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语 篇 提 能.完形填空a little boy knocked on the door of the old house. he waited and sweated from _1_ of seeing the owner, who _2_ ever came out. as he was ready to _3_ the door slowly opened.“what do you want?” the old man asked.“uh, sir, im _4_ magazines for school and i was _5_ if you would like to buy _6_.” the old man only _7_ at the boy. meanwhile, the boy saw many dog figurines (小雕像) inside the house. “do you _8_ dogs?” he asked. “yes, i have many dog figurines in my house; they are all i have.” the boy then felt sorry for the man, as it seemed he was very _9_, “well, i do have a magazine here for collectors. it is _10_ for you. i also have one about dogs since you .” the old man started to close the door, saying _11_, “no, boy. i dont need any magazines of any kind. now goodbye.”the boy was _12_ for the old man being so lonely. he went home and then had a(n) _13_. he had a little dog figurine which didnt _14_ much to him since he had already a live dog and a large family. the boy headed _15_. he knocked on the door again and this time the old man came right to the door. “boy, i thought i told you no _16_.”“no, sir. i want to bring you a _17_.” the boy _18_ him the figurine and the old mans face _19_. “boy, you have a big heart. _20_ are you doing this?”“i think it means more to you.”from that day on, the old man started coming out and talking with neighbours.1a. excitement b. fearc. embarrassment d. happiness2a. hardly b. frequentlyc. hurriedly d. nearly3a. knock on b. break inc. cut off d. walk away4a. selling b. collectingc. raising d. designing5a. knowing b. wonderingc. wishing d. hoping6a. it b. thatc. one d. them7a. laughed b. pointedc. reached d. looked8a. keep b. hatec. kill d. collect9a. busy b. amazedc. lonely d. disappointed10a. clear b. safec. suitable d. boring11a. easily b. coldlyc. comfortably d. nervously12a. sad b. anxiousc. happy d. embarrassed13a. opinion b. ideac. mind d. thought14a. mean b. thinkc. talk d. use15a. off b. backc. away d. outside16a. noises b. interruptionsc. dogs d. magazines17a. book b. dollc. gift d. help18a. handed b. lentc. attracted d. pleased19a. went pale b. turned darkc. lit up d. calmed down20a. how b. whenc. where d. why答案与解析1b根据第一空前面的sweat(流汗)可知小男孩由于害怕而流汗。fear“害怕”,符合题意。embarrassment“尴尬”。2a根据文章最后一段可知老人以前几乎不(hardly)出门。3d当男孩等了半天刚要走开(walk away)时,门慢慢打开了。4a根据第5空后的buy可知,该空填sell。5bi was wondering if .“我想知道是否”是一种礼貌的问法。6cone指代小男孩卖的杂志。7d老人只是看着(look at)男孩。laugh at“嘲笑”; point at“指着”; reach不与at搭配。8d该处与第9处后的collectors(收藏者)呼应。9c男孩开始为老人难过起来,因为老人好像非常孤独(lonely)。10c这样一本杂志,很适合(be suitable for)你。11b老人开始关门,冷漠地(coldly)说不要杂志。12a男孩为老人如此孤独感到伤心(sad),与9空前的sorry呼应。13b男孩有了个主意(idea)。14amean much to sb.“对某人重要”。15b从第15空后的男孩敲门可知他又回来(head back)了。16d该空处的magazines与11空后的句子呼应。17c男孩给老人带来了礼物(gift)。18a男孩把雕像递给(hand)老人。19c老人的脸快乐(light up)起来。20d老人问男孩为什么这么做。.短文改错there was time when zhang yi and i were good friends, but now we are like stranger. on his first day in our class two years ago, he had no one to talk about. i was the first one to say hello to her, so we became friends. zhang yi did well in math or he was always ready to helping me with it. one day last month, i told him about that i would be away from school for two days to see a friend. but he told my father about it and that made me angrily. now, i know i was wrong. i decide to say sorry for him, because i dont want to lose such a good friend.答案there was time when zhang yi and i were good friends, but now we are like . on his first day in our class two years ago, he had no one to talk . i was the first one to say hello to , so we became friends. zhang yi did well in math he was always ready to me with it. one day last month, i told him that i would


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