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语法Unit 1定语从句练习Exercise 1:Check out the antecedents, relative pronouns and adverbs in the following sentences, and correct the mistakes in the adjective clause, if any:1He is the man who he taught me English.2I gave the book to him that he needed it.3Gordon Parks composed, wrote, and directed Martin, the classical ballet who examines the meaning of the life of Martin Luther King.4Minoru Yamasaki is an American architect which works departed from the austerity frequently associated with architecture in the United States after the Second World War.5Let ABC be a triangle which sides are of unequal length.6Pop Art was a movement of the 1950s and 1960s whom imagery was based on readily recognized American products and people.7The airline has a booklet who will tell you most of the important things about a trip to Europe.8The man which told me the news refused to give me his name.9The senator spoke strongly against the men who opposed his idea for a new law.10He dropped in on an old friend that day where he visited his club.11The day, when began brightly, ended with a violent storm.12This is the very book which will give you the help you need.13Anna is vegetarian, which no one else is in our family.14His brother had become a teacher, who he wanted to be.15He found a dollar bill that he had forgotten in a suit that he was sending to the cleaner.Exercise 2:(what从句)Choose the best answer to each of the following incomplete sentences.1In her time, Isadora Duncan was _ today a liberated woman.A)calling what we would B)who would be calling C)what we would call D)she would call it 2They lost their way in the forest, and _ made matters worse was that night began to fall.A)that B)it C)what D)which 3Water will continue to be _ it is today next in important to oxygen.A)how B)which C)as D)what 4He claims to be an expert in astronomy, but in actual fact he is quite ignorant on the subject_ he knows about it is out of date and inaccurate.A)What little B)So much C)How much D)So little 5Scientists believe the first inhabitants of the Americas arrived by crossing the land bridge that connected Siberia and _ more than 10,00 0 years ago.A)this is Alaska now B)Alaska is now C)is now Alaska D)what is now Alaska 6The first people to live in _Hawaii were the Polynesians, who sailed there in large canoes from other Pacific Islands about 2,000 years ago.A)now where is B)what is now C)it is now D)now this is 7_ touching in O. Henrys stories is the gallantry with which ordinary people struggle to maintain their dignity.A)Most is B)It mostly is C)That is most D)What is most 8_ is generally accepted, economical growth is determined by the smooth development of production.A)What B)That C)It D)As9In Norway, _ is a Baltic country, you can see the mid-night sun.A)which B)where C)in which D)that 10In some countries, _ are called “public schools” are not owned by the state.A)that B)which C)as D)what 11In Kuwait, _ there are many oil wells but no rivers, fresh water had to be brought in boats from 100 miles away.A)which B)where C)since D)as Exercise 3:Choose the best answer to each of the following incomplete sentences.1_ I have already mentioned, cardio surgery is one of the amazing new surgical techniques that have been developed in recent years.A)Which B)What C)As D)This 2The professor and her achievement _ you told me about are admired by us all.A)who B)which C)that D)whom 3I dont suppose anything happens _ he doesnt foresee.A)that B)which C)what D)as 4Such people _ knew Tom thought he was a trustworthy man.A)that B)which C)as D)what 5They shouted with the loudest voice _ they could.A)when B)that C)which D)what 6This is the best book _ on the subject.A)which there is B)that there is C)which is D)what is 7There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of getting cancer than _ in the public today.A)exists B)exist C)existing D)existed 8A microscope can reveal vastly _ detail than is visible to the naked eye.A)than B)than more C)more than D)more 9Whats in a name? That _ we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.A)what B)that C)which D)when 10I know of a number of occasions _ people died from water pollution.A)which B)when C)where D)while 11There cant be any life on Venus, _ the temperature is as high as 900A)which B)when C)where D)there 12The reason _ he died was lack of medical care.A)which B)for that C)as D)why 13There are times _ silence is one of the hardest arguments to refute.A)which B)when C)where D)what 14He told us how he dealt with the self interest of countries to bring them into a kind of international accord _ everyone seemed to benefit.A)where B)which C)that D)what 15We may encounter situations _ this principle cannot be applied.A)where B)which C)what D)as 16This is the shop _ I often speak to you.A)where B)which C)of which D)in which 17This is the shop _ I often buy food stuff.A)where B)which C)of which D)to which 18When you read the book, youd better make a mark _ you have any questions.A)at which B)where C)the place where D)in which 19You should vote _ candidate you assume best.A)for which B)for whom C)to which D)to who 20Collins struggle to make a place for herself in ballet is the kind of life story _ a fascinating novel might be written.A)of which B)about which C)by whom D)for who 21The quality of teaching should be measured by the degree _ the students potentiality is developed.A)of which B)with which C)in which D)to which 22Basic research provides the capital fund of scientific knowledge _ which the applied researchers draw to give society a rich rate of interest.A)on B)out C)up D)back 23Hiram Revels, the first Black member of the United States Senate, served as senator from Mississippi, an office _ he was elected in 1870.A)which B)to which C)and which D)at which 24They will move into the new house next Friday, _ it will be completely furnished.A)by the time B)by which time C)by that time D)by this time 25The tall rectangular buildings may well give way to a more complex and exciting shape providing areas _ which the individual can fully identify himself.A)to B)for C)with D)by 26The professor can hardly find sufficient grounds _ his argument in favor of the new theory.A)which to base on B)on which to base C)to base on which D)which to be based on 27Water enters into a great variety of chemical reactions have been mentioned in previous pages.A)a few of what B)a few of which C)a few of that D)a few of them 28They want to know the way _ you learn phrases.A)by which B)on which C)where D)in which 29We have to find a way _ we can defeat them.A)by which B)on which C)where D)to which 30We can separate oil into the chemical compounds _ it is composed.A)of which B)with which C)in which D)from which 31We have found a useful compound _ we can separate some important elements.A)of which B)with which C)in which D)from which 32Ive kept up a friendship with a girl who I was at school _ twenty years ago.A)about B)since C)till D)with 33The retiring teacher made a speech she thanked the class for the gift.A)in which B)for which C)of which D)with which 34This is an exciting area of study, and one _which new applications are being discovered almost daily.A)from B)by C)in D)through 35Noise in a room may be reduced by carpeting, draperies, and upholster ed furniture, _ absorb sound.A)which they all B)of them all C)all of which D)of all which 36After the First World War, the author Anais Nin became interested in the art movement known as Surrealism and in psychoanalysis, both _ her novels an d short stories.A)in which the influence B)of which influenced C)to have influence D)its influence in 37That is one of the many tools _.A)which I find it hard to work B)which I find it hard to work with C)that I find it hard to work with D)with which I find it hard to work 38I dont think the number of people _ this happens is very large.A)when B)to whom C)that D)of which 39Anthony Jason, _ Louis succeeded in the experiment, was a friend of mine.A)with the help from whom B)with whose help C)with the help of his D)with his help 40Hes written a book _ the name Ive completely forgotten.A)whose B)which C)of which D)that 41Watercolor provides a brilliant transparency and freshness, _ it allows extraordinarily free brushwork.A)that B)during C)which D)and 42The meeting was postponed, _ was exactly what I wanted.A)that B)which it C)and that D)this 43Those guilty of a serious crime _ refuse to reform must be severely punished.A)which B)whom C)when D)who 44Mahalia Jackson, _ combined powerful vitality with great dignity, was one of the best known gospel singers in the United States.A)it was her singing B)which songs C)who sang D)whose singing 45Yet no firm evidence had come to light _ the men arrested were actually responsible.A)which B)as C)what D)that 46No one would have time to read or listen to an account of everything _ going in the world.A)it is B)as is C)which is D)what is 47Another food crop raised by Indians _ strange to the European was called Indian corn A)who were B)that were C)that was D)who was 48They helped us time and again, _ very kind of them.A)who were B)which was C)that was D)which were 49Mr. Jones, _ John was working, was very generous about overtime payment.A)for whom B)for who C)whom D)for that 50This is the faith _ I come back.A)in which B)with which C)on which D)in that 51It was he _ we had the greatest faith.A)in whom B)that C)with whom D)who 52Arthur Millers play Death of a Salesman is the tragic story of a man destroyed by his own hollow values and those of the society _.A)he lives in which B)in which he lives C)which in he lives D)in that he lives 53In the United States, a primary election is a method _ voters select the nominees for public office.A)in that B)by which C)by those D)is that 54Emily Dickinsons garden was a place _ great inspiration for her poems.A)that she drew B)by drawing her C)from which she drew D)drawn from which 55We moved to the new house in the suburbs so that the kids would have a garden _.A)in which to play B)to play with C)to play D)where to play 56An evidence _ life may have existed on earth 3 8 billions years ago has been discovered in these ancient rocks.A)what B)that C)which D)whose 57When reports came into London Zoo _ a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously.A)what B)as C)which D)that 58There is not much _ can be done now.A)that B)which C)who D)what 59He showed me a book, _ I could tell that it was pretty old.A)which cover B)of which cover C)the cover which D)from the cover of which 60This kind of solar cooker can be used only in the daytime _ the sun is shining.A)when B)as C)while D)since 61Solomon was diligent, responsible and hardworking, _ he was promoted from a clerk to a manager.A)for which B)which C)for D)that 62What is _ ordered the English book?A)the ladys address in Beijing who B)the ladys address in Beijing which C)the address of the lady in Beijing who D)the address of the lady in Beijing that 63There comes a time in every mans life _.A)then he has to think B)which he needs C)when he has to think D)therefore he has to work hard 64No sample _ we have received is satisfactory.A)which B)what C)that D)who 65“Did the audience participate in the party?”“Yes, the actors _ to involve the audience were successful.”A)whom it was the function B)of which the function was C)whose function it was D)whose were the function 66Football and baseball _ played in the United States today are basically modifications of games that originated in England.A)as B)are C)being D)that 67We hope the measures to control prices _ taken by the government will succeed.A)when B)as C)since D)after 68The project requires more labor than _ because it is extremely difficult.A)has been put in B)have been put in C)being put in D)to be put in 69He often sat in a small bar drinking considerably more than _.A)he was in good health B)his good health was C)his health was good D)was good for his health 70The costs of distribution and sales make up a large part of prices that _.A)all products are paid for B)are paid for all products C)for all products paid D)for which all products paid 71Without facts we cant form a worthwhile opinion for we need to have factual knowledge _ our thinking.A)upon which to base B)which to base upon C)which to be based on D)to which to be based 72His great grandmother was among the last to settle in _ is now the famous mountain resort.A)that B)where C)which D)what 73More middle-aged persons suffer from heart trouble than _.A)it generally is realized B)is generally realized C)generally it is realized D)generally is realized 74The Social Security Retirement Program is made up of two trust funds, _ could go penniless by next year.A)the larger one B)the larger of which C)the largest one D)the largest of which 75Living the central Australian desert has its problems, _ obtaining water is not the least.A)of which B)for which C)as D)whose 76Poverty is also threatening the companys most valuable resource, its staff, _.A)who are increasingly being lured B)which is increasingly being lured C)lured increasingly D)to he increasingly lured 77So quickly are science and technology advancing _ is a possibility today may be a reality tomorrow.A)which B)what C)that which D)that what 78Most machines of this kind _ manufactured for such purposes, are tightly packed.A)that are B)as are C)which is D)it is 79_ is known to all, gases expand and contract with the increase and decrease of temperature.A)Which B)As C)That D)It 80We begin to take note of whims, fancies, peculiarities on the part of the essayist _ light up the prim, impecca


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