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点点英语专业致力于四六级、考研和口译口语 1998.3上海市英语中级口译资格证书第一阶段考试SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (40 minutes)Part A: Spot DictationDirections: Is this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage only once.Britain is changing more rapidly than ever before in her long history. In some respects the new British society reflects general world trends. In other respects it has kept its own _(1). British society is evolving, that is to say, developing and suiting itself to _(2). Evolution rather than revolution or violent change is a _(3) of the British way of life.This is shown in one way by how the British people _(4). The Conservative and Labour Parties have controlled _(5) for the last fifty years, but today neither party can any longer be sure from which class or _(6) its support will come. Not long ago you _(7) the working classes always to vote for the Labour Party. The word “Labour” means “hard work”especially hard work”_(8). The Labour Party is the party which is supposed _(9) the “working man”. Your would also have expected the _ (10) classes to vote for the Conservative Party. The word“Conservative” means “keeping things _(11)” The Conservative Party is supposed to be the party which represents _(12), businessmen and the self-employed. In some respects traditional British“class distinctions” are becoming _(13), and you can be less sure how people will vote. Many members of the middle class _(14). Many ordinary working people enjoy a better standard of living and are _(15) any change which might affect them. But the _(16) between the classes remain. Many Conservative fear that the sovereignty of Parliament is being threatened by _(17). Many workers are afraid that the Conservative bosses are trying to keep _(18) down. But class feelings have not reached a _(19) yet. Middle-class and working class min can _(20) at a football match and be the best of friends.Part B: Listening Comprehension. StatementsDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements ill be spoken only once, and you will not find them written on the paper; so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.1. A. The houses had not been sold until last January. B. The houses have been for sale for some time. C. They went to the market to but their house. D. They have marked down their house since last January.2. A. Alice doesnt have much talent. B. Alice is writing a book on business administration. C. Alice earns more money in writing novels. D. Alice knows more about business administration.3. A. We knew your phone number, so we called you. B. We didnt know you were at home, so we didnt call you. C. We didnt want to disturb you, although we had your phone number. D. We didnt have your phone number, so we didnt call you.4. A. The suitcases are $ 19.85 each and come in three colors. B. The suitcases are available in red, green and blue for $ 19.85. C. The suitcases are nine dollars each. D. Each color has a different price.5. A. Most of the board members didnt like the dress code. B. Few of the board members voted for the dress code. C. The director was the only one who was against the dress code. D. The director as well as the board members voted for the dress code.6. A. Cathy told the police about the burglary. B. Cathy telephoned to say that her office had a window pane broken. C. The police told Cathy that they had found the key to her office. D. The police was called in to check the security system of Cathys office.7. A. The manager will spend his summer holiday in the North. B. The manager is going to have a look at some northern factories. C. The manager himself will run the factories in the North. D. The manager plans to retire after his travel to the North.8. A. Thirty guests came. B. Forty guests came. C. Twenty guests didnt receive their invitation cards. D. More guests came than were expected.9. A. One hundred and fourteen passengers called about the flight. B. Flight 114 was announced over the public address system. C. Flight 114 was canceled because of the weather. D. The flight was delayed due to the heavy rains.10.A. Many shops are moving to the suburbs. B. Sales figure is increasing in the suburbs. C. Shops in the downtown areas are more expensive. D. More goods are on sale in the suburbs. Talks and ConversationsDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully, because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions only once. When you hear a question, read the four answer choices the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Questions 111411. A. The size of the campus. B. The city bus system. C. The length of time for each class. D. The university bus system.12. A. The entire campus. B. Part of the campus. C. The campus and the. D. Only the off-campus areas.13. A. Nothing. B. Three dollars. C. A few cents D. Fifty cents.14. A. Red. B. Green C. Yellow. D. Blue.Questions 151815. A. Big computers. B. Portable computers. C. Various kinds of computers. D. Three types of machines.16. A. Only big computers. B. Only portable computers. C. Various kinds of computers D. Three types of machines.17. A. Professional people only. B. Large department stores. C. Small businesses, large companies and professional people. D. School children and university students.18. A. International Business Machines Corporation. B. Internal Business Machine. C. Iron Beam Machining Company. D. Iron Boat Machine Corporation.Questions 192219. A. From a textbook. B. From the television. C. From a periodical. D. From a lecture.20. A. How trees are grown in America. B. How paper is made from trees. C. The quality of paper used in America. D. The amount of paper that Americans use.21. A. 15 million tons. B. 50 million tons. C. 85 million tons. D. 850 million tons.22. A. Cut down more trees. B. Use less paper. C. Produce more paper. D. Read more about the problem.Questions 232623. A. Artificial plants. B. Plants in plastic containers. C. Plants that resemble plastic. D. Plants that produce a usable substance.24. A. It lasts longer. B. It is more artificial. C. It is easy to make in a laboratory. D. It is good for the environment.25. A. It biodegrades slowly. B. It kills plants. C. People never throw it away. D. It is not very strong.26. A. Engineering. B. Art. C. Botany. D. Geology.Questions 273027. A. Because there were so many clever boys at that time. B. Because they could provide free education for clever boys from poor families. C. Because the government planned to give free education to all the poor children. D. Because the government wanted to develop a new school examination system.28. A. They are more than 120 years old. B. They are open to all pupils. C. They are very expensive. D. They become smaller and smaller in size.29. A. Prepare children for the public school examination. B. Produce Britains most famous men and women. C. Train pupils to live and stay at public schools. D. Enroll pupils who are not admitted by public schools.30. A. Overseas B. Cities C. Suburban areas D. Upper classesPart C: Listening and Translation. Sentence TranslationDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 English sentences. You will hear the sentences only once. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.(1)_ (2)_ (3)_ (4)_ (5)_ . Passage TranslationDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages. You will hear the passages only once. After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening.(1)_ (2)_ _ _ SECTION 2: STUDY SKILLS (50 minutes)Directions: In this section, you will read several passage. Each passage is followed by several questions based on its content. You are to choose ONE best answer, A., B., C., or D., to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Questions 15.The bath was invented before the bath plug. The bath plug could not have been invented before the bath, except as a small object with which to play ice hockey. The order in which inventions are made is very important, much more important than has ever been realised, because we tend automatically to think that later inventions are better than earlier ones. A moments thought will show this is not so. If, for example, a solution to todays urban traffic problems was proposed in the shape of a small man-powered two-wheeled vehicle which would make the motor car look like a cumbersome overpowered device, a space rocket trying to tackle suburban problems, we would greet it as a great technological break through.“Bicycle makes car obsolete!” we would cry. Unfortunately, the bike came first, so we shall unconsciously see it as a cruder version of the car. _Other things which may have been invented too early are the airship, the radio, the railway train, the piano-roll player and the cuff-link. Consider also the zip. Zips represent a technological advance on buttons, being faster and more complete. They are also more liable to come adrift, break, jam, malfunction, stick and catch. Buttons can only go wrong if the thread is faulty. Even then, buttons can be mended by the user. Zips rarely can.1. The expression“ice hockey” (sentence 2) means_. A. a freezing compartment B. a game played on an ice rink C. a sweet flavoured frozen food D. a building in which ice is made.2. If the bicycle were to be invented now the car would appear_. A. unsuitable for its purpose B. in advance of its time C. unnecessarily expensive D. too fast for safety3. The airship and the radio are examples of thins which_. A. were not fully appreciated at the time of their invention B. are more suitable for use now than when they were invented C. have been neglected in favour of more recent inventions D. are less suited to their purpose than earlier inventions4. According to the writer, buttons are preferable to zips because they_. A. are more convenient B. are more reliable C. cost less to replace D. are safer to use5. Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A. A Cumbersome Over-Powered Device B. A Great Technological Breakthrough C. Do Zips Represent A Technological Advance? D. Does Technological Progress Work Backwards?Questions 610It took policeman John Pooley only an hour or two to solve the Case of the Thorpeness Burglary. It must be said, however, that the crime was not difficult. The description, though slight, narrowed the number of persons likely to commit such a crime.to one. Pooley, of course, knows everyone in the three villages in his care, and their children. But after he had made the arrestsomething he has to do more rarely than once a monthhe felt troubled because he not only knew the man, but also knew that he had family problems.Like most village police men, John Pooley is in charge of a very large area by police standards, which includes the three villages of Middleton, Dunwich and Westleton, where he lives. With a total population of 1, 219, he has more than twice as many people to look after as the average policeman has. Moreover, he is attached to the Halesworth subdivision and is frequently given duties outside his home area. After 15 years as a policeman, he accepts these duties without question, but his villages are clearly where his heart and interest really lie. When he was first sent to Westleton, he lived in the police house which was both his home and the police station; when the system was changed, he bought the house where he now lives with his wife, Ann, and his two daughters.He could hardly be better qualified for the job of village policeman. Before he joined the police, he was an agricultural worker for five years and a male nurse in a mental hospital for six years. He says:“If you havent had another job before you join the police, you tend to think nothing but police.”Crime in the country, of course, is somewhat different from city crime. Who was ever attacked while walking along the village street in Middleton? The things which John Pooley has to watch for are people stealing tools and equipment from farm vehicles, or wood from the surrounding forests. There are natural dangers too: he is so worried about the fire risk in forests that he has turned his bedroom window into a look-post.6. Why was John Pooley able to solve the Case of the Thorpeness Burglary so easily? A. He had been given a full description of the criminal. B. He knew everything that happened in the area. C. There were few crime cases in his area. D. There was only one possible suspect.7. From the passage it appears that nowadays a village policeman, like John Pooley, has to _. A. live in a village police house B. put out forest fires C. go through a long period of training D. look after more people than policemen elsewhere8. According to the passage, we learn that he_. A. is unpopular with the people in the villages B. objects when he is given work outside his own area C. prefers working in the villages of Middleton, Dunwich and Westleton D. feels unhappy when he arrests anybody.9. John Pooley thinks he is well qualified for his job because_. A. he had other jobs before he became a policeman B. has has been a policeman for fifteen years C. he has lived in Westleton all his life D. he is a countryman at heart10. Crime in this area is different from crime in a big city because_. A. it is hardly ever violent B. people here have more family problems C. the victim is easily attacked D. it is connected with natural disastersQuestions 1115Another dropped stitch in lifes rich tapestry: 15-year-old schoolboy who was caught in the Stock Market crash after a 100,000 shares gamble. Peeved stockbrokers to whom he owes 20,000 now say in in


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