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精彩练习九年级英语 unit8质量评估试卷 时间 90分钟满分 120分 听力 共四节 满分30分 一 第一节听句子 选图片 共5小题 每小题2分 满分10分 1 2 b c 3 4 5 第3页 unit8质量评估试卷 a c b 第4页 听力材料1 bananasaremyfavoritefruitbecauseithinkit sgoodformetohaveabananaeveryday 2 theweatherinmyhometownisverycold itoftensnows 3 look jackisplayingbasketballoverthere 4 myfatherreadsnewspaperseveryday it shisgoodhabit 5 iwenttoroserestauranttohavesupperwithsomefriendsyesterday unit8质量评估试卷 第二节听对话 回答问题 共7小题 每小题1分 满分7分 听第一段对话 回答第6至第7小题 对话读两遍 6 whereisjanegoingduringthewintervacation a tohainan b toshanghai c tobeijing 7 howisshegoingthere a bytrain b byplane c bybus 第5页 a b unit8质量评估试卷 第6页 听力材料m whatareyougoingtododuringthewintervacation jane w i mgoingtohainan therearemanyinterestingplacestoseethere m howdoyouplantogothere w i mgoingtherebyplanewithtwofriends m soundsgreat haveagoodtrip w thankyou unit8质量评估试卷 听第二段对话 回答第8至第9小题 对话读两遍 8 whatwillhelendofirst a buysomethings b meethenry c makebeef 9 howmanythingsshouldhelenbuy a three b four c five 第7页 b a unit8质量评估试卷 第8页 听力材料m helen couldyougotothesupermarketandbuysomesugarandrice w ok buthenrytoldmetomeethimintenminutes m whattimeisitnow w it sabout5 20 m yousee ineedthethingstomakedinner w well ihaveanidea i llmeethenryfirst andthengotogetherwithhimtotheneareststoretobuythethingsforyou m ok butbequick bytheway doeshenrylikechickenorpork w i mafraidhelikesneitherofthem dad couldyoumakesomebeefforhim helovesbeef m ok buysomebeefthen unit8质量评估试卷 听第三段对话 回答第10至第12小题 对话读两遍 10 whatdoesbettythinkoftheopera a it seasy b it sboring c it sinteresting 11 howlongdidbettyandlinglingwatchtheopera a onehour b twohours c threehours 12 whatwilltonydotoknowaboutbeijingopera a gototheteahouse b learnmorechinesewords c readsomebooksaboutit 第9页 c c a unit8质量评估试卷 第10页 听力材料w hi tony m hi betty w linglingandiwenttolaosheteahouselastnight m really howwasit w itwasgreat youknow iwanttoseebeijingopera solinglingofferedtotakemethere wedrankteaandwatchedanopera m didyouunderstandtheopera w no itwasdifficulttounderstandthewords buttheactorsandtheactresseswereexcellent unit8质量评估试卷 第11页 m howlongdidyoustay w weonlyplannedtowatchforanhour butintheend westayedforanothertwohours m didyouenjoyit w well itwasinteresting that sthemainthing ihopetounderstandmorenexttime m whoislaoshe w noidea asklingling anddoyouwanttoknowaboutbeijingopera m yes verymuch w whynotasklinglingtotakeustolaosheteahousenexttime m that sagoodidea unit8质量评估试卷 第三节听独白 回答第13至第15小题 独白读两遍 共3小题 每小题1分 满分3分 13 whatdoesthespeakerdointhesummercamp a playswithdifferentgroupsofchildren b givessportsandactivityclassestochildren c helpstheteacherstolookafterthechildren 14 whatmakesherfeelproudinherjob a childrencangoboatingandclimbing b childrenshowfriendshiptothewinners c childrenmakefriendswitheachother 第12页 c b unit8质量评估试卷 15 whatdoesthespeakermainlytalkabout a herjobinthesummercamp b herfriendsinthesummercamp c herexperienceinthesummercamp 第13页 c 听力材料duringthelongsummerholidays manychildrengotoholidaycamps thissummerwillbemythirdatthecamphere butihavebeentootherkingfishercampsalloverbritain ihavemadealotoffriendsthroughthissummerjob itisperfectforteenagerslikeme ihelpthesportsandactivityteachers soispendtimewithdifferentgroupsof unit8质量评估试卷 第14页 children andbytheendoftheweek iusuallyknowmostofthemquitewell thebestpartiswhenthechildrentrysomethingnew likeboatingorclimbing iloveseeingtheirexcitement itisreallyfunanditmakesyoufeelyouaredoingagoodjob alsowhentheyplayateamgame andtheotherteamwins insteadoffeelingunhappy weteachthemtoshakehandsandsay welldone tothewinners thisgivesmearealfeelingofsuccess asisaidbefore itisnotjustthechildrenwhomakegreatnewfriends workingtogethersoclosely evenforjustafewweeks thehelpersatourcampbecomereallygoodfriends unit8质量评估试卷 第四节听短文 完成下面的表格 短文读两遍 共5小题 每小题2分 满分10分 第15页 16 turkey17 twopieces18 cutup19 three20 teaspoons unit8质量评估试卷 第16页 听力材料howtomakeaturkeysandwich first putoneteaspoonofmustardontwopiecesofbread thencutuponetomato putonepieceoftomatoonthebread next addthreepiecesofturkey finally puttwoteaspoonsofgravyontheturkey unit8质量评估试卷 基础知识 共三节 满分15分 二 第一节对话匹配 共10小题 每小题0 5分 满分5分 a 21 whenisyourbirthday 22 how syourday peter 23 doesalicehaveabaseball 24 isyourmother sbirthdayinjune 25 howmucharethesetrousers 26 whereisann sschoolbag 27 whatdoyoulikefordinner 28 whydoyoulikemath 29 areyouok tim 30 whatcanidoforyou c d i j a g f e h b ba 899yuan theyaredear ithink b iwanttobuysomeshoesformymother c it sinseptember d it sok e becauseit ssofun f somenoodles g i mnotsure maybeit sinherbedroom h yes fine thanks i yes shedoes j yes it sonthefirstsaturday 第18页 unit8质量评估试卷 第二节句型转换 共5小题 每小题1分 满分5分 31 mary sbirthdayisonoctober11th 对画线部分提问 mary sbirthday 32 what syourage 改为同义句 areyou 33 theyhaveanartfestivaleveryyear 改为一般疑问句 they anartfestivaleveryyear 34 july26thiscindy sdateofbirth 改为同义句 july26this 35 heisgoingtohaveapartynextweek 改为否定句 he goingto apartynextweek 第19页 when is how old do have cindy s birthday isn t have unit8质量评估试卷 第三节单项选择 共5小题 每小题1分 满分5分 从a b c d四个选项中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案 36 isyoursister sbirthday it sjune4th a whatb whenc whered how 37 what sthemonthbetweenjulyandseptember a juneb augustc octoberd november 第20页 b b unit8质量评估试卷 38 isverydifficult butlessonsixisreallyeasy a lessonfifthb thelessonfifthc fivelessond thefifthlesson 39 ourschoolhasasportsmeeting october15th a atb onc ind for 40 let splaysoccer dale iamvery now whataboutthisafternoon a happyb tidyc busyd healthy 第21页 d b c unit8质量评估试卷 阅读理解 共两节 满分35分 三 第一节 共15小题 每小题2分 满分30分 ait sdavid smother sbirthdaytoday davidwantstobuyanicepresentforhismom hisfathergiveshim 2aweekfromthebeginningofaugust nowhehas 18andhecangoshopping ataclothesstorehefindsagoodhat itisonly 12 that scheapandhecanaffordit hebuysthehatandputsitinaredbox thenhetakesithome it s6 00p m andhismomcomesback 回来 davidgivestheboxtohismotherandsays happybirthdaytoyou mom whensheopenstheboxandseesthehat sheisveryhappy davidandhisdadareveryhappy too 41 whatdoesdavidbuyforhismother a someclothes b abox c asweater d ahat 42 david smother sbirthdayisin a augustb septemberc octoberd november 43 howmuchmoneydoesdavidhaveafterhebuysthehat a 18 b 16 c 6 d 4 第23页 d c c unit8质量评估试卷 44 theunderlined 下画线的 word afford means a getb usec bringd buy 45 wecanknowthat a daviddoesn tlikehisfatherb david smotherlikesherbirthdaypresentc david sfatherhasalotofmoneyd daviddoesn tknowhismother sbirthday 第24页 d b unit8质量评估试卷 bjack sue youwearanewcoat it snice sue thankyou jack thisismybirthdaypresent jack oh whenisyourbirthday sue it sonoctober1st it sonnationalday too jack it sgreat whogivesthisgreatpresenttoyou sue mymother igetalotofpresentsfrommyfamily jack ithinkyoumust 一定 behappy sue ofcourse ienjoymybirthdaypartyverymuch 第25页 unit8质量评估试卷 46 what ssue sbirthdaypresent a anewcoat b anewwatch c anewbike d anewt shirt 47 whenissue sbirthday a onteachers day b onnewyear sday c onnationalday d onchildren sday 48 whogivesthispresenttosue a herfather b herbrother c hermother d heruncle 第26页 a c c unit8质量评估试卷 49 howissueonthebirthday a sheisgreat b sheishappy c sheisnice d sheisn thappy 50 what stheconversationabout a jack sbirthday b sue sfriend c nationalday d sue sbirthdaypresent 第27页 b d unit8质量评估试卷 ceveryonelikesfestivals becausewecandosomeinterestingthingsonthesedays ihaveafriend hisnameismike helovesnewyear sday it sabigfestivalinchina itoftencomesinjanuary hismotherloveswomen sday itisonmarch8th sheoftenhasagoodrest eatssomedeliciousfoodandwatchesamovieonthatday mikehasabrotherandasister they redavidandanna davidistwelveyearsoldandannaisonlytenyearsold davidlikesapril1st it saprilfool sday helikestoplayjokesonhisfriendsonthatday annalikestoeatmooncakes soshelovesthemid autumnfestival itoftencomesinseptember whatfestivaldoilike it schildren sday june1st it saninterestingfestivalandithinkeverychildlovesit 第28页 unit8质量评估试卷 51 whoismike a thewriter steacher b thewriter scousin c thewriter sbrother d thewriter sfriend 52 whatdoesn tmike smotherdoonwomen sday a watchamovie b eatsomedeliciousfood c watchafootballgame d havearest 53 howoldisdavid a 13 b 10 c 11 d 12 第29页 d c d unit8质量评估试卷 54 howmanyfestivalsarementioned 提到 inthepassage a three b four c five d six 55 whichistrueaccordingtothepassage a annadoesn tliketoeatmooncakes b annaisthewriter ssister c onaprilfool sday davidoftenplaysjokesonhisfriends d thewriterthinkschildren sdayisnotinteresting 第30页 c c unit8质量评估试卷 第二节任务型阅读 共5小题 每小题1分 满分5分 仔细阅读第56 60题中各个节日的描述 从a f中选出相匹配的最佳图片 其中有一项为多余选项 56 inchina peoplegotoseetheirrelatives 亲戚 andfriendsonthisday boysandgirlscangetsomeredpacketsfromtheirgrandparentsorparents 57 it sinmay onthatdayallthemothersareveryhappy theycangetsomepresentsfromtheirdaughtersandsons 58 intheevening allmyfamilyareathome weeatmooncakesandfruit andenjoythefullmoontogether 第31页 e a b unit8质量评估试卷 59 it sinseptember youcanfindlotsofcardsonteachers desksonthatday 60 it sondecember25th momsaysicangetsomepresentsfromanoldmaninredclothes 第32页 f c unit8质量评估试卷 英语知识运用 共两节 满分20分 四 第一节完形填空 共10小题 每小题1分 满分10分 通读下面的短文 掌握其大意 然后在各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案 mr kinggoestoadinnerparty heis oldclothes hecomesintotheroom peopleintheroomdon tlookathim theydon taskhimtositatthetable mr kinggoeshomeandputsonhis clothes hegoesbacktotheparty intheroomstandsupandsmilesathim theygive verygoodfoodtoeat mr king hisclothes andputstheminthefoodandsays eat clothes theotherpeopleask areyoudoing heanswers i maskingmy toeatfood wheniam 61 62 63 64 66 65 68 67 wearingmyoldclothes youdon tlookatme youdon taskmetositdown nowi m theseclothes andyougivemeverygoodfood nowisee yougivethefoodtomy nottome 61 a wearingb buyingc seeingd having 62 a andb butc ord so 63 a badb oldc cheapd good 64 a nobodyb somebodyc everybodyd anybody 65 a herb youc med him 66 a takesoffb putsoffc takesond putson 第34页 69 70 a b d c d a unit8质量评估试卷 67 a whereb whatc howd when 68 a shoeb clothesc mouthd hand 69 a onb withc ind at 70 a friendsb brotherc dinnerd clothes第二节 共10小题 每小题1分 满分10分 阅读下面的短文 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求 在空格处填入一个适当的单词或使用括号中单词的正确形式填空 todayisfriday october10th it s71 i birthday i mthirteen72 year old mycousins xiaomingandxiaochuan 第35页 b b c d my years unit8质量评估试卷 73 be bothatmyhome theyplaygames74 meandwelaughalot myparentsbuy75 i abigbirthdaycake it76 have fruitonthetop thecakeisonthetable youcan77 see somebirthdaycandlesonthecake
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