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Movingtogether 大展拳脚 Turnleft GuessingGame Turnright GuessingGame Walkonthezebracrossing GuessingGame GuessingGame Don tsmoke Nosmoking GuessingGame Don tplayfootball GuessingGame Don tparkyourcar GuessingGame Don teat GuessingGame Don tpicktheflowers Goupstairs GuessingGame GuessingGame Godownstairs Readandobserve 观察 Turnleft Turnright Pleasegoupstairs Godownstairs Walkonthezebracrossing Don tsmoke Don tplayfootball Don tparkyourcar Pleasedon teat Don tpicktheflowers 祈使句 祈使句 是表示请求 命令 劝告等的句子 通常说话的对象是第二人称you you常被省略 翻译 请打开你的书 Grammarfocus 祈使句 Drawtheconclusion 得出结论 上诉祈使句结构如下 Please dosth Please Don tdosth 肯定 否定 祈使句王国护卫队PV B L N D 大哥PV二哥B三哥L四哥N外加有个小妹D 1 大哥PPlease 动词原形 其他 即动词短语 please也可放在句尾 其前加逗号 Pleasesitdown Sitdown please 请坐 2 大哥V 动词原形 宾语 其它成分Closethewindow 关上窗户 Givemeacupoftea please Standup Openthedoor please Putupyourhand s please 3 二哥BBe 表语 名词 形容词等 其它Beagoodstudent 做个好学生 Bequiet 安静 Becareful Beatrueman 4 三哥LLet 宾语 通常为第一或第三人称宾格 动词原形 其它成分Let sgohome Let sgooutforawalk Let scleantheclassroom Lettheboy hercomein 5 四哥NNo 名词或动名词Notalking NOparking 6 小妹D 祈使句否定don t和not 1 Don t 动词原形Don tstandup 别站起来 Don tbecareless 别粗心 Don tletthemplaywithfire 别让他们玩火 2 Let s letsb not 动词原形Let snotsayanythingaboutit 对于这件事 咱们什么也别说 Letthemnotplaywithfire 别让他们玩 实战 2008 资阳中考 exerciseeveryday mychild It sgoodforyourhealth Fathersaid A TakingB TotakeC TakeD Takes 正确答案 C 实战 2008 南通中考 Sorryforbeinglateagain hereontimenexttime oryou llbepunished A BeB BeingC TobeD Been 正确答案 A 实战 重庆 Theworkishardforyou mehelpyou Let sB LetC LettingD Letto 正确答案 B 实战 2008 嘉兴中考 Sara talkloudly Thebabyissleepingrightnow A DoB DoesC Don tD Doesn t 正确答案 C Let sdoexercise 1 Jim meahand A givesB isgivingC willgiveD give2 careful Jenny Thereisatreeinfrontofyou A AmB C BeD Was3 Let s ourtime A notwasteB nowastingC nottowasteD nowaste4 higher andyouwillseethehouse OK A IfyoustandB TostandC WhenyoustandD Stand Exercises 5 Please doit A heB lethimC letheD him6 letanyoneopenthedoor A Don tB WillC NotD No7 Don tbelateagain Sorry A ImayB ImustC IwillD Iwon t8 Callmewhenyougethome OK A ImustB IcanC IwillD Imay Exercises 1 Don tbelateagain Mike A No Idon tB Don tworryC Sorry Iwon tD Idon tknow 解析 选C 2 Whichsignmeans NoPhotos 解析 选C 禁止拍照 3 Tom talkloudly Mylittlebrotherissleeping A DoB DoesC Don tD Doesn t4 Sorryforbeinglateagain hereontimenexttime oryou llbepunished A BeB BeingC TobeD Been 解析 选A 解析 选C 3 Tom talkloudly Mylittlebrotherissleeping A DoB DoesC Don tD Doesn t4 Sorryforbeinglateagain hereontimenexttime oryou llbepunished A BeB BeingC TobeD Been 解析 选A 解析 选C 5 Hurryup oryouwillmissthetrain 改为同义句 you hurryup youwillmissthetrain 解析 If don t 祈使句 or 简单句 可转换为if引导的条件状语从句的复合句 Summary 祈使句 是表示请求 命令 劝告等句子 通常说话的对象是第二人称you you常被省略 祈使句常见题型 1 Let s not 动词原形 Eg Let sgohometogether let snottalkintheclass 2 let s shallwe 3 Letsb willyou 4 祈使句 willyou 反意疑问句 祈使句口诀 祈使句 无主语 只用动词就可以 表示请求或命令 加上please表客气 如果变成否定句 Don t开头是规律 Notalking 是警示 祈使句用法要牢记 Let sdomoreexercises 1 Callmewhenyougethome OK A ImustB IcanC IwillD Imay2 Jim meahand A givesB isgivingC giveD willgive3 Letme ondutytoday A amB C beD do4 Let s ourtime A notwasteB nowastingC nottowasteD nowaste5 higher andyouwillseethehouse OK A IfyoustandB TostandC WhenyoustandD Stand C C C A D Choosethecorrectanswer 6 forgettowritetomewhenyou gettherenextTuesday A Don t willB Please willC Please D Don t 7 Please doit A heB heletC lethimD him8 comein please A WillB DoC Won tD Did9 careful A BedoB DobeC NotD Notdo10 letanyoneopenthedoor A Don tB WillC NotD No D C B B A 11 LetJohnfinishtheworkallbyhimself A shallweB willyouC doyouD dowe12 Let sgohome shallwe A That sright B That sallC That sallrightD Allright13 Pleaseturnonthelight A areyouB shallweC shallID willyou14 Don ttellhimthefactnow A shallweB shallyouC willyouD doyou15 Letthechildrennotmakesomuchnoise A shallweB willyouC shallID doyou B D D C B 16 6and4 andyouwillgetten A AddedB AddingC ToaddD Add17 lateagain orI llreportittoyourfather A Don tbeB Youaren tC Can tbeD Aren t18 Don tinterruptherwhensheisspeaking A won tyouB willyouC shallweD shan twe19 getoffthelorryuntilitstops A DoB Can tC D Don t20 Let snotbeginoursupperuntilfathercomesback A willyouB won tyouC shallweD shan twe D A B D C Homework1 Pleaseopenyourbooks 变否定 Please yourbooks yourbooks


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