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深圳小学四年级英语上册知识点汇总Unit 1 Our birthdaysUnit 2 Our holidaysUnit 3 Spots DayUnit 4 A school outingUnit 6 At the mallUnit 7 Eating outUnit 8 Shopping for foodUnit 9 Chinese New YearUnit 1 Our birthdays一. 重点单词1. calendar 日历 2. month 月份 3. idea 想法,主意 4. great-grandpa 曾(外)祖父 5. date 日期 6. day (一)天7.月份单词:January 1月(Jan.)February 2月(Feb.)March 3月(Mar)April 4月(Apr.)May 5月June 6月July 7月August 8月(Aug)September 9月(Sept.)October 10月(Oct.)November 11月(Nov.)December 12月(Dec.)8. 序数词:first 第一,second 第二,third 第三,fourth 第四,fifth 第五,sixth 第六,seventh 第七,eighth 第八,ninth 第九,tenth 第十二. 重点词组1. how many months 多少个月 2. a birthday calendar 生日日历3. buy Grandpa a present 给爷爷买了件礼物 4. good idea 好主意三. 重点句子1. How many months are there in a year? There are twelve months. 一年有几个月?有12个月。2. There are 365 or 366 days in a year. There are 30 or 31 days in a month. 一年有365或366天。一个月有30或31天。3. There are 28 or 29 days in February. 二月有28或29天。4. Whens your birthday? Its in August. Is today your birthday? Yes, it is. 你的生日是什么时候?在8月。今天是你的生日吗?是的。5. Whens Grandmas birthday? Its on October 12th. 奶奶的生日是什么时候?10月12日。6. Whats the date today? It is May 11. 今天是几号?5月11日。四. 语法1. 用Whens birthday?句型来问他人的生日在什么时候。回答用“Its on /Its in ”。eg:Whens your birthday? / Whens Pats birthday?什么时候是你的生日?(什么时候是帕特的生日?)Its in September. / Its on September 1.在九月。/ 在九月一日。2. 用Is your birthday in/on ?句型来问他人的生日是否在某月或某月某日。肯定回答用Yes, it is.否定回答用No,it isnt.3. Whats the date today?今天是什么日期。回答用“Its ”。注:Its 后直接为某月某日。不加介词in或on。除非问到生日的具体日期就要加oneg:(1)Whats the date today?今天是几月几号?Its Spetember 10 . 今天是九月10号。(2)Whens your birthday? 你的生日是在什么时候?Its on September 10.4. on +具体某一天on May 17,in+某月in September5.名词所有格。 即在名词的后面加“s”,译为:的。eg:mothers 妈妈的。如果有2个人的话,只是在后面的人加“s”。如果是以a结尾的单词,只加“ ”eg:Tom and Kens mother, students6. Today is my ninetieth birthday。(前面有the, my,her,his等词语修饰时候一定是用序数词)Unit 2 Our holidays一. 重点单词photo 照片; song 歌曲; year 年; poem 诗歌;soon 很快;不久; tomorrow 明天; then 然后; us 我们(宾格);二重点词组1. have a look 看一下;2. National Day 国庆节;3. draw a picture 画画;4. write a poem 写一首诗;5. sing a song 唱歌;6. Childrens Day 儿童节;7. Christmas Day 圣诞节;8. make a card 做卡片;9. Tiananmen Square 天安门广场;10. Mothers Day 母亲节;11. write soon 盼回信;12. Fathers Day 父亲节;13. Teachers Day/ Teachers Day 教师节三重点句子1. What are you doing? I am looking at Pats photos.你在干什么?我在看帕特的照片。2. Whats Pat doing? She is writing a poem for Teachers Day.帕特在干什么?她在为教师节写一首诗。3. What are you going to do? I am going to draw a picture of Tiananmen Square. 你打算做什么?我打算画一幅天安门广场的图画。4. Do you like my poem?Yes,I do./ No, I dont. 你喜欢我的诗吗? 是,我喜欢。/ 不,我不喜欢。四. 语法知识1. 现在进行时的构成:am / is / are + 现在分词(动词+ing) am,is,are的用法:I用am;he,she,it用is;they,we,you用are。2. 现在分词的构成:(有3种形式)以不发音的“e”结尾,去掉“e”再加“ing”的有:(仿照例子完成)makemaking take have love shakewrite drive dance live practice双写后面的辅音字母再加“ing”的有:(仿照例子完成)getgetting run swim skip cutwrap set stop shop putlet hit clap begin sit除此以外就直接加“ing”:eg:drawdrawing singsinging buybuying visitvisiting3. What are you going to do?你打算干什么?be going to是一般将来时态:表示将要发生的,但是还没有发生的。句子含有soon和tomorrow的时候要用将来时。问句含有be going to,答句也一定要用be going to。be going to +动词原型Unit 3 Sports Day一. 重点单词next 下一个; week 周,星期; ready 准备好的; throw 扔;skip 跳绳; catch 接住,抓住; race 比赛; practise 练习;event 比赛项目; news 新闻; fun 有趣的事; principal 校长;prize 奖品; way 方向,路,方法 hit 打,击中;二. 重点词组7excuse me 打扰了;throw a ball 扔球;do the long jump 跳远;do the high jump 跳高;catch a ball 接球;run in a race 跑步比赛;give the prize 颁奖;be good at擅长lots of 很多;have lots of fun 很开心practise for 为.做准备=get ready for;三. 重点句型1. What can you do? I can run in a race.你会干什么? 我会赛跑。2. Its Sports Day next week.3. They are practise for Sports Day.4. I am good at this event.5. They are going to give us the prizes today.6. Is Pat going to do.? Yes,she is. / No, she isnt.四. 语法知识1, What can you do? I can run in a race。你会做什么? 我会赛跑。(问句含有can,回答时候也要有can。can是情态动词+动词原型。)2,Is Todd going to do the long jump?Todd打算去跳远吗?肯定回答Yes,he is. He can do it well.否定回答No,he isnt.3,Im good at this event. (be good at+动词ing形式,表示擅长于、)Im good at running in a raceskippingcatching a ball4,This is our principal.这事我们的校长。介绍别人用This is5. lots of “许多”,即可修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词,与a lot of的意思和用法一样。Unit 4 A school outing一重点单词beach 海滩; sunglasses 太阳眼镜; paper 纸; camera 照相机;map 地图; lunchbox 午餐盒; their 他(她,它)们二重点词组sand castle 沙堡; each group 每组; great idea 好主意;make a big sandcastle 堆沙堡; good for you 你很棒三重点句型1. Whose money is this? It is my money. 这是谁的钱?我的钱。2. Do you have your sunglasses? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 你有太阳眼镜吗? 是的,我有。/ 不, 我没有。3. Are these your lunchboxes? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. 这些是你的午餐盒吗? 是的,它们是。/ 不,它们不是。4. Lets make a sand castle. 让我们堆城堡吧。四. 语法知识1. 人称代词和物主代词:人称人称代词物主代词单数复数单数复数第一人称我 I我们 we我的 my我们的 our第二人称你 you你们 you你的 your你们的 your第三人称他 he 她 she它 it他、她、它们they他的 his她的 her它的 its他、她、它们的their2. Whose game is this? 这是谁的游戏?(单数whoseis this? 一定要用Its回答) Whose cameras are these?这些是谁的游戏?(复数whoseare these?一定要用 Theyre回答)3. Its Mary and Toms map.(谁的东西一定要用所有格s表示,当两个人共有的东西时所有格加在后面那个人那里)Unit 6 At the mall一. 重点单词1. mall 购物商场2. toilet 厕所3. gift 礼物4. bank 银行5. one 一(个,只)6. beside 在旁边7. another 另一8. above 在.上面9. between 在中间10. below 在下面11. ground 地面12. need 需要13. shopping 买东西14. tea 茶二. 重点词组1. on the first floor在一楼2. on the ground floor在一楼(英国用法)3. the toy shop玩具店4. the shopping mall购物中心5. fast food restaurant快餐店6. a cup of tea一杯茶7. below the light在灯的下方8. beside the door在门旁边9. at the mall在商场10. above the window在窗户上方三. 重点句型1. There is a fast food restaurant. 这有一家快餐店。2. Wheres the pet shop? Its beside the bank. 宠物店在哪里? 在银行旁边。3. Is there a gift shop? Yes, there is. 这有礼物店吗? 是的,有。四. 语法知识1. There is / are 译为:有There is +名词单数(一般疑问句Is there,用Yes, there is/ No, there isnt回答)There are +名词复数(一般疑问句Are there,用Yes, there are/ No, there arent回答)2. 方位介词beside在旁边 betweenand在两者之间 above在上方 below在下方*on和above的区别: Theres a book on the desk. 书桌上有一本书。(桌子上面) Theres a light above the desk. 书桌上方有一盏灯。(桌子上方)3. I can see one. I can see another one.我能看到一只另外一只。 one 表示“一个”,可以指人或某物,也可以代指上文提及的可数名词,避免重复。 another 表示“另一个”,可与one一起连用。Unit7 Eating out一. 重点单词menu 菜单; sandwich 三明治; hamburger 汉堡包; packet 小包;fries 薯条; bowl 碗; noodles 面条; piece 片;glass 玻璃杯; dumpling 饺子; hungry 饿的; thirsty 渴的;would 想要,打算; matter 问题,事情; feel 感觉二. 重点词组1. a packet of fries 一袋薯条; 2. a bowl of noodles 一碗面条;3. a glass of juice 一杯果汁; 4. two cups of tea 两杯茶5. a piece of cake 一块蛋糕; 6. a glass of water 一杯水三. 重点句型1. Are you hungry? 你饿吗?Yes, a little. / Yes, I am. 是的,有一点。2. Are you thirsty? 你渴吗? No, Im not. I dont feel thirsty. 不,我不感觉渴。3. Do you like sandwiches? 你喜欢三明治吗? Yes, I do. 是的。/ No, I dont. 不,我不喜欢。4. What would you like? 你想吃点什么? Id like a bowl of noodles.我想吃一碗面条。四. 语法知识1. What would you like?“你想要些什么?”或“你要吃些什么?”,表示有礼貌地征询别人的需求,与What do you like?有一些区别,应该说程度不一样,后一句只是问对方喜欢什么。 eg:What would you like? 你想要点什么?Id like a bowl of noodles.我想要一碗面。(Id=I would like。) What do you like? 你喜欢什么? I like that red scarf. 我喜欢那条红色的围巾。2. How about you?你怎么样呢?通常用在上下文对话,反问对方问题时运用这样的句子。也可以说“What about you?”3. Whats the matter?“怎么了?”,通常是对别人身体或其它方面有疑问进行的提问,后面还可以加上人名。eg:Whats the matter with you, Kate? 凯特,你怎么了?I dont feel very well. 我感到有点儿不舒服。Unit8 Shopping for food一. 重点单词bread 面包; rice 米饭; egg 鸡蛋; coffee 咖啡; butter 黄油; tofu 豆腐; fried 油煎的; meat 肉; any 任何的; or 或者;list 清单; them 他(她,它)们 (宾格)二. 重点词组do some shopping购物shopping for food购买食物 a piece of bread 一块面包a piece of meat 一块肉a bag of rice 一袋大米fried chicken 炸鸡三. 重点句型1. Do you have any? Yes, I/we have. / No, I/we dont have. 你们有一些吗? 是的,我(们)有一些。 / 不,我(们)没有2. Is/Are there anyor? There is/are.四. 语法知识1. Do we have any bread? 我们还有面包吗?(some用在肯定句,any用在疑问句和否定句)2. Are there any vegetables or eggs?还有蔬菜或鸡蛋吗?There are some eggs.有一些鸡蛋.(or 用在疑问句和否定句中,and用在肯定句中。)Is there any meat or rice? 还有肉和大米吗?There is some rice but no meat.还有写大米,但是没有肉了。这里也可以用Yes, there is.No, there isnt.回答。结论:有or的选择疑问句一般不能用yesno回答。用There isare.或者There isare.but no 用There isare,决定于第一个名词。单数、不可数用is,复数用are.3. 名词分为可数名词和不可数名词:可数名词单数面前加a或an,复数词尾加“s”。eg:a boy; two boys an animal; animals an egg; eggs不可数名词前面既不能用a,an,也不能在词尾加s,但前面可以用some,much,也可以用the。eg:some water a lot of money常见的不可数名词有:bread butter coffee rice tofu meat milk fried chickentea juice news money paper hair fun water备注:paper不可数,但piece可数,所以复数要加在piece上面,同样tea不可数,但cup可数。eg:three piece of paper 三张纸 two cups of tea两杯茶4. Im going to buy them some presents tomorr


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