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基础知识 (一)()1.a wechat (微信) is _ invention that can help people talk_ friends, share photos, ideas and feelings freely.aa; to ban; to cthe; with d/; with()2.the famous _ “practice makes perfect.” means that we should practice more and more.asaying bwords cstory dnovel()3._ people are taking action to protect the environment now.yes._ of my classmates come to school by bike now.amore and more; four fifth bless and less; four fifthcmore and more; four fifths dless and less; four fifths()4.have you finished your homework_?no, not_.aalready; already byet; yet calready; yet dyet; already()5.i dont know if he_ tomorrow.if he _, please let me know.acomes; will come bwill come; will comeccomes; comes dwill come; comes()6.when you talk with a stranger, be _ one thing: dont talk too much about yourself.ainterested in bcareful about cgood at dfrightened of()7.i cant understand what the book is about because it _ in japanese.awrites bwill write cwill be written dis written()8.do you like communicating with your friends on qq or msn?_.id rather _ a mobile phone.aeither; use bneither; use cboth; not to use dneither; to use()9.i saw him_ when i passed by.arun bran cruns drunning()10.could you tell me_?awhen is mothers daybwhat will your family do on fathers daycwhich is the hottest month in thailanddwhy do they fall in love with this exciting and funny movie()11._ heavy rain! yes.were getting into the rainy season now.awhat bwhat a chow dhow a()12._ have you been at this factory?ive been here since 1993.awhen bwhat time chow long dhow often()13.lets go to the zoo by taxi, _?maybe we can go there _.its not far.awont you; on foot bwont you; by footcshall we; by foot dshall we; on foot()14.can you help me _ my cat while i am away?no problem.just bring it to my house _ you leave.alook after; before blook for; untilctake care of; since dtake off; after()15.i am sorry for being late._.athats right byou are welcomecit doesnt matter dyou should be sorry(二)()1.do you often play _ soccer with your friends?no, i dont like sports.i often play _ piano in my free time.aa; the bthe; / c/; the dthe; a()2.when is mothers day?it is _ sunday of may.aon a second bin a second con the second din the second ()3.today, computers are really _.they are used everywhere.ameaningful bhelpful ccolorful dsuccessful()4.how is susan?oh, she lives abroad, so i _ hear about her.ahardly bgreatly cclearly dnearly()5.do you know some famous proverbs about knowledge?i know two.knowledge comes from _.er.knowledge is _.aquestion; pleasure bquestions; pridecquestioning; fun dquestioning; power ()6.linda will look after the children _ were away.athat bduring cwhile dwhere()7.mike _ his homework three hours ago.afinished bhas finished cis finishing dis going to finish()8.air must _ fresh all the time.its good for our health.akeep bis kept cbe kept dbe keeping()9.i found _ very difficult to learn maths well.awhat bit cthat dthis()10.excuse me, could you tell me _?ahow the accident happens bhow the accident happenedchow did the accident happen dhow the accident is happening()11.it makes me _ very proud.afeel bto feel cfelt dfeeling()12.meizhou is a city _ has a very long history.awhose bwhich cwho dwhom()13.good learners often ask questions during or after class.they even ask each other and try to _ the answers.aget out btake out clook out dfind out()14.neither you nor he _ hawaii before.ahas gone to bhave gone to chas been to dhave been to()15.have a good time._.aso do i bso i do cyes, i will dthank you(三)()1.how do you go to _ work?i usually take _ bus.athe; a ba; a cthe; / d/; a ()2.we all know that tea was invented _ accident.aat bby cin don()3.i have to do my homework for_ every day.aone and half hour bone and a half hourcone and half hours done and a half hours()4.whats your favorite _, roy?coffee and orange.afruit bmeat cdrink dfood()5.the telephone invented by alexander graham bell in 1876 was _ a great invention _ changed the world.asuch; that bsuch; which cso; that dso; which()6.parents and students _ to the school concert next saturday.awill invite bhave invited care invited dwill be invited()7._ delicious food my mother cooks every day!awhat a bwhat chow a dhow ()8.icecream _ quite sweet and delicious, so it is popular around the world.atastes blooks csmells dsounds()9.china _ tea.tea _ both health and business!ais famous as; is good at bis famous for; is good forcis famous as; are good in dis famous for; is good at()10.we dont know if it _.if it _, we wont go out for a walk.arains; will rain brains; rains cwill rain; will rain dwill rain; rains()11.the englishchinese dictionary _ my father bought for me many years ago is so valuable.awhose bwhen cwho dthat()12._ is jeremy lin?he is a famous harvardeducated, asianamerican nba basketball player.awhere bwhy cwhat dhow()13.someone is knocking at the door.it _ my mother.its time for her to be back.acan be bmay not be cmust be dmustnt be()14.mary isnt in the classroom.do you know _?awhere she is bwhere is she cwho is she dwho she is()15.there are so many things of the world made in china todayfootballs, handbags, pet food, mobile phones.even american flags are made in china!_ i am proud of our country.anever mind. bsorry to hear that! cwhat a pity! dglad to hear that!(四)()1.many people in hong kong speak english as _ second language.athe ba can d/()2.he needs to spend more time _ his homework.aat bin con dfor()3._ americas nba games are the most famous, the cba games are becoming popular in china.abecause balthough cso dsince()4.becoming a _ sports star is a difficult dream for young men.less of them are left in their team all the time.apopular btraditional cinternational dprofessional ()5.amy will ring me up when she_ in shenzhen.aarrives barrived cwill arrive dhas arrived()6.we can use qq to chat online.great.can you show me _?ahow to use it bwhat to usecwhich to use dwhere to use it()7.mobile phones _ closed or silent during the meeting.amust keep bmust be keptchave to keep dhave to be keeping ()8.its _ cool and sunny in autumn _ we all like it very much.anot; but btoo; to csuch; that dso; that()9.have you decided which senior high school to choose?not yet.i _ go to vocational school (职校)amust bneed cmay dshould()10.i have two pens.one is red, _ is black.aother banother cthe other dthe others()11._do you phone your parents? once a week.ahow long bhow much chow far dhow often()12.amy could hardly see the words on the blackboard clearly, _?adid she bdidnt she ccould she dcouldnt she()13.its the kind of tea _ was brought to korea and japan during the 6th and 7th centuries.awho bthat cwhose dwhat()14.people _ send up sky lanterns when they were in trouble.but today, people light the lanterns and watch them rise into the sky with their wishes.aused to bgot used to cwere used to dare used to()15.my new iphone was stolen when i took a bus yesterday._.you should be more careful.agood luck bso sorry cbest wishes dso believable(五)()1.i will make _ effort to achieve my dream to be _ it clerk.aa; a ban; an cthe; the da; an()2.we often drop _ our friends homes if we have time.ain bon cat dby()3.mary is _ girl.she loves singing very much.aa 8yearsold ba 8yearoldcan 8yearsold dan 8yearold()4.the watch _ me 100 yuan.apays bcosts cspends dtakes()5._ i dont like the style of this dress, _ its too expensive.aeither; or bneither; norcnot only; but also dboth; and()6.you can read something you enjoy every day._ you read, _ youll be.athe less; the faster bthe less; the bettercthe more; the faster dthe more; the slower()7.how is your friend coming?im not sure.he _ take the bus.amight bmust ccan dwill()8.tom _ to school by his father this morning.atakes btook cis taken dwas taken()9.who draws better, tom or jack?i think tom draws _ jack.aso well as bas well as cso better than das good as()10.if i _ you, i _ call her.aam; will bare; will cwas; would dwere; would()11.do you know where _ from?ahe comes bhe will come cdid he come ddoes he come()12.the story _ i read in the newspaper was about how to learn english well.awho bthat cwhere dwhose()13.jimmy failed the exam.sorry to hear that.lets go and _.acheer up him bcheer him up claugh at him dlaugh him at()14._ will he be back?in a week.ahow long bhow soon chow often dhow many()15.are you sure you can do well in tomorrows test, lucy?_.ive got everything ready.aits hard to say bim afraid not ci think so di hope not基础知识综合训练精编(一)1b考查冠词和介词。句意是泛指微信是一种发明,invention是元音音素开头,需用不定冠词an;而表示“和交谈”是talk.to/with, 故选b。2a考查名词。“practice makes perfect.” 意为“实践出真知”,是广为人知的谚语,故选a。3c考查形容词的比较级和数词。more and more越来越多的,less and less越来越少的;分数的表达为分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大于一时,分母要用复数形式,所以五分之四的正确表达是four fifths。题意:“现在越来越多的人正行动起来保护环境。”“是的。现在我班同学有五分之四都骑自行车去上学。”故选c。4b考查副词。already,表示“已经”,用于完成时态的肯定句中;yet,表示“尚,还”,用于完成时态的一般疑问句或否定句中。故选b。5d由语境判断,前半句中if意为“是否”,引导宾语从句;后半句中if意为“如果”,引导条件状语从句。宾语从句的主句是一般现在时,从句用符合语境的时态,根据从句的时间状语tomorrow可知,应该用一般将来时;含有条件状语从句的复合句中,当主句是祈使句或是一般将来时的句子时, if从句用一般现在时。故选d。6b考查动词短语。be interested in对感兴趣;be careful about当心,小心; be good at擅长;be frightened of害怕。题意:当你和陌生人交谈时,当心一件事:不要透露太多个人信息。故选b。7d考查被动语态。上文说“我看不懂这本书”,故下文中的it代指书,应是“被用日语写的”,需使用被动语态。故选d。8b考查代词。either两者之一;neither两者都不;both两者都。根据语境,答句对问句所提到的两种方法都给予了否定,需用neither;而would rather do sth.为固定搭配,表示“宁愿做某事”,故选b。题意:“你喜欢用qq还是msn和你的朋友交流?”“两个都不用。我宁愿用手机。”9d考查see sb.doing sth.和see sb.do sth.。由when i passed by (当我经过的时候)可知是描述当时正在做的动作,应用see sb.doing sth.(看见某人正在做某事), 故选d。10c考查宾语从句。宾语从句需使用陈述句语序,故选c。11b考查感叹句。题意:“这场雨真大啊!”“是啊,我们现在开始进入雨季了。”rain虽然是不可数名词,但是a heavy rain表示 “一场大雨”,a 表示“一场”;修饰名词短语的感叹词应是what,故选b。12c考查疑问句。从答句可看出问句是提问对方在这间工厂待了多长时间,故选c。题意:“你在这家工厂待了多长时间?”“我从1993年以来就一直待在这里。”13d考查反意疑问句及介词短语。let句型的固定用法是“lets., shall we?”“let us., will you?”;表示“步行”要用on foot。故选d。14a考查动词短语及连词。题意:“我外出时你能帮我照看一下猫吗?”“没问题,你离家前把猫带到我家就行了。”故选a。15c考查情景会话。题意:“很抱歉我迟到了。”“没关系。”故选c。(二)1c考查冠词。根据固定搭配,soccer为球类,其前面不用冠词,piano为西洋乐器,其前面需用定冠词,故选c。题意:“你经常和你的朋友一起踢足球吗?”“不,我不喜欢运动。我在空闲的时候经常弹钢琴。”2c考查介词和序数词。母亲节是每年5月的第二个星期日,表示第几时序数词前需用定冠词,表示在具体某一天用介词on, 故选c。3b考查形容词。根据上下文可看出是在讨论计算机的有用性,故选b。题意:电脑确实很有帮助。他们被普遍使用。4a考查副词。从上文可看出,因她居住在外国,所以我很少听到她的消息,故选a。题意为:“苏珊最近怎样?”“她住在国外,所以我很少听到她的消息。”5d考查名词。根据题意“你知道关于知识的谚语吗?”“我知道两个:知识来源于质疑;知识就是力量。”可知选d。6c考查连词。根据语境,表示“当的时候”应选c。题意:当我们离开的时候,琳达会照看那些孩子。7a考查时态。题中three hours ago为表示过去的时间状语,需使用一般过去时,故选a。题意:迈克三个小时前就完成了作业。8c考查被动语态。题中主语air为keep这一动作的承受者,需使用被动语态,其结构为“bedone”;must为情态动词,其后面的动词需用原形,故选c。题意:空气必须一直被保持清新,这有利于我们的健康。9b考查代词。题中found真正的宾语为动词不定式,it在句中作形式宾语,故选b。题意:我发现学好数学很难。10b考查宾语从句。宾语从句需使用陈述句语序,由语境可知事故已经发生,需用一般过去时,故选b。题意:打扰了,你能告诉我事故是怎么发生的吗?11a考查使役动词。make sb.do sth.使某人做某事,用动词原形,故选a。题意:它让我感到骄傲。12b考查定语从句。题中句子为定语从句,从句缺失主语且先行词为物,故需用关系代词which或that,故选b。 题意:梅州是一个历史悠久的城市。13d考查动词短语。get out 取出;take out 拿出;look out 往外看,小心; find out 找到。由题意“善于学习的人经常会在课间或课后提出问题,他们甚至互相提问,试图找到问题的答案。”可知选d。14c考查主谓一致。neither.nor.结构中,谓语动词单复数的选择需符合就近原则,he为第三人称单数,故其谓语动词需用第三人称单数形式;have/has gone to表示去了某地(还没回来),have /has been to表示去过某地(已经回来)。由题意“你和他以前都没有去过夏威夷。”可知选c。15d考查情景会话。按照英美人的习惯,对别人的祝福应该致以谢意,故选d。题意:“祝你玩得开心!”“谢谢!”(三)1d考查冠词。题中go to work, take a/the bus为固定搭配,故选d。题意:“你如何去上班?”“通常是坐公交。”2b考查介词。by accident为固定搭配,表示“偶然”,故选b。题意:我知道茶叶是偶然发明的。3d考查数词和名词。“一个半”的表达方式为one and a half, hour为可数名词,小时数大于1,需用复数形式,故选d。4c考查名词。答语“coffee and orange.”表明是问喜欢的饮料,故选c。题意:“你最喜欢哪种饮料?”“咖啡和橙汁。”5a考查连词so.that.和such (a/an).that.。so后跟形容词或副词,such后跟名词或名词短语,故选a。题意:1876年贝尔发明的电话是一项如此重大的发明,以致它改变了世界。6d考查时态及语态。主语parents and students是动作的承受者,应使用被动语态; next saturday为将来的时间状语,需使用一般将来时,故选d。7b考查感叹句。what引导的感叹句修饰名词(词组),how引导的修饰形容词或副词。题中修饰对象为delicious food,为不可数名词,故用what 引导且前面不用冠词,故选b。题意:我妈妈每天做的食物太好吃了!8a考查感官类系动词。从quite sweet and delicious (甜美可口)判断应该是表示“品尝起来”,故选a。题意:冰淇淋尝起来甜美可口,因此受到全世界人民的喜欢。9b考查动词短语。be famous for 因而出名; be famous as作为而出名; be good for 对 有益; be good at 擅长。根据题意“中国以茶出名。茶对人的身体健康和贸易都有好处。”可知选b。10d考查从句。第一句为宾语从句,因事情还没发生,需使用一般将来时;第二句为if引导的条件状语从句,主句是一般将来时,从句需使用一般现在时,故选d。11d考查定语从句。题中从句部分用于修饰the englishchinese dictionary这一先行词,为定语从句。从句部分bought这一谓语动词缺宾语且先行词为物,需用关系代词that或which。故选d。题意:我爸爸很多年前给我买的英汉字典非常珍贵。12c考查特殊疑问句。从答句可看出上文问他的职业是什么,故选c。题意:“jeremy lin是干什么的?”“他是一个接受过哈佛教育的著名亚裔美籍nba篮球运动员。”13c考查情态动词。下文提出现在是我妈妈回来的时间,所以敲门的一定是我妈妈,肯定程度很强,故选c。14a考查宾语从句。宾语从句需使用陈述句语序,且前半句提到玛丽不在教室,后面应提问她在哪里,故选a。15d考查交际用语。题意:“今天世界上很多东西是中国制造的足球、手提包、宠物食品、手机,甚至美国的国旗也是中国制造的。”“太让人高兴了,我为我们国家感到自豪。”故选d。(四)1b考查冠词。序数词前加定冠词表顺序,加不定冠词表“又一,再一”。根据语境此处应表示把英语作为又一门语言学习,需用不定冠词,second为辅音因素开头,故选b。2c考查介词。spend 花费,和介词的搭配是:“spend.in doing sth.” “spend.on sth.”, 故选c。3b考查连词。because 因为;although虽然;so因此; since既然。题意“虽然美国的nba最出名,但cba在中国正变得很受欢迎。”可知选b。4d考查形容词。popular流行的,受欢迎的;traditional传统的;international国际的; professional专业的。由题意“对年轻人来说,成为一个专业的运动明星是一个艰难的梦想,他们很少人能一直留在球队里。”可知选d。5a考查时态。一般情况下,主句表将来时,时间状语从句常用一般现在时表示将来,故选a。题意:艾米到达深圳之后,会打电话给我。6a考查宾语从句。题意应是请求对方教他如何使用qq,故选a。题意:“我们可以用qq在网上交流。”“太好了。你能告诉我怎么使用吗?”7b考查情态动词的被动语态。情态动词后接be done表被动含义,故选b。题意:会议期间,手机必须关机或保持静音状态。8d考查连词。not.but不是而是;too.to太而不能;such.that/so.that如此以致。cool and sunny为形容词短语,故选d。题意:秋天天气如此凉爽晴朗,以致我们都喜欢它。9c考查情态动词。题中答句“not yet.”表示对于对方的提问肯定程度不强,需用may表推测,故选c。题意:“你决定选择哪一所高中了吗?”“还没有。我也许会去职业学校。”10c考查代词。one.the other 为固定搭配,表示“一个另一个”,故选c。题意:我有两支钢笔,一支是红色,另一支是黑色。11d考查疑问句。how long多长,用于提问长度;how much多少,用于提问数量;how far多远,用于提问距离;how often多久一次,用于提问频率。从答句可看出是提问频率,故选d。题意:“你多久打一次电话给你的父母?”“一周一次。”12c考查反意疑问句。因陈述句部分出现hardly这一否定词,故疑问句部分应为肯定句;且陈述句部分出现could这一情态动词,可直接用于构成反意疑问句,故选c。题意:艾米看不清黑板上的字,不是吗?13b考查定语从句。题中句子为定语从句。从句部分缺失主语且先行词为物,应用关系代词that/which,故选b。题意:


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