【三维设计】高考英语总复习 三关测试 Unit 7 Cultural relics短语冲关 人教版必修1(1).doc_第1页
【三维设计】高考英语总复习 三关测试 Unit 7 Cultural relics短语冲关 人教版必修1(1).doc_第2页
【三维设计】高考英语总复习 三关测试 Unit 7 Cultural relics短语冲关 人教版必修1(1).doc_第3页
【三维设计】高考英语总复习 三关测试 Unit 7 Cultural relics短语冲关 人教版必修1(1).doc_第4页




unit_7cultural_relics1give in让步;投降;屈服;交上教材p45原句it was under attack for 900 days,but the people of the city never gave in.虽然被围困了900天,但这个城市的人们却从未屈服过。at this climate conference,our government gave in in order to protect the benefits of other developing countries.在气候大会上,为保护其他发展中国家的利益,我国政府作出了让步。please give your homework in as soon as possible.请尽快把作业交上来。give away出卖;泄露;暴露;赠送give off 发出(蒸汽、光等);长出(枝、杈等)give out 分发;发出(气味、热等);发表;用尽; 精疲力竭give up 放弃(念头、希望等);停止;抛弃;认输the old lady gave_away most of her savings to the children in the disasterstricken area.老太太把她的大部分积蓄都捐给了灾区的孩子们。after two days our food gave_out,and we had to return.两天后食物耗尽了,我们只好返回。2bring .back to life使苏醒;使恢复生机教材p45原句painters and workers had to be very careful when they were trying to bring the city back to life.当画家和工人们在尽力使这个城市恢复生机时,他们必须十分小心。only by hard work can the people of the town bring their hometown back to life.只有通过辛勤劳动,城镇的人们才能使他们的城镇恢复生机。bring about引起;致使;造成bring back 回忆;使返回;带回来;恢复bring in 生产;挣得;介绍;引进bring up 教育;培养;提出;呕吐bring down 使倒下;降低;减少bring along 把带来bring out 使显现;使表现出;阐明;出版but the findings further suggest that stress may bring about a double effect.(2012北京高考阅读c)但是这些结果进一步表明压力可能会带来双重影响。my photographs of shanghai brought_back memories of my childhood there.我在上海拍的照片使我回想起在那里度过的童年。the discussion came alive when an interesting topic was_brought_in.引入有趣的话题后,讨论开始生动起来。3set up建起;设立;开办;资助(某人),扶持(某人);建立事业教材p47原句the villagers set up a website to help people learn more about the cultural relics.村民们建立了一个网站来帮助人们更多地了解那些文化遗产。lets set up the tent first,and build a fire later.我们首先把帐篷搭起来,然后生火。more recently, the chinese government has set up confucius institutes in more than 80 countries.(2012辽宁高考阅读c)最近,中国政府已经在80多个国家建立了孔子学院。set about开始,着手set aside 留出,拨出(时间等);把搁置一边set down 放下;记下;写下set off 出发,启程;引起;(使)爆炸set out 动身,启程;开始;摆放;阐明,陈述set free 释放set foot on/in 踏上,到达,进入i_set_about researching the habits of snakes so i could trap them in the easiest way.我着手研究蛇的习性,以便能用最简易的方法来捕蛇。set aside some time each day to write,even if it is only five minutes.每天都留出一点时间来写作,哪怕五分钟也行。they are expected to set_out to look into the case this week.他们有可能在本周开始调查这一案子。(2012全国卷)we _ to paint the whole house but finished only the front part that day.aset about bset upcset out dset down解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们开始着手刷整座房子,但是那天只刷完了前面的部分。set out to do sth.表示“着手做某事”,符合句意。其他三项均不符合句意。答案:c .选词填空1it is easier to _ than to build up.答案:pull down2although the doctors did everything they could,they werent able to _ him _.答案:bring;back to life3both sides argued with reason,but neither would _.答案:give in4i hope his dream of becoming an artist will _.答案:come true5when an animal is _,it can run away or fight back.答案:under attack6its impossible to rebuild these old temples,because they are all _.答案:in ruins.单项填空1(2012福建高考)you had better _ some time every day for sports so that you can keep yourself energetic.aset aside btake upcput away dgive out解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:你最好每天留出点时间来进行体育锻炼,以便使你保持精力充沛。set aside“把放置一旁;不理会;留出”;take up“拿起;抱起;继续”;put away“收起来;放好;储存”;give out“分发;公布;耗尽”。 答案:a2(2013桂林质检)i know my brother well. once he has made up his mind, nothing can change it, but instead i usually _.agive off bgive awaycgive out dgive in解析:give off“发出”;give away“泄露;分发;捐赠”;give out“分发;公布;用尽”;give in“屈服;让步;交上”。根据句意选d项。答案:d3(2013阜新高三一模)nearly all educators believe that a challenging situation can often _ the best qualities of a person.abring up


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