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英语english 教材梳理 模块十一 课本模块复习 十一 八年级下册unit9 unit10 i 高频单词1 照相机camera2 进步progress3 不寻常的unusual4 鼓励encourage5 社会的social6 和平的peaceful7 完美的perfect8 它自己itself9 收集collect10 德国人german11 省份province12 一千thousand13 安全的safe14 是否whether15 春天spring16 主要地mostly17 甜的sweet18 记忆memory19 柔软的soft20 检查check21 清理clear22 拥有own23 诚实的honest24 家乡hometown25 现今nowadays26 搜索search27 将 视为regard28 童年childhood29 考虑consider30 羞耻 羞愧shameii 重点短语1 曾经去过havebeento2 去了 还没有回来 havegoneto3 数以千计thousandsof4 听说hearof5 醒来wakeup6 一年到头alltheyeararound7 一方面ontheonehand8 另一方面ontheotherhand9 察看 查实checkout10 清除clearout11 不再nolonger12 至于asfor13 依据 按照accordingto14 捐赠giveaway15 接近closeto 课本模块复习 十一 八年级下册unit9 unit10 iii 考点聚焦考点1 haveyoueverbeentoamuseum 你去过游乐场吗 1 i hongkongtwice whataboutyou a havebeentob havegonetoc leaveford goto 2 mysister japan butshehasn tcomebackyet a hasbeentob hasgonetoc hasbeenind goto 3 they dongguanforfiveyears a havebeentob havegonetoc havebeenind goto考点2 meneither 我也没有去过 1 neitherofthetwoboys togoshopping a wantb wantsc wantingd towant 2 ofthetwinsisinterestedinplayingchess a noneb allc bothd neither 3 lucy lilywilljointheschoolsingingcontestnextweek theywentabroadyesterday a notonly butalsob both andc neither nord either or a b c b d c 课本模块复习 十一 八年级下册unit9 unit10 考点3 forthousandsoftouristsfromchina thissmallislandinsoutheastasiaisawonderfulandsafeplacetotakeaholiday 对于许许多多的中国游客来说 这个东南亚的小岛是一个安全的度假胜地 1 ourschoolisverybig thereareaboutthree studentsinit a thousandb thousandsc thousandofd thousandsof 2 touristsvisitthegreatwallonmaydayeveryyear a thousandofb thousandsofc tenthousandsd tenthousandsof 3 theparkisveryquiet itisagoodplaceforus books a readb readingc havereadd toread考点4 ontheonehand morethanthreequartersofthepopulationarechinese 一方面 四分之三以上的人口都是中国人 1 isthepopulationofchinanow morethan1 3billion a howmanyb howmuchc whatd how 2 about ofthewater polluted somethingmustbedonewithit a threequarter isb threequarters arec threequarter ared threequarters is a b d c d 课本模块复习 十一 八年级下册unit9 unit10 考点5 thisisbecausetheislandissoclosetotheequator 这是因为这个岛离赤道很近 1 theschoolis themarket somanystudentsgoshoppingthereafterschool a farawayfromb closetoc notclosetod faraway考点6 i vehadthisbikeforthreeyears 我买这单车已经三年了 becausei vehaditsinceiwasababy 因为我还是个婴儿的时候就拥有它了 1 howlonghaveyou thiscar fornearly5years a boughtb hadc borrowedd sold 2 ihavehadthisbook threeyears i vereaditfivetimes a inb sincec ford during 3 ihavebeenlearningenglishsincei fiveyearsold a amb wasc beingd havebeen考点7 youcanalsogiveoldthingsawaytopeopleinneed 你也可以把一些旧东西捐赠给有需要的人 1 whatdoyouusuallydowithyouroldclothes i topeopleinneed a giveitawayb giveawayitc givethemawayd giveawaythem b c b d b 课本模块复习 十一 八年级下册unit9 unit10 考点8 nowadays millionsofchineseleavethecountrysidetosearchforworkinthecities 如今 数以百万计的中国人离开了乡下去大城市找工作 1 chickenswerekilledbecauseoftheh7n9birdflulastyear a millionofb tenmillionofc tenmillionsofd millionsof 2 thepolice everycornerofthecity thekillers a looked forb searched forc searched afterd looked afteriv 过关测试一 单项选择 1 lileiis honeststudent henevertelllies a ab anc thed 2 therearefour inayear thefirstoneis a seasons summerb seasons springc months januaryd days sunday 3 isawsome and dancinginthestreetthedaybeforeyesterday a germen englishmenb germans englishmansc germans englishmend german englishman b d b b c 课本模块复习 十一 八年级下册unit9 unit10 4 thenewssaidthat peoplelosttheirlivesintheearthquake i msorrytohearthat a twomillionsb twomillionsofc millionsofd millionof 5 anna haveyou seenthevoiceofchina ofcourse i itlastfriday a never sawb ever haveseenc never haveseend ever saw 6 howlong you thisbook fortwoweeks a did borrowb have borrowedc have keptd did keep 7 tim sfather tolondonlastmonth he therethreetimes a went hadgoneb hasgone hasbeenc went hasbeend hasbeen hadgone 8 haveyoueverbeentofuntimesamusementpark let sgotheretomorrow a yes ihaveb no ihaven tc yes idod no idon t 9 hello mayispeaktolily sorry sheisnotin she beijing a havebeentob havegonetoc hasbeentod hasgoneto d c b c c b 课本模块复习 十一 八年级下册unit9 unit10 10 you yourenglishdictionary notyet soihavetobuyanewonetoday a did findb have foundc are findingd had found 11 he sneverbeentoamerica yes hewenttonewyorktwoyearsago a isheb hashec isn thed hasn the 12 what sthe ofguangdong it sabout104 300 000 a populationb humanc persond people 13 theoldmanwasverykind he allhismoney tocharityafterhedied a gave upb gave inc gave awayd gave out 14 it stimeto orwewillbelateforschool a wakeupb putupc makeupd clearup 15 ontheonehand youshouldeatabalanceddiet youmustdomoreexercisetokeephealthy a inthiscaseb bythewayc ontheotherhandd inaword b b a a c c 课本模块复习 十一 八年级下册unit9 unit10 16 mr greenisveryhelpful youaskhimforhelp hewillgiveyouahand a wheneverb whateverc howeverd whoever 17 tomhastwosons but ofthemliveswithhim a eitherb nonec bothd neither 18 myteachersoftenencourageme studyharderthanbeforeandmakeprogress a onb forc tod at 19 mr zhangisagoodteacher heoften hisstudentsassonsanddaughters a regardsb looksc hopesd wants 20 basketballisverypopularinourschool ofstudentslikesitverymuch a twothreeb twothirdc twothreesd twothirds二 阅读理解tedworkedinafactoryinabigtown helikedfishingverymuch andwasgoodatit wheneverhewasfree hewentdowntothesmallriverbehindthefactoryandtriedtocatchsomefish butnowtherewereveryfewtherebecausethewaterwasdirtyandthepollutionwasgettingworseandworse thefishnearlydiedoutinthisriver thenonesummerhewenttotheseasideduring a a c d d 课本模块复习 十一 八年级下册unit9 unit10 hisholidaysandstayedatasmall cheaphotel hebroughtallthefishingthingsanddreamedtocatchalotoffishthere i veneverfishedintheseabefore hethought itwillberatherdifferentfromfishinginourriver ihopeiamsuccessfultomakemydreamscometrue onthefirstdayhecaughtalotoffishandwasveryhappy hecouldn teatallofthem thenhegavethemtothehotel andaskedthemtocookthefishforalltheguests alltheguestsenjoyedthemverymuch afterthathedidthiseveryday butwhentedgothisbill 账单 attheendoftheweek hesawonit foroiltofryfish 7days 3 50 21 tedworkedasa andhewasgoodat a worker fishingb cook cookingc tourist boatingd seaman swimming 22 therewere fishintheriverbehindhisfactory a fewb afewc littled alittle 23 onesummertedwenttotheseaside a forfishingb forswimmingc forhisholidaysd forboating c a a 课本模块复习 十一 八年级下册unit9 unit10 24 itwas whocookedthefishforalltheguests a tedhimselfb thecooksinthehotelc theownerd thewaiters 25 howmanyweeksdidhestayinthatcheaphotel a one b two c seven d nine 三 读写综合a 信息归纳mynameisjacky iamamiddleschoolstudent butihavealotofproblemsrecently first iamnothappyinclass iamsoshythatiamafraidofspeakinginclass second iarguedwithmybestfriend iamveryworriedbecauseihavefewfriends idon twanttoloseher third ifeelnervousasthemiddleexamsarecoming andievencan tsleepwellatnight so mymothertookmetothedoctoryesterday itoldthedoctormyproblemsandhegavemesomeadvice heaskedmetomakemorefriendswholookfriendlyandplaygamesinmyfreetime sothatiwillnotbesoshy healsosaid ifyoudon twanttoloseyourbestfriend youshouldtalkwithher tellherwhatyouthinkand
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