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汉语学习策略调查Strategy Inventory for Language Learning(SILL)Version for foreign students learning Chinese背景调查Background Questionnaire 1. 名字Name_2. 年龄Age_3. 性别Gender_4. 母语Mother tongue_5. 在家说的语言Language(s) you speak at home_6. 你学习汉语多久了?How long have you been studying Chinese?_7. 和其他同学相比较,你认为你的汉语水平如何?How do you rate your overall proficiency as compared with the proficiency of other students in your class?8. 和中国人相比,你认为你的汉语水平如何?How do you rate your overall proficiency as compared with the proficiency of Chinese people?9. 为什么你想学习汉语?Why do you want to learn Chinese?A: 对汉语感兴趣interested in Chinese B: 对中国文化感兴趣 interested in the Chinese cultureC: 有朋友是说汉语的have friends who speak ChineseD: 对未来的工作有帮助need it for my future careerE: 为了来中国旅行need it for travelF: 其他other (list):_10. 你喜欢学习汉语吗?Do you enjoy Chinese learning?_11. 你还学过什么语言?What other languages have you studied?_12. 在汉语学习过程中,有什么是你感到很愉快的经历吗?What has been your favorite experience in Chinese learning?_汉语作为第二语言学习策略量表Strategy Inventory for Language LearningVersion 7.0(ESL/EFL)BY Oxford1989 导言Directions这个调查报告的目的是为了了解您来中国学习汉语过程中使用策略的相关信息。谢谢支持!The STRATEGY INVENTORY FOR LANGUAGE LEARNING (SILL) is designed to gather information about how you, as a student to learn Chinese as a foreign language. Please read each statement. On the separate answer sheet, please mark the adequate answers (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) which you think truly reflect your situation.1. Never or almost never true of me 从来或几乎不是这样做2. Usually not true of me 通常都不这么做3. Somewhat true of me 有的时候这么做4. Usually true of me 通常都这么做5. Always or almost always true of me 经常或几乎都这么做Read the item, and choose a response (1 through 5 as above), and write it on the Worksheet.(Write answers on Worksheet)Part A1. I think of relationships between what I already know and new things I learn in Chinese. 当学习新的汉语词、句和惯用法时,我会想起以前学习过的相似的词、句和惯用法。2. I remember new Chinese words and useful dialogues by physical actions、imaginations or the real things.我借助实物、想象中的画面或者肢体语言记忆生词和有用的表达。3. I use flashcards to remember new Chinese words、sentence patterns and useful expressions. 我将生词、句型和惯用法写在卡片上以便更好的记忆。4. I make a mental picture of a situation to remember a new Chinese word or expression.为了记住生词、句型和惯用法,我经常想想在什么情景下有可能用到这些。5. I use new Chinese words in a sentence or I use new expressions in a dialogue, so I can remember them.为了记忆生词和句型,我尽量用生词造句或者用新句型编对话。6. I review often。我经常复习。7. I make a plan for my reviewing.我的复习是有计划的。8. I go back to refresh my memory of things I learned much earlier.我会复习很早以前就学习过的内容。Part B9. I listen or say new Chinese words and expressions repeatedly to practice them.我通过重复听和说来练习生词和新的表达法。10. I listen a story or dialogue several times until I can understand it.我反复的听一个故事或者一个对话,直到我懂了为止。11. I imitate the way Chinese speakers talk.我模仿中国人说汉语。12. I use the Chinese words and expressions I know in different ways.我通过多种方式来运用已经掌握的汉语生词和句型惯用法。13. I always try to start conversations in Chinese.我总是努力用汉语交谈。14. I watch Chinese TV shows or go to movies spoken in Chinese and write down the Chinese expressions.我经常看一些汉语电视节目或电影,并且记下一些中文句型和惯用法。15. It is a pleasure to talk in Chinese or listen to Chinese.听别人说汉语和用汉语和人交谈对我来说都是一种享受。16. I will write the PINYIN or expression, then go back to look up dictionary, if I heard a new word or a new expression that I cannot understand.听到不懂的新词或句子,我会记录下发音或句子,过后再查阅词典。17. I write notes, messages, letters, or reports in Chinese.我用汉语记笔记、写便条、信件或报告等。18. I look for similarities and differences between the Chinese and my own language.我会分析汉语和自己的母语之间的相同和不同的地方。19. I look for words and expressions in my own language that are similar to new words and expressions in Chinese.遇到新词和新句型时,我通常回想一下它和我的母语哪些单词相近。20. I make summaries about what I heard or learned in Chinese.我用汉语对我学到或听到的做总结。Part C21. I make guesses to understand unfamiliar Chinese words.对于不太熟悉的单词我就猜它的意思。22. When I cant think of the right expression during a conversation in Chinese, I use gestures or other ways to try to explain.在用汉语交谈想不起某些表达时,我就借助手势或其他方式来表达。23. If I cant think of a Chinese word, I use a word or phrase that means the same thing.如果想不起用准确的单词来表达,我就用与之意义最相近的单词或短语来代替。24. I try to guess what the other person will say next in Chinese.我试着预测说话的人接下来要说什么。25. When I hear a dialogue or story, I cannot understand every word, but I try to guess the meaning according to some key words.听别人说话的时候,虽然我可能没有办法理解每一个字,但是我通过理解关键词来猜测句子的意思。Part D26. I try to find as many ways as I can to use my Chinese.我通过一切途径来练习汉语。27. I learn from my mistakes.我能从自己的错误中学习。28. I pay attention when someone is speaking Chinese.有人讲汉语时,我的注意力非常集中。29. I try to find out how to be a better learner of Chinese.我试着找出学好汉语的办法。30. I plan my schedule so I will have enough time to study Chinese.我制定时间表,以便有足够的时间来学习汉语。31. I look for people I can talk to in Chinese.我常会寻找能够和我用汉语交谈的人。32. I have clear thoughts and goals for improving my Chinese skills.对于如何提高自己的汉语,我有明确的想法和目标。33. I think about my progress in learning Chinese.我经常回想自己在汉语学习中的进步。Part E34. I try to relax whenever I feel afraid of using Chinese.每当害怕用汉语时,我就努力放松自己。35. I encourage myself to take risks in language learning, such as guessing meanings or trying to speak, even though I might make some mistakes. 尽管我可能会出错,但我还是鼓励自己说汉语。36. I give myself a reward when I do well in Chinese.每当在汉语学习取得进步时,我就奖励自己。37. I notice if I am nervous when I am studying or using Chinese.我会留意在学习或运用汉语时自己会不会感到紧张。38. I write down my feelings in a language learning diary.我在日记中写下自己学习汉语的感受。39. I talk to someone else about how I feel when I am learning Chinese.学习期间,我会和别人交流学习汉语的心得体会。Part F40. If I do not understand, I ask the other person to slow down, repeat or explain what was said.如果我听不懂,我会请说话的人放慢速度、再说一遍或者用我懂的话解释一下。41. I ask Chinese speakers to correct me when I talk.当我讲汉语时,我请中国人改正我的错误。42. I practice Chinese with other students.我和其他同学一起练习汉语


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