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2014高考英语完形填空抓分训练(22)及答案完形填空(记叙文)about ten years ago when i was an undergraduate in college, i was working as an intern at my universitys museum of natural history. one day while1at the cash register in the gift shop, i saw a(n)2couple come in with a little girl in a3.as i looked closer at this girl, i4that she was kind of perched on her chair. i then realized she had no arms or legs, just a5, neck and torso. she was6a little white dress with red polka dots.as the7wheeled her up to me i was looking down at the register. i turned my head toward the8and gave her a wink. as i took the money9her grandparents, i looked back at the girl, who was10 me the loveliest, largest smile i have11seen. all of a sudden her handicap(缺陷) was12and all i saw was this beautiful girl, 13smile just melted me and almost instantly gave me a completely14sense of what life was all about. she took me from a poor, unhappy college15and brought me into her world;a16of smiles, love and warmth.that was ten years ago. im a successful business person17and whenever i get down and18the troubles of the world, i think about that little girl19 the remarkable lessonabout life that she20me.1. a. playingb. studyingc. working d. practising2. a. friendlyb. happyc. young d. elderly3. a. car b. wheelchair c. roomd. shop4. a. sawb. felt c. recognizedd. reacted 5. a. headb. bodyc. joyd. health6. a. tryingb. wearing c. dressing d. matching7. a. friendb. parentsc. couple d. clerk8. a. grandmab. actress c. ladyd. girl 9. a. in b. to c. with d. from10. a. expressing b. sending c. giving d. affording11. a. everb. even c. already d. yet12. a. goneb. cloudyc. foggy d. distant13. a. whichb. whose c. whom d. who14. a. familiar b. new c. similar d. fresh15. a. nurse b. workerc. teacher d. student16. a. piece b. streamc. groupd. world17. a. later b. then c. now d. ago 18. a. think aboutb. go about c. bring about d. come about19. a. sob. and c. or d. but 20. a. treatedb. presented c. taught d. reminded 参考答案28.cdbaabcddcaabbddcabc: 完形填空(记叙文)when i was 10 years old i lost my mom in a battle with breast cancer. she1having faith. she died on may 29, 1973.i dont just have one christmas2. to me, christmases with my mom were a memory in itself, but my3christmas we spent with her was the christmas of 1972. my4left us with a holiday ritual5she died. we went to midnight mass the night before christmas and6gifts on christmas day.my mother would say a7before our christmas lunch with all of us8around the table and she9spoke of faith. back then i didnt really10 what that meant.after she died, we have continued her christmas ritual. we11all our brothers and sisters and their families together to share a christmas prayer, dinner and12. faith is a big part of our prayer.my13has not wavered. naturally, i questioned it at first, 14i didnt understand my moms death. i was so15, but as i got older my faith grew. today i know when to say “let go and let god”. faith is16keeps my life serene and peaceful.today, i am17for the time that god gave me with her and i am grateful to my mom for instilling in me the faith that she18. christmas is a19 time for me to remember her.i am 48 years old now. i still love her and i20her, but faith is part who i am.1. a. movedb. died c. forgot d. regretted2. a. photob. dinner c. memory d. tree3. a. interestingb. nice c. late d. last4. a. momb. dad c. grandpad. grandma5. a. beforeb. untilc. afterd. when6. a. boughtb. opened c. chose d. compared7. a. wishb. praisec. prayer d. dream8. a. ranb. rotated c. got d. gathered9. a. sometime b. sometimes c. occasionally d. always10. a. research b. learn c. know d. expect11. a. getb. hold c. united. give12. a. joyb. gifts c. honour d. contribution13. a. faithb. idealc. aimd. promise 14. a. although b. because c. but d. or 15. a. easy b. simplec. young d. kind16. a. whob. thatc. which d. what17. a. gratefulb. satisfied c. sorry d. concerned18. a. carriedb. had c. felt d. used 19. a. originalb. normal c. special d. basic20. a. informb. understandc. lose d. miss参考答案29.bcdaabcddcababcdabcd: while i was waiting to enter university, i saw in a newspaper a teaching job 1 at a school about ten miles from where i lived. being very short of 2 and wanting to do something 3 i applied (申请), 4 as i did so, that without a degree and with no 5 of teaching my chances of getting the job were 6 .however, three days later, a letter arrived, calling me to croydon for a meeting with the headmaster. it proved to be a 7 journey: a train to croydon station, a ten-minute bus ride and then a walk of at 8 a quarter of a mile. as a result i arrived there, feeling too hot to be nervous. it was clearly the 9 himself that 10 the door. he was short and round.the school, he said, is made up of one 11 of twenty-four boys between seven and thirteen. i should have to teach all the subjects except art, 12 he taught himself. i should have to divide the class into 13 groups and teach them in turn at three different 14 , and i was 15 at the thought of teaching mathsa subject at which i wasnt very 16 at school. worse perhaps was the idea of 17 to teach them on saturday afternoon because most of my friends would be 18 themselves at that time.before i had time to ask about my salary, he got up to his 19 . now he said, youd better meet my wife. she is the one who really 20 this school.1. a. kept b. lost c. wanted d. found 2. a. money b. time c. students d. clothes3. a. harmful b. useful c. funny d. secret4. a. expecting b. whispering c. fearing d. considering5. a. material b. experience c. means d. books6. a. nice b. great c. slight d. helpful7. a. difficult b. pleasant c. comfortable d. short 8. a. most b. least c. last d. first 9. a. teacher b. door-keeper c. student d. headmaster 10. a. shut b. opened c. repaired d. kicked 11. a. group b. class c. dozen d. score 12. a. which b. that c. what d. this 13. a. one b. two c. three d. four 14. a. classes b. subjects c. levels d. places 15. a. excited b. angry c. glad d. disappointed 16. a. poor b. interested c. weak d. good 17. a. forcing b. having c. forgetting d. managing 18. a. watching b. studying c. enjoying d. helping 19.a. letter b. feet c. hands d. wife 20.a. runs b. starts c. observes d. likes15 cabcb610 cabdb1115 baccd1620 dbcba what i want for you and every child in america by president-elect barack obamadear malia and sasha,i know that youve both had a lot of 1 these last two years during the campaign, going to picnics and parades and state fairs, eating all sorts of junk food your mother and i probably shouldnt have let you have. but i also know that it hasnt always been easy for you and mom, and that although you are both excited about that new puppy(幼犬), it doesnt 2 for all the time weve been apart. i know 3 ive missed these past two years, and today i want to tell you a little more about why i decided to take our family on this journey.when i was a young man, i thought life was all about me-about how id 4 my way in the world, become successful, and get the things i want. but then the two of you came into my 5 with all your curiosity and mischief (捣乱) and those smiles that never 6 to fill my heart and light up my day. i soon found that the greatest joy in my life was the joy i saw in yours. thats why i ran for president: because of what i want for you and for every child in this nation. i want all our children to go to schools 7 of their potential-schools that challenge them, inspire them, and instill (灌输) in them a sense of 8 about the world around them. i want them to have the chance to go to college 9 their parents arent rich. and i want them to get good jobs: jobs that pay well and give them benefits like health care, jobs that let them have time to spend time with their own 10 . i want us to 11 back the boundaries(界限) of discovery so that youll live to see new technologies and inventions that improve our lives and make our planet cleaner and safer. and i want us to push our own human boundaries to reach 12 the divides(分水岭) of race and region, gender and religion that 13 us from seeing the best in each other.that was the 14 your grandmother tried to teach me when i was your age, reading me the opening lines of the declaration of independence and telling me about the men and women who marched for 15 because they believed those words put to paper two centuries ago should mean 16 .she helped me understand that america is great not because it is perfect but because it can always be made better and that the 17 work of perfecting our union falls to each of us. its a duty we pass on to our children.these are the things i want for you- to 18 in a world with no limits on your dreams and no achievements beyond your reach. and i want every child to have the same 19 to learn and dream and grow that you girls have. thats why ive taken our family on this great adventure.i am so proud of both of you. i love you 20 you can ever know. and i am grateful every day for your patience, confidence, grace, and humor as we prepare to start our new life together in the white house. love, dad1. a. play b. fun c. pain d. gain2. a. take up b. pick up c. make up d. put up3. a. how much b. how many c. how soon d. how long4. a. lose b. make c. take d. walk5. a. world b. family c. position d. place6. a. succeed b. come c. tend d. fail7. a. worth b. worthless c. worthwhile d. worthy8. a. humor b. hatred c. wonder d. sadness9. a. even if b. as if c. as long as d. if10. a. friends b. kids c. boys d. girls11. a. rush b. catch c. push d. pull12. a. to b. in c. into d. beyond13. a. keep b. let c. make d. warn14. a. way b. method c. means d. lesson15. a. quantity b. quality c. equality d. quarter16. a. everything b. something c. anything d. nothing17. a. unfinished b. finished c. unfinishing d. finishing18. a. wake up b. grow up c. come up d. get up19. a. difficulty b. barriers c. anxiety d. chances20. a. rather than b. other than c. less than d. more than【解题导语】即将宣誓就职的美国总统当选人奥巴马,写了封感性十足的公开信给两名稚女-十岁的玛莉亚与七岁的莎夏,为这两年多半时间没能陪在她们身旁致上歉意,并为自己为何决定带领“我们一家人展开这趟伟大冒险”迈向白宫之路做了一番解释,以及他参选总统时从两名爱女身上所获得的启发。坦承就算答应让爱女饲养小狗、也与无法弥补一家人无法团聚的时光,他以两个女儿为荣,深爱着她们。这篇名为“我要你们与全美每名小孩过得更好”家书的收信对象,并非仅限于奥巴马的两名爱女,而广及全美国国民。1.【解析】选b。我知道这两年你们俩随我一路竞选都有过不少乐子(fun),野餐、游行、逛州博览会,吃了各种或许我和你妈不该让你们吃的垃圾食物。【解题误区】选项a的意思是“玩耍,戏剧”;选项c的意思是“疼痛,痛苦”;选项d的意思是“获得”,均与语境不符。2.【解析】选c。新来的小狗虽然令你们兴奋,却无法弥补(make up)我们不在一起的所有时光。【解题误区】选项a的意思是“从事”;选项b的意思是“捡起来;接收;用汽车搭载某人或接某人”;选项d的意思是“建造;张贴”,均与语境不符。3.【解析】选a。我明白这两年我错过了多少东西。【解题误区】本题易误选b。作者此处表达的是一个笼统的概念,故不能用how many。4.【解析】选b。当我还年轻的时候,我认为生活就该绕着我转:我如何在这世上成功,成功立业,得到我想要的。make ones way有“成功”的意思,与语境相符。【解题误区】make ones way与下文的become successful相呼应。5.【解析】选a。后来,你们俩进入了我的世界(world),带来的种种好奇、淘气和微笑,照亮我的日子。【解题误区】本题易误选b。malia and sasha是作者自己的孩子,因此若选b,则句意不通。6.【解析】选d。总能填满我的心,照亮我的日子。fail to do sth.没能做某事。【解题误区】本题易误选c。tend to do sth.易于做某事,倾向于做某事,与语境不符。7.【解析】选d。我要让所有儿童都在能够发掘他们潜能的学校就读。worthy of“适合于,配得上”,与语境相符。【解题误区】本题易误选a。worth of通常用于表示数量 持续时间等的名词之后。8.【解析】选c。这些学校要能挑战他们,激励他们,并灌输他们对身处的这个世界的好奇心。wonder about对于什么的好奇心。【解题误区】本题易误选a。a sense of humor about the world around them“关于她们周围世界的幽默感”,与语境不符。9.【解析】选a。我要他们有机会上大学,即使他们的父母并不富有。even if即使,引导一个让步状语从句,与语境相符。【解题误区】本题易误选d。if如果,引导一个条件状语从句,这与作者的承诺所表达的意思相悖。10.【解析】选b。让他们有时间陪孩子(kid)、并且能够带着尊严退休的工作。作者的这一承诺与文章第一段中although you are both excited about that new puppy(幼犬), it doesnt 2 for all the time weve been apart.所表达的愧疚相呼应。【解题误区】选项a“朋友们”;选项c“男孩,们”;选项d“女孩们”,均与上文没有照应。11.【解析】选c。我要大家向未知的领域拓展,不断去探索、发现,使得你们在有生之年能够看见新科技新发明改善我们的生活,使我们居住的这个星球更干净更安全。push back the boundaries of discovery把发现领域的边缘向外扩展,与语境相符。【解题误区】本题易误选d。pull back拉回,撤回,与语境不符。12.【解析】选d。我也要大家打破人际隔阂,跨越那些()种族、地域、性别和宗教樊篱。beyond越过,越出,与语境相符。【解题误区】本题易误选a。reach to延伸到,与语境不符。13.【解析】选a。妨碍我们看到彼此最优秀一面的()。keep sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事,与语境相符。【解题误区】其他三个选项通常不接“sb. from doing sth”。14.【解析】选d。这正是“我”在你们这年纪时,外婆想要教“我”的功课(lesson)。下文的叙述就是“我”的外婆教给我的功课的内容。【解题误区】其他三个的意思是“方式,方法”,与语境不符。15.【解析】选c。她把独立宣言开头几行念给我听,告诉我有一些男女为了争取 (平等)而游行抗议。【解题误区】结合美国历史常识有助于解答本题。16.【解析】选b。因为他们认为两个世纪前白纸黑字写下来的这些话,不应只是空话。mean something在句中可理解为“不是空话”。【解题误区】本题易误选a或c。mean everything/anything“意味着一切”,与语义相悖。17.【解析】选a。她让我了解到,美国所以伟大,不是因为它完美,而是因为我们可以不断让它变得更好,而让它更好的未竟工作,就落在我们每个人的身上。【解题误区】本题易误选b。finished完成的,与语境不符。 18.【解析】选b。这些是我想要让你们得到的东西:在一个梦想不受限制、有所成就的世界中“长大”。【解题误区】选项a的意思是“醒来”;选项c的意思是“出现,发生”;选项d的意思是“起床”,均与语境不符。19. 【解析】选d。我要每个孩子都有和你们一样的机会(chance),去学习、梦想、成长。【解题误区】选项a的意思是“困难”;选项b的意思是“障碍”;选项c的意思是“焦虑”,均与语境不符。20.【解析】选d。我深以你俩为荣,你们永远不会明白我有多爱你们。more than超过,与语境相符。【解题误区】选项a的意思是“而不是”;选项b的意思是“除了”;选项c的意思是“少于”,均与语境不符。完形填空(记叙文).i live in a small town but even so parking is a luxury. if you want to go shopping in town you pay. i went to town to get a few bits and pieces and had my1under control for an hour when i met with a friend. she is 81 years old and a sweetheart and she wanted to2. so, i was at the door of the3centre with almost one foot out the door, a(n)4out for the parking attendant and an attentive ear for her.when i saw the parking attendant my heart5. i ran to the car to find a square piece of paper glued to my front window, then6to the man who was walking slowly along the cars. i7that i was just a few minutes late and the proof was8i was there talking to him.if i had parked the9at the other end of the car park it would have given me time to avoid a(n)10. i felt terrible. probably the impact was so huge11it was my very first ticket.i got home thinking tha


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