江苏省常州市潞城中学七年级英语上册 Unit 4 My day知识点 (新版)牛津版.doc_第1页
江苏省常州市潞城中学七年级英语上册 Unit 4 My day知识点 (新版)牛津版.doc_第2页
江苏省常州市潞城中学七年级英语上册 Unit 4 My day知识点 (新版)牛津版.doc_第3页
江苏省常州市潞城中学七年级英语上册 Unit 4 My day知识点 (新版)牛津版.doc_第4页




unit 4 1. wake up 醒来 i wake up at six every morning. wake up sb. / wake sb. up 把某人喊醒 my mother wakes me up at six every morning. my mother wakes up my brother at six every morning. my mother wakes my brother up at six every morning.2. it is time or sth. / it is time for doing sth. / it is time to do sth. / it is time for sb. to do sth. 该做某事了 it is time for class. it is time for having our class. it is time to have our class. it is time for us to have our class. for 的其他用法 be late for / buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth. havefor breakfast wait for be ready for thank you for3. shall we do sth. = lets do sth. = how about doing sth.? = why not do sth.? 表建议 shall we go shopping? = lets go shopping. = how about going shopping? = why not go shopping?10. go doing 去做某事 go shopping / go climbing / go running / go walking / go swimming / go boating / go roller skating / go skiing11. need a good rest 需要好好休息 need sth. / need to do sth. / need sb. to do sth. i need a new bike. my father needs to buy a watch. i need my mother to buy some pens.12. how to do sth. 怎样做某事 i dont know how to study english well. =i dont know how i can study english well.13. have fun = have a good time = enjoy oneself 玩得愉快 we have fun at the weekend. its great fun to go swimming.14. get up 起床 get on / get off / get tired / get to i usually get up at six in the morning.15. have breakfast = eat breakfast 吃早饭 have for breakfast mike usually has bread and milk for breakfast.16. do morning exercises / do eye exercises / do some maths exercises / do some exercise to keep healthy it takes us ten minutes to do morning exercises every day.17. do after-school activities 做课外活动 -how often do you do after-school activities? - every day.18. go home / walk home / take a bus home / ride a bike home19. when 对时间提问/ what time 只对几点钟提问 we have a pe lesson on friday afternoon. when do you have a pe lesson? we do morning exercises at eight every morning. when do you do morning exercises every morning? what time do you morning exercises every morning?20. a quarter past eight = eight fifteen 8点15分 half past eight = eight thirty 8点30分 a quarter to eight = seven forty-five 7点45分 ten past one = one ten 1点10分 ten to one = twelve fifty 12点50分21. start lessons 开始上课start = begin start to do sth. = start doing sth. we start to play a game.22. from monday to friday 从星期一到星期五 from beijing to nanjing from here to there learn from borrow sth. from e from = be from24. chat with each other 互相聊天 / help each other / learn from each other / know each other25. in the school volleyball team = be a member of the school volleyball team 在学校排球队26. practice sth. / practice doing sth. 练习某事 / 练习做某事 we practice volleyball every day. we practice playing volleyball every day. how long do you spend practicing playing volleyball every day?27. in / on / at in the morning / in the afternoon / in the evening 在一天的某个部分 in march / in june地区 在某个月份 in spring / summer / autumn / winter 在某个季节 in 2012 在某年 in the day time 在白天 on monday 在星期几on monday morning on 2 july 在几月几日 on the evening of 31 october 在特定的某一天 on a cold winter morning on rainy days on childrens day 在某个节日(节日中含day)on the weekend = on weekends at seven oclock 在几点钟 at the weekend = at weekends at night 在夜里 at noon 在中午 at spring festival 在某个节日(节日中不含day) at 7 years old (在几岁时)28. write back to sb. 写回信给某人29. would like sth. 想要某物 would like to do sth. 想要做某事 would like sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 would you like some milk? i would like to watch tv. my mother mould like me to do some housework.30. or 在否定句表示“和”;或者;否则的话 i dont have a brother or a sister. i cant read or write. are you a teacher or a doctor? - i am a doctor.(选择疑问句,不能用yes, no回答)be quick, or you will be late.31. about 关于 tell sb. about sth. please tell me about your school talk to sb about sth. they are talking about new school. worry about dont worry about me. / my mother always worries about my study. how about = what about my name is millie, how about you?32. never seldom sometimes often usually always 频率副词 由低到高 he never eats any fruit, does he? 反意疑问句,前否后肯 he is never late for school. - how often do you play football? - sometimes. he usually gets up at six, doesnt he? 反意疑问句,前肯后否 seldom=not often33. have much time to do sth. 有时间做某事have a little time to do sth. have little time to do sth. have no time to do sth. have much time for sth. i dont have any time to watch tv. = i have no time to watch tv. not any =no34. dancing lessons 舞蹈课 动名词修饰名词 swimming pool reading room dancing club writing paper washing machine35. between 在。之间 between two classes between you and me36. hope希望 hope to do sth. 希望做某事 i hope to see you ahain. hope + (that) 跟that宾语从句 (从句中含will或can) i hope you can write to me soon. i hope you will get better soon.37. wish sb good luck 祝某人好运 wish to do sth. =hope to do sth.希望某人做某事 i wish to stay with you. wish sb. to do sth. (不能用hope代替) i wish you to stay with me. i wish you a happy birthday. i wish you a happy life.38. luck / lucky运气 名词/形容词 good luck to sb with sth 做某人某事好运 good luck to you with your study. eight is my lucky number.39. twice a month / twice a week / once a day / three times a year / a few times a week / many times a day - how often do you go to beijing? - twice a year.40. go on picnics = have picnics 去野炊go on a picnic = have a picnic go on a trip = have a trip去旅行41. be good for / be bad for 对。有好处/坏处 be good at / be good to it is good for us to do some exercise every day. brushing teeth twice a day is good for our teeth.42. help sb do sth. = help sb to do sth. = help sb with sth. 帮助某人做某事need help with在某方面需要帮助 can you help me with my english? = can you help me study english? = can you help me to study english?43. get ready for sth. 为。作准备get ready to do sth. be ready for be ready to do sth. we are getting ready for a picnic. we are getting ready to go on a picnic.44. interesting / interested be interested in sth.(doing sth) 某人对。有兴趣 i have an interesting book. i am in


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