



广东省深圳市三人文化发展有限公司高三英语虚拟语气专题标准教案谓语动词三种语气:祈使陈述虚拟 : key point 1:简单句中的虚拟语气 you shouldnt have been following him so closely; you should have kept your distance. you should (ought to) have returned the book earlier. 状语从句中的虚拟语气if条件句类型:1.if非真实条件句if it were not raining, we should go for a picnic. 2.错综(混合)时间条件句if he had followed the doctors advice, he would be all right now. 3.隐含条件句but for your cooperation, we wouldnt have done the work so well.4.省略条件句had the doctor come last night, the boy would have saved.5.跳层条件句i would be most glad to help you.i would do you the favor! key point 2:if引导的非真实条件句key point 3:were/had/should + s+ . (省if 倒装) if they were to arrive before we depart the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party. were they to arrive should there be any trouble with the boiler, the automatic controlling unit would cut off the fuel oil supply. had he worked harder, he would have got through the exams. key point 4:含蓄虚拟条件句 (without/but for/. + n.) if: but for, without, under, with but, or, but that otherwise etc. without the storm, we should have arrived earlier. (if there hadnt been the storm, ) but for their help, we could not have finish the work on time. (if they hadnt helped us, with the basic data collected one month earlier, we should have more time to check them. under such circumstances, i would probably have done the same. (if such had been the case, in the absence of gravity, there would be not air around the earth. (if there was no we didnt know his telephone number; otherwise we would have telephoned him. he must have had an accident, or he would have been here. but that he came to help me, i could not have succeeded. key point 5:错综时间虚拟句 (v主 v从) if i hadnt stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell, you wouldnt be smiling now. (stand smile, 主:had done, 从:would do) if we hadnt got everything ready by now, we would have a terrible time tomorrow. if it had not been for your advice, i would not have accepted the job. had it not been for my illness i would have lent him a helping hand. key point 6: as if / as though +. a.did v主 = v从 b.could(would) do v主 v从 c.had done v主 v从 she loved the children as if they were her own. she often laughs spontaneously, and her good humor breaks out as brightly as if it were a part of a sunshine above. dr. bethune worked hard as if he had never felt tired. it smells as if it had gone bad. they talked as if they had been friends for years. notes:look, seem, appear, sound, feel, smell, feel, taste等感官动词 + as if,既可用虚拟语气,也可用陈述语气,用陈述语气是居多。 it seems as if well have to walk home. key point 7. 名词性从句中的虚拟语气 (should+v原)(1) s-clause 虚拟语气 it is + adj/done + that s + (should)+v原 adj: appropriate, advisable ; better, preferable ; essential, important, vital, necessary ; urgent, imperative ; imperative ; natural , desirable ; strange ; insistent it is important that the hotel receptionist (should) make sure that guests are registered correctly. it was necessary that we (should) make everything ready ahead of time. it is essential that these application forms (should) be sent back as early as possible. its important that every pupil (should) be able to understand the rule of school.(2) o-clause 虚拟语气 vt + that+ (should)+v原 vt: ask, request, demand, require, insist ; direct, order, command ; propose, suggest, recommend ; advise ; urge ; decide, determine ; intend ; desire ; prefer mikes uncle insists that he not stay in this hotel. he proposed that we (should) set a dead line for the complement of the plan. they requested that we (should) send a delegation to their country. what do you suggest we do? notes: (1)suggest表暗示时 are you suggesting that i am not suited for the job? (2) insist表坚持认为时 mike insisted that he was right. did (now) (3) wish + (that) + s+ had done (past) would/could do (future) i wish i didnt have to go to work today. sometimes i wish i had never been born. i wish she would come tomorrow. (3) 表-clause与同-clause的虚拟语气 n+. .+s+(should)+v原 n: resolution, decision ; order ; demand, requirement, request ; advice ; suggestion, proposal ; motion ; desire ; idea ; preference their resolution is that extra-curriculum activities (should) be made part of their school life. my suggestion is that he leave for london at once. what do you think of his proposal that we (should) put on a play at the english evening? (4) 定-clause的虚拟语气 it is (high/about) time + that + s+ a: did b: should do (should不可省) its high time you realized that you are not the most important person in the world. it is time that we got ready for the final examination. its about time our team won. its time i fed the dog. its high time you got a job. it is time that the boy should go to school. 其它句型中的虚拟语气key point 8: would rather/ would sooner + s + a. did (now/future) b. had done (past) +:would rather (would sooner, would just as soon, might as well, would prefer) i would rather he didnt tell her about it. i would rather i had not gone to the party yesterday evening? notes:would rather + do。 they would rather not have been to the party. i would rather die than retreat. i would sooner die than do such a thing.key point 9: if only + . = i wish that . look at the terrible situation i am in! if only i had followed your advice. im sure he is up to the job if only he would give his mind to it. if only the explosion had not happened, those people would not have been killed. notes: if only & only if if only +虚拟语气结构; only if(= if) 句首+倒装结构。 only if you have understood the problem can you solve it.key point 10: lest (in case, for fear that) + s + (should) do notes:in case 引导的结构中可不用虚拟形式,用陈述语气。for fear that , lest 有时候可以接其他虚拟语气 he took his coat with him in case it should rain. take a taxi in case you are late for the meeting. (陈述语气) care must be taken in using this method lest overflow (should) occur. she hid her jewelry for fear


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