



期末测试卷一、请你用下面的字母组成正确的单词。1. w e n i t r _2. p n t a _3. p e y t r t _ 4. u q e t i _5. o f l r o _6. o h w _7. e r a s r e _8. a t e r f _二、请你根据图意写句子。1. What does your new friend look like?Her hair is _. She wears _.2. Max is _ than Anna. Maxs ruler is _ than Annas _3. Tom is the _ in our class. Sally dances _ in our class. 4. _ _ are the running shoes? _ 120 yuan. 三、请你按要求写单词。1. good(比较级)_2. fast(最高级)_3. potato(复数形式)_4. young(最高级)_5. do(单三形式)_6. class(复数形式)_7. wash(单三形式)_8. beautiful(最高级)_9. fat(反义词)_10. run(ing形式) _四、请你选择合适的一项填空。( ) 1. How _ is your schoolbag?A. much B. many C. big( ) 2. Maybe Bill _ the answer to this question.A. know B. knows C. to know( ) 3. They are not on your _ list.A. shop B. shoping C. shopping( ) 4. The black horse is _ than the white horse.A. taller B. tallest C. tall( ) 5. Jane is_ in our class. X k B 1 . c o mA. taller B. the tallest C. tallest( ) 6. He has only put on half of _.A. his shoes B. he shoes C. his shoe( ) 7. There _ a toy dog and two pens in the box.A. isB. areC. have( ) 8. We talk and laugh _ a long time.A. toB. at C. for( ) 9. There _ 3 people in my family.A. are B. is C. /( ) 10. She invites her friends _to her birthday party.A. come B. comes C. to come五、请你用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Sally is very _ (friend) and popular.2. There are _ (many) trees in the countryside.3. This computer is _ (work), Mary.4. The blue whale is the worlds _ (big) animal.5. Ill _ (take) the green jeans, please.6. What do you need _ (make) it, Mum?7. China _ (grow) the most rice in the world.8. I want to be a _ (sing).六、请你根据问句找出正确的答语。( ) 1. May I ask you some questions?A. Sure. B. Yes, I am.( ) 2. How much is the coat?A. Its 150 yuan. B. Theyre 100 yuan.( ) 3. Whats your favourite animal show?A. Animal World. B. The Magic Earth.( ) 4. What time is Quiz Show on? 新 课 标 第 一 网A. Its on at 9:30.B. Its at 9:30.( ) 5. Which mountain is the highest in China?A. The Changjiang River.B. Mount Qomolangma.七、请你找出下面句子中的一处错误并把正确的句子写在横线上。1. I think we need buy some candy._2. Theres a movie on 9:00._3. I want a pair of scissors._4. Who hair is longer?_5. I can help you for it._参考答案一、1. winter 2. pant 3. pretty 4. quiet 5. floor 6. how 7. eraser 8. after二、1. long; dress 2. tall; long; ruler 3. most quiet; well 4. How much; They are三、1. better 2. fatest 3. potatoes 4. youngest 5. does 6. classes 7. washes 8. the most beautiful 9. thin 10. running四、1-10 ABCABAACAC五、1. friendly 2. many 3. working 4. biggest 5. take 6. to make 7. grows 8. singer六、1-5 AABAB七、1. I think we need


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