江苏省赣榆县智贤中学高中英语 Unit2 project教案 牛津译林版选修9.doc_第1页
江苏省赣榆县智贤中学高中英语 Unit2 project教案 牛津译林版选修9.doc_第2页
江苏省赣榆县智贤中学高中英语 Unit2 project教案 牛津译林版选修9.doc_第3页




unit2 project日期地点课题m9 unit2 project教学设计过程组内研讨意见主讲内容 注:列出主要提纲导入设计 ask ss if they will recommend the imperial tombs. (ppt5) ask them what they know about the tombs.由学生对当地历史建筑的介绍,自然引出阅读的主题,在激活学生有已有知识的基础上,适度补充关于皇陵的背景知识,提高学生的阅读兴趣。学生独学内容fast readingask ss to read the title and subtitles as well as the first and last paragraph. answer the following two questions: 1. what do you suppose the passage will talk about? 2. what do you think is the purpose of the passage? (ppt6, 7) s 要求学生通过阅读标题和小标题,以及首段和末段,能够对文章进行初步的预测, 训练学生快速把握文章主旨要义的能力,理解作者的写作目的。 appendix: similar news reading:oriental venice rebuilds landscaped gardenslandscaped gardens in east chinas suzhou city, known as the “oriental venice” because of the legendary italian traveler marco polo, is attracting an uninterrupted flow of visitors from both home and abroad. while marveling at the delicate design containing hills, ponds, pavilions, terraces, corridors and towers, most visitors to the 2, 500-year-old city in jiangsu province probably dont know that these picturesque gardens, now on the world heritage list, were almost completely destroyed before the founding of new china in 1949. but for the efforts by the government and the local peoples love for traditional chinese architectural art, the gardens wouldnt have been restored and renovated to its original splendor, said xie xiaosi, a 95-year-old resident in suzhou. the gardens of suzhou can be dated back to as early as about 514 b.c. when the city was built. there were as many as 200 gardens dotted in the city in its prime during the 16th to 18th centuries. the gardens have long been considered as the quintessence of chinese horticulture. the world heritage committee refers to suzhou as the cradle of horticulture in the world. many of these gardens, however, suffered serious damage from wars in the late 1930s and early 1940s. the “garden of leisure,” for example, built in 1596 with an area of 20,000 square meters, was destroyed by the japanese invaders and later used as stables by kuomintang troops in the 1940s. in the early 1950s, a huge campaign was launched to restore the gardens of suzhou. the best craftsmen from all over china were called in to restore historical doors, windows, bricks, tiles and furniture as well as calligraphy and paintings in the gardens. in the last 20 years, 200 million yuan has been spent on restoring the gardens. a number of research institutes have also been actively involved in the restoration work. more than 50 gardens have been restored. about 30 of these are now open to the public. the suzhou municipal government and more than 130 factories have moved out of the old city area to help preserve the gardens. more than 800 historical lanes and about 200 bridges have been restored. “suzhou gardens are unparalleled. their preservation and protection by the chinese is internationally recognized,” said bernd von droste, director of unescos world heritage center. suzhou gardens were put on unescos world heritage list in december 1997. xu wentao, director of the suzhou gardens bureau, said that the gardens are suzhous most valuable asset. if it was not due to the efforts of locals and the citys government, the gardens wouldnt have survived. (xinhua) 学生活学部分tep 4 detailed readinga. ask students to read the passage and find out the answers to the following 3 more questions:1. why are the pyramids mentioned in the first paragraph?2. what do the ming and qing tombs mainly compose of?3. why is international recognition also important in preserving historic sites? 。(ppt8-11)b. find out the adjectives from the passage according to the explanation1. situated above sth. else:_2. easily broken or damaged: _3. having a pleasant smell: _4. obvious


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