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学生姓名 就读小学 准考证号 家长电话 家庭住址 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 第五届小学生综合能力万人测-A卷(六年级)(考试时间: 满分:100分)英语(30) 1. 单项选择(共5小题,每题1分,共5分)() 1. _, is this your umbrella?(原创)A Oh BPlease COK DExcuse me() 2It is not_ A eggs Ba egg Cegg Dan egg() 3Thank you very much _AOK BThats right CYoure welcome DYes()4. Please call us _3890532345 A. at Bon Cin Dwith()5. When do you usually go to see a movie? _ Sunday evening . A. In B. On C. At D. From二情景交际(共10空,每空0.5分,共5分)A. 从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话(有两项多余)(2.5分)A. Lets have noodles for lunch.B. Thats all right.C. I like them very much.D. How about dumplings?E. I like some hamburgers.F. Yes, he does.G. I dont like them. Frank: Hi, David. Do you like noodles?David: Yes._6_ but I dont like hamburgers. Frank: _7_.David: Oh. I dont like them at all.Frank: What about potato chips?David: _8_.Frank: Does you brother like them?David: _9_Frank:_10_David: Ok.B. 短文排序(2.5分)Marking Choices in the Shopping We go shopping almost every day. 11 Supermarket is the right place for you. There are some good points buying things at the supermarket.1. You buy things at the supermarket at a low price. 12 2. You decide what to buy 13 . And you dont have troubles from the shop assistant at the big store.3. There are more choices of goods 14 . You can buy many things for a weeks use at a time: 15 .In a word, it is better to buy things at a supermarket. all by yourself at the supermarket. You pay much more in the big store to buy the same goods. to buy at the supermarket We have many choices of the places to buy things. it saves us much money and time. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.三阅读理解(共10题。每题1分,共10分)A (原创)There are some clothes in the shop. Please read the table and answer the questions. ClothesPrices¥120¥78¥102¥56( ) 16. How much is the skirt? A. ¥120 B. ¥78 C. ¥56( ) 17. Lucy wants a shirt, how much will she pay? A. ¥120 B. ¥78 C. ¥56( ) 18. What cant you buy in this shop? A. shoes B. T- shirts C. gloves ( ) 19. I want to buy a pair of shoes and a pair of trousers, how much should I pay? A. ¥222 B. ¥102 C. ¥120( ) 20. Maria has only 300 yuan, what can she buy?A. Two pairs of shoes and a T-shirt. B. Two pairs of pants and a skirt. C. Three T-shirts and two skirtsB Read Mr. Wangs day and answer the questions.Timetable Mr. Wang6:00 a.m. Get up 6:30 Have breakfast ( milk, bread)7:00 Go to work by bus 8:00 Clean the cages9:00 Feed the elephants ( 50 kilos of hay )11:30 Have lunch (noodles, vegetables )2:00 p.m. Train (训练) the animals 5:00 Go home ( ) 21. When does Mr. Wang get up?A. At 6:00 a.m. B. At 6:30 a.m. C. At 7:00 a.m. ( ) 22. How does he go to work?A. by bike B. by bus C. by car( ) 23. Whats for his lunch?A. Cake and hamburger B. cake and noodles C. noodles and vegetables ( ) 24. What does he do at 2:00 p.m.?A. Train the animals B. Feed the elephants C. go home ( )25. When does he go home?A. At 2:00 B. At 5:00 C. At 9:00 四拓展题(共5题,每题1分,共5分)阅读下列文章,根据所给的首字母写出所缺的单词。 Mike put two big baskets of grapes onhisdonkeyandwentto market. At midday it was very hot, so he stopped in theshadeofabig tree. There were several other men there, and all of them had donkeyswith grapes too. After theirlunchtheywenttos 26 . Aftersometime, Mike began to take g 27 out of the other mensbaskets and to put them in his. S 28 one of the men woke up and saw him. What areyoudoing? he said angrily. Oh, said Mike, dont worry about me. I am half mad, andIdoa lot of strange things. Oh, really? said the other man. Thenwhydontyousometimestake grapes out of your baskets and put them in somebody elses baskets? You did not u 29 me, said Mike. I said that I was halfmad, not quite mad.26._ 27._ 28._ 29. _30. 找出划线部分最恰当的中文解释. Michael Jordan is over 40 now, and that makes him older than anybody else on the team. But in the frantic last few seconds when his team is a point or two behind, put the ball in his hands - hes still the best go-to guy in the game!( )A. 最好来去的人 B.最好去的人 C.最好的人 D.最靠得住的人五智力题(共5题,每题1分,共5分)31. What would be the next picture in this series? Choose one of the following five: A. B. C. D. 32. There are four cars, please find the different ones. A. B. C. D.33. Fiona is 12 years old. Two years ago, she was twice as old as Millor. How old is Millor now?A. 6 B.22 C. 7 D. 2334. Whats next? ?A. B. C. D. 35. Whats the lowest place among all the continents?A. Africa B. Antarctica C. North America D. South America数学(40)基础知识部分(20分)一、计算。(每题0.5分,共6分)(1)62= (2)75= (3)= (4)=(5)15 (6) (7)= (8)= (9)= (10)= (11)+-= (12)=二、填空题。(每空1分,共14分)。1、比40千克多20%的是( )千克;240是( )的20。 2、12( )( )10( ) 3、一辆车的前、后两个轮子的半径比是2:1,那么它们的面积比是( ),周长比是( )。 4、某校六(1)班有男生25人,女生26人,男生人数相当于总人数的( )。5、抽样检验一种商品,有38件合格,2件不合格,这种商品的合格率是( )。 6、春运期间,深圳到武汉的飞机票涨价10%后,票价为880元,春运前的飞机票价是( )元。7、一本故事书原价20元,现在每本按原价打九折出售,现价( )元。8、甲数是乙数的2倍,甲比乙多( )%。9、件衣服先降价20%,再提价( )%,才能和原价相同。10、x、y、z是三个非零自然数,且,那么x、y、z按照从大到小的顺序排列应是( )拓展提高部分(12分)三、填空题。(每题3分,共12分)。1、如图,已知直角三角形ABC是等腰直角三角形,AB=36厘米,阴影部分的面积是( )平方厘米。2、=( )。3、育红小学六年级红领巾图书角,原来科技书与文艺书本数的比是5:6,借出10本科技书后,科技书与文艺书本数的比是2:3。科技书原有( )本。4、右图ABED为梯形,ACED为平形四边形,三角形AOB的面积为3,三角形CDE的面积为5,阴影部分面积是( )。能力训练部分(8分)四、解答题。(每题4分,共8分)1、(4分)把同一排7张座位编号为的电影票全部分给5人,每人至少一张,至多两张。这两张编号要相邻,那么不同分法有多少种?2、(4分)如下图,以O为一个端点,以A1,A2,A3,A4A2014,为一个端点,共可以连出2014条线段,在这2014条线段中,不经过图中任何一个格点的有几条?语文(30) 一、基础知识积累与运用。(共12分)1、下列各组词语中,加横线的字注音或书写正确的一项是()(2分)A、眼棱(lng)慷慨(ki)弛骋 凝滑如脂(zh)B、依赖(ni)懦弱(nu)震撼 天之娇子C、妖饶(ro)怜悯(mn)赫然(h) 历尽心血D、校对(jio)昭示(zho)吉祥(xing)自出心裁2、选择恰当的词语填空。(2分)(1)清醒力量慰藉启发 书籍是我们的良师益友困惑时它给你(),悲哀时它给你(),得意时它给你( )。(2)娇羞娇贵 玫红的蔷薇绽放着,既有公主的(),又有闭月的()。3、把它们按年龄大小排一排。(2分)弱冠之年 花甲之年 天命之年 古稀之年 不惑之年 而立之年 4.下列各句中没有语病的一项是( )A. 为了避免清明祭扫出现的交通拥堵,政府号召市民错峰出行以缓解交通压力。 B. 广州的特大暴雨严重影响了市民的生活,也牵动了政府的特别关注和关心。C. 在老师和全班同学的共同努力下,使班上成绩有了很大提高。 D. 有一个良好的班风和学风,是衡量一个班级是否优秀的标准之一。5、默写诗句。(2分)(1)今夜不知何处宿, 。(2)天道以爱人为心, 。6、下列说法有误的一项是( ) A.三国演义中“草船借箭”的故事的主人公是诸葛亮。 B. 大家熟悉的“推敲”的故事说的是韩愈和贾岛两人推敲诗句的事。C. 我国古代文学史上有许多文人齐名并称的现象,如“三苏”、“唐宋八大家”、“竹林七贤”、“韩柳”、“李杜”等,其中,“李杜”指的是唐代诗人李白和杜牧。D.海的女儿的作者是丹麦童话作家安徒生;豹子头林冲是水浒传里的人物形象。二、阅读理解。(每空1分,共12分)(一)课内阅读(5分)我愿意当一个长久的忠实于生活的旅行者。我在大山和海洋之间行走,我跨过山岭、河流和无数的小路。我要去找大山做朋友,找海洋做朋友,找河流和道路做朋友。大山他使我坚强、震惊,让我长的像一片茂密的森林。大海他使我心胸开阔,热情汹涌。所有的河流,使我灵巧活泼,永远前进我愿意一生再这些地方行走,从它们那里去寻找这些东西,分送到每一个人心里(2) 选文出自课文_。(3) 作者从大山、海洋、河流中获得启发,他学会了像大山一样_;像大海一样_;像河流一样_。(4) 选文表达了作者对大自然的_之情。(5) 课外阅读(7分)父亲的自行车那次回老家,父亲说自行车丢了。“唉,真倒霉,到菜场买菜,一转头自行车就没了。”“丢就丢了,再买一辆,又不值多少钱。”我对父亲说。父亲没有吭声,只是神情沮丧,仿佛多年前和我赶集走散的光景。记忆里,父亲的自行车是在我五六岁时买的。那时,父亲在镇上的供销社上班,母亲在乡下务农。父亲为了方便回家干农活和照看我们,花费半年的工资买了辆凤凰牌自行车。有了自行车,我和一起出生的弟弟就有了期盼。日之夕矣,我们坐在门槛上焦急地等待父亲。当我们听到隐隐的铃声,便赛跑一般穿过那打谷场,跨过小桥,朝竹林那边的石子路冲去。我们赛跑的原因只是为了能坐在前面的单杠上按铃铛。自然我总是比弟弟跑得快。等到我兴奋地把铃铛按得叮当直响时,弟弟往往才气喘吁吁地赶到。父亲像先前抱我一样把弟弟抱上后座,乐呵呵地推着我们回家。最快乐的等待在节日里,因为父亲的自行车上比往常多了月饼、糖果之类的东西,它们是那时最美味的食品。铃声还没有响,我和弟弟就已经翘首以待。我们一边等待,一边讨论,一边想像自行车满载而归的情形。等待的时光快乐而漫长。或许是单位加班的缘故,或许是我们心情焦急的缘故,父亲在节日里似乎总回来得晚些。太阳快要落山了,父亲尚未归来。“爸爸回不回来呀”弟弟担心地问。“怎么不回来,你听,铃声。”铃声并没有响,我只是哄他。“好像有。”弟弟侧耳倾听,但很快又失望了。记忆里,总是在我们略略失望时,铃声乍起。于是,我们又赛跑着上路,不过,这时的我们不是争坐前面,而是争提食品。父亲取下食品,每人手里放一些。我们小心翼翼地往家提,生怕有半点闪失。记忆里也有不快乐的时光。


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