



20122013学年下学期五年级期中试卷英 语 听力部分(50分)一、选出你所听到的单词。(10分)( )1、 A.speak B.tell C.bake( )2、 A.job B.must C.light( )3、 A.cross B.ours C.theirs( )4、 A.sick B.send C.other( )5、 A.wait B.silly C.number二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(10分)w W w . X k b 1.c O m( )1、 A.May I speak to Mary ? B.May I speak to Kate ?( )2、 A.May I borrow your bike ? B.May I go home now ?( )3、 A.Lets go shopping . B.May I go with you ?( )4、 A.Look at the red light . B.Look at the white lines . 新| 课 |标 |第 |一| 网( )5、 A.Is this dog yours ? B.Is it yours ?三、听录音,选择你所听到的单词。(10分)( )1、There is a under the tree . A.horse B.house( )2、 in the tree ? A.What B.Whats ( )3、They are grass . A.eat B.eating( )4、 dog is this ? A.whose B.who 新 课 标 第 一 网( )5、We cross the street now . A.mustnt B.must四、听录音,排序。(15分)( )A.Look at these white lines .( )B.We can cross the street . ( )C.Now the light is green .( )D.We must cross the street here .( )E.Oh,yes.I see .笔试部分(70分) 一、按正确格式书写下列单词。(10分) mine ours light send other sick zoo next sky shine 二、选择。(15分)( )1、 can I get there ? w W w .x K b 1.c o M A.How B.what ( )2、There a horse under the tree . A.are B.is ( )3、Whats the tree ? A.on B.in( )4、Is this dog ? A.yours B.your( )5、Lets go . w W w .x K b 1.c o M A.shopping B.shop三、选择正确译文。(15分)( )1、yours A.你 B.你(们)的( )2、mine A.我的 B.九 ( )3、breakfast A.晚餐 B.早餐( )4、ours A.我们的 B.我们( )5、carry A.搬运 B.穿过四、选出下列单词中不同类的一项。(15分)( )1、A.pen B.ruler C.dog( )2、A.yellow B.blue C.street( )3、A.mum B.father C.teacher( )4、A.shopping B.swimming C.play( )5、A.he B.she C.we五、为下列词组选出正确译文。(15分)X k B 1 . c o m( )1、take a massage ( )2、have a look ( )3、in fro


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