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第十六节八年级 下 unit7 unit8 第一部分教材重点难点梳理 目录 contents 重难点梳理 重点单词重点短语重点句型 巩固练习 语法选择完形填空阅读理解阅读填空单词拼写完成句子 重难点梳理 重点单词重点短语重点句型 目录 contents unit7 1 未知的 2 收到 3 大声的 响亮的 4 毁坏 破坏 5 惊吓的 害怕的 6 发现 找到 发觉 7 令人不快的 可怕的 8 想知道 想弄明白 9 拒绝 unknown receive loud damage frightened discover terrible wonder refuse 10 解释 说明 11 高兴 满意 愉快 12 外星人 13 宇航员 航天员 14 山丘 小山 15 探索 16 灌木 17 安静的 18 圆形的 球形的 explain pleased alien astronaut hill explore bush quiet round 19 碰撞 相撞 20 害怕 恐惧 21 生物 动物 22 羽毛 23 线 线条 24 张开 25 符号 记号 26 沙漠 荒漠 27 帐篷 28 刀 crash fear creature feather line spread mark desert tent knife 1 互联网 2 帖子 邮递 3 借口 辩解 4 不久前 最近 5 永远 6 无疑 肯定 当然 7 使满意 使满足 8 休息 放松 internet post excuse recently forever certainly unit8 satisfy relax 9 在 期间 10 道歉 11 过去 12 目前 现在 13 氢 氢气 14 宽的 宽阔的 15 形状 外形 16 咖啡馆 小餐馆 17 推荐 18 使 混合 while apology past present hydrogen wide shape cafe recommend mix 19 电子的 20 科技 工艺 21 软件 22 病毒 23 使 自己有准备 electronic technology software virus prepare unit7 1 保持安静 2 因为 3 发出可怕的声音 4 恐惧地 害怕地 5 拒绝做某事 6 输电线 7 母航 太空母航 8 降落场 9 尽快 keepquiet becauseof makeaterriblenoise infear refusetodosth powerline mothership landingsite assoonaspossible 10 同意 赞成 11 不同意 持不同意见 有分歧 12 气象气球 agreewith disagreewith weatherballoon 1 道歉 2 现在 3 在前面 4 在互联网上 5 的形状 6 相混合 7 太阳能 8 从一个地方到另一个地方 9 通过这种方法 makeapologies inthepresent atthefront ontheinternet intheshapeof mix with solarenergy unit8 fromplacetoplace inthisway 10 车辆 抛锚 11 准备 12 邮寄 13 收到回复 14 在短时间内 15 片刻 瞬间 16 未能做某事 breakdown preparefor bypost getareply inashorttime inasecond failtodosth 1 iwonderwhatitmeans 我想知道它是什么意思 句型 iwonder iwanttoknow等 疑问词 主语 谓语 构成宾语从句 从句部分应该用陈述句语序 2 1 whydidyourunaway 你为什么要跑开 becauseanaliensawusandmadeaterriblenoise 因为一个外星人看见了我们并制造了令人讨厌的嗓音 2 i msuresomethinglandedintheforestnearthehillsasihearaloudnoiselastnight 昨晚 我确定某样东西落在小山附近的森林里 因为我听到了一声巨响 3 sincenooneelsesawthesealiens irefusetobelieveyou 既然没有其他任何人看见外星人 我拒绝相信你 句型 because as since从句 这几个词都有 因为 由于 既然 之意 引导原因状语从句 在汉语中说 因为 所以 但是在英语中 because和so不能同时出现在同一句子中 只能用其一 有类似用法的还有although和but 它们也不能同时出现在一个句子中 3 表示自己的观点 看法的句型 句中的that可以省略 1 ithinkthat 我认为 觉得 2 ibelievethat 我相信 3 iagreethat 我同意 4 idon tthinkthat 我不认为 不觉得 5 idon tbelievethat 我不相信 6 idon tagreethat idisagreethat 我不同意 翻译 我觉得这本书非常无趣 i thebookis don tthink interesting funny或thinkthat boring 4 其他好用的常用句型 1 thesehousesareboth green and smart 这些房子既环保又智能 2 whileiwasdrivingmyoldcar iwaspollutingthecity 当我开着我的旧车时 我正在污染城市 fromthedayrobertadlerinventedthetelevisionremotecontrol 1 peoplearoundtheworld 2 forwaystogetlaziertirelessly 不知疲倦地 3 thedaythatarobotwakesyouup cleansyourroomandwalksyourdogmightstillbetwentyyearsoff theyaresurelygoingtogofromthefactoryfloortoyourfamilyroom 4 thecoverofascientificmagazine billgatessaid theageofrobots iscoming 5 behindthisnewage it spartlyamatteroftechnology therearenowafewdifferentwaysforrobots 6 around theycanwalkorrideonwheels companieslikesonyandgeneralelectric 7 ondesignsforsmallrobots productsliketheroomba arobotthatcan 8 tocleanfloors arecominginto 9 homes today srobotrevolution 革命 is 10 themforeverydayuse robotswilldobasichouseworksuchascleaningorgardening 11 justhelpyouhavemorefunonthebasketballcourt whatmakesarobotdifferentfrom 12 ordinarymachineistheabilitytosenseandmakechangestotheenvironment today scomputingabilityis forthefirsttime abletomakemachines 13 could think atleastincertainways however therearealso 14 thatrobotswillonedaytaketheplaceofhumanstobethemasteroftheworld whatwillthefuturebelike let s 15 1 a in1950sb in1950s c inthe1950d inthe1950s 2 a searchb searchedc aresearchingd havesearched 3 a althoughb becausec asd since 4 a inb onc overd from 5 a when sb where sc what sd how s 6 a moveb tomovec movingd moves 7 a workb areworkingc workedd haveworked d d a b c b b 8 a useb beusedc usingd beingused 9 a peopleb peoplesc people sd peoples 10 a makeb tomakec makesd tomaking 11 a andb butc ord thus 12 a ab anc thed 13 a thatb wherec whend who 14 a worryb worriedc worriesd worrying 15 a waitandseeb waitingandseeingc waitedandsawd towaitandsee b c b c b a c a withthedevelopmentofthemobilephoneandtheinternet peoplecancommunicatewitheachothereasily atthesametime theyalsobringsome 1 topeople slife moreandmorepeoplebecomephubbings 低头族 johnisoneofthem lastdragon boatfestival john sfamilygottogethertohaveabig 2 athishome whentheyarrivedatjohn shome john swifebegantocookdinner allthefamilysattogethereatinganddrinking buttheydidn tchatmuchwitheachother 3 allofthemjusttookouttheirmobilephonesoripadsand 4 them theycaredlittlearoundthem butonlylookedattheir pets whenevertheyhadtime everyonespenttimesendingmessages surfingthe 5 orsharingsomethingwithfriendsbyqqorwechat it 6 thatmobilephonesandipadsareeverythingtothem eventhoughjohn swifegoteverythingreadyforthemealandaskedthemtoenjoyit theypaidno 7 tothis whatapity spendingtimewithfamilyisvery 8 toallofus butitdoesn tmeanyouonlystaywiththem youhaveto 9 themanddosomeactivitieswiththem so ihopeeveryonecan 10 yourmobilephonesoripadsanddosomethingmeaningfulwithyourfamily 1 a hobbiesb benefitsc problemsd interests 2 a partyb meetingc concertd dinner 3 a insteadb howeverc thusd therefore 4 a putonb concentratedonc turnedond settledon 5 a tvb radioc internetd movie c d a b c 6 a seemedb lookedc soundedd felt 7 a sightb weightc attentiond intention 8 a importantb harmfulc pleasantd helpful 9 a gowithb chatwithc staywithd runwith 10 a clearawayb throwawayc giveawayd blowaway a c a b b bytheyear2050itisestimatedthattheworld spopulationwillreachninebillion aninterestingquestion whathappenswhenpeopleinpoorercountriesraisetheirlivingstandardanddemandmoremeatintheirdiet imaginetryingtofeedninebillionpeoplewithenoughmeat inshort it ssimplyimpossible australianjournalistandsciencewriter juliancribb explainsthechallengestheworldfacesinfeedingninebillionpeoplebytheyear2050 cribbsaysthereisamajorprobleminthecurrentfoodsysteminthedevelopedworld atleast asmoreandmorepeoplemovetowardscitycenters thelessandlesstheyknowaboutwheretheirfoodcomesfrom mostthinkfoodsimplygrowonsupermarketshelves andtheydon tconsidertheenvironmentaleffectsoffoodproduction foodhasmanyhiddencost hugevolumesofwater energyuseandlanddegradation 退化 consumersaddtheirowncostsbysimplythrowingawayalotoffood thefiguresforfoodwasteinwestarestaggering tosolvethisproblemofpublicignorance 无知 aboutfood cribbsuggeststhatfoodshouldbetaughtasasubjectatprimaryschool thiswouldhelptocreateafuturegenerationthatcouldbetterdealwiththeworld scomingfoodchallenges thispowerfulmeasurecanhelptoraiseagenerationofeducatedconsumers moreproductivefarmers andsoon cribboffersothersolutionsandsuggestionsaswell oneistoincreasethefundingforagriculturescience whichhasbeenfallingbythewaysideinrecentyears hesuggestedorganic 有机的 farmingshouldbeunderstoodonascientificbasis changingpeople sthinkingtooneofanewformof environmentalagriculture togettheverybestoutoforganicfarmingsystems hesaysweshouldstopwastingfoodandlearnhowtogrowfoodmorecheaply weshoulduselesswater aswaterisoneofthemaininputsintofoodproduction cribbalsosuggestseatingmorefruitandvegetables 1 inthesecondparagraph oneproblemofthefoodsystemindevelopedcountriesis a increasingignoranceaboutthewaysoffoodproductionb anincreasingnumberofpeoplemovingtocitycentersc foodproductiondoingharmtotheenvironmentd thecostoffoodproductionisincreasing 2 whatisthemeaningoftheunderlinedwordinthethirdparagraph a confusing b surprising c puzzling d pleasing a b 3 accordingtojuliancribb whatistheaimofmakingfoodasubjectatschool a toeducatestudentsaboutthefoodproblem b tohelpstudentsunderstandhowtogrowfood c todevelopagriculturalscience d totrainmoreproductivefarmers 4 whichofthefollowingmaythewriterdisagreewith a b a thepublicshouldsavefoodandsavewater b organicagriculturecostsalotofresources c moremoneyshouldbeusedforagriculturalscience d peopleshouldeatlessmeatbutmorefruitandvegetables 5 thetextismainlyabout a theeffectsofagricultureontheenvironmentb theeffectoftheworld spopulationonagriculturec foodproblemsinthefutureandsomesolutionsd thedevelopmentofagricultureinthefuture c b whatwillourlifebelikein2040 welcometoyourfuturelife 1 in2040medicalscienceisbetterthanever manypeopleyouragecouldlivetobe150 soat40 you renotoldatall andyourparentsjusthadananti agingnanotechnology 纳米技术 treatment now allthreeofyoulookthesameage yousaytoyourshirt turnred 2 in2040 smartclothes containparticles 分子 muchsmallerthanthecells 细胞 inyourbody theparticlescanbeprogrammedtochangeyourclothes colororshape e youwalkintothekitchen yougrabthemilk butavoicesays youshouldn tdrinkthat yourfridgehasreadthesmallcomputerchip 芯片 onthemilk slabel 商协 anditknowsthemilkisold 3 it stimetogotowork 4 justtellyour smartcar wheretogo ontheway youcancallafriendusingyourjacketsleeve 袖子 nano sized smarttechnology isallaroundyou yourwholebodyandsurroundingswillbecomepartofthesamenetwork saysscientistampybuchholz a d 5 fornewtechnologytosucceed saysfuturistandrewzolli ithastobesomuchbetterthatitreplaceswhatwehavealready theinternetisoneexample whatwillbethenext c 1 ir aletterfrommye friendjimlastweek 2 ifyoum redandyellow youwillgetthecolourorange 3 maryr totaketheteacher sadviceandfailedtheexam 4 whenwewerelisteningtotheteacher therewasal noiseinthenextroom 5 pleasee why


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