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Unit4OurWorldTopic3 复习目标1 复习反意疑问句 2 复习前面所学的重点词组和句型 反意疑问句 tagquestion 又叫附加疑问句表示提问者对某事有一定的主见 但是没有把握 希望对方来证实 基本结构 肯定句 否定疑问句 否定句 肯定疑问句 前肯后否 前否后肯 复习指导1 Grammar 反意疑问句 1 Shegoestoschoolbybus 2 Sitdownplease 3 Thereisnothinginthebox 4 Let sgohome 5 Ithinkheisagoodboy 6 Katecameherelastmonth 7 Nobodylikesapples 8 Somethingiswrongwiththewatch 9 Hissistercan tswimwell 10 YouwillgotoAmerica doesn tshe isthere Willyou Shallwe isn the didn tshe arethey Won tyou Isn tit canshe 1 前后两部分时态 人称 数要一致 2 陈述句有few little never nothing no seldom nobody hardly neither 等表示否定的词时 疑问句用肯定形式 3 祈使句的反意疑问句willyou Let s用shallwe 4 含有Ithink Iblieve的从句 根据从句来变 5 如果陈述句的主语是something nothing 等表物的不定代词时 反意疑问部分的主语多用it 当陈述部分的主语是noone everybody someone anybody none neither等表人的不定代词时 疑问部分的主语多用they 反意疑问句的回答 不论怎样提问 若事实是肯定的 就用yes回答 若事实是否定的 就用no回答 将下列句子改成反意疑问句1 Tomcomestoschoollate 2 JanecanspeakChinesenow 3 YaoMingisafamousbasketballplayer 4 MrMottpackedeverythinglastnight 5 HanMeidoesn tknowmuchabouttheweatherinSydney 6 Therewerealotoftalltreesinthepark 7 Theweatherheregetswarmerandsummer MikeandJackareplayingfootballnow WatchingTVtoomuchisbadforus doesn the can tshe isn the didn the doesshe weren tthere doesn tit Everythingisstrange 陌生的 forus Wenevergotothemoon dowe Somebodywentthere didn tthey Therearefewpeoplethere arethere Thereislittlewater isthere isn tit Youwillvisitthemoonlateron won tyou 复习指导2 ReadthewordsandCheckthem Exercises 1 Mostoldhousesare 拆毁 2 Myshoesare 穿破 soIwanttobuyanewpair 3 Wemusttryourbestto ourenvironment 4 Todaythe 政府 realizestheimportantofsavingtheseoldcitywalls 5 ThekingsinEgyptbuiltthepyramidsastheir 坟墓 6 Atlast theyfinished 重建 ourcity pulleddown wornout protect government tombs rebuilding 7 Eachstone 重 morethantwotons 8 MissGaor herstudentsasherownchildren 9 Thereareonlytwo peopleinthatcountry 10 It soneofthesevenwondersofthea world weighs regards million ancient 复习指导3 ReadSectionA B stext PayattentiontotheUsefulexpressionsandphrases Usefulexpressions phrases 1 有 组成2 把 连结起来3 把 看作4 从那时起5 的象征 bemadeupof join together regard as fromthenon asymbolof 6 超过7 拆毁8 损坏的9 尽力做某事10 命令某人做某事11 古城墙 morethan over pulldown bewornout trytodosth ordersb todosth oldcitywalls 12 真人模型13 在二十世纪六十年代 14 曾经有


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