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中国地质大学长城学院 本科毕业设计外文资料翻译 系 别: 工程技术系 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 姓 名: 黄杰 学 号: 05211526 2015年 4月 18日 夹具的发展及其趋势分析 近些年来,随着数控机床、加工中心、柔性制造单元、柔性制造系统等现代化加工设备的广泛应用,使传统的机械加工的制造方法发 生了重大变革,夹具的功能逐渐转变为装夹、定位。而数字化的设备加工功能的扩大化,给今后夹具的快速定位、快速装夹提出了更高地要求。 夹具 ,就是在机械的加工和制造的过程之中 ,用来定位和固定加工器件的一种机械设备 ,夹具在整个加工过程中占有极其重要的地位 ,他不但可以准确地固定加工器具 ,还能对器件的施工和检测带来诸多的方便。 机床夹具 是一种具有较高柔性的先进工艺装备 ,主要适用于数控机床、加工中心以及柔性加工单元和柔性制造系统 ,不仅保持了组合夹具的传统优势 ,而且更符合现代加工理念。它是由一套预先制造好的各种不同形状、不同规 格尺寸的标准元件组装而成。 在机械加工制造过程中,用来固定加工对象,使其占有正确的位置,以便接受施工、检测的装置,都可统称为“夹具”。 钻床夹具从产生到现在,大约可以分为三个阶段:第一个阶段主要表现在夹具与人的结合上,这时夹具主要是作为人的单纯的辅助工具,使加工过程加速完成和趋于完善;第二个阶段,夹具成为人与机床之间的桥梁,夹具的功能发生变化,它主要用于工件的定位和夹紧。人们越来越认识到夹具与操作人员改进工作及机床性能的提高有着密切的关系,所以对夹具引起了重视;第三阶段表现为夹具与机床的结合,夹具作为机床的 一部分,成为机械加工中不可缺少的工艺装备。 1 国内外发展趋势 夹具是机械加工不可缺少的部件,在机床技术高速、高效、精密、复合、智能、环保方向发展的带动下,夹具技术正朝着高精、高效、模块、组合、通用、经济方向发展。 1.1 高精度 随着机床加工精度的提高,为了降低定位误差,提高加工精度对夹具的制造精度要求,更高精度夹具的定位孔距精度高达正负 5 微米,夹具支撑面的垂直度达到 0.01mm/300mm,平行度高达 0.01mm/500mm。德国 demmeler 公司制造的长 4m、宽 2m 的孔系列组合焊接夹具平台,其高 误差为正负 0.03mm,精度平口钳的平行度和垂直度在 5 微米以内,夹具重复安装的定位精度高达 25 微米。机床精度已提高到微米级。 1.2 高效率 为了提高机床的生产效率,双面、四面和多件装夹的夹具产品越来越多。新型的电控永磁夹具,夹紧和松开工件只要 1.2 秒,夹具机构简化,为机床进行多 工位、多面和多件加工创造了条件。为了缩短在机床上安装与调整夹具的时间,瑞典 3R 夹具仅用一分钟,即可完成线切割机床夹具的安装与校正,采用美国 jergens 公司的球锁装夹系统,一分钟就能将夹具定位和锁紧在机床工作台上。 1.3 模块化 组合夹具元件模块化是实现组合化的基础。省工、省时、节材、节能,体现在各种先进夹具系统的创新之中。模块化设计为夹具的计算机辅助设计与组装打下基础。应用 CAD技术,可建立元件库、典型夹具库、标准和用户使用档案库,进行夹具优化设计。组合夹具分会与华中科技大学合作,正在着手创建夹具专业技术网站,为夹具行业提供信息交流、夹具产品咨询与开发的公共平台,争取实现夹具设计与服务的通用化、远程信息化和经营电子商务化。 1.4 通用化 经济夹具的通用性直接影响其经济性。夹具系统的可重组性、可重构性及可 扩展性功能强,应用范围广,通用性好,夹具利用率高。德国 demmeler 公司的孔系列组合焊接夹具,仅用品种、规格很少的配套元件即能组装成多种多样的焊接夹具。元件功能强,使得夹具的通用性好,元件少而精,配套的费用低,经济实用才有推广应用的价值。 随着我国经济的高速发展,社会对机械产品需求多样化的趋势也越来越明显,为此,制造技术的研究者提出了成组技术的科学理论及实践方法,它能从根本上解决生产由于品种多,产量小带来的矛盾。成组技术是一门生产技术科学,它研究如何识别和发掘生产活动中有关事务的相似性,并对其进行充分利用 。即把相似的问题归类成组,寻求解决这一组问题相对统一的最优方案,以取得所期望的经济效益。成组技术应用与机械加工方面,乃是将多种零件按其工艺的相似性分类成组,形成零件组。把同一零件组分散得小生产量汇集成较大的成组生产量,从而使小批量生产能获得近于大批量生产的经济效果。 2 国内成组技术应用及现状 2.1 成组技术的应用 目前发展的成组技术是应用系统工程学的观点,把中、小批生产中的设计制造和管理等方面作为一个生产系统整体,统一协调生产活动的各个方面,全面实施成组技术以提高综合经济效益。 2.1.1 产品设 计方面 由于用成组技术指导设计,赋予各类零件以更大的相类似,这就为在制造管理方面实施成组技术奠定了良好的基础,使之取得更好地效果。以成组技术为指导的设计合理化和标准化将为实现计算机辅助设计奠定良好的基础;为设计信息最大程度的重复使用,加快设计速度,节约时间作出贡献。据统计,当设计一种新产品时,往往有 3/4 以上的零件设计可参考借鉴或直接引用原有产品图纸,从而减少新设计的零件,这不仅可免除设计人员的重复性劳动,也可以减少工艺准备工作和降低制造费用。 2.1.2 制造工艺方面 成组技术在制造工艺方面最先得到广泛 应用。开始是用于成组工序,即把加工方法、安装方式和机床调整相近的零件归结为零件组,设计出适用于全组零件加工的成组工序。成组工序允许采用同一设备和工艺装置,以及相同或相近的机床调整加工全组零件,这样,只要能按零件组安排生产调度计划,就可以大大减少由于零件品种更换所需要的机床调整时间。此外,由于零件组内诸零件的安装方式和尺寸相近,可设计出应用于成组工序的公用夹具,只要进行少量的调整或更换某些零件,公用夹具就可适用于全组零件的工序安装。 2.1.3 生产组织管理方面 成组加工要求将零件按工艺相似性分类形成加工组 ,加工同一加工组有其相应的一组机床设备。因此,很自然成组生产系统要求按模块化原理组织生产,即采取成组生产单元的生产组织形式。成组技术是计算机辅助管理系统技术基础之一。这是因为运用成组技术基本原理将大量信息分类成组,并使之规格化、标准化,这将有助于建立结构合理的生产系统公用数据库,可大量压缩信息的储存量,由于不再是分别针对一个工程问题和设计程序,可使程序设计优化。 2.2 成组技术的发展现状 成组技术从 20 世纪 52 年代提出到如今已经历了近 50 年得发展和利用。成组技术作为一门综合性的生产技术科学是计算机辅助设 计、计算机辅助工艺过程设计、计算机辅助制造和柔性制造系统等方面的技术基础。我国早在 20 世纪 60 年代初就在纺织机械、飞机、机床及工程机械等机械制造业中推广应用成组技术,并见成效。因此,成组技术受到国家有关部、局和工厂企业、研究所及高等院校的重视。目前,正积极开展这一方面的科学研究、人才培训和推广应用等工作,原机械部设计研究院负责组织研制的全国机械零件分类编码系统 JLBMI,它将对我国推广应用成组技术起到积极推进作用。我国不少高等工业院校结合教学和科研工作,在成组技术基本理论及其应用方面,如零件分类编码系统、零 件分类成组方法和计算机辅助编码、分类、工艺设计、零件设计、生产管理的软件系统等方面都开展了许多研究工作,并取得了不少成果。可以相信,随着应用推广和科研工作的持续开展,成组技术对提高我国机械工业的制造技术和生产管理水平将日益发挥其重要的作用。 机械工业是国民经济的支柱产业,现代机械制造技术是机械工业赖以生存和发展的重要保证。机床夹具随着科技的发展使计算机技术、数控技术、控制论及系统工程与制造技术结合为制造系统,形成现代制造工程学。在机械制造中,可能会使用很多专用夹具,这些夹具可以提高劳动生产率,提高加工精度, 减少废品,可以扩大机床的工艺范围,改善操作者的劳动条件。因此,夹具是机械制造的一项重要工艺设备,这也给今后机床夹具的发展提出了更高的要求。 Fixture development and trend analysis In recent years, with the numerical control machine tools, machining centers, flexible manufacturing cells, flexible manufacturing systems, the extensive application of modern processing equipment, the traditional method of machining manufacturing has undergone major changes, fixture clamping function gradually changed, positioning . And digital processing functions of the expansion device, to quickly locate the next fixture, to quickly put a higher clamping requirements. Fixture is in the mechanical processing and manufacturing process, used to locate a device and fixed processing machinery and equipment, fixtures in the entire process occupies an extremely important position, he not only can accurately fixed processing equipment, but also construction and testing of devices to bring a lot of convenience. Clamping is a high flexibility of advanced technology and equipment, mainly applied to CNC machine tools, machining centers and flexible manufacturing cells and flexible manufacturing systems, not only to maintain the traditional advantages of modular fixture, and more in line with modern processing concept. It is a good variety of different pre-made shapes, different sizes of standard components assembled. In the mechanical manufacturing process, for a fixed processing object, it occupies the correct position to accept the construction, testing devices, can be collectively referred to as fixture. Drilling jig from generation to now, some can be divided into three stages: the first phase mainly in combination with others on the fixture, then fixture primarily as an aid to the simple people, and accelerate the completion of the process tends to improve ; the second stage, fixtures become a bridge between man and machine tools, fixtures functional changes, it is mainly used for workpiece positioning and clamping. Growing awareness of fixtures and improvements and machine operators to improve the performance of closely related, so attention was given to the fixture; third stage performance of the combination of fixture and machine tools, machine tool fixture as part of a machining indispensable technology and equipment. 1 Domestic and international trends Machining fixture is an indispensable component in the machine tool technology, high-speed, high efficiency, precision, complex, intelligent, environmentally friendly direction, driven by high precision technology is moving fixtures, high efficiency, module, assembly, general economic direction. 1.1 Precision With the improvement of precision machine tools, in order to reduce positioning errors, improve the precision of the manufacture of precision jigs, fixtures more accurate positioning accuracy up to plus or minus 5 micron pitch, vertical surface fixture support up 0.01mm/300mm, parallel up to 0.01mm/500mm. Manufactured in Germany demmeler length 4m, 2m wide hole series combination of welding fixture platform, the high error of plus or minus 0.03mm, precision flat-nose pliers parallelism and perpendicularity of 5 microns or less, repeat the installation fixture positioning accuracy of up to 2 5 microns. Machine tool accuracy has improved to the micron level. 1.2 High efficiency In order to improve the productivity of the machine, double, four and more than clamping fixture products more and more. The new electronically controlled permanent fixture, workpiece clamping and release as long as 1.2 seconds, a fixture agencies to simplify, to machine tools for multi-station, multi-faceted and multi-part processing to create the conditions. In order to shorten the machine time of fixture installation and adjustment, Sweden 3R fixture in just a minute to complete EDM fixture installation and calibration, using the U.S. jergenss ball lock clamping system, one minute will be able to fixture and locking the machine table. 1.3 Modular Modular fixture elements are combined to achieve a combination of the base. Saving labor, time, materials, energy, reflected in a variety of advanced systems of innovation among the fixture. Modular fixture design and assembly of computer-aided design basis. Application of CAD technology to create a component library, a typical fixture libraries, standard and user archive for fixture optimization. Modular fixture branch cooperation with Huazhong University of Science and Technology, is working to create a professional website fixture, fixture industry for the exchange of information, fixtures, product consulting and development of public platforms, and services for fixture design to achieve the universal, long-range information technology and business e-commerce of. 1.4 Universal Economic fixture versatility that directly affect their economy. Fixture system reconfigurability, reconfigurable and scalable feature strong, wide range of applications, common good, high efficiency fixtures. Germany demmelers series combination of welding fixture hole, only species, size small kit that can be assembled into a variety of welding fixtures. Component function is strong, making the fixture common good, concise components, supporting low-cost, economical and practical application have value. With Chinas rapid economic development, social demand for machinery products has become increasingly evident trend of diversification, for manufacturing technology researchers have proposed the scientific theory of group technology and practices, it can fundamentally solve the production As the varieties, yield little to bring the conflict. Group technology is a production technology of science that studies how to identify and explore issues related to production activities similarity, and its full use. That is classified into a group of similar problems, seek solutions to this problem is relatively uniform set of optimal solutions to achieve the desired economic benefits. Application of group technology and mechanical processing, but the variety of parts according to their classification into a process similar to the group, to form parts group. Scattered parts of the same group were pooled into a niche production in groups larger production, so that the small batch production to get close to the economic effects of mass production. 2 Domestic technology and the status of group 2.1 The application of group technology The current development of group technology is the application of systems engineering point of view, the medium and small batch production and management, design and manufacture of a production system as a whole, unified and coordinated all aspects of production activities, the full implementation of group technology to improve the overall economic benefits. 2.1.1 Product design As the use of group technology to guide the design, giving all kinds of parts similar to larger, which is implemented in the manufacturing group technology management has laid a good foundation, so to achieve better results. To group technology to streamline and standardize the design guidance for computer-assisted design to lay a good foundation; to the greatest degree of design information reuse, faster design, saving time to contribute. According to statistics, when designing a new product, they often have 3 / 4 or more parts designed to draw or direct reference to the original reference to drawings, thereby reducing the newly designed parts, which not only eliminates the designers repetitive work, but also preparation can reduce the process and reduce manufacturing costs. 2.1.2 Manufacturing process Group technology in the manufacturing process was first widely used. Start is used for group process, that the processing methods, mounting and adjustment of machine parts due to similar parts groups, designed to fit the whole group into a group of parts machining processes. Into a group of processes using the same equipment and technology to allow devices, and the same or similar processing of the whole group to adjust the machine parts, so long as the parts can be arranged according to production schedules, you can greatly reduce the variety of replacement parts needed to adjust the time machine. In addition, as part of various components within the group and size of installation are similar, can be used to design a common set of processes fixture, as long as a small amount of adjustment or replacement of certain parts, the public can apply to the whole group fixture parts installation process . 2.1.3 Production organization and management Processing requirements will be part of group process is similar to classification by processing group formation, processing the same process group has its corresponding set of machine tool equipment. Therefore, it is natural to group the modular production system required by the principles of organization of production, that production unit to the production of group organization. Group Technology is the foundation of computer-aided management system technology. This is because the basic principles of group technology using large amounts of information will be classified into groups, and make normalization, standardization, which will help to establish structured production system common database of information can be a lot of compressed storage capacity, as no longer respectively, for an engineering and design process, enables the program to design optimization. 2.2 Development of Group Technology Group technology made from the 20th century to the present 52 years has gone through nearly 50 years was the development and use. Group Technology as a comprehensive scientific production technology is computer-aided design, computer aided process design, computer aided manufacturing and flexible manufacturing systems and other aspects of technological base. In the early 20th century, in the early 1960s, textile machinery, aircraft, machine tools and construction machinery and other machinery manufacturing industry in promoting the application of group technology, and effective. Therefore, group technology by the relevant state ministries, departments and factories and enterprises, research institutes and institutions of higher importance. At present, are active in this area of scientific research, personnel training and application, etc., former Ministry of Machinery Design and Research Institute is responsible for organizing the development of national mechanical parts classification and coding system JLBMI, it
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