



2015PEP小学英语六年级下册期中考试题 Listening Part (35分)1、 Listen and choose. (听音,选出你听到的单词或词语。)(5分)( ) 1. A. that B. than C. tell ( ) 2. A. slept B. stayed C. saw ( ) 3. A. played football B. cleaned my room C. had a cold( ) 4. A. years ago B. months ago C. years before( ) 5. A. watched B. washed C. watered2、 Listen and number.(听音,标序号。)绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3、 Listen and choose. (听音,根据问句选择正确的答语。)(10分)( )1.A. Yes,I did . B. Yes , she did . C. No , he didnt . ( ) 2. A. I wear size 37 . B. Im 12 years old . C . Im 45 kilograms . ( )3.A I watched TV . B. I went to Beijing . C . I went there by bus . ( )4.A. Yes , it was . B. It was good. C . No , I had a cold . ( )5.It was beautiful . B. She went there by bus . C .He went to Hainan .4、 Listen and write. (听音,将下面的句子补充完整。) (10分) 1. Im and than you . 新 课 标 第 一 网 2. -What did you do ? -I _ at home and . 3. He _ the day before yesterday .4. She last night .5. I _ _in the park yesterday . X Kb 1 .C omWriting Part (65分)五、找出各组中不同类的单词,将序号填在题前括号内。(5分)( ) 1. A. taller B. singer C. longer D.stronger ( ) 2. A. went B. worried C. stayed D.watched ( ) 3. A. holiday B. winter C. summer D. spring ( ) 4. A.had B.watched C.sleep Dbought( )5.A.yesterday B.better C.today D the day before yesterday六、按要求写出单词的相应形式。(10分)go(过去式)_ hurt(原形)_ rode(原形)_ read (过去式)_ see(过去式)_ were(原形)_ am/is(过去式)_ drink(过去式)_ young(反义词) heavy(比较级) 七、Look and write.(根据图片的提示完成下列句子。) (10分)X k B 1 . c o m1. He couldnt . 2. Mike last weekend . 3. Sarah is than Tom . 4. I yesterday . 5、He all day last Sunday . 八、选择最佳答案。(10分) ( )1.He_a book at home yesterday. A.read B.reads C.reading( )21.Where did Mr Guo go last Saturday? _ A. He went to a park. B.He went hiking. C He goes swimming. ( )3.I_good food and _some gifts.yesterday。 A.eat;bought B.ate;buy C.ate;bought( )4.I stayed at home_my grandma. X k B 1 . c o m A.and B.with C.to( )5.Youre_than me. A.old B.older C.young( )6.I have a story_you. A.tell B.to tell C.telling( )7.Did he_his clothes? A.washed B.wash C.washes( )8.My father didnt_football. A.play B.played C.playing( )9._you_your homework yesterday? A.What B.Did,do C.Do,do( )10.She_English last weekend. A.doesnt study B.didnt studied C.didnt study九、(根据问句选择相应的答语,将其序号填入题前括号内。)(5分)( ) 1.How heavy are you ? A. Size 8 .( ) 2. What size are your shoes ? B. Yes , I did .( ) 3.What did you do last weekend ? C. I watched TV.( ) 4.Where did you go ? D. Im 48 kilograms.( ) 5. Did you see a film ? E. I went to Shanghai. 十、连词成句,注意句首字母大小写及标点符号。(10分)新 课 标 第 一 网1、 you to did go Turpan (? ) . 2. heavier who is you than (? ) 3. stayed at all home weekend I (. ) . 4. you are heavy how (? ) 5. went I to park a forest yesterday (. ) 十一、阅读理解。一、对的打T,错的打F(5分)Today was a sunny Sunday. In the morning, Robin and I walked to Wu Yifans home. It was his birthday. I bought some dinosaurs pictures for him. He liked them very much. We ate the birthday cake and lunch together. We had a good time.( )1.Today was Sunday. 绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L( )2.Today was Robins birthday.( )3.Wu Yifan liked the dinosaurs pictures very much.( )4.They ate breakfast together. w W w .x K b 1.c o M( )5.They had a bad day but also a good day. 二、读下列短文,选择正确答案(5分)Today was hot. I went to the farm(农场)with my parents. There was a river near the farm . I went to the river with my dog . We ran and played . Suddenly I dropped(掉进)into the river ,“Help , Help”My dog jumped into(跳进)the river and swam to me , Ten minutes later , I was saved(救)。I was grateful to him. We are good friends.( )1、It was very .A、cold B、hot C、windy( )2、I went to the farm with my .A、parents B、friends C、teacher( )3、I ran and played with .A、my cat B、my dog C、my sister( )4、 jumped into the river and saved me.A、My dog B、My mo


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