【名师一号】高中英语 Unit 6 Desgin Grammar 2双基限时练 北师大版必修2.doc_第1页
【名师一号】高中英语 Unit 6 Desgin Grammar 2双基限时练 北师大版必修2.doc_第2页
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【名师一号】高中英语 Unit 6 Desgin Grammar 2双基限时练 北师大版必修2.doc_第4页




【名师一号】2014-2015学年高中英语 unit 6 desgin grammar 2双基限时练 北师大版必修2.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1here is the man _ you want to see.答案who/whom/that2the boy _ parents are dead was brought up by his grandfather.答案whose3the lady _ we saw yesterday is miss green.答案who/that/whom4the house the window of _ is broken is mine.答案which5he has two sons, both of _ are teachers.答案whom.选词填空(which, that)1all _ can be done has been done.答案that2this is the first letter _ ive written in english.答案that3the school in _ he once studied is very famous.答案which4she is the most careful girl _ i have ever known.答案that5this is the book that you bought _ you have lost.答案which6they talked about people and places _ they had visited.答案that7this is the same museum _ you once visited.答案that8whos the woman _ is waiting at the school gate?答案that.单项填空1lisa, i guess wed better bring a road map _ we would lose our way.a. which b. thatc. of which d. without which答案与解析d考查定语从句中“介词关系代词”的用法。without which we will lose our way“没有地图我们会迷路”。2his parents wouldnt let him marry anyone _ family was poor.a. of whom b. whom c. of whose d. whose答案与解析dwhose在定语从句中作family的定语,引导定语从句,若选a项,family前应加the。3the thought of going home to his family was all _ kept him happy while he was working abroad.a. that b. what c. those d. which答案与解析a先行词是不定代词all,引导定语从句的关系代词只能用that。4the expected results_ he had worked hard seemed hopeless to him.a. after which b. for whichc. with which d. at which答案与解析b先行词为the expected results,放在定语从句中应为he had worked hard for the expected results,因此选b项。5_ wants to go rafting this weekend, raise your hands, please.a. anyone who b. those who c. anyone d. who答案与解析a根据句子结构可知此处应为定语从句,故可排除c、d两项,又因从句中谓语动词为第三人称单数,故选a项而非b项。.阅读理解adear daisy,phew! im so glad that day is over. i was so worried all summer that my first day at my new school would be terrible. im really tired, but my first day at school went well and i feel much better now.first of all, we had to meet outside the school building. i was very nervous because my primary school only had 300 pupils but in the secondary school there are about 1,300. what a difference! the older pupils are really big. i felt so small waiting there in front of the school.the other problem was that i didnt know anyone. my family moved over the summer holidays, because of dads new job. so now i have to try to make some new friends. standing in front of the school this morning, i wanted to be back at my old school with my old friends.the head teacher came out and told us to go into the school hall. then he called our names out to tell us which class we were in. my class teacher is called mrs. black. she took us to our classroom. its on the 5th floor and . guess what? . we arent allowed to use the lift. i couldnt believe it.when we were walking up all the stairs i started talking to another boy who didnt know anyone. he said his family had moved from hong kong over the summer. he seemed really nice so we sat together when we got to our classroom, out of breath! he said his english was very poor but i thought it was really good.we spent all morning with mrs. black looking at our timetables. everyone_in_the_school_has_a_different_timetable can you believe it? half of the school is learning spanish as a second language and the other half learns french. im in the spanish group, which sounds like fun. im worried that ill forget my timetable and go to the wrong room! how will anyone help me if nobody else has the same timetable as me?lunchtime was ok. after lunch we started lessons. i had maths, which was complicated and difficult and then history, where we started to learn about ancient greece. that looks interesting. i have to do some homework tonight to find out how the ancient greek people lived.so far so good. im quite looking forward to tomorrow, even though ive got science. i hate science!jason1how did the author feel on the first day at his new school?a. terrible. b. good. c. worried. d. funny. 答案与解析b从文章第二段可知,他开学第一天进展很好,他感到“much better”。b项正确。a、c两项是开学前的心理状态。2the head teacher came to _.a. tell the students which class they were inb. give the students a timetablec. show the students how to use the liftd. tell the students what language they would learn答案与解析a根据文章第五段第二句“then he called our names out to tell us which class we were in. ”可知,校长在给他们分班。a项正确。3what does the author think of everyone in the school has a different timetable?a. he liked this very much. b. he was worried about this. c. he liked this a bit. d. he couldnt understand the timetable. 答案与解析b从这句所在段落最后两句可知,作者对每个人有不同的课程表感到担心。b项正确。btwo weeks after the opening ceremony, the games are over. the last of the three hundred gold medals has been awarded and the flag of the winners has been raised for the last time.the final event is the closing ceremony. it is a sad occasion because the extreme excitement is over, and it will not happen again for four years. those who have made friends will have to say goodbye, perhaps forever. it is also a happy occasion because the competition is over and the athletes can really show their friendship for one another.the closing ceremony is rather like the opening. but now the olympic flame goes out and the olympic flag, with its five rings, is lowered. the person who closes the games calls upon the youth of the world to meet again in four years time. the scoreboard lights up with the name of the city for the next games and the band starts to play. the celebration starts.all the athletes try to be at the closing ceremony. they have forgotten all their fears and worries. it does not matter whether they have done well or not. all the teams walk round the stadium together. everybody in the village clears_up and gets ready to leave. everyone is hunting for local products. people exchange track suits, hats, running vests and so on. there is a last chance to take photographs and get addresses of new friends. then each team starts its journey home.4at the closing ceremony, it is found that_.a. all are called on to meet again in four years timeb. no music is neededc. the name of the city for the next games is shownd. the olympic flame is taken out of the stadium答案与解析c由第三段倒数第二句“the scoreboard lights up with the name of the city for the next games and the band starts to play.”可知答案。5what can we infer about the athletes from the passage?a. to be at the closing ceremony is the wish of all the athletes.b. they are only competitors rather than friends.c. they can never help worrying about losing the games.d. they exchange clothes for fun.答案与解析a由文中最后一段第一句“all the athletes


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