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经济危机因祸得福的十大赢家If there are silver linings to the recession, theyre not immediately apparent. After all, the national unemployment rate is 8.1 percent, the highest since 1983, and economists predict it will reach 9 percent by 2010.即便经济危机中还有一线曙光,它也不会立刻显现。毕竟美国的失业率已达1983年以来的最高水平8.1%,据经济学家预计,到2010年这一数字将达到9%。Gross domestic product is forecast to shrink more this year than at any other time since the Great Depression. And across the country, stores are closing, municipal budgets are tightening, and banks are begging for bailouts.据预计,今年美国的GDP降幅将达上世纪“大萧条”以来的最高水平。如今的美国,商铺倒闭,地方财政吃紧,银行则纷纷向政府要救济。But a handful of industries, companies, and products are doing well-relatively speaking. They run the gamut from Quarter Pounders to contraceptives, but they share a key component: Whether they help people pivot to new careers, cut costs at home, or simply escape from all the bad news, theyre poised not only to weather the economic storm but to, in some way, benefit from it.但相对而言,有一批产业、公司和产品在眼下的经济危机时期效益还不错,从麦当劳Quarter Pounders汉堡到安全套无所不包,但它们都有一个共同特点,那就是要么可以帮人们找到新工作,削减家庭开支,要么是仅仅逃避所有的坏消息,它们不仅能平安渡过金融风暴,而且还能以某种方式从中获利。See the full list of the 10 top recession winners.经济危机因祸得福的十大赢家如下:1. Home Gardening家庭种植Research by Atlee Burpee, the worlds biggest seed company, found that $50 of seeds and fertilizer can yield $1,250 worth of produce. Green thumbs agree: Sales at Burpee are expected to jump 25 percent in 2009, while veggie seed sales at Park Seed are up 20 percent this year from 2008. And a National Gardening Association poll shows that the number of households planning to grow their own food in 2009 has increased by 19 percent from 2008. The trade-off? Fewer flowers. With garden spaceand budgetssqueezed, flower seed sales are down.全球最大的种子公司Atlee Burpee开展的一项调查发现,投入50美元购买种子和化肥就可以产出价值达1250美元的农产品。种植专家们也对此表示赞同:据预计,Burpee公司今年的种子销量将上升25%,而Park Seed公司的蔬菜种销量与去年同期相比也上涨了20%。美国园艺协会开展的一项民调显示,今年计划自己种植农作物的家庭数量比去年增加了19%。代价就是花卉减少了。由于种植空间和预算的缩减,花卉种子销量下降。2. Hollywood好莱坞电影The number of subscribers to Netflix, the DVD delivery service, climbed 26 percent in the fourth quarter from the same time last year. That helped put the companys revenue up 19 percent from the previous year. And according to industry researcher Media by Numbers, 2009s box office sales are tracking 16.5 percent higher than the year beforeat this rate, theaters will make $1.9 billion, versus last years $1.6 billionwith attendance up nearly 15 percent.DVD递送商Netflix公司去年第四季度的订户数量比上一年同期增长26%,这使得公司的收入比上一年增加了19%。根据行业研究机构Media by Numbers的调查,2009年的电影票房比去年增加了16.5%,按照这个增幅,今年院线将有19亿美元进账,而去年仅有16亿美元,此外影院的上座数也增长了近15%。3. Bodice Rippers言情小说Harlequin, the worlds biggest publisher of series romance, saw North American sales rise $3 million in 2008s fourth quarter from a year earlier. Other escapist literature also has done well: Although most book sales were flat or down in February 2009 from the year before, a spokesperson for the Borders book chain says that science fiction and fantasy were upas were humor titles.全球最大的言情系列小说出版商Harlequin称,去年第四季度其在北美市场的销售额比上一年同期增加了300万美元。其它具有“逃避现实”功效的图书销量也很好。尽管与去年同期相比,今年2月份大部分图书的销量平平或下降,但Borders图书连锁店的发言人称,科幻小说和书名幽默的图书销量有所上升。4. Condom Makers安全套生产商Whether for at-home entertainment or to try to stave off the cost of a baby in trying times, condom sales rose 6 percent in January from the year before. If people dont have the money to go out to a fancy dinner or are looking to cut back, Trojan gives them some real affordable ways to stay in and make some great memories together, Jim Daniels, Trojans vice president of marketing, told USA Today.无论是为了增进家庭情趣,还是为了在经济困难时期避免养育子女的开销,今年1月份安全套的销量比去年同期增加了6%。“特洛伊”公司的市场副总监吉姆?丹尼尔斯在接受今日美国采访时说:“如果人们没钱出去吃大餐或者想节省开支,特洛伊可为大家提供可以负担的方式,在家中一起创造美好的回忆。”5. Rsum Editing简历代写Rsum writer Jerry Bills, who has worked on nearly 30,000 rsums since 1986, says his sales numbers are up 46 percent from last winter. Im way too busy to bother to even track it all, he says. All I know is I dont even have a life anymore.自1986年入行以来,简历写手杰瑞?比尔斯处理的简历数达近3万份。他称现在他的业务量比去年冬季增加了46%。他说:“我都忙得没法逐字修改了,现在我只知道我已经没有自己的生活了。”One poll by the National Rsum Writers Association found that 54 percent of respondents had seen an increase in clients as economic conditions worsened.美国简历撰写者协会的一项调查显示,随着经济形势的恶化,54%的简历代写者客户量增加。And at her own business, says Feldberg, December and January orders had jumped 300 percent over the same time last year. But rsums for certain industries are being submitted more than others. While rsums for the restaurant industry, healthcare, and tourism are up at Petersons ResumeEdge, those for financial services are, unsurprisingly, down.简历代写者菲尔德伯格称,就她自己的业务而言,去年12月和今年1月接到的订单比上年同期增加了三倍。但相对于其它行业而言,某些行业提交的简历量增长较多。在彼得森公司的ResumeEdge网站上,酒店、医疗和旅游业的简历量大幅增加,而金融领域的简历却“意外”遇冷。6. Public Universities公立大学The recession may be hurting public colleges budgets, but its boosting their appeal to students. The Connecticut State University System expects an 11 percent rise in applications this year, while Oregon State Universitys applications have grown by 12 percent. And in a record-breaking year at the University of Texas, numbers are up 6 percent.经济危机可能危及到了美国公立大学的预算开支,但却增加了这些大学对学生的吸引力。康涅狄格州立大学系统今年的申请学生人数预计将增加11%,俄勒冈州立大学的申请人数增加了12%,得克萨斯州立大学的申请人数也创下纪录,增幅为6%。7. Chocolate? 巧克力Hersheys, the largest North American chocolate manufacturer, increased earnings by 51.4 percent in the fourth quarter.北美最大的巧克力生产商Hersheys去年第四季度的收益增长了51.4%。Thats partly because of cost cutting and ad campaigns, but it helped that sales rose 2.6 percent. Overall, sinful sweets seem to be faring well in the recession.这可能跟削减成本和广告宣传有关,但其中仅有2.6%的增长源于这两项。总体而言,被视为“罪过”的甜食在经济衰退时期似乎光景不错。The British Cadbury company, which sells both chocolate and goodies like Trident gum, found its annual profits up 30 percent in 2008. And market research firm Mintel predicts that the chocolate market will keep growing throughout the recession.以销售巧克力及Trident口香糖等甜食为主的英国Cadbury公司去年的利润增长了30%。据Mintel市场调查公司预测,巧克力市场在经济衰退时期将持续升温。Analysts say that, like the oft-quoted lipstick index, rising chocolate sales show that when Americans are cutting their spending elsewhere, they feel more entitled to small indulgences.分析人士称,就像常常提到的“口红效应”,巧克力销量的不断上升表明当人们削减其它开支时,会觉得更有理由小小地奢侈一下。8. McDonalds麦当劳Waistlines wont thin along with wallets if sales figures at the nations biggest fast-food chain are any indication.如果美国最大的快餐连锁店“麦当劳”的销量增加,那么美国人的腰围就不会像钱包一样瘪下去。McDonalds same-store sales in the United States rose 6.8 percent in February 2009. But not all cheap eats have prospered. Sales at the pricier Arbys dropped by 8.5 percent in the fourth quarter, slamming the Wendys/Arbys Group with a $393.2 million loss.麦当劳在美国的同店销售量今年2月增长6.8%。但并不是所有的廉价食品生意都很兴隆。价格稍高点的Arbys连锁店的销量去年第四季度下降8.5%,给Wendys/Arbys集团造成3.932亿美元的损失。Pizza chains also have been hit, with same-store sales falling 3 percent in the fourth quarter at Dominos and 1 percent at Pizza Hut.比萨连锁店也受到了冲击,达美乐皮萨去年第四季度的同店销售量下降3%,必胜客的销售量下降1%。9. Career Development Websites职业规划网站Traffic to job sites increased 20 percent in January 2009 from the year before, according to Nielsen Online. That was driven not only by the unemployed but by people who still had jobs.据“尼尔森在线”调查显示,招聘网站今年1月份的访问量比去年同期增长了20%。这其中做出贡献的不仅有失业者,还包括现在有工作的人。People are seeking out information in more old-fashioned ways, too. Borders says its sales of career guides are up from last year.如今人们也在用一些老办法来获取信息。Borders图书连锁店称该店职业发展指导手册的销量较去年有所增加。10. At-Home Coffee Brews家庭自制咖啡The economy must be bad when even Starbucks, purveyor of $4 lattes, introduces its first value menu. But while the powerhouses profits fell 69 percent in the fourth quarter of last year, revenue at Vermonts Green Mountain Coffee Roasters climbed 56 percent.连一杯拿铁卖4美元的星巴克都推出了超值菜单,经济不景气程度可想而知。去年第四季度星巴克的利润大跌69%,但佛蒙特绿山咖啡烘焙公司的收益却上涨了56%。And retailers have been selling Mr. Coffees coffee makers faster than the company can ship them, says Matt Ragland, vice president of marketing, with sales of coffee makers and accessories rising almost 5 percent from last year.据“咖啡先生”市场销售副总监马特?拉格兰德介绍,该公司咖啡机的销售速度比上货速度还快。该公司的咖啡制作工具和其它相关产品的销量比去年同期增长了近5%。美国最吃香8种职业新鲜出炉Do you really want to commit to a 4-year degree? While it can be intimidating to consider investing the time and money required to get a bachelors degree, choosing the right degree could make it well worth your effort. Information on the following 8 careers is based on current projections by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), whose data indicate that these occupations will experience more growth than any others through 2016. Spend the next four years preparing for one of the following professions, and your job search could be a breeze.你真的想赴美学习并拿到4年的学位吗?虽然拿学士学位所需投入的时间和金钱会让你觉得工程浩大,但只要选对专业,你的努力都不会白费。 美国劳工统计局通过最新数据的分析归纳,刚刚公布了8种职业以及相关专业的信息。信息表明,在美国直到2016年之前,这8种职业会比其他任何职业都有更大的发展空间。用接下来的四年时间为以下这8种职业做准备,你将会发现找工作易如反掌。1.Computer Software Engineer 计算机软件工程师- Interested in math and computers? Embrace the nerd within while you learn to design, develop, test, and evaluate computer software and systems.Get the Degree: A program in software engineering or computer science can help you learn the networking and programming basics to hold your own in this high-tech career.Happily Ever After: BLS expects a whopping 325,000 new jobs for computer software engineers through 2016. Better still, the 2006 median wages for these IT gurus ranged between $79,780 and $85,370, depending on field of specialization.对数学和电脑感兴趣?赶紧发挥你“书呆子”的一面,努力学习设计、开发、测试以及评估电脑软件和系统吧。应读专业:软件工程或计算机科学专业的课程可以帮助你学到计算机网络和编程的基础,让你在这个高科技的职业道路上占领一席之地。光明前景:美国劳工统计局预计到2016年为止,将会有325000个计算机软件工程师的巨大岗位需求。更好的是,根据领域的特殊化,这些IT高手们2006年的平均工资高达79780美金至85370美金不等。2.Accountant 会计师- Tax season may be over, but the demand for number-crunching geniuses in this field should last for years.Get the Degree: Study accounting or business to prepare for a career as an accountant.Happily Ever After: Employment of accountants and auditors is expected to grow to the tune of 226,000 new jobs, and median annual earnings in this field were $54,630 in 2006.尽管纳税季节已过,但对在这个领域里专门捣鼓数字的天才的需求还将持续好多年。应读专业:学习会计学或者商科可为以后成为个会计做准备。光明前景:在会计师和审计师的岗位上,将有226000个新工作机会。2006年,这个领域的平均年薪是54630美金。3.Elementary Teacher 小学教师- Consider the potential perks of a career in teaching: a pet gerbil in your office, mandatory recess every day, and at least twenty children who think youre cool.Get the Degree: Get your bachelors degree from an accredited teacher education program, in which you learn how to plan a curriculum and manage a classroom.Happily Ever After: Between 2006 and 2016, the need for elementary teachers will increase by 209,000. You probably wont get rich as a teacher but the summer vacations may be worth more than a six-figure salary.试想一下做老师的好处:在办公室里养一只沙鼠做宠物,每天享受强制性的休息时间,以及至少有20个学生认为你很酷。应读专业:在有认证的正规师范教育系统读你的学位,学习如何进行课程计划和管理班级。光明前景:在2006年至2016年间,对小学教师的需求将会增加209000个。作为一个教师的你也许不会一夜暴富,但能享受暑假可比一份六位数收入的工作还来得划算。4.Personal Financial Advisor 个人财政顾问- Learn the ins and outs of tax laws, insurance, and investments to help your clients plan for retirement and finance their childrens educations.Get the Degree: Because this profession requires skills in a range of subject matters, choose from degree programs in accounting, finance, economics, business, mathematics, or law to help prepare you for a job.Happily Ever After: The BLS expects a need for 72,000 new personal financial advisors through 2016; median earnings were $66,120 in 2006.学习税法、保险以及投资的来龙去脉,帮助你的客户设计退休计划以及为他们的小孩接受教育筹集资金。应读专业:由于这职业要求具备的专业技能很多,因此可以就读的专业也很多,如会计学、金融学、经济学、工商学、数学或者法律都能帮助你找工作。光明前景:美国劳工统计局预计到2016年为止,个人财政顾问的岗位将有72000个职位空缺。2006年,该职位平均年收入为66120美金。5.Market Research Analyst 市场调查分析师- Get inside the brains of consumers to help companies market their products using tools such as Internet and telephone surveys.Get the Degree: Whether you get your degree in business, marketing, or psychology, make sure to follow a well-rounded course of study that includes mathematics, statistics, and economics.Happily Ever After: Nearly 50,000 new market research analyst positions should become available between 2006 and 2016, with 2006 median annual wages of $58,820.利用网络、电话调查等工具,进入消费者的大脑,帮助公司营销他们的产品。应读专业:不管你拿到的是工商、市场还是心理学学位,确保接受过包含数学、统计学和经济学课程在内的系统训练。光明前景:2006年2016年间,将有近50000个新的市场调查分析师的职位空缺。2006年,其平均年薪为58820美金。6.Computer Systems Analyst 计算机系统分析员- Keeping current with the ever-changing world of information technology, computer systems analysts help businesses and organizations find the right technologies to meet their needs.Get the Degree: Analysts aspiring to work in the business world should get a degree in management information systems.Happily Ever After: A growing dependence on eCommerce and Internet technologies is expected to lead to almost 150,000 new jobs for computer systems analysts. Starting offers for graduates in this field were close to $50,000 in 2006.与不断变化的信息技术世界保持同步,计算机系统分析员通常要帮助公司、企业和组织找到能够满足他们要求的新技术。应读专业:那些立志为商业世界服务的分析师应该拿一个管理信息系统的学位。光明前景:随着人们对电子商务和网络技术的依赖持续增长,将为计算机系统分析员岗位带来近150000个新工作机会。在2006年,应届毕业生在这领域里拿到的offer有将近50000美金的起始年薪。7.Securities, Commodities, Financial Services Sales Agents 证券、日用品、金融服务机构销售代理- Watch out Wall Street! A career as a stock broker or investment banker can offer a fast-paced, intense work environment with the potential for financial rewards.Get the Degree: A degree in finance, economics, business, or accounting provides the best preparation for a job in this field.Happily Ever After: Nearly 80,000 new jobs are expected through 20


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