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教案1课题Unit6 Healthy diet 课型Vocabulary备课时间教材分析教学目标1. Students can read and recognize all the new words in this unit.2. Students can master the main usage of the key words. 3. Students can use the new words to talk about healthy diet . 教学重点Recognizing the new words. 教学难点Use the key words to talk about healthy diet.教学关键Students can use the new words to talk about a balanced diet .教法与学法指导Imitating and self-study ;cooperation.教学环节主要教学步骤或内容学生主体活动教师活动设计意图时间分配第一环节复习回顾平移的基本性质,引入课题Step 1.Guessing games; 1. Listen to the teacher carefully and guess what the name of the food are1.Use the PPT to give some hints and ask students to guess what the name of the food are. 1.Arouse the students interest and lead students get familiar with the topic. 5第二环节观察操作、探索归纳平移的作法Step 2. Lead in Step 3. Learn about the words in this unit according to the words list. 2.Students compete in group to speak out the food as much as possible. Students group the food3、Read after the CD about the new words.Recognize the new words as much as possible in every flash, then play a game.Self-study the usage of the key words: review product medical fat sugar necessary plenty usual a balanced diet and so on .Discuss in Groups to check the learning sheet.2. Divide the students into groups and ask the them to speak out the food as much as possible .Ask students to group the food.3.Play the tape. Ask students to learn the new words ,then Organize a game “magic eyes”.Lead them to learn the key points on the learning sheet (list the usage of the key words and present some related exercises .Use the PPT to emphasize the answer.2. Get ready for the text 3.let students get the standard pronunciation of the new words. Cultivate their ability of self-study and cooperation as well as lead them to master the key words.520第三环节课堂练习Step 4Competition. Using the new words to make different sentences .6. Work in groups to make sentences or make up a story using the new words. Try to make it interesting and as many as possible. 6.Tell the students to compete to use the new words which group can make the most ones .4.Lead them to recreate and compete.5第四环节课时小结Step 5 Summarize the better group and the learning words.7. Discuss to tell the learning result and the better performance.7. Encourage them to list their learning result and give marks to the better groups.5. Make them learn to evaluate themselves.5第五环节课后作业 Read the new words until you can keep them in


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