



Module 8 学案 参考答案第一课时:(听说课)1 英汉词组互译a lot of by the way want to do look after on the left play the guitar pick up try out expect to do2语法自学:根据中文意思完成英文句子。Step 2 听力训练(Activity 3)1. 今天玲玲的自行车坏了,所以她得步行来上学。2. 他早早的离开了。她的照相机出问题了3. 托你的父亲已经来接他了。听第一段对话,完成1.2小题 (Beginninglater) 1. C 2. B听第二段对话(Later-ending )填写表格信息.1. boy 2. camera 3. fatherStep 3 语法讲练(Activity 3)1) 就是这支乐队可以让人们都跳起舞来。2) 他就是赢得上一次摄影大赛的摄影者。新课 |标 第|一|网 3) 那个去年夏天赢得摄影比赛的摄影者?4) 我拍了几张特棒的在左边弹吉他的男孩的照片。5) 他父亲才是最不高兴的人呢。请同学们观察画线词语的用法which: 先行词为 物 who: 先行词为_人_请同学们用which 和who 来连句子1. The building which stands by the lake is our school.2. Here is the girl who wants to see you. 3. I am the only student who can run faster than Peter.4. Yesterday we bought a book which is really hard to understand.5. Is this the play which we will see next month.Step 4当堂检测(语法和句型) 1 单项选择。 A B C D2 完成句子。 1) Theres something wrong with 2) on the left 3) try, out 4) pick him up 第二课时:(阅读课) Unit 2 Read on to find out who the winners are.课堂学案Step 1课前预习检测 (根据学生情况,可以二选一)1 英汉词组互译。 1) be pleased with 2) comparewith 3) even though 4) agree to do 5) 给山峰拍照 6)尽力/努力展示动作 7)一组照片在 8)使北京闻名世界9 祝贺我们的获奖者 10在月底新-课-标- 第- 一-网2 用方框中所给的词组的正确形式完成下列各句。 1)got lost 2) ran away 3) At the end of 4)grow up 5) are talking aboutStep 2 阅读训练。1 主旨阅读: P 1 The prize of the Most Unusual category P 2 Congratulations and presenting the prizes P 3 The prize of the Music category P 4 The prize of the Historic China P 5 The introduction of the photo competition P6 The prize of the Most Beautiful Nature2 细节阅读:(根据学生情况,可以二选一)阅读课文,回答下列问题。1) Yes.ww w.x k b1.c o m2) Four. / 43) Li Wei.4) Because it shows the rich culture of the capital.(Because it shows the rich culture which makes Beijing so famous.)5) Results of student photo competition.阅读课文,完成下列表格信息。WinnerPrizeSubjectCommentLi WeiMost Beautiful NatureMountains in Xiang-shan ParkKnows the park wellZhao MinHistoric ChinaTianan men SquareShows the size and beauty of the square perfectlyHe ZhongMusicCrazy Feet/ Becky WangShows movement of the band and fansThree pupilsMost UnusualBeijingShows the rich culture of the capital3 阅读提升:(根据学生情况,可以二选一) 阅读课文,还原句子。 1 B 2 A 3 D 4 C微完形填空。 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 D 5 A Step 3 巩固加深练练吧! 1) is/ was pleased with 2) managed to teach 3) has agreed to present 4) was taken byStep 4 当堂检测(语法和句型)1 单项选择(语法) 1) B 2)A 3) C 4)C 5)A2 完成句子(句型) 1) pleased with 2) was taken by 3) always manages to teach us how to 4) agreed to present第三课时:(写作课) Unit 2 Its still read and loved.课堂学案Xk mStep 1 课前复习检测1英汉词组互译 1)even though/if 2)agree to do sth 3)be pleased with 4)在末端 5)find out 6)祝贺某人 7)take photos 8)设法做某事 9)be far from 10)和相比较2完成句子 1)at the end of 2) is pleased with 3) makes/ made us think 4) pick him up 5) Compared withStep 2 写作训练活动一 连词成句 1. Everyone has some free time. 2 . Some like watching TV. 3. Some spend their free time playing computer games.4. I join some interest groups.5. Im interested in basketball team6. I often read books. 7. I do sports at weekends.8. I help my parents do housework.9. I hope our life will be rich and colourful.ww w.x k m活动二:翻译练习。1. I have some good ways to enjoy myself in my free time. 2. I join some of the interest groups and take part in some social activities. 3. I often read some books so that I can get more knowledge. 4. I find doing housework is also a kind of exercise,it makes me happy. 5. I hope everyone can make good use of our free time and make our life rich and colorful.活动三:写作练习。Everyone has some free time.Some like watching TV in their free time .Some spend much time playing computer games. I dont think its good for their studies or health.I have some good ways to enjoy myself in my free time. I join some of the interest groups and take part in some social activities.I feel very happy with my friends. Besides I often read some books so that I can get more knowledge. I think its very helpful to my study.Sometimes I do sports with my classmates at the weekends. It really makes me healthy and strong.Whats more if I have time, I often help my parents do some housework. I find doing housework is also a kind of exercise,it makes me happy.I hope everyone can make good use of our free time and make our life rich and colorful.第四课时:(复习课) Unit 3 Language in use.Step 1 课前复习检测1:英汉词组互译1 enter the photo competition 2 by the way 3 look after 4 except to do 5 on the left 6 even though 7 be pleased with 8 compared with 9 far from 10at the end of 11在后面 12 很多 13 在前面 14 试验,试用 15 捡起,用车接 16 找出,发现 17 一个. 收藏 18谈论 19 从 到 20 与一样2:完成句子1. There is something wrong with 2. who you expect to see3. makes/ made the young man famous4. too old to take good photos5. has agreed to present the prizes to Step 3 语法训练用wh


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