



C9120光纤交换机配置说明一、初始配置Step 1 加电开机后,需对交换机做初始的配置,通过console线连接至交换机引擎模块上的console接口。Step 2 为administrator输入新密码。(admin密码要求相对复杂点,一般要求为不少于8字符,有大小写、数字或特殊字符)Enter the password for admin: ZIQadmin1Step 3 进入安装模式.(根据提示进行相应的初始配置,任何时候按Ctrl-C即可终止初始配置)Would you like to enter the basic configuration dialog (yes/no): yesStep 4 再次为administrator输入新密码(默认密码为admin ).Enter the password for admin: ZIQadmin1Step 5 创建额外的用户帐号(用户账号ID必须为非数字字符)Create another login account (yes/no) n: yesa. 键入用户ID.Enter the user login ID: ZIQb. 键入用户密码.Enter the password for user_name: ZIQoperate1C. 确认用户权限.Enter the authentication:operatorStep 6 创建 SNMPv3 帐号.Configure SNMPv3 Management parameters (yes/no) y: yesa. 键入用户名.SNMPv3 user name admin: adminb. 键入密码 (最少8位). 默认为 admin123.Step 7 配置可读写的SNMP community string。Configure read-only SNMP community string (yes/no) n: nConfigure read-write SNMP community string (yes/no) n: yesa. Enter the SNMP community string.SNMP community string: snmp_communityStep 8 给交换机命名(最多32个字符,默认为switch).Enter the switch name: ZIQ_C9120sw1 Step 9配置外部管理地址Continue with Out-of-band (mgmt0) management configuration? yes/no: yesa. Enter the mgmt0 IP address.Mgmt0 IP address: Enter the mgmt0 subnet mask.Mgmt0 IP netmask: 10 配置默认网关.Configure the default-gateway: (yes/no) y: yesa. Enter the default gateway IP address.IP address of the default-gateway: 11 配置高级IP选项Configure Advanced IP options (yes/no)? n:noStep 12 启用Telnet 服务.Enable the telnet service? (yes/no) y: yesStep 13 启用SSH 服务.Enabled SSH service? (yes/no) n: yesStep 14 键入SSH类型 Type the SSH key you would like to generate (dsa/rsa/rsa1)? dsaStep 15 选择key bitsEnter the number of key bits? (768 to 2048): 768Step 16 配置 NTP 服务.Configure NTP server? (yes/no) n: yesStep 17 交换机端口默认状态(不包含管理以太端口)Configure default switchport interface state (shut/noshut) shut: noshutStep 18 配置交换机默认trunk 模式.Configure default switchport trunk mode (on/off/auto) on: offStep 19 配置交换机默认 PortChannel auto-create 状态.Configure default port-channel auto-create state (on/off) off: offStep 20 配置交换机默认zone 策略.(如果选择deny,则未划入特定zone的端口将不属于任何一个zone,一般建议为permit,但在本案例中选用了deny)Configure default zone policy (permit/deny) deny: denyStep 21 配置交换机默认全zone set分布策略。Enable full zoneset distribution (yes/no) n: yesStep 22 查看目前配置情况,确认是否还需要修改(下面显示的内容与实际配置结果有所差异,仅做显示参考)The following configuration will be applied:username admin password admin_pass role network-adminusername user_name password user_pass role network-adminsnmp-server community snmp_community roswitchname switchinterface mgmt0ip address ip_address subnet_maskno shutdownip routingip route dest_prefix dest_mask dest_addressip default-network dest_prefixip default-gateway default_gatewayip name-server name_serverip domain-name domain_nametelnet server enablessh key dsa 768 forcessh server enablentp server ipaddr ntp_serversystem default switchport no shutdownsystem default switchport trunk mode offsystem default port-channel auto-createzone default-zone deny vsan 1-4093zoneset distribute full vsan 1-4093Would you like to edit the configuration? (yes/no) n: noStep 23 确认是否使用新修改的配置并保存。Use this configuration and save it? (yes/no) y: yes二、启动Fabric Manager这时,将以太网线连接至引擎模块的管理以太网接口上,即可启动Fabric Manager了。开始之前先确认用于管理的pc终端上安装了Java 1.4以上的版本。1 打开IE浏览器,输入前面配置过的ip地址,回车2 点击IE窗口的Fabric Manager链接,FM server将会被安装在pc上(需要一点时间)3 当用户名和密码窗口弹出后,输入前面配置的用户名和密码4 此时应能进入到FM的界面,可以看到交换机的拓扑以及连接在各端口上的存储设备和服务器,并可以看到相应的PWWN,可以进行下一步配置了。三、配置zoneset和zone根据存储和服务器的要求进行分区配置。1 在FM界面中,点击菜单 Edit full zone database2 创建一个zoneset3 创建相应的zone4 将相应的存储端口和服务器端口加入到对应的zone内。(右下角窗口显示的设备接口选中,用鼠标将其拖入需要的zone内)5 将zone加入到zoneset中(将zone用鼠标选中,然后拖入zoneset内)6 激活zoneset具体配置如下:(以下内容仅在配置步骤时做参考)Step 1 In Fabric Manager, locate the Vsan1 folder in the tree view. Right-click andselect Edit Local Zone Database from the pop-up menu.Step 2 Confirm that the Switch field contains the IP address of the MDS 9506.Step 3 Right-click Zones and select Insert.Step 4 In the Zone window, in the Zone Name field, enter zone1-shuniu and click OK. Donot check the Read Only field.Step 5 In the Zonesets tree, expand the Zones folder to make zone zone1-shuniu visible.Step 6 Click on the Aliases tab to display the aliases. With your left mouse button, clickand drag the host over to zone1-shuniu. Repeat for disk.Step 5 Right-click ZoneSets and select Insert from the pop-up menu.Step 7 In the Zoneset Name window, enter SetY .Click OK.Step 8 In the Zoneset tree, expand the ZoneSets and Zones folders. Click and dragZone1-shuniu to SetY to add the zone as a member of the zoneset.重复以上步骤,将需要的zone全部配置完成,然后将所有的zone均拖入zoneset内。Expand the ZoneSets fo


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