



Technology Industry Seen Growing Fastest in New York (The New York Times)在纽约成长最快的科技产业(纽约时报)Technology Industry Seen Growing Fastest in New York在纽约成长最快的科技产业(2012-5-9)New York Citys budding technology industry is growing rapidly by attracting investors and engineering talent despite spotty access to a reliable broadband network, according to a study released on Wednesday.根据周三公布的一项研究,吸引投资者和工程技术人才尽管参差不齐访问可靠的宽带网络,但是,纽约市的萌芽技术产业发展迅速。 The study, “New Tech City,” conducted by the Center for an Urban Future, concluded that the technology industry is growing faster in New York City than anywhere else in America and that the city now trails only Silicon Valley as a hub for the development of new technology companies. The studys authors, Jonathan Bowles and David Giles, identified 486 technology companies that had been founded in the city since 2007 and determined that the financial crisis and the recession that followed did not slow the industrys growth.在由城市未来中心进行的“新科技城”研究中,得出的结论是科技产业在纽约市的增长速度比其他任何在美国发展的枢纽城市都快,现在落后的只有硅谷新技术公司。研究报告的作者,乔纳森鲍尔斯和戴维贾尔斯,确定了自2007年以来486个技术公司已在全市的成立,并发现,随后的金融危机和经济衰退并未减缓该行业的增长。Mr. Bowles said the technology investors he interviewed agreed that in the last few years, New York had eclipsed the Boston area as the second-leading breeding ground for tech companies in the country. Silicon Valley, around San Jose, Calif., is still by far the dominant center of the industry, but New York was the only place where the number of deals to finance tech start-ups rose between 2007 and 2011, Mr. Bowles said.鲍尔斯先生说,他采访的技术投资者同意,在过去的几年里,在该国第二大温床的纽约波士顿地区的高科技公司已黯然失色。他说,迄今为止加利福尼亚州圣何塞市,硅谷及周围仍是该行业的主导中心,但在2007年和2011年之间,纽约是资助高新技术初创企业数量上升的唯一的交易地方。The number of venture capital deals in New York rose by 32 percent in that period, while it fell by more than 10 percent across the nation, the report said.报告说,在这期间,纽约的风险投资交易数量上升32,而全国下跌10以上。The report attributes some of the growth to the efforts of the administration of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg to reduce the citys dependence on Wall Street as an economic engine. The push to build up the industry has been much more successful than previous efforts to establish the city as a hub for biotechnology or environmental technology, which Mr. Bowles calls clean tech.该报告认为,市长迈克尔布隆伯格的管理的一些加强是作为一个经济引擎降低城市对华尔街的依赖。鲍尔斯先生呼吁,推动建立行业比以前建立生物技术,环保技术的努力,清洁技术的枢纽城市已经更加成功。“Its important to understand that New York has not passed Boston in biotech or in clean tech,” he said.他说:“重要的是要明白,纽约尚未通过波士顿生物技术或清洁技术”。One reason that the development of digital technology seems to be taking root in the city is that the current wave of innovation is not about designing computers or chips or building infrastructure for the Internet, but about devising creative applications of mobile technology for various industries. New Yorks dominant positions in industries like finance and advertising have made it a natural place for those seeking to invent digital services in those fields.要在城市发展数字技术的的根本原因之一是,创新的电流波形不是计算机或芯片设计或建设互联网的基础设施,而是为各行业制定关于移动通信技术的创新应用。纽约的金融业和广告业的主导地位已成为那些寻求在这些领域发明的数字化服务的天然场所。One company the city has spawned is Tumblr, an online platform for sharing photos and other media. Founded in 2007 and based in the Flatiron district of Manhattan, Tumblr now has more than 100 employees.全市已催生了一个共享照片和其他媒体的网上平台的公司是Tumblr。Tumblr成立于2007年,总部设在曼哈顿熨斗区,现拥有员工100余人。Tumblr is one of 10 start-ups in the city that each have attracted more than $50 million from investors, according to the report. The others, mostly digital media and e-commerce companies, include Gilt Groupe, Foursquare and Fab.根据该报告,在城市,Tumblr是每次都吸引了超过500万投资者的10大初创之一。其它的主要是数字媒体和电子商务公司,包括Gilt Groupe的,四方和Fab。Mr. Bowles said it was difficult to tally just how many people work in the citys tech areas, but he said it was clear that the number had been growing at a “phenomenal clip.” In the last five years, the number of information technology jobs in the city increased by almost 29 percent, or about eight times as fast as the citys total employment grew.鲍尔斯先生说,究竟有多少人在这个城市的高科技领域的工作是很难相符,但他说,很显然,这一数字已在越来越多的“惊人的剪辑”。在过去五年中,信息技术专业在城市的就业机会增加了近29,或作为城市的总就业人数的增长约8倍快。The study found that the tech start-ups were concentrated in about 10 ZIP codes in Lower Manhattan and Midtown, in part because attractive locations in Brooklyn and other boroughs lacked adequate broadband access.A significant problem is that many of these technology companies need a backup source of Internet access but usually cannot arrange affordable redundancy, Mr. Bowles said.研究发现,约10邮政编码集中在曼哈顿下城,其中部分因为在布鲁克林和其他行政区的宽带接入,高新技术初创缺乏足够的吸引力的地点。鲍尔斯先生说,一个重要的问题是,许多这些技术公司的上网需要备份的来源,但通常不能安排实惠的冗余。New Yorks broadband infrastructure deserved a grade of “B or B-minus,” he said. “For a city thats trying to be a tech powerhouse, we need to have an A.”他说,纽约的宽带基础设施,当之无愧“B或B-减去一个档次”。“对于一个城市,试图成为一个高科技强国,我们需要有一个A”。He recounted a previous effort by the city to address the problem by creating a telecommunications task force and hiring consultants. But in the end, he said, “it went nowhere; they really didnt do anything.”他讲述了一个城市由先前的努力来解决问题,通过创建一个电信专案组,并聘请顾问。但最后,他说,“这地方都没去,他们真的什么也没做。”Th


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