七年级英语下册 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend Section A(第2课时)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
七年级英语下册 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend Section A(第2课时)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
七年级英语下册 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend Section A(第2课时)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
七年级英语下册 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend Section A(第2课时)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第4页
七年级英语下册 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend Section A(第2课时)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第5页
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unit12whatdidyoudolastweekend sectiona第2课时 2a 3c sheepn 羊 绵羊 naturaladj 自然的 butterflyn 蝴蝶 visitorn 游客 访问者 stayuplate深夜不睡 熬夜 tiredadj 疲倦的 疲劳的 2a listenandunderlinethewordsyouhear 1 ivisitedmy aunt grandma 2 ididmy homework sports 3 istudiedforthe english math test 4 iwenttoa farm beach 5 ifedsome sheep cows 2b listenagain writecforcarol jforjackorbforbeckynexttothestatementsin2a 1 ivisitedmygrandma 2 ididmyhomework 3 istudiedfortheenglishtest 4 iwenttoafarm 5 ifedsomecows b b c j j 2c studentaasksquestionswithwho whatorwhereandstudentbanswers thenchangeroles reading 2d readtheconversationandanswerthequestions howwaslisa sweekend 2 wheredidlisaworkasaguide itwasgreat atthenaturalhistorymuseum 3 whatdidshedothere 4 whyispaultirednow 2d shetoldthevisitorsaboutthebutterfliesandtheirlivinghabits becausehestayeduplatetowatchthesoccergame role play 2d role playtheconversation hi lisa howwasyourweekend great thanks whatdidyoudo iworkedasaguideatthenaturalhistorymuseum really howinteresting itoldthevisitorsaboutthemandtheirlivinghabits didyouhaveagoodweekend yeah itwasfun theyhaveabutterflyhousewithover200kindsofbutterflies yeah itwasgood buti mkindoftirednow istayeduplatetowatchthesoccergame grammarfocus 3a fillintheblankswithwho what whereorhow a didyoudolastweekend b iplayedbadmintononsaturday a soundsfun didyouplaywith b iplayedwithmyfather he sreallygood what who 3a 2 a wasyourweekend b itwasgreat ihadsomuchfun a didyougo b theweatherwasbeautiful soiwenttothebeachwithmyparents how where 3a 3 a didjimlose b helosthiskeys heoftenlosesthings a that stoobad didhelosethem b ihearditwasyesterday what when 3b completethepassagewiththecorrectformsofthewordsinthebox saybeclimbseerunaway afamilyofmicewereinthekitchenonsaturdaymorningwhenthey abigcat babymouse afraidand ontohisfather sback 3b fathermouseshoutedatthecat woof woof thecatquickly wow dad you regood babymouse well son that swhyit simportanttolearnasecondlanguage answeredfathermouse 3b 方法指导 这是一个短文填空题 用所给动词的正确时态将短文内容补充完整 2 先应通读一遍短文来掌握文章的大意 然后通过文中的一些重点句子的时态来确定整个故事发生的时间 3b 由第一句中的 were 及时间状语 onsaturdaymorning 可以确定本文的故事发生在过去 故除了一些直接引语句子外 应用一般过去时态 3 细读每一句话 根据上下文意来推敲空格处的意思 确定用哪一个词汇 写出其正确的形式 3b checktheanswers afamilyofmicewereinthekitchenonsaturdaymorningwhenthey abigcat babymouse afraidand ontohisfather sback saw were climbed 3b fathermouseshoutedatthecat woof woof thecatquickly wow dad you regood babymouse well son that swhyit simportanttolearnasecondlanguage answeredfathermouse ranaway said 3c thinkoftwothingsyoudidlastweekend drawpicturesofthem yourclassmatesguesswhatyoudid whatdidido youwentwithyourdaughter youwentboating languagepoints 1 whovisitedhergrandma 1 who是特殊疑问词 意为 谁 什么人 以who引导的特殊疑问句 对指人名词或代词提问 其句型是 whodid 主语 动词 其他 或 who 动词 其它 如 whodidyoutalkto 你和谁交谈 whowenttothelibrary 谁去了图书馆 languagepoints 2 visited是visit的过去式 意为 参观 访问 拜访 看望 探望 如 hevisitedhisfriendsinthehospitalyesterdayafternoon 昨天下午他去医院探望了他的朋友 visit可作名词 意为 参观 访问 如 theteachershadavisittoourschoollastweek 那些老师上周去参观我们学校 languagepoints 2 iworkedasaguideatthenaturalhistorymuseum as作介词 意思是 作为 以 身份 如 hecametochinaasatouristfiveyearsago 他五年前以游客的身份来过中国 languagepoints as用作连词引导原因状语从句 as because since都可以表示因果关系 连接原因状语从句 含义是 因为 由于 但它们有区别 because表示的语气最强 as一般放在句首 语气较弱 较口语化 since常常用在书面语中 表示多为对方已知的 或稍加分析便可得知的原因 有时可译作 既然 languagepoints 如 hewillsucceedbecauseheisinearnest 他一定会成功 因为他很认真 sinceyouaresosureofithe llbelieveyou 既然你对此如此有把握 他会相信你的 asrainhasfallen theairiscooler 因为下过雨 空气比较清爽 小结训练 1 whospenttheweekendwithyou mary a dob didc doesd doing2 ididn tgetupontimethismorning becausei toolatelastnight a stayedatb stayupc s


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