58 课型设置【自研45+20 + 展示60】一、高考要求:unit1,m6:1文章大致内容、重点单词、词组 2. 基于对文本的理解,进行创展性的拓展输出。二、定向导学互动展示 self-study& self-explorationcooperation & explorationshow& improvementconclusion & summarization自学指导内容学法时间互动策略(内容形式时间)展示方案内容形式时间随堂笔记成果记录知识生成同步演练step1:自检自学1. 经过早读对单词的读诵,我们对本单元的单词已经熟悉了,那么请完成复习讲义上page104的晨记有道部分的内容。2. 词汇延伸在完成以上内容时,你是否页联想到下面的这些词汇呢?尝试着写出他们的意思吧。invite effect cant stand stand on stand for hold on hold up step2:探究文本 认真研读课本本单元reading 部分的文章,熟悉文章大意,借助所学单词完成随堂笔记中的文章信息填空 。step3:拓展提升 在完成以上自研的基础上,我们回归到复习讲义上的考点对接上三年考情调研部分。要求: 在完成句子翻译之前,请大家利用字典查阅随堂笔记中所给词的意思!step4:晨诵链接 a. 借助字典完成晨诵文本中step1的内容 b. 明天早上的晨诵课上熟读文本并完成step2-3的内容组长主持(host by the team leader)对学:相互探讨,step1词汇延伸中的词和复习讲义上哪些词形成对应?五人互助组:1小组长主持,互相交流题目中的疑惑部分。2探讨并解答step2中的任务型阅读的填空所填的词,有没有其他答案?3.听听我的观点:交流并分享自己的见解。十人共同体:根据本组所抽到的任务,在组长的带领下进行互动交流,形成本组的展示方案。注意:合理分配人员及其所展示内容,尽量让全组成员都参与。展示单元一:词汇处理-小组成员将复习讲义上晨记有道、考点对接、部分的内容呈现在黑板上。要求:内容清晰;讲解清晰;流程清晰;提示:小组间可以相互合作展示;展示单元二:文本信息处理-针对文本信息处理,将step2、晨诵文本两部分的内容呈现在黑板上。要求:文章大意梳理清晰;讲解清晰;提示:小组间可以相互合作展示;step2:任务型阅读填空 stand-up for your health!general1. about stand-up 2. of stand-up a famous 3. 4. is good for your healtha stand-up comedian may make 5. of an audience member or tell different jokes in 6. to the reactions of an audience the main four different styles of stand-up comedy are: observational ; prop 7. and impressionistpeople around the world enjoy watching billy crystal when he 8. the academy awards.stand-up and other forms of comedy have a good 9. on people. they can make us laugh and live 10. step3: 例: symbol n. 象征;符号;标志 vt.象征;标志: excellent envelope negative guarntee 晨诵文本:【美文赏析】-第一课时 one afternoon,i arrived home late from school.while i was chatting to my grandmother about my busy day,my sister interrupted us wanting to know if we,too,could smell burning.as my parents were overseas,the thought of a fire terrified us and we quickly checked every room in the house.nearing the lounge room,i could see a glowing light and hear a roaring sound.to my horror,the mantelpiece was ablaze and smoke was billowing out a window.i yelled to my sister and grandmother to get out of the house.my sister grabbed the phone to call the fire brigade and,together with the dog,we ran away from the house.while we anxiously waited for help,a lady and her young daughter ran towards us to check if we were hurt.she had noticed smoke coming from our window and had already alerted the fire brigade.she hugged us and was very relieved to see us safe.she led us to her car where we waited until the fire brigade had finished dousing the flames.she also helped us answer questions so the police could start their investigations.once the lady was convinced that some order had been restored,she apologized for not being able to stay longer,as she had to take her daughter to a dance performance.she promised to return later to check on us.i was completely lost for words.this kind lady had gone out of her way to make sure we were safe and now she was apologetic about leaving us.we thanked her profusely and urged her not to delay any further.hours later,we were allowed back into the house.it was about midnight when the doorbell rang.to my disbelief,it was the lady from earlier at the door.as promised,shed returned to check on us.she was relieved that we all were settled and gave us a warm hug before leaving.unfortunately,in all the commotion,i didnt ask her where she lived so my family hasnt been able to thank her properly for her thoughtful actions that day. 学法指导 随堂笔记引言:本文讲火灾发生之后,一位陌生的女士非常体贴、热心地帮助了我们。step1:诵读感知文本 a: 大声朗读文本,感知文本信息,并且体会的收集在随堂笔记处的单词。 b: 结合上下文,在大脑中呈现画面,猜测你所写单词的意思。 c: 结合字典在核对你的单词词义。step2: 寻读脉络把握 1. the thoughtful lady was most probably _.2what does the underlined word “douse” mean? 3.which of the following might be the best title for the passage? step3: 品读 读出理解根据文章的内容,请将右边的句子,按照正确的顺序排列出来 。step1: oversea loungebrigade investigationrestore apologeticprofusely doorbellcommotion properlystep2:1.aa neighbor ban onlookerca passerby da firefighter 2.aput out bput awayccover dfan 3amy regret for the ladybmy terrible experiencecwhat a terrible firedwarm grow from a firestep3:athe writers sister smelt something burning.bthree of them rushed out of the house.ca fire started in the lounge room.dthe lady called on them at midnight to see if everything was ok with them
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