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第十五章 省略倒装句和强调句式知识网络省略:1)功能词的省略冠词的省略 介词的省略 连词的省略 不定式to的省略 不定式动词的省略 2)句子成分的省略主语的省略 谓语的省略 助动词的省略 表语的省略 连系动词的省略 宾语的省略 定语的省略 状语的省略 3)句子的省略 4)习惯上的省略倒装:1)形式完全倒装 部分倒装 2)功能语法倒装 修辞倒装.强调句子成分的倒装 .描绘意义的倒装 .平衡功能的倒装 .衔接功能的倒装强调:It is/wasthat/who句型 do/does/did+动词原形句型 Whatis/was句型 wh-ever疑问强调句型考点精要 .省略一、 主语的省略1. 对话或口语中句义明确时,主语常省略。如:(You)Had a good time?过得愉快吗?(It)Doesnt matter.没关系。(I)Told you so.告诉过你了。(I)Thank you.谢谢你。2.祈使句主语常省略。如:(You)Open the window.开窗。(You)Come here!过来!(You)Turn off the light!把等关掉!3.商业用语中主语常省略。如:(We)Received yours of the 16th inst.本月16日来信敬悉。(We)Supply honest goods at honest prices.货真价实。二、 谓语动词的省略1. 谓语动词为避免重复常省略Some people go to the mountain,others (go) to the seaside.有些人到山上去,有些人到海边去。He can play baseball,and I (can play)tennis.他会打棒球,而我会打网球。2. 表示比较状语从句中的谓语动词可省略He is taller than I (am).他比我高。I have never met anyone cleverer than you (are).我从未碰到过任何比你聪明的人。3. 疑问句的回答中谓语动词多省略-Was he killer?他被杀死了吗?-Yes,he was (killed).是的,他被杀死了。-Can Sophia swim?索菲亚会游泳吗?-No,she cant (swim).不,她不会游泳。4.反意疑问句中的谓语动词常省略She cried last night,didnt she (cry)?她昨晚在哭,不是吗?He wasnt killed,was he (killed)?他没有被杀死,是吗?三、 主谓同时省略1. 对话中,多省略主语和谓语动词-Who is that fellow?那个家伙是谁?-(He is)My brother.我哥哥。-Thank you very much indeed.真是非常感谢你。-(I am)Glad to have been of help.对你有所帮助我深感荣幸。2.在从属连接词if,when,while,though,as,than,unless等所引导的句子中,句意明确时可省略主语和be动词Ill go,if (it is)necessary.若有必要,我就去。When (he was) asked his opinion,he remained silent.当问到他的意见时,他默不作声。The coach was stopped by highwayman,while (it was) passing through a forest.当马车经过一片森林时,被一伙强盗截住了。As (he was) a child,he lived in America.当他是个小孩时,住在美国。注意:as和than后又状语,常省略主语或谓语动词。如:You are a little fatter than (you were)when I saw you last.你现在比我上次见到你时更胖一点。 省略句歌诀人名、店名、标题名,状语从句主语同。不定符号to之后,口语比较从句中。3.感叹句中主语与谓语动词句意明确时,常省略What a beautiful sight (it is)!多没得景色!Oh,(how I wish that)you could be with us!我多么希望你能同我们在一起啊!4. 在下句中主语与谓语动词习惯上被省略Why (should we) not let him go?为什么不让他走?(“why not+动词原形”是“why should we not+动词原形”的省略)No man,however great(he might be),was ever so free as a fish.人无论多伟大,也不会像鱼那样自由。(此类句子的名词,需连同动词一并省略。)四、 主句的省略表示愿望的虚拟语气常省略部分或全部主句。如:(It is a pity)That such a noble man should die!真可惜那样高贵的人却要死!If he would come (I should be very glad)!只要他愿来,那就好了!(He looks)As if he didnt know.他好像什么都不知道。(How glad I should be)If I could do so.但愿我能如此做。五、 从句的省略虚拟语气的if从句在句意明确时刻省略。如:I might have been a rich man.=I might have been a rich man,if I had wanted to.(如果我想要的话,)我很可能成为富人。I should like to go (if I could).(倘若我能够的话),我很愿意去那里。注意:在对话中常用so或not代替省略掉从属句子,so代替省略掉肯定句,not代替省略的否定句,两者都有代名词的作用。如:-Will it rain tomorrow?明天会下雨吗?-Im afraid not.恐怕不会。=Im afraid that it will not rain tomorrow.恐怕明天不会下雨。-The new teacher is very strict.这位新老师很严格。-I dont think so.我不这样认为。=I dont think that he is very strict.我并不认为他很严格。六、 其他情况1. 标语、公告、广告、电报中的省略。如:(Keep your)Hands off.请勿动手。(The store is)Closed for today.今日休业。(This is)Not for sale.非卖品。(We have)Agreed.同意了。2. 谚语、格言和习语中的省略。如:Spare the rod,and (you will)spoil the child.不打不成器。(When one is)Out of sight,(one is)out of mind.久别情亦疏。(It is)Well done!做得好!(Give me)Your business card,please.请给我名片。(I wish you a)Good morning.早安。 巧记省略(1) 代替省略二次出现名和代,用it,that,one不会怪。两种情况若相同,最好用上neither或so。有些动词跟从句,有时也用so来替。(2) 结构省略结构省略有三点:疑问回答最常见;如果省略不定式;千万不要省去to;从句省略要注意,省略不能变原意。 .倒装句一、 全部倒装1. 表示位置的副词或地点状语开头的句子(如go,come,rush等)作谓语时,为了表达生动,可将某些副词放在句首,谓语动词放在主语之前,形成倒装结构。如:Away flew the birds.鸟飞走了。Out went the children.孩子们出去了。Down came the rain.下起雨了。The door burst open and in rushed a stranger.们突然开了,一个陌生人冲凉进来。Here comes the bus.公共汽车来了。There goes the bell for break.休息铃响了。There stands an old pine tree on the top of the hill.在山顶上有一颗古松。Then out rushed a pack of dogs!接着跑出了一群狗!In came a girl,wearing a white skirt with two long pigtails.来了一个姑娘,穿着白色裙子,梳着两个长辫子。注意:表示方向、地点和时间的副词有:in,out,down,up,off,back,away,over there,now,then,here,first等。若主语是人称代词时,则主谓不倒装。In she came,a girl wearing a white skirt with two long pigtails.她来了,一个小姑娘,穿着白色裙子,梳着两个长辫子。2. 用于某些以地点状语开头的句子。如:Under the big tree was sitting an old farmer.在那颗大树底下坐着一个老农夫。Outside the classroom stood a boy.教授外面站着一个男孩。Behine the farm house was a rice field.农舍后面是一片稻田。At the foot of the hill lies a beautiful lake.山脚下躺着一个美丽的湖泊。3. 如主语过长或强调表语或状语时,也可以用倒装结构。如:On the blackboard were the words written in English:“Welcome to our class!”有人在黑板上用英文写道:“欢迎到我们班来!”Present at the meeting were the school headmaster,the English teacher,and the studentsparents.出席会议的有校长、英语老师和学生们的家长。Happy is he who has a sound mind in a sound body.=He who has a sound mind in a sound body is happy.=He is happy who has a sound mind in a sound body.有健康的身体,又有健全心智的人是幸福的。Gone are the days when my heart was young and gay.=The days when my heart was young and gay are gone.我那有着面前快乐心境的日子已经消失了。4. 表祝愿的虚拟语气句中的倒装结构。May+主语+动词!Long live+主语!May you success!=I hope you succeed!祝你成功!May God bless you!=I hope God bless you!愿上帝祝福你!Long live the king!=May the king live long!国王万岁!5. 感叹句的倒装结构。 介、副词+动词+主语(名词)感叹句:Off went John!约翰去了!陈述句:John went off.感叹句:Down went the big ship!大船沉没了!陈述句:The big ship went down. 介、副词+主语(代词)+动词感叹句:Out is comes!它出来了!陈述句:It comes out.感叹句:Over it turns!它翻过来了!陈述句:It turns over. 全部倒装歌诀全部倒装谓在前,情况请记这几点:介词短语表地点,表语前置就有三,位置副词there,neither,nor,so也如此,有时句子找平衡,贺词祝愿也常用。二、 部分倒装1. 否定的副词及短语置于句首时用倒装结构:“否定词+助动词+(或be)+主语+动词原形+其他”。否定词有:barely 仅仅,几乎不by no means=in no case=in no way=on no account=on no consideration=under no circumstances=in no circumstances决不hardly=scarcely几乎不 in no time立刻in vain无效,没有用 little几乎没有,一点也不never从不no soonerthan一就not不,没有 not a bit一点也不not until知道才 nowhere没有地方rarely很少地 seldom很少still less更少Barely does he have enough money to live on.=He barely has enough money to live on.他几乎没有足够的钱维持生活。In no circumstances would I promise to help him.=I would not promise to help him in any circumstances.我决不答应帮助他。注意:little修饰动词know,imagine,think,guess,realize,suspect,作“一点也不”(=not at all)解。Nowhere was the missing key to be found.=The missing key was nowhere to be found.都找不到那把丢了的钥匙。Barely does he go to the movies.=He barely goes to the movies.他极少看电影。注:以上放在句首的否定词,都是修饰谓语动词,若修饰主语,则完全是主语的一部分,所以主语和助动词(或be)不需倒装。如scarcely,not可以修饰动词,也可以修饰名词。如:Not a word was said.一句话也没有说。2.“Only+状语”置于句首句子用倒装。结构:Only+状语+助动词(或be)+主语+动词原形。如:Only once was he beaten for his mendacity.=He was only beaten once for his mendacity.只有一次他因说谎而被打。Only after the accident did he have his car inspected.=He only had his car inspected after the accident.只有在那件以外事件后,他才叫人检查他的车子。Only by working hard can we succeed in doing everything.=We can only succeed in doing everything by working hard.只有努力工作,我们做每一件事才能成功。注意:only后接状语从句时,从句的语序用陈述语序。如:Only when one loses freedom does one know its value.=One only knows the value of freedom when one loses it.只有一个人失去自由的时候,才知道自由的可贵。当only引导的短语从句作主语时句子不用倒装。Only fifty of the original one hundred men came back.在原来的100个人当中,只有50个人回来了。3.so,neither,nor开头的句子中用倒装。You are fond of fishing,and so am I.=You are fond of fishing,and I am,too.你喜欢钓鱼,我也是。-I must be going.我该走了。-So must I?我也该走了。注:nor和neither用于否定句,表示“也不,也没有“;so用于肯定句,表示“也”。如:He hasnt finished his homework,nor/neither have I .他没完成作业,我也没完成。I cant swim,nor/neither can he.=I cant swim,and he cant,either.我不会游泳,他也不会。I have not yet done my homework,and neither/nor has my friend.=I have not yet done my homework,and my friend hasnt either.我还没做完功课,我的朋友也是。若前面含有两种以上,如既有实义动词又有情态动词,或既有肯定又有否定的情况,则用It is the same with或So it is with句型,如:He came late for school,but he was not punished.So it was with me/It is the same with me.他上学迟到了,但未受到惩罚。我也是。 倒装句歌诀祝愿句,感叹句,only,so,as;开始为副词,否定句首时。注:倒装句是将谓语的一部分或全部置于主语之前,在only,so,as中,only指only所修饰的副词、介词短语或状语从句放在句首时,形成倒装。so指在以so开头的句子中,表示一种情况也适应于另一人或物。(如后面的句子单纯重复前一个句子,则不倒装,如:Its cold today.So it is.) as指当as作“虽然”解的让步状语从句中,造成倒装。 “开始为副词”指以here,there,then,now或out,up,down,away等副词开头的句子,这种倒装多见于描述性的文件。 “否定句首时”指否定副词或否定连词置于句首时。4.省略if的虚拟条件句中用倒装结构:助动词were,had,“should+主语+动词原形”。如:Were he my friend,I would expect his help.=If he were my friend,I would expect hiw help.倘若他是我的朋友,我会期待他的援助。Should it rain tomorrow,I shall (should) stay indoors.=If it should rain tomorrow,I shall (should) stay indoors.如果明天下雨的话,我将留在屋里。Had he followed my advice,he would have succeeded.=If he had followed my advice,he would have succeeded.假若他从前听我的话,他早就成功了。5.as/though引导的让步状语从句用倒装结构:名词/形容词/副词/动词+as/though+主语+动词。Woman as/though she is,she is courageous.=Although she is a woman,she is courageous.她虽然是女人,却很勇敢。注意:该结构中名词前不用冠词Berave as/though he is,he trembles at the sight of a snake.=Though he is brave,he trembles at the sight of a snake.他虽然勇敢,看到蛇仍然会发抖。Hard as/though he studies,he can not pass the examination.=Although he studies hard,he can not pass the examination.他虽然非常成功,但仍然考试不及格。Try as/though he would,he could not do it well.=Although he would try,he could not do it well.他虽然尽了最大努力,但仍不能把它做好。 部分倒装歌诀部分倒装要记清,位置副词主人称,only,否定词放句首,让步、虚拟和sothat结构。 .there be 句型一、there be结构的肯定式there+(助动词或情态动词)+be+主语+地点(时间)状语。如:There is a picture on the wall.墙上有一张画儿。There are 24 hours in a day.一天又24小时。There were 1500 students in our school last year.去年我校有1500名学生。注意:there be结构的谓语形式遵循就近一致原则。如:There is a boy and a girl in the room.屋里有一个男孩和一个女孩。There are some exercise books and a pen on her desk.她的桌子上有一些练习本和一支钢笔。二、there be 结构的否定式there+be(助动词或情态动词)+not(any)/no+主语。如:There was not an underground in Beijing before.从前北京没有地铁。There is nothing more for me to do now.现在没有别的什么事要我做了。There willl be no dance this weekend.本周末没有舞会。三、there be结构的一般疑问式be/助动词/情态动词+(there+be)+(any)+主语。如;Is there anything I can do for you?你有什么事要我做的吗?Is there any water in your bottle?你的瓶子里有水吗?Will there be a report by an old experienced teacher this afternoon?今天下午将有位经验丰富的老教师做报告吗?四、there be结构的特殊疑问式疑问词(名词)+be+there+状语?如:How many months are there in a year?一年有几个月?Whats there in your pocket?你口袋里装的是什么?When will there be lasting world peace?什么时候时世界上能有持久的和平?How much money is there in the purse you have lost?你丢掉那个钱包里有多少钱?五、there be结构的特殊形式there+happen/seem/used to be 或live+主语+地点(时间)状语+其他。如:There happened to be an old friend of mine in the shop.恰好在商店里有我的一个老朋友。There used to ve a temple here.以前这里有一座庙。There seemed to be no point in refusing.看来没有理由拒绝。There once lived an old fishman in a village by the sea.从前,在海边的一个村庄里住着一个老渔民。 .it的用法一、 it作形式主语1. 真正的主语是不定式短语。如:It is a pity to be late.=To be late is a pity. 迟到是很遗憾的。It is up to you to decide.=To decide is up to you.这事要由你来决定。It makes me happy to hear he has recovered.=To hear he has recovered makes me happy.听说他恢复了健康,这使我很高兴。It would cost much to send a parcel by post.=To send a parcel by post would cost much.寄包裹要花费很多钱。2.真正的主语是名词性从句。如:It is natural that he has left with his family.=That he has left with his family is natural.他和他全家一起走了,这是很自然的。Its doubtful whether he would play the part.=Whether he would play the part is doubtfu.他是否要扮演这个角色值得怀疑。It hasnt been decided when we are to leave.=When we are to leave hasnt been decided.我们什么时候离开,还没有定下来。It doesnt matter what you do.你做什么都没有关系。3.真正主语是动名词。如:Its impossible getting everything ready in a minute.要马上把一切都准备好是不可能的。Its worthwhile working the whole night on the problem.用整夜的时间来研究那个问题是值得的。注意:以Its no use.Its no good等开头的句子常以动名词为真正的主语。如:Its no use tying to persuade him.要说服他是没有用的。Its no good your doing that over and over again.你翻来覆去地那样做是没有好处的。二、it作形式宾语1.真正宾语是不定式短语。如:We found it impossible to get there before July.=We found to get there before July impossible.我们觉得要在七月以前到达那里是不可能的。I consider it better to be early.=I consider to be early better.我认为能够早一些更好。2.真正宾语是名词性从句。如:I considered it natural that he has left with his family.我认为他和全家一起走上自然的。I think it a pity that we shall never have such a chance again.我认为我们再也不会得到这样一个机会,真是遗憾。3.真正宾语是动名词。如:I dont think it worehwhile taking so much trouble to do the job.我想不值得花这么大的精力去做那项工作。三、it作主语用于seem,appear,look,happen,turn out等为谓语,而后面又跟有一个that从句的句子。如:It seems that he is always correct.好像他总是正确的。It appears that she is an experienced teacher.看样子她像是一个有经验的教师。It happened that he had been hurt.恰巧他受了伤。It turns out that his article is a redundant exposition.结果他的文章是一篇冗长的说明文。注意:在以it为形式主语的句子里,that从句是句子的真正主语,可以放在句首。但上述it为主语的句子却不能那样颠倒语序。这些句中的that从句不是句子的真正主语。如不能说:That he is always correct seems.但可以改写为:He seems to be always correct.She appears to be an experienced teacher.He happened to have been hurt.His article turns out to be a redundant exposition.四、it作主语用于一些被动结构中。如:It is said that the new road will be opened to traffic next week.据说这条心的马路下周就要通车了。It is well-known that the bridge will be completed ahead of schedule.众所周知这座大桥要提前完工了。It is considered that the experiment is not worth trying.人名都认为这个实验不值得一试。五、it作主语用于一些习惯用法中。如:It makes no difference at all.一点关系也没有。It cant be helped.没有办法。Its hard to say.很难说。It comes to nothing.没有什么结果。It wont do.不行。Its splendid!好极了!六、it在某些习语中用作动词宾语或介词宾语。如:1.用动词宾语fight it out争辩个明白have it out 讲个明白let him have it让他吃顿苦头hang it out怠工hop it走开chuck it停止How comes it?这是怎么搞的?2.用作介词宾语make a day of it干了一天thats all there is to it如此而已theres nothing for it别无他法make a go of it使它成功make a clean breast of it坦白承认be hard put to it进退维谷you are on it精于此事you are hard up against it处境困难,困苦不堪you are in for it只有硬着头皮干下去,没有退路,难免倒霉 .强调结构一、 It is/wasthat强调句型1.构成:It is/was + 被强调部分+that+剩余部分Jane has been living in London since she left China.简自离开中国以来一直住在伦敦。It is Jane that/who has been living in London since she left China.(对主语Jane进行强调)It is in London that Jane has been living since she left China.(对地点状语从句in London进行强调)It is since she left China that Jane has been living in London.(对时间状语从句since she left Chian进行强调)2.引导词:一般只用that引导,that没有实际意义,只起语法连接作用。如果强调的是人,主语可以用who,宾格可以用whom引导。It was yesterday that I had my bicycle lost.正是昨天我把自行车弄丢了。It is in Beijing University that Jane is now studying art.简正是在北京大学学习艺术课程的。It was Mary who/that gave away the secret.正是玛丽泄露了秘密。It is Jeffrey whom/who/that we should help.我们应该帮助的正是杰弗里。3.时态:要依原句的时态而定,即原句为过去的某种时态,则强调句中的be就用过去式,原句为现在的某种时态,强调句中就用be的现在时态。有时还可用It might be/must have been/cant bethat等句式。It is Jazz that I hate most.我最不喜欢的就是爵士乐。It was because I was stuck in the traffic jam that I came late.正是因为我被困在交通堵塞中才来晚的。It must have been Philip who has taken away the book.或许正是菲利普拿走了这本书。It may be Betty who will hold the discussion tomorrow.或许明天主持讨论的正是贝蒂。4.人称和数:被强调的部分如若是句子的主语,that/who之后的谓语动词在人称和数上应与句子的主语保持一致。It is I who am to blame for the fault.正是我应该因这个过失而受责备。It is you who are likely to win the contest.可能赢这次竞赛的正是你。It is Jack who is going to see you.正是杰克要见你。5.it is/was强调结构三注意(1)对notuntil句式的强调You are not going out until youve finished your homework.直到你把作业做完才准备出去。强调句:It is not until youve finished your homework that you are going out.I didnt realize my mistake until you pointed it out to me.直到你给我指出来,我才意识到我犯的错误。强调句:It was not until you pointed it out to me that I realized my mistake.(2)强调句式的疑问形式一般疑问句的强调句式是“Is/Was it +被强调部分+that/who/whom+从句?”,特殊疑问句的强调句式是“特殊疑问词(疑问代词或疑问副词)+is/was+it that+陈述句语序”。注意特殊疑问句中只有疑问词可以被强调。Was it Sally that phoned just now?刚才打电话的正是莎丽吗?Who was it that just phoned just now?刚才打电话的究竟是谁?When was it that you lost your luggage?你究竟什么时间丢的行李?Where was it that Shakespeare was born?莎士比亚出生的地方究竟在哪里?(3)强调句型与从句的区别一般来说,如果把句子中的It is/wasthat去掉,稍加调整语序,能还原成完整句子,并且句子意思依然完整,则为强调句型。It was ten oclock when I got home last night.昨晚到家时已经10点了。It was at ten oclock that I got home last night.正是在晚上10点我到家的。It is a fact that he has lost the game by one score.事实是他以一分之差输掉了这一局。It is the fact that he has made us unhappy.事实是他使我们很不高兴。二、其他强调结构1.Whatis/was强调句型这种句式可以对谓语和其他成分进行强调。What I am going to tell you is that you won the first place in the game.我要告诉你的是你在比赛中获得了第一名。注意:当主句中含有do,不定式作状语可省略to。如:What I should do next is (to)get in touch with the manager.我下一步要做的就是与经理取得联系。What she is doing is (to) make an explanation about the accident.她现在正做的事对这场事故作一个解释。2.wh-ever疑问强调句型疑问词后加上ever可以对疑问句进行强调,常译为“究竟”。ever 可以与疑问词构成一个单词,也可以写成两个单词,why ever一般写成两个词。Why ever did you do so?你究竟为什么要这么做?What ever/Whatever are you going to do next?下一步你究竟要做什么?When ever/Whenever shall we meet again?我们究竟什么时间才能再见面?Where ever/Wherever have you been so long?你究竟在哪儿待了这么长时间?3.“do/does/di+动词原形”强调句型这种方法只能对肯定句的一般现在时和一般过去时进行强调;He does know the place well.他的确很熟悉这个地方。Do write to me when you get there.你到那儿后务必给我来信。He did phone you yesterday.他昨天的确给你打过电话。4.倒装强调句型将要强调的句子或被强调的部分置于句首,用以加强语气。On the table were some flowers.桌上摆着一些花。Many a time have I climbed that hill.我多次翻过那座山。Only in this way can we solve this problem.只有这样,我们才能解决这个问题。5.感叹句强调句型主要用what,how引出的感叹句,强调名词、形容词或副词等。How interesting a story it is!这是一个多么有趣的故事啊!What pretty flowers!多漂亮的花儿!How well you look!你看起来多么健康啊!What awful weather!天气糟透了!Oh,what a lie!啊,真是弥天大谎!6.将on earth,in the world短语主要置于疑问词之后,表示“到底,究竟”,用来加强语气What on earth is the matter there?那里究竟发生了什么事?Where


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