候 wait for91. 寻找 look for92. 不得不 have to 93. 适合 be fit for94. 深蓝 dark blue95. 我的设计包括一条牛仔裤 My design includes a pair of jeans 96. 穿白色看起来不错 lo


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